No | Path | English | Native | D? |
1 | names | codePattern | language | Language: {0} | 言語: {0} | |
2 | names | codePattern | script | Script: {0} | 文字: {0} | |
3 | names | codePattern | territory | Region: {0} | 地域: {0} | |
4 | names | currency | ADP:name | Andorran Peseta | アンドラ ペセタ | |
5 | names | currency | ADP:symbol | = | ADP | |
6 | names | currency | AED:name | United Arab Emirates Dirham | UAE ディルハム | |
7 | names | currency | AED:symbol | = | AED | |
8 | names | currency | AFA:name | Afghani (1927-2002) | アフガニー (1927-2002) | |
9 | names | currency | AFA:symbol | = | AFA | |
10 | names | currency | AFN:name | Afghani | アフガニー | |
11 | names | currency | AFN:symbol | = | Af | |
12 | names | currency | ALL:name | Albanian Lek | アルバニア レク | |
13 | names | currency | ALL:symbol | = | lek | d |
14 | names | currency | AMD:name | Armenian Dram | アルメニア ドラム | |
15 | names | currency | AMD:symbol | = | dram | d |
16 | names | currency | ANG:name | Netherlands Antillan Guilder | オランダ領アンティル ギルダー | |
17 | names | currency | ANG:symbol | NAf. | NA f. | d |
18 | names | currency | AOA:name | Angolan Kwanza | クワンザ | |
19 | names | currency | AOA:symbol | Kz | AOA | |
20 | names | currency | AOK:name | Angolan Kwanza (1977-1990) | クワンザ (1977-1990) | |
21 | names | currency | AOK:symbol | = | AOK | |
22 | names | currency | AON:name | Angolan New Kwanza (1990-2000) | アンゴラ 新クワンザ (1990-2000) | |
23 | names | currency | AON:symbol | = | AON | |
24 | names | currency | AOR:name | Angolan Kwanza Reajustado (1995-1999) | アンゴラ 旧クワンザ (1995-1999) | |
25 | names | currency | AOR:symbol | = | AOR | |
26 | names | currency | ARA:name | Argentine Austral | アルゼンチン アゥストラール | |
27 | names | currency | ARA:symbol | = | ARA | |
28 | names | currency | ARP:name | Argentine Peso (1983-1985) | アルゼンチン ペソ (1983-1985) | |
29 | names | currency | ARP:symbol | = | ARP | |
30 | names | currency | ARS:name | Argentine Peso | アルゼンチン ペソ | |
31 | names | currency | ARS:symbol | AR$ | Arg$ | d |
32 | names | currency | ATS:name | Austrian Schilling | オーストリア シリング | |
33 | names | currency | ATS:symbol | = | ATS | |
34 | names | currency | AUD:name | Australian Dollar | オーストラリア ドル | |
35 | names | currency | AUD:symbol | A$ | $A | d |
36 | names | currency | AWG:name | Aruban Florin | アルバ ギルダー | |
37 | names | currency | AWG:symbol | Afl. | AWG | |
38 | names | currency | AZM:name | Azerbaijanian Manat (1993-2006) | アゼルバイジャン マナト (1993-2006) | |
39 | names | currency | AZM:symbol | = | AZM | |
40 | names | currency | AZN:name | Azerbaijanian Manat | アゼルバイジャン マナト | |
41 | names | currency | AZN:symbol | man. | AZN | |
42 | names | currency | BAD:name | Bosnia-Herzegovina Dinar | ボスニア ディナール | |
43 | names | currency | BAD:symbol | = | BAD | |
44 | names | currency | BAM:name | Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark | ボスニア マルク (BAM) | |
45 | names | currency | BAM:symbol | = | KM | d |
46 | names | currency | BBD:name | Barbados Dollar | バルバドス ドル | |
47 | names | currency | BBD:symbol | Bds$ | BDS$ | d |
48 | names | currency | BDT:name | Bangladeshi Taka | バングラデシュ タカ | |
49 | names | currency | BDT:symbol | = | Tk | d |
50 | names | currency | BEC:name | Belgian Franc (convertible) | ベルギー フラン (BEC) | |
51 | names | currency | BEC:symbol | = | BEC | |
52 | names | currency | BEF:name | Belgian Franc | ベルギー フラン | |
53 | names | currency | BEF:symbol | = | BF | d |
54 | names | currency | BEL:name | Belgian Franc (financial) | ベルギー フラン (BEL) | |
55 | names | currency | BEL:symbol | = | BEL | |
56 | names | currency | BGL:name | Bulgarian Hard Lev | ブルガリア レフ | |
57 | names | currency | BGL:symbol | = | lev | d |
58 | names | currency | BGN:name | Bulgarian Lev | ブルガリア 新レフ | |
59 | names | currency | BGN:symbol | = | BGN | |
60 | names | currency | BHD:name | Bahraini Dinar | バーレーン ディナール | |
61 | names | currency | BHD:symbol | = | BD | d |
62 | names | currency | BIF:name | Burundi Franc | ブルンジ フラン | |
63 | names | currency | BIF:symbol | FBu | Fbu | d |
64 | names | currency | BMD:name | Bermudan Dollar | バミューダ ドル | |
65 | names | currency | BMD:symbol | BD$ | Ber$ | d |
66 | names | currency | BND:name | Brunei Dollar | ブルネイ ドル | |
67 | names | currency | BND:symbol | B$ | BND | |
68 | names | currency | BOB:name | Boliviano | ボリビアーノ | |
69 | names | currency | BOB:symbol | = | Bs | d |
70 | names | currency | BOP:name | Bolivian Peso | ボリビア ペソ | |
71 | names | currency | BOP:symbol | = | BOP | |
72 | names | currency | BOV:name | Bolivian Mvdol | ボリビア Mvdol | |
73 | names | currency | BOV:symbol | = | BOV | |
74 | names | currency | BRB:name | Brazilian Cruzeiro Novo (1967-1986) | ブラジル 新クルゼイロ (1967-1986) | |
75 | names | currency | BRB:symbol | = | BRB | |
76 | names | currency | BRC:name | Brazilian Cruzado | ブラジル クルゼイロ | |
77 | names | currency | BRC:symbol | = | BRC | |
78 | names | currency | BRE:name | Brazilian Cruzeiro (1990-1993) | ブラジル クルゼイロ (1990-1993) | |
79 | names | currency | BRE:symbol | = | BRE | |
80 | names | currency | BRL:name | Brazilian Real | ブラジル レアル | |
81 | names | currency | BRL:symbol | = | R$ | |
82 | names | currency | BRN:name | Brazilian Cruzado Novo | ブラジル 新クルゼイロ | |
83 | names | currency | BRN:symbol | = | BRN | |
84 | names | currency | BRR:name | Brazilian Cruzeiro | ブラジル クルゼイロ レアル | |
85 | names | currency | BRR:symbol | = | BRR | |
86 | names | currency | BSD:name | Bahamian Dollar | バハマ ドル | |
87 | names | currency | BSD:symbol | = | BSD | |
88 | names | currency | BTN:name | Bhutan Ngultrum | ブータン ニュルタム | |
89 | names | currency | BTN:symbol | = | Nu | d |
90 | names | currency | BUK:name | Burmese Kyat | ビルマ チャット | |
91 | names | currency | BUK:symbol | = | BUK | |
92 | names | currency | BWP:name | Botswanan Pula | ボツワナ プラ | |
93 | names | currency | BWP:symbol | P | BWP | |
94 | names | currency | BYB:name | Belarussian New Ruble (1994-1999) | ベラルーシ ルーブル (1994-1999) | |
95 | names | currency | BYB:symbol | = | BYB | |
96 | names | currency | BYR:name | Belarussian Ruble | ベラルーシ ルーブル | |
97 | names | currency | BYR:symbol | = | Rbl | d |
98 | names | currency | BZD:name | Belize Dollar | ベリーズ ドル | |
99 | names | currency | BZD:symbol | = | BZ$ | d |
100 | names | currency | CAD:name | Canadian Dollar | カナダ ドル | |
101 | names | currency | CAD:symbol | CA$ | Can$ | d |
102 | names | currency | CDF:name | Congolese Franc Congolais | コンゴ フラン | |
103 | names | currency | CDF:symbol | = | CDF | |
104 | names | currency | CHE:name | WIR Euro | WIR ユーロ | |
105 | names | currency | CHE:symbol | = | CHE | |
106 | names | currency | CHF:name | Swiss Franc | スイス フラン | |
107 | names | currency | CHF:symbol | Fr. | SwF | d |
108 | names | currency | CHW:name | WIR Franc | WIR フラン | |
109 | names | currency | CHW:symbol | = | CHW | |
110 | names | currency | CLF:name | Chilean Unidades de Fomento | チリ ウニダ デ フォメント | |
111 | names | currency | CLF:symbol | = | CLF | |
112 | names | currency | CLP:name | Chilean Peso | チリ ペソ | |
113 | names | currency | CLP:symbol | CL$ | Ch$ | d |
114 | names | currency | CNY:name | Chinese Yuan Renminbi | 中国人民元 | |
115 | names | currency | CNY:symbol | RMB | 元 | |
116 | names | currency | COP:name | Colombian Peso | コロンビア ペソ | |
117 | names | currency | COP:symbol | CO$ | Col$ | d |
118 | names | currency | COU:name | Unidad de Valor Real | レアル (UVR) | |
119 | names | currency | COU:symbol | = | COU | |
120 | names | currency | CRC:name | Costa Rican Colon | コスタリカ コロン | |
121 | names | currency | CRC:symbol | ₡ | C | d |
122 | names | currency | CSD:name | Old Serbian Dinar | セルビアン ディナール | |
123 | names | currency | CSD:symbol | = | CSD | |
124 | names | currency | CSK:name | Czechoslovak Hard Koruna | チェコスロバキア コルナ | |
125 | names | currency | CSK:symbol | = | CSK | |
126 | names | currency | CUP:name | Cuban Peso | キューバ ペソ | |
127 | names | currency | CUP:symbol | = | CUP | |
128 | names | currency | CVE:name | Cape Verde Escudo | カーボベルデ エスクード | |
129 | names | currency | CVE:symbol | Esc | CVEsc | d |
130 | names | currency | CYP:name | Cyprus Pound | キプロス ポンド | |
131 | names | currency | CYP:symbol | = | £C | d |
132 | names | currency | CZK:name | Czech Republic Koruna | チェコ コルナ | |
133 | names | currency | CZK:symbol | Kč | CZK | |
134 | names | currency | DDM:name | East German Ostmark | 東ドイツ マルク | |
135 | names | currency | DDM:symbol | = | DDM | |
136 | names | currency | DEM:name | Deutsche Mark | ドイツ マルク | |
137 | names | currency | DEM:symbol | = | DEM | |
138 | names | currency | DJF:name | Djibouti Franc | ジブチ フラン | |
139 | names | currency | DJF:symbol | Fdj | DF | d |
140 | names | currency | DKK:name | Danish Krone | デンマーク クローネ | |
141 | names | currency | DKK:symbol | Dkr | DKr | d |
142 | names | currency | DOP:name | Dominican Peso | ドミニカ ペソ | |
143 | names | currency | DOP:symbol | = | RD$ | d |
144 | names | currency | DZD:name | Algerian Dinar | アルジェリア ディナール | |
145 | names | currency | DZD:symbol | = | DA | d |
146 | names | currency | ECS:name | Ecuador Sucre | エクアドル スクレ | |
147 | names | currency | ECS:symbol | ECS | CS | d |
148 | names | currency | ECV:name | Ecuador Unidad de Valor Constante (UVC) | エクアドル UVC | |
149 | names | currency | ECV:symbol | = | ECV | |
150 | names | currency | EEK:name | Estonian Kroon | エストニア クルーン | |
151 | names | currency | EEK:symbol | = | EEK | |
152 | names | currency | EGP:name | Egyptian Pound | エジプト ポンド | |
153 | names | currency | EGP:symbol | = | EGP | |
154 | names | currency | EQE:name | Ekwele | エクウェレ | |
155 | names | currency | EQE:symbol | = | EQE | |
156 | names | currency | ERN:name | Eritrean Nakfa | エリトリア ナクファ | |
157 | names | currency | ERN:symbol | = | ERN | |
158 | names | currency | ESA:name | Spanish Peseta (A account) | スペインペセタ | d |
159 | names | currency | ESA:symbol | = | ESA | |
160 | names | currency | ESB:name | Spanish Peseta (convertible account) | スペイン 兌換ペセタ | d |
161 | names | currency | ESB:symbol | = | ESB | |
162 | names | currency | ESP:name | Spanish Peseta | スペイン ペセタ | |
163 | names | currency | ESP:symbol | = | ₧ | d |
164 | names | currency | ETB:name | Ethiopian Birr | エチオピア ブル | |
165 | names | currency | ETB:symbol | = | Br | d |
166 | names | currency | EUR:name | Euro | ユーロ | |
167 | names | currency | EUR:symbol | = | € | |
168 | names | currency | FIM:name | Finnish Markka | フィンランド マルカ | |
169 | names | currency | FIM:symbol | = | FIM | |
170 | names | currency | FJD:name | Fiji Dollar | フィジー諸島 ドル | |
171 | names | currency | FJD:symbol | = | F$ | d |
172 | names | currency | FKP:name | Falkland Islands Pound | フォークランド(マルビナス)諸島 ポンド | |
173 | names | currency | FKP:symbol | = | FKP | |
174 | names | currency | FRF:name | French Franc | フランス フラン | |
175 | names | currency | FRF:symbol | = | FRF | |
176 | names | currency | GBP:name | British Pound Sterling | 英国ポンド | |
177 | names | currency | GBP:symbol | = | £ | d |
178 | names | currency | GEK:name | Georgian Kupon Larit | グルジア クーポン ラリ | |
179 | names | currency | GEK:symbol | = | GEK | |
180 | names | currency | GEL:name | Georgian Lari | グルジア ラリ | |
181 | names | currency | GEL:symbol | = | lari | d |
182 | names | currency | GHC:name | Ghana Cedi (1979-2007) | ガーナ セディ (1979-2007) | |
183 | names | currency | GHC:symbol | = | GHC | |
184 | names | currency | GHS:name | Ghana Cedi | ガーナ セディ | |
185 | names | currency | GHS:symbol | ₵ | GHS | |
186 | names | currency | GIP:name | Gibraltar Pound | ジブラルタル ポンド | |
187 | names | currency | GIP:symbol | = | GIP | |
188 | names | currency | GMD:name | Gambia Dalasi | ガンビア ダラシ | |
189 | names | currency | GMD:symbol | = | GMD | |
190 | names | currency | GNF:name | Guinea Franc | ギニア フラン | |
191 | names | currency | GNF:symbol | = | GF | d |
192 | names | currency | GNS:name | Guinea Syli | ギニア シリー | |
193 | names | currency | GNS:symbol | = | GNS | |
194 | names | currency | GQE:name | Equatorial Guinea Ekwele Guineana | 赤道ギニア ギニー | |
195 | names | currency | GQE:symbol | = | GQE | |
196 | names | currency | GRD:name | Greek Drachma | ギリシャ ドラクマ | |
197 | names | currency | GRD:symbol | = | GRD | |
198 | names | currency | GTQ:name | Guatemala Quetzal | グアテマラ ケツァル | |
199 | names | currency | GTQ:symbol | = | Q | d |
200 | names | currency | GWE:name | Portuguese Guinea Escudo | ポルトガル領ギニア エスクード | |
201 | names | currency | GWE:symbol | = | GWE | |
202 | names | currency | GWP:name | Guinea-Bissau Peso | ギニアビサウ ペソ | |
203 | names | currency | GWP:symbol | = | GWP | |
204 | names | currency | GYD:name | Guyana Dollar | ガイアナ ドル | |
205 | names | currency | GYD:symbol | = | G$ | d |
206 | names | currency | HKD:name | Hong Kong Dollar | 香港ドル | |
207 | names | currency | HKD:symbol | = | HK$ | d |
208 | names | currency | HNL:name | Honduras Lempira | ホンジュラス レンピラ | |
209 | names | currency | HNL:symbol | = | L | d |
210 | names | currency | HRD:name | Croatian Dinar | クロアチア ディナール | |
211 | names | currency | HRD:symbol | = | HRD | |
212 | names | currency | HRK:name | Croatian Kuna | クロアチア クーナ | |
213 | names | currency | HRK:symbol | = | HRK | |
214 | names | currency | HTG:name | Haitian Gourde | ハイチ グールド | |
215 | names | currency | HTG:symbol | = | HTG | |
216 | names | currency | HUF:name | Hungarian Forint | ハンガリー フォリント | |
217 | names | currency | HUF:symbol | = | Ft | d |
218 | names | currency | IDR:name | Indonesian Rupiah | インドネシア ルピア | |
219 | names | currency | IDR:symbol | = | Rp | d |
220 | names | currency | IEP:name | Irish Pound | アイリッシュ ポンド | |
221 | names | currency | IEP:symbol | = | IR£ | d |
222 | names | currency | ILP:name | Israeli Pound | イスラエル ポンド | |
223 | names | currency | ILP:symbol | = | ILP | |
224 | names | currency | ILS:name | New Israeli Sheqel | イスラエル新シェケル | |
225 | names | currency | ILS:symbol | ₪ | ILS | |
226 | names | currency | INR:name | Indian Rupee | インド ルピー | |
227 | names | currency | INR:symbol | ₨ | INR | |
228 | names | currency | IQD:name | Iraqi Dinar | イラク ディナール | |
229 | names | currency | IQD:symbol | = | ID | d |
230 | names | currency | IRR:name | Iranian Rial | イラン リアル | |
231 | names | currency | IRR:symbol | = | RI | d |
232 | names | currency | ISK:name | Icelandic Krona | アイスランド クローナ | |
233 | names | currency | ISK:symbol | = | ISK | |
234 | names | currency | ITL:name | Italian Lira | イタリア リラ | |
235 | names | currency | ITL:symbol | = | ₤ | d |
236 | names | currency | JMD:name | Jamaican Dollar | ジャマイカ ドル | |
237 | names | currency | JMD:symbol | = | J$ | d |
238 | names | currency | JOD:name | Jordanian Dinar | ヨルダン ディナール | |
239 | names | currency | JOD:symbol | = | JD | d |
240 | names | currency | JPY:name | Japanese Yen | 日本円 | |
241 | names | currency | JPY:symbol | ¥ | ¥ | |
242 | names | currency | KES:name | Kenyan Shilling | ケニア シリング | |
243 | names | currency | KES:symbol | = | K Sh | d |
244 | names | currency | KGS:name | Kyrgystan Som | キルギスタン ソム | |
245 | names | currency | KGS:symbol | = | som | d |
246 | names | currency | KHR:name | Cambodian Riel | カンボジア リエル | |
247 | names | currency | KHR:symbol | = | CR | d |
248 | names | currency | KMF:name | Comoro Franc | コモロ フラン | |
249 | names | currency | KMF:symbol | = | CF | d |
250 | names | currency | KPW:name | North Korean Won | 北朝鮮 ウォン | |
251 | names | currency | KPW:symbol | = | KPW | |
252 | names | currency | KRW:name | South Korean Won | 韓国 ウォン | |
253 | names | currency | KRW:symbol | ₩ | ₩ | |
254 | names | currency | KWD:name | Kuwaiti Dinar | クウェート ディナール | |
255 | names | currency | KWD:symbol | = | KD | d |
256 | names | currency | KYD:name | Cayman Islands Dollar | ケイマン諸島 ドル | |
257 | names | currency | KYD:symbol | = | KYD | |
258 | names | currency | KZT:name | Kazakhstan Tenge | カザフスタン テンゲ | |
259 | names | currency | KZT:symbol | = | T | d |
260 | names | currency | LAK:name | Laotian Kip | ラオス キープ | |
261 | names | currency | LAK:symbol | = | LAK | |
262 | names | currency | LBP:name | Lebanese Pound | レバノン ポンド | |
263 | names | currency | LBP:symbol | = | LL | d |
264 | names | currency | LKR:name | Sri Lanka Rupee | スリランカ ルピー | |
265 | names | currency | LKR:symbol | = | SL Re | d |
266 | names | currency | LRD:name | Liberian Dollar | リベリア ドル | |
267 | names | currency | LRD:symbol | = | LRD | |
268 | names | currency | LSL:name | Lesotho Loti | レソト ロティ | |
269 | names | currency | LSL:symbol | = | M | d |
270 | names | currency | LSM:name | Maloti | マロティ | |
271 | names | currency | LSM:symbol | = | LSM | |
272 | names | currency | LTL:name | Lithuanian Lita | リトアニア リタス | |
273 | names | currency | LTL:symbol | = | LTL | |
274 | names | currency | LTT:name | Lithuanian Talonas | リトアニア タロナ | |
275 | names | currency | LTT:symbol | = | LTT | |
276 | names | currency | LUC:name | Luxembourg Convertible Franc | ルクセンブルク 兌換フラン | d |
277 | names | currency | LUC:symbol | = | LUC | |
278 | names | currency | LUF:name | Luxembourg Franc | ルクセンブルグ フラン | |
279 | names | currency | LUF:symbol | = | LUF | |
280 | names | currency | LUL:name | Luxembourg Financial Franc | ルクセンブルク 金融フラン | d |
281 | names | currency | LUL:symbol | = | LUL | |
282 | names | currency | LVL:name | Latvian Lats | ラトビア ラッツ | |
283 | names | currency | LVL:symbol | = | LVL | |
284 | names | currency | LVR:name | Latvian Ruble | ラトビア ルーブル | |
285 | names | currency | LVR:symbol | = | LVR | |
286 | names | currency | LYD:name | Libyan Dinar | リビア ディナール | |
287 | names | currency | LYD:symbol | = | LD | d |
288 | names | currency | MAD:name | Moroccan Dirham | モロッコ ディルハム | |
289 | names | currency | MAD:symbol | = | MAD | |
290 | names | currency | MAF:name | Moroccan Franc | モロッコ フラン | |
291 | names | currency | MAF:symbol | = | MAF | |
292 | names | currency | MDL:name | Moldovan Leu | モルドバ レイ | |
293 | names | currency | MDL:symbol | = | MDL | |
294 | names | currency | MGA:name | Madagascar Ariary | マダガスカル アリアリ | |
295 | names | currency | MGA:symbol | = | MGA | |
296 | names | currency | MGF:name | Madagascar Franc | マダガスカル フラン | |
297 | names | currency | MGF:symbol | = | MGF | |
298 | names | currency | MKD:name | Macedonian Denar | マケドニア デナル | |
299 | names | currency | MKD:symbol | = | MDen | d |
300 | names | currency | MLF:name | Mali Franc | マリ フラン | |
301 | names | currency | MLF:symbol | = | MLF | |
302 | names | currency | MMK:name | Myanmar Kyat | ミャンマー チャット | |
303 | names | currency | MMK:symbol | = | MMK | |
304 | names | currency | MNT:name | Mongolian Tugrik | モンゴル トグログ | |
305 | names | currency | MNT:symbol | ₮ | Tug | d |
306 | names | currency | MOP:name | Macao Pataca | マカオ パタカ | |
307 | names | currency | MOP:symbol | = | MOP | |
308 | names | currency | MRO:name | Mauritania Ouguiya | モーリタニア ウギア | |
309 | names | currency | MRO:symbol | = | UM | d |
310 | names | currency | MTL:name | Maltese Lira | マルタ リラ | |
311 | names | currency | MTL:symbol | = | Lm | d |
312 | names | currency | MTP:name | Maltese Pound | マルタ ポンド | |
313 | names | currency | MTP:symbol | = | MTP | |
314 | names | currency | MUR:name | Mauritius Rupee | モーリシャス ルピー | |
315 | names | currency | MUR:symbol | = | MUR | |
316 | names | currency | MVR:name | Maldive Islands Rufiyaa | モルディブ諸島 ルフィア | |
317 | names | currency | MVR:symbol | = | MVR | |
318 | names | currency | MWK:name | Malawi Kwacha | マラウィ クワチャ | |
319 | names | currency | MWK:symbol | = | MK | d |
320 | names | currency | MXN:name | Mexican Peso | メキシコ ペソ | |
321 | names | currency | MXN:symbol | = | MEX$ | d |
322 | names | currency | MXP:name | Mexican Silver Peso (1861-1992) | メキシコ ペソ (1861-1992) | |
323 | names | currency | MXP:symbol | = | MXP | |
324 | names | currency | MXV:name | Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI) | メキシコ UDI | |
325 | names | currency | MXV:symbol | = | MXV | |
326 | names | currency | MYR:name | Malaysian Ringgit | マレーシア リンギット | |
327 | names | currency | MYR:symbol | = | RM | d |
328 | names | currency | MZE:name | Mozambique Escudo | モザンピーク エスクード | |
329 | names | currency | MZE:symbol | = | MZE | |
330 | names | currency | MZM:name | Old Mozambique Metical | モザンピーク メティカル | |
331 | names | currency | MZM:symbol | = | Mt | d |
332 | names | currency | MZN:name | Mozambique Metical | モザンビーク メティカル | d |
333 | names | currency | MZN:symbol | = | MTn | d |
334 | names | currency | NAD:name | Namibia Dollar | ナミビア ドル | |
335 | names | currency | NAD:symbol | = | N$ | d |
336 | names | currency | NGN:name | Nigerian Naira | ナイジェリア ナイラ | |
337 | names | currency | NGN:symbol | ₦ | NGN | |
338 | names | currency | NIC:name | Nicaraguan Cordoba | ニカラグア コルドバ | |
339 | names | currency | NIC:symbol | C$ | NIC | |
340 | names | currency | NIO:name | Nicaraguan Cordoba Oro | ニカラグア コルドバ オロ | |
341 | names | currency | NIO:symbol | = | NIO | |
342 | names | currency | NLG:name | Netherlands Guilder | オランダ ギルダー | |
343 | names | currency | NLG:symbol | = | NLG | |
344 | names | currency | NOK:name | Norwegian Krone | ノルウェー クローネ | |
345 | names | currency | NOK:symbol | = | NKr | d |
346 | names | currency | NPR:name | Nepalese Rupee | ネパール ルピー | |
347 | names | currency | NPR:symbol | = | Nrs | d |
348 | names | currency | NZD:name | New Zealand Dollar | ニュージーランド ドル | |
349 | names | currency | NZD:symbol | NZ$ | $NZ | d |
350 | names | currency | OMR:name | Oman Rial | オマーン リアル | |
351 | names | currency | OMR:symbol | = | RO | d |
352 | names | currency | PAB:name | Panamanian Balboa | パナマ バルボア | |
353 | names | currency | PAB:symbol | = | PAB | |
354 | names | currency | PEI:name | Peruvian Inti | ペルー インティ | |
355 | names | currency | PEI:symbol | = | PEI | |
356 | names | currency | PEN:name | Peruvian Sol Nuevo | ペルー 新ソル | |
357 | names | currency | PEN:symbol | = | PEN | |
358 | names | currency | PES:name | Peruvian Sol | ペルー ソル | |
359 | names | currency | PES:symbol | = | PES | |
360 | names | currency | PGK:name | Papua New Guinea Kina | パプアニューギニア キナ | |
361 | names | currency | PGK:symbol | = | PGK | |
362 | names | currency | PHP:name | Philippine Peso | フィリピン ペソ | |
363 | names | currency | PHP:symbol | ₱ | Php | d |
364 | names | currency | PKR:name | Pakistan Rupee | パキスタン ルピー | |
365 | names | currency | PKR:symbol | = | Pra | d |
366 | names | currency | PLN:name | Polish Zloty | ポーランド ズウォティ | |
367 | names | currency | PLN:symbol | zł | Zl | d |
368 | names | currency | PLZ:name | Polish Zloty (1950-1995) | ポーランド ズウォティ (1950-1995) | |
369 | names | currency | PLZ:symbol | = | PLZ | |
370 | names | currency | PTE:name | Portuguese Escudo | ポルトガル エスクード | |
371 | names | currency | PTE:symbol | = | PTE | |
372 | names | currency | PYG:name | Paraguay Guarani | パラグアイ グアラニ | |
373 | names | currency | PYG:symbol | ₲ | PYG | |
374 | names | currency | QAR:name | Qatari Rial | カタール リアル | |
375 | names | currency | QAR:symbol | = | QR | d |
376 | names | currency | RHD:name | Rhodesian Dollar | ローデシア ドル | |
377 | names | currency | RHD:symbol | = | RHD | |
378 | names | currency | ROL:name | Old Romanian Leu | ルーマニア 旧レイ | |
379 | names | currency | ROL:symbol | ROL | 0#Old lei|1#Old leu|1; [choice=true] | d |
380 | names | currency | RON:name | Romanian Leu | ルーマニア レイ | |
381 | names | currency | RON:symbol | RON | 0#lei|1#leu|1; [choice=true] | d |
382 | names | currency | RSD:name | Serbian Dinar | ディナール (セルビア) | d |
383 | names | currency | RSD:symbol | = | RSD | |
384 | names | currency | RUB:name | Russian Ruble | ロシア ルーブル | |
385 | names | currency | RUB:symbol | = | RUB | |
386 | names | currency | RUR:name | Russian Ruble (1991-1998) | ロシア ルーブル (1991-1998) | |
387 | names | currency | RUR:symbol | = | RUR | |
388 | names | currency | RWF:name | Rwandan Franc | ルワンダ フラン | |
389 | names | currency | RWF:symbol | = | RWF | |
390 | names | currency | SAR:name | Saudi Riyal | サウジ リヤル | |
391 | names | currency | SAR:symbol | = | SRl | d |
392 | names | currency | SBD:name | Solomon Islands Dollar | ソロモン諸島 ドル | |
393 | names | currency | SBD:symbol | = | SI$ | d |
394 | names | currency | SCR:name | Seychelles Rupee | セイシェル ルピー | |
395 | names | currency | SCR:symbol | = | SR | d |
396 | names | currency | SDD:name | Old Sudanese Dinar | スーダン ディナール | |
397 | names | currency | SDD:symbol | = | SDD | |
398 | names | currency | SDG:name | Sudanese Pound | スーダン ポンド | |
399 | names | currency | SDG:symbol | = | SDG | |
400 | names | currency | SDP:name | Old Sudanese Pound | 旧スーダン ポンド | |
401 | names | currency | SDP:symbol | = | SDP | |
402 | names | currency | SEK:name | Swedish Krona | スウェーデン クローナ | |
403 | names | currency | SEK:symbol | = | SKr | d |
404 | names | currency | SGD:name | Singapore Dollar | シンガポール ドル | |
405 | names | currency | SGD:symbol | = | S$ | d |
406 | names | currency | SHP:name | Saint Helena Pound | セントヘレナ島 ポンド | |
407 | names | currency | SHP:symbol | = | SHP | |
408 | names | currency | SIT:name | Slovenia Tolar | スロベニア トラール | |
409 | names | currency | SIT:symbol | = | SIT | |
410 | names | currency | SKK:name | Slovak Koruna | スロバキア コルナ | |
411 | names | currency | SKK:symbol | = | Sk | d |
412 | names | currency | SLL:name | Sierra Leone Leone | シエラレオネ レオン | |
413 | names | currency | SLL:symbol | = | SLL | |
414 | names | currency | SOS:name | Somali Shilling | ソマリア シリング | |
415 | names | currency | SOS:symbol | = | Sh. | d |
416 | names | currency | SRD:name | Surinam Dollar | スリナム ドル | d |
417 | names | currency | SRD:symbol | = | SRD | |
418 | names | currency | SRG:name | Suriname Guilder | スリナム ギルダー | |
419 | names | currency | SRG:symbol | = | Sf | d |
420 | names | currency | STD:name | Sao Tome and Principe Dobra | サントメ・プリンシペ ドブラ | |
421 | names | currency | STD:symbol | = | Db | d |
422 | names | currency | SUR:name | Soviet Rouble | ソ連 ルーブル | |
423 | names | currency | SUR:symbol | = | SUR | |
424 | names | currency | SVC:name | El Salvador Colon | エルサルバドル コロン | |
425 | names | currency | SVC:symbol | = | SVC | |
426 | names | currency | SYP:name | Syrian Pound | シリア ポンド | |
427 | names | currency | SYP:symbol | = | LS | d |
428 | names | currency | SZL:name | Swaziland Lilangeni | スワジランド リランゲニ | |
429 | names | currency | SZL:symbol | = | E | d |
430 | names | currency | THB:name | Thai Baht | タイ バーツ | |
431 | names | currency | THB:symbol | ฿ | THB | |
432 | names | currency | TJR:name | Tajikistan Ruble | タジキスタン ルーブル | |
433 | names | currency | TJR:symbol | = | TJR | |
434 | names | currency | TJS:name | Tajikistan Somoni | タジキスタン ソモニ | |
435 | names | currency | TJS:symbol | = | TJS | |
436 | names | currency | TMM:name | Turkmenistan Manat | トルクメニスタン マナト | |
437 | names | currency | TMM:symbol | = | TMM | |
438 | names | currency | TND:name | Tunisian Dinar | チュニジア ディナール | |
439 | names | currency | TND:symbol | = | TND | |
440 | names | currency | TOP:name | Tonga Paʻanga | トンガ パ・アンガ | |
441 | names | currency | TOP:symbol | = | T$ | d |
442 | names | currency | TPE:name | Timor Escudo | ティモール エスクード | |
443 | names | currency | TPE:symbol | = | TPE | |
444 | names | currency | TRL:name | Old Turkish Lira | トルコ リラ | |
445 | names | currency | TRL:symbol | = | TL | d |
446 | names | currency | TRY:name | Turkish Lira | 新トルコリラ | |
447 | names | currency | TRY:symbol | = | TRY | |
448 | names | currency | TTD:name | Trinidad and Tobago Dollar | トリニダードトバゴ ドル | |
449 | names | currency | TTD:symbol | = | TT$ | d |
450 | names | currency | TWD:name | Taiwan New Dollar | 新台湾ドル | |
451 | names | currency | TWD:symbol | = | NT$ | d |
452 | names | currency | TZS:name | Tanzanian Shilling | タンザニア シリング | |
453 | names | currency | TZS:symbol | = | T Sh | d |
454 | names | currency | UAH:name | Ukrainian Hryvnia | ウクライナ グリブナ | |
455 | names | currency | UAH:symbol | ₴ | UAH | |
456 | names | currency | UAK:name | Ukrainian Karbovanetz | ウクライナ カルボバネツ | |
457 | names | currency | UAK:symbol | = | UAK | |
458 | names | currency | UGS:name | Ugandan Shilling (1966-1987) | ウガンダ シリング (1966-1987) | |
459 | names | currency | UGS:symbol | = | UGS | |
460 | names | currency | UGX:name | Ugandan Shilling | ウガンダ シリング | |
461 | names | currency | UGX:symbol | = | U Sh | d |
462 | names | currency | USD:name | US Dollar | 米ドル | |
463 | names | currency | USD:symbol | = | $ | d |
464 | names | currency | USN:name | US Dollar (Next day) | 米ドル (翌日) | |
465 | names | currency | USN:symbol | = | USN | |
466 | names | currency | USS:name | US Dollar (Same day) | 米ドル (当日) | |
467 | names | currency | USS:symbol | = | USS | |
468 | names | currency | UYI:name | Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas | UYI | |
469 | names | currency | UYI:symbol | = | UYI | |
470 | names | currency | UYP:name | Uruguay Peso (1975-1993) | ウルグアイ ペソ (1975-1993) | |
471 | names | currency | UYP:symbol | = | UYP | |
472 | names | currency | UYU:name | Uruguay Peso Uruguayo | ウルグアイ ペソ | |
473 | names | currency | UYU:symbol | Ur$ | UYU | |
474 | names | currency | UZS:name | Uzbekistan Sum | ウズベキスタン スム | |
475 | names | currency | UZS:symbol | = | UZS | |
476 | names | currency | VEB:name | Venezuelan Bolivar | ベネズエラ ボリバル | |
477 | names | currency | VEB:symbol | = | Be | d |
478 | names | currency | VEF:name | Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte | ベネズエラ ボリバルフエルテ | |
479 | names | currency | VEF:symbol | BsF | VEF | |
480 | names | currency | VND:name | Vietnamese Dong | ベトナム ドン | |
481 | names | currency | VND:symbol | ₫ | đ | |
482 | names | currency | VUV:name | Vanuatu Vatu | バヌアツ バツ | |
483 | names | currency | VUV:symbol | = | VT | d |
484 | names | currency | WST:name | Western Samoa Tala | 西サモア タラ | |
485 | names | currency | WST:symbol | = | WST | |
486 | names | currency | XAF:name | CFA Franc BEAC | CFA フラン BEAC | |
487 | names | currency | XAF:symbol | = | XAF | |
488 | names | currency | XAG:name | Silver | 銀 | d |
489 | names | currency | XAG:symbol | = | XAG | |
490 | names | currency | XAU:name | Gold | 金 | |
491 | names | currency | XAU:symbol | = | XAU | |
492 | names | currency | XBA:name | European Composite Unit | ヨーロッパ混合単位 (EURCO) | |
493 | names | currency | XBA:symbol | = | XBA | |
494 | names | currency | XBB:name | European Monetary Unit | ヨーロッパ通貨単位 (EMU-6) | |
495 | names | currency | XBB:symbol | = | XBB | |
496 | names | currency | XBC:name | European Unit of Account (XBC) | ヨーロッパ勘定単位 (EUA-9) | |
497 | names | currency | XBC:symbol | = | XBC | |
498 | names | currency | XBD:name | European Unit of Account (XBD) | ヨーロッパ勘定単位 (EUA-17) | |
499 | names | currency | XBD:symbol | = | XBD | |
500 | names | currency | XCD:name | East Caribbean Dollar | 東カリブ ドル | |
501 | names | currency | XCD:symbol | = | EC$ | |
502 | names | currency | XDR:name | Special Drawing Rights | 特別引き出し権 | |
503 | names | currency | XDR:symbol | = | XDR | |
504 | names | currency | XEU:name | European Currency Unit | ヨーロッパ通貨単位 | |
505 | names | currency | XEU:symbol | = | XEU | |
506 | names | currency | XFO:name | French Gold Franc | フランス金フラン | |
507 | names | currency | XFO:symbol | = | XFO | |
508 | names | currency | XFU:name | French UIC-Franc | フランス UIC フラン | |
509 | names | currency | XFU:symbol | = | XFU | |
510 | names | currency | XOF:name | CFA Franc BCEAO | CFA フラン BCEAO | |
511 | names | currency | XOF:symbol | = | XOF | |
512 | names | currency | XPD:name | Palladium | パラジウム | d |
513 | names | currency | XPD:symbol | = | XPD | |
514 | names | currency | XPF:name | CFP Franc | CFP フラン | |
515 | names | currency | XPF:symbol | = | CFPF | d |
516 | names | currency | XPT:name | Platinum | プラチナ | d |
517 | names | currency | XPT:symbol | = | XPT | |
518 | names | currency | XRE:name | RINET Funds | RINET基金 | d |
519 | names | currency | XRE:symbol | = | XRE | |
520 | names | currency | XTS:name | Testing Currency Code | テスト用通貨コード | d |
521 | names | currency | XTS:symbol | = | XTS | |
522 | names | currency | XXX:name | Unknown or Invalid Currency | 不明または無効な通貨 | d |
523 | names | currency | XXX:symbol | = | XXX | |
524 | names | currency | YDD:name | Yemeni Dinar | イエメン ディナール | |
525 | names | currency | YDD:symbol | = | YDD | |
526 | names | currency | YER:name | Yemeni Rial | イエメン リアル | |
527 | names | currency | YER:symbol | = | YRl | d |
528 | names | currency | YUD:name | Yugoslavian Hard Dinar | ユーゴスラビア ディナール | |
529 | names | currency | YUD:symbol | = | YUD | |
530 | names | currency | YUM:name | Yugoslavian Noviy Dinar | ユーゴスラビア スーパー ディナール | |
531 | names | currency | YUM:symbol | = | YUM | |
532 | names | currency | YUN:name | Yugoslavian Convertible Dinar | ユーゴスラビア 新ディナール (YUN) | |
533 | names | currency | YUN:symbol | = | YUN | |
534 | names | currency | ZAL:name | South African Rand (financial) | 南アフリカ ランド (ZAL) | |
535 | names | currency | ZAL:symbol | = | ZAL | |
536 | names | currency | ZAR:name | South African Rand | 南アフリカ ランド | |
537 | names | currency | ZAR:symbol | = | R | d |
538 | names | currency | ZMK:name | Zambian Kwacha | ザンビア クワチャ | d |
539 | names | currency | ZMK:symbol | = | ZMK | |
540 | names | currency | ZRN:name | Zairean New Zaire | ザイール 新ザイール | |
541 | names | currency | ZRN:symbol | = | ZRN | |
542 | names | currency | ZRZ:name | Zairean Zaire | ザイール ザイール | |
543 | names | currency | ZRZ:symbol | = | ZRZ | |
544 | names | currency | ZWD:name | Zimbabwe Dollar | ジンバブエ ドル | |
545 | names | currency | ZWD:symbol | = | Z$ | d |
546 | names | language | aa | Afar | アファル語 | |
547 | names | language | ab | Abkhazian | アブハズ語 | |
548 | names | language | ace | Achinese | アチェー語 | |
549 | names | language | ach | Acoli | アチョリ語 | |
550 | names | language | ada | Adangme | アダングメ語 | |
551 | names | language | ady | Adyghe | アディゲ語 | |
552 | names | language | ae | Avestan | アヴェスタ語 | |
553 | names | language | af | Afrikaans | アフリカーンス語 | |
554 | names | language | afa | Afro-Asiatic Language | セム・ハム諸語 | |
555 | names | language | afh | Afrihili | アフリヒリ語 | |
556 | names | language | ain | Ainu | アイヌ語 | |
557 | names | language | ak | Akan | アカン語 | |
558 | names | language | akk | Akkadian | アッカド語 | |
559 | names | language | ale | Aleut | アレウト語 | |
560 | names | language | alg | Algonquian Language | アルゴンキアン語族 | |
561 | names | language | alt | Southern Altai | 南アルタイ語 | |
562 | names | language | am | Amharic | アムハラ語 | |
563 | names | language | an | Aragonese | アラゴン語 | |
564 | names | language | ang | Old English | 古代英語 | |
565 | names | language | anp | Angika | アンギカ語 | |
566 | names | language | apa | Apache Language | アパッチ語族 | |
567 | names | language | ar | Arabic | アラビア語 | |
568 | names | language | arc | Aramaic | アラム語 | |
569 | names | language | arn | Araucanian | アラウカン語 | |
570 | names | language | arp | Arapaho | アラパホー語 | |
571 | names | language | art | Artificial Language | 人工諸語 | |
572 | names | language | arw | Arawak | アラワク語 | |
573 | names | language | as | Assamese | アッサム語 | |
574 | names | language | ast | Asturian | アストゥリアス語 | |
575 | names | language | ath | Athapascan Language | アサパスカン語族 | |
576 | names | language | aus | Australian Language | オーストラリア語族 | |
577 | names | language | av | Avaric | アヴァル語 | |
578 | names | language | awa | Awadhi | アワディー語 | |
579 | names | language | ay | Aymara | アイマラ語 | |
580 | names | language | az | Azerbaijani | アゼルバイジャン語 | |
581 | names | language | ba | Bashkir | バシキール語 | |
582 | names | language | bad | Banda | バンダ語 | |
583 | names | language | bai | Bamileke Language | バミレケ語族 | |
584 | names | language | bal | Baluchi | バルーチー語 | |
585 | names | language | ban | Balinese | バリ語 | |
586 | names | language | bas | Basa | バサ語 | |
587 | names | language | bat | Baltic Language | バルト諸語 | |
588 | names | language | be | Belarusian | ベラルーシ語 | |
589 | names | language | bej | Beja | ベジャ語 | |
590 | names | language | bem | Bemba | ベンバ語 | |
591 | names | language | ber | Berber | ベルベル諸語 | |
592 | names | language | bg | Bulgarian | ブルガリア語 | |
593 | names | language | bh | Bihari | ビハール語 | |
594 | names | language | bho | Bhojpuri | ボージプリー語 | |
595 | names | language | bi | Bislama | ビスラマ語 | |
596 | names | language | bik | Bikol | ビコル語 | |
597 | names | language | bin | Bini | ビニ語 | |
598 | names | language | bla | Siksika | シクシカ語 | |
599 | names | language | bm | Bambara | バンバラ語 | |
600 | names | language | bn | Bengali | ベンガル語 | |
601 | names | language | bnt | Bantu | バントゥ諸語 | |
602 | names | language | bo | Tibetan | チベット語 | |
603 | names | language | br | Breton | ブルトン語 | |
604 | names | language | bra | Braj | ブラジ語 | |
605 | names | language | bs | Bosnian | ボスニア語 | |
606 | names | language | btk | Batak | バタク語 | |
607 | names | language | bua | Buriat | ブリヤート語 | |
608 | names | language | bug | Buginese | ブギ語 | |
609 | names | language | byn | Blin | ビリン語 | |
610 | names | language | ca | Catalan | カタロニア語 | |
611 | names | language | cad | Caddo | カドー語 | |
612 | names | language | cai | Central American Indian Language | 中米インディアン諸語 | |
613 | names | language | car | Carib | カリブ語 | |
614 | names | language | cau | Caucasian Language | コーカサス諸語 | |
615 | names | language | cch | Atsam | チャワイ語 | |
616 | names | language | ce | Chechen | チェチェン語 | |
617 | names | language | ceb | Cebuano | セブアノ語 | |
618 | names | language | cel | Celtic Language | ケルト諸語 | |
619 | names | language | ch | Chamorro | チャモロ語 | |
620 | names | language | chb | Chibcha | チブチャ語 | |
621 | names | language | chg | Chagatai | チャガタイ語 | |
622 | names | language | chk | Chuukese | チューク語 | |
623 | names | language | chm | Mari | マリ語 | |
624 | names | language | chn | Chinook Jargon | ビーチ・ラ・マー 等 | |
625 | names | language | cho | Choctaw | チョクトー語 | |
626 | names | language | chp | Chipewyan | チペワイアン語 | |
627 | names | language | chr | Cherokee | チェロキー語 | |
628 | names | language | chy | Cheyenne | シャイアン語 | |
629 | names | language | cmc | Chamic Language | チャム語族 | |
630 | names | language | co | Corsican | コルシカ語 | |
631 | names | language | cop | Coptic | コプト語 | |
632 | names | language | cpe | English-based Creole or Pidgin | 英語が基盤の混成語・混合語 | |
633 | names | language | cpf | French-based Creole or Pidgin | フランス語が基盤の混成語・混合語 | |
634 | names | language | cpp | Portuguese-based Creole or Pidgin | ポルトガル語が基盤の混成語・混合語 | |
635 | names | language | cr | Cree | クリー語 | |
636 | names | language | crh | Crimean Turkish | クリミア・タタール語 | |
637 | names | language | crp | Creole or Pidgin | その他の混成語・混合語 | |
638 | names | language | cs | Czech | チェコ語 | |
639 | names | language | csb | Kashubian | カシューブ語 | |
640 | names | language | cu | Church Slavic | 教会スラブ語 | |
641 | names | language | cus | Cushitic Language | クシュ諸語 | |
642 | names | language | cv | Chuvash | チュヴァシュ語 | |
643 | names | language | cy | Welsh | ウェールズ語 | |
644 | names | language | da | Danish | デンマーク語 | |
645 | names | language | dak | Dakota | ダコタ語 | |
646 | names | language | dar | Dargwa | ダルガン語 | |
647 | names | language | day | Dayak | ダヤク語 | |
648 | names | language | de | German | ドイツ語 | |
649 | names | language | de_AT | Austrian German | ドイツ語(オーストリア) | |
650 | names | language | de_CH | Swiss High German | 正統ドイツ語(スイス) | |
651 | names | language | del | Delaware | デラウェア語 | |
652 | names | language | den | Slave | スレイビー語 | |
653 | names | language | dgr | Dogrib | ドグリブ語 | |
654 | names | language | din | Dinka | ディンカ語 | |
655 | names | language | doi | Dogri | ドグリ語 | |
656 | names | language | dra | Dravidian Language | ドラヴィダ諸語 | |
657 | names | language | dsb | Lower Sorbian | 低ソルビア語 | |
658 | names | language | dua | Duala | ドゥアラ語 | |
659 | names | language | dum | Middle Dutch | 中世オランダ語 | |
660 | names | language | dv | Divehi | ディベヒ語 | |
661 | names | language | dyu | Dyula | デゥウラ語 | |
662 | names | language | dz | Dzongkha | ゾンカ語 | |
663 | names | language | ee | Ewe | エウェ語 | |
664 | names | language | efi | Efik | エフィック語 | |
665 | names | language | egy | Ancient Egyptian | 古代エジプト語 | |
666 | names | language | eka | Ekajuk | エカジュク語 | |
667 | names | language | el | Greek | ギリシャ語 | |
668 | names | language | elx | Elamite | エラム語 | |
669 | names | language | en | English | 英語 | |
670 | names | language | en_AU | Australian English | en_AU | |
671 | names | language | en_CA | Canadian English | カナダ英語 | |
672 | names | language | en_GB | British English | イギリス英語 | |
673 | names | language | en_US | U.S. English | アメリカ英語 | |
674 | names | language | enm | Middle English | 中世英語 | |
675 | names | language | eo | Esperanto | エスペラント語 | |
676 | names | language | es | Spanish | スペイン語 | |
677 | names | language | es_419 | Latin American Spanish | スペイン語(ラテンアメリカ) | |
678 | names | language | es_ES | Iberian Spanish | スペイン語(イベリア半島) | |
679 | names | language | et | Estonian | エストニア語 | |
680 | names | language | eu | Basque | バスク語 | |
681 | names | language | ewo | Ewondo | エウォンド語 | |
682 | names | language | fa | Persian | ペルシア語 | |
683 | names | language | fan | Fang | ファング語 | |
684 | names | language | fat | Fanti | ファンティー語 | |
685 | names | language | ff | Fulah | フラニ語 | |
686 | names | language | fi | Finnish | フィンランド語 | |
687 | names | language | fil | Filipino | フィリピノ語 | |
688 | names | language | fiu | Finno-Ugrian Language | フィン・ウゴル諸語 | |
689 | names | language | fj | Fijian | フィジー語 | |
690 | names | language | fo | Faroese | フェロー語 | |
691 | names | language | fon | Fon | フォン語 | |
692 | names | language | fr | French | フランス語 | |
693 | names | language | fr_CA | Canadian French | フランス語(カナダ) | |
694 | names | language | fr_CH | Swiss French | フランス語(スイス) | |
695 | names | language | frm | Middle French | 中期フランス語 | |
696 | names | language | fro | Old French | 古フランス語 | |
697 | names | language | frr | Northern Frisian | frr | |
698 | names | language | frs | Eastern Frisian | 東フリジア語 | |
699 | names | language | fur | Friulian | フリウリ語 | |
700 | names | language | fy | Western Frisian | フリジア語 | |
701 | names | language | ga | Irish | アイルランド語 | |
702 | names | language | gaa | Ga | ガ語 | |
703 | names | language | gay | Gayo | ガヨ語 | |
704 | names | language | gba | Gbaya | バヤ語 | |
705 | names | language | gd | Scottish Gaelic | スコットランド・ゲール語 | |
706 | names | language | gem | Germanic Language | ゲルマン諸語 | |
707 | names | language | gez | Geez | ゲエズ語 | |
708 | names | language | gil | Gilbertese | キリバス語 | |
709 | names | language | gl | Galician | ガリシア語 | |
710 | names | language | gmh | Middle High German | 中高ドイツ語 | |
711 | names | language | gn | Guarani | グアラニー語 | |
712 | names | language | goh | Old High German | 古高ドイツ語 | |
713 | names | language | gon | Gondi | ゴーンディー語 | |
714 | names | language | gor | Gorontalo | ゴロンタロ語 | |
715 | names | language | got | Gothic | ゴート語 | |
716 | names | language | grb | Grebo | グレボ語 | |
717 | names | language | grc | Ancient Greek | 古代ギリシャ語 | |
718 | names | language | gsw | Swiss German | スイスドイツ語(スイス) | |
719 | names | language | gu | Gujarati | グジャラート語 | |
720 | names | language | gv | Manx | マン島語 | |
721 | names | language | gwi | Gwichʼin | グウィッチン語 | |
722 | names | language | ha | Hausa | ハウサ語 | |
723 | names | language | hai | Haida | ハイダ語 | |
724 | names | language | haw | Hawaiian | ハワイ語 | |
725 | names | language | he | Hebrew | ヘブライ語 | |
726 | names | language | hi | Hindi | ヒンディー語 | |
727 | names | language | hil | Hiligaynon | ヒリガイノン語 | |
728 | names | language | him | Himachali | ヒマチャル語 | |
729 | names | language | hit | Hittite | ヒッタイト語 | |
730 | names | language | hmn | Hmong | フモン語 | |
731 | names | language | ho | Hiri Motu | ヒリモトゥ語 | |
732 | names | language | hr | Croatian | クロアチア語 | |
733 | names | language | hsb | Upper Sorbian | 上ソルビア語 | |
734 | names | language | ht | Haitian | ハイチ語 | |
735 | names | language | hu | Hungarian | ハンガリー語 | |
736 | names | language | hup | Hupa | アタパスカ語 | |
737 | names | language | hy | Armenian | アルメニア語 | |
738 | names | language | hz | Herero | ヘレロ語 | |
739 | names | language | ia | Interlingua | インターリングア語 | |
740 | names | language | iba | Iban | イバン語 | |
741 | names | language | id | Indonesian | インドネシア語 | |
742 | names | language | ie | Interlingue | インターリング語 | |
743 | names | language | ig | Igbo | イボ語 | |
744 | names | language | ii | Sichuan Yi | 四川イ語 | |
745 | names | language | ijo | Ijo | イジョー語 | |
746 | names | language | ik | Inupiaq | イヌピアック語 | |
747 | names | language | ilo | Iloko | イロカノ語 | |
748 | names | language | inc | Indic Language | インド諸語 | |
749 | names | language | ine | Indo-European Language | 印欧諸語 | |
750 | names | language | inh | Ingush | イングシ語 | |
751 | names | language | io | Ido | イド語 | |
752 | names | language | ira | Iranian Language | イラン語 | |
753 | names | language | iro | Iroquoian Language | イロコイ語族 | |
754 | names | language | is | Icelandic | アイスランド語 | |
755 | names | language | it | Italian | イタリア語 | |
756 | names | language | iu | Inuktitut | イヌクウティトット語 | |
757 | names | language | ja | Japanese | 日本語 | |
758 | names | language | jbo | Lojban | ロジバン語 | |
759 | names | language | jpr | Judeo-Persian | ユダヤ・ペルシア語 | |
760 | names | language | jrb | Judeo-Arabic | ユダヤ・アラビア語 | |
761 | names | language | jv | Javanese | ジャワ語 | |
762 | names | language | ka | Georgian | グルジア語 | |
763 | names | language | kaa | Kara-Kalpak | カラ・カルパク語 | |
764 | names | language | kab | Kabyle | カビル語 | |
765 | names | language | kac | Kachin | カチン語 | |
766 | names | language | kaj | Jju | カジェ語 | |
767 | names | language | kam | Kamba | カンバ語 | |
768 | names | language | kar | Karen | カレン語 | |
769 | names | language | kaw | Kawi | カウィ語 | |
770 | names | language | kbd | Kabardian | カバルド語 | |
771 | names | language | kcg | Tyap | カタブ語 | |
772 | names | language | kfo | Koro | コロ語 | |
773 | names | language | kg | Kongo | コンゴ語 | |
774 | names | language | kha | Khasi | カシ語 | |
775 | names | language | khi | Khoisan Language | コイサン諸語 | |
776 | names | language | kho | Khotanese | コータン語 | |
777 | names | language | ki | Kikuyu | キクユ語 | |
778 | names | language | kj | Kuanyama | クアニャマ語 | |
779 | names | language | kk | Kazakh | カザフ語 | |
780 | names | language | kl | Kalaallisut | グリーンランド語 | |
781 | names | language | km | Khmer | クメール語 | |
782 | names | language | kmb | Kimbundu | キンブンドゥ語 | |
783 | names | language | kn | Kannada | カンナダ語 | |
784 | names | language | ko | Korean | 韓国語 | |
785 | names | language | kok | Konkani | コンカニ語 | |
786 | names | language | kos | Kosraean | コシャエ語 | |
787 | names | language | kpe | Kpelle | クペレ語 | |
788 | names | language | kr | Kanuri | カヌリ語 | |
789 | names | language | krc | Karachay-Balkar | カラチャイ語 | |
790 | names | language | krl | Karelian | カレリア語 | |
791 | names | language | kro | Kru | クルー語 | |
792 | names | language | kru | Kurukh | クルク語 | |
793 | names | language | ks | Kashmiri | カシミール語 | |
794 | names | language | ku | Kurdish | クルド語 | |
795 | names | language | kum | Kumyk | クムク語 | |
796 | names | language | kut | Kutenai | クテナイ語 | |
797 | names | language | kv | Komi | コミ語 | |
798 | names | language | kw | Cornish | コーンウォール語 | |
799 | names | language | ky | Kirghiz | キルギス語 | |
800 | names | language | la | Latin | ラテン語 | |
801 | names | language | lad | Ladino | ラジノ語 | |
802 | names | language | lah | Lahnda | ラフンダー語 | |
803 | names | language | lam | Lamba | ランバ語 | |
804 | names | language | lb | Luxembourgish | ルクセンブルク語 | |
805 | names | language | lez | Lezghian | レズギ語 | |
806 | names | language | lg | Ganda | ガンダ語 | |
807 | names | language | li | Limburgish | リンブルフ語 | |
808 | names | language | ln | Lingala | リンガラ語 | |
809 | names | language | lo | Lao | ラオ語 | |
810 | names | language | lol | Mongo | モンゴ語 | |
811 | names | language | loz | Lozi | ロズィ語 | |
812 | names | language | lt | Lithuanian | リトアニア語 | |
813 | names | language | lu | Luba-Katanga | ルバ・カタンガ語 | |
814 | names | language | lua | Luba-Lulua | ルバ・ルルア語 | |
815 | names | language | lui | Luiseno | ルイセーニョ語 | |
816 | names | language | lun | Lunda | ルンダ語 | |
817 | names | language | luo | Luo | ルオ語 | |
818 | names | language | lus | Lushai | ルシャイ語 | |
819 | names | language | lv | Latvian | ラトビア語 | |
820 | names | language | mad | Madurese | マドゥラ語 | |
821 | names | language | mag | Magahi | マガヒー語 | |
822 | names | language | mai | Maithili | マイティリー語 | |
823 | names | language | mak | Makasar | マカッサル語 | |
824 | names | language | man | Mandingo | マンディンゴ語 | |
825 | names | language | map | Austronesian | オーストロネシア諸語 | |
826 | names | language | mas | Masai | マサイ語 | |
827 | names | language | mdf | Moksha | モクシャ語 | |
828 | names | language | mdr | Mandar | マンダル語 | |
829 | names | language | men | Mende | メンデ語 | |
830 | names | language | mg | Malagasy | マダガスカル語 | |
831 | names | language | mga | Middle Irish | 中期アイルランド語 | |
832 | names | language | mh | Marshallese | マーシャル語 | |
833 | names | language | mi | Maori | マオリ語 | |
834 | names | language | mic | Micmac | ミクマク語 | |
835 | names | language | min | Minangkabau | ミナンカバウ語 | |
836 | names | language | mis | Miscellaneous Language | その他の言語 | |
837 | names | language | mk | Macedonian | マケドニア語 | |
838 | names | language | mkh | Mon-Khmer Language | モン・クメール諸語 | |
839 | names | language | ml | Malayalam | マラヤーラム語 | |
840 | names | language | mn | Mongolian | モンゴル語 | |
841 | names | language | mnc | Manchu | 満州語 | |
842 | names | language | mni | Manipuri | マニプル語 | |
843 | names | language | mno | Manobo Language | マノボ語族 | |
844 | names | language | mo | Moldavian | モルダビア語 | |
845 | names | language | moh | Mohawk | モーホーク語 | |
846 | names | language | mos | Mossi | モシ語 | |
847 | names | language | mr | Marathi | マラーティー語 | |
848 | names | language | ms | Malay | マレー語 | |
849 | names | language | mt | Maltese | マルタ語 | |
850 | names | language | mul | Multiple Languages | 複数言語 | |
851 | names | language | mun | Munda Language | ムンダ語族 | |
852 | names | language | mus | Creek | クリーク語 | |
853 | names | language | mwl | Mirandese | ミランダ語 | |
854 | names | language | mwr | Marwari | マールワーリー語 | |
855 | names | language | my | Burmese | ビルマ語 | |
856 | names | language | myn | Mayan Language | マヤ語族 | |
857 | names | language | myv | Erzya | エルジャ語 | |
858 | names | language | na | Nauru | ナウル語 | |
859 | names | language | nah | Nahuatl | ナワトル語 | |
860 | names | language | nai | North American Indian Language | 北米インディアン諸語 | |
861 | names | language | nap | Neapolitan | ナポリ語 | |
862 | names | language | nb | Norwegian Bokmål | ノルウェー語 (ブークモール) | |
863 | names | language | nd | North Ndebele | 北ンデベレ語 | |
864 | names | language | nds | Low German | 低地ドイツ語、低地サクソン語 | |
865 | names | language | ne | Nepali | ネパール語 | |
866 | names | language | new | Newari | ネワール語 | |
867 | names | language | ng | Ndonga | ンドンガ語 | |
868 | names | language | nia | Nias | ニアス語 | |
869 | names | language | nic | Niger-Kordofanian Language | ニジェール・コルドファン諸語 | |
870 | names | language | niu | Niuean | ニウーエイ語 | |
871 | names | language | nl | Dutch | オランダ語 | |
872 | names | language | nl_BE | Flemish | フレミッシュ語 | |
873 | names | language | nn | Norwegian Nynorsk | ノルウェー語 (ニーノシュク) | |
874 | names | language | no | Norwegian | ノルウェー語 | |
875 | names | language | nog | Nogai | ノガイ語 | |
876 | names | language | non | Old Norse | 古ノルド語 | |
877 | names | language | nqo | N’Ko | ンコ語 | |
878 | names | language | nr | South Ndebele | 南ンデベレ語 | |
879 | names | language | nso | Northern Sotho | 北部ソト語 | |
880 | names | language | nub | Nubian Language | ヌビア語族 | |
881 | names | language | nv | Navajo | ナバホ語 | |
882 | names | language | nwc | Classical Newari | 古典ネワール語 | |
883 | names | language | ny | Nyanja | ニャンジャ語、チチェワ語、チェワ語 | |
884 | names | language | nym | Nyamwezi | ニャムウェジ語 | |
885 | names | language | nyn | Nyankole | ニャンコレ語 | |
886 | names | language | nyo | Nyoro | ニョロ語 | |
887 | names | language | nzi | Nzima | ンゼマ語 | |
888 | names | language | oc | Occitan | オック語 | |
889 | names | language | oj | Ojibwa | オブジワ語 | |
890 | names | language | om | Oromo | オロモ語 | |
891 | names | language | or | Oriya | オリヤー語 | |
892 | names | language | os | Ossetic | オセト語 | |
893 | names | language | osa | Osage | オセージ語 | |
894 | names | language | ota | Ottoman Turkish | オスマントルコ語 | |
895 | names | language | oto | Otomian Language | オトミ語族 | |
896 | names | language | pa | Punjabi | パンジャブ語 | |
897 | names | language | paa | Papuan Language | パプア諸語 | |
898 | names | language | pag | Pangasinan | パンガシナン語 | |
899 | names | language | pal | Pahlavi | パフラヴィ語 | |
900 | names | language | pam | Pampanga | パンパンガ語 | |
901 | names | language | pap | Papiamento | パピアメント語 | |
902 | names | language | pau | Palauan | パラオ語 | |
903 | names | language | peo | Old Persian | 古代ペルシア語 | |
904 | names | language | phi | Philippine Language | フィリピン諸語 | |
905 | names | language | phn | Phoenician | フェニキア語 | |
906 | names | language | pi | Pali | パーリ語 | |
907 | names | language | pl | Polish | ポーランド語 | |
908 | names | language | pon | Pohnpeian | ポンペイ語 | |
909 | names | language | pra | Prakrit Language | プラークリット語族 | |
910 | names | language | pro | Old Provençal | 古期プロバンス語 | |
911 | names | language | ps | Pashto | パシュトゥー語 | |
912 | names | language | pt | Portuguese | ポルトガル語 | |
913 | names | language | pt_BR | Brazilian Portuguese | ポルトガル語 (ブラジル) | |
914 | names | language | pt_PT | Iberian Portuguese | ポルトガル語(イベリア半島) | |
915 | names | language | qu | Quechua | ケチュア語 | |
916 | names | language | raj | Rajasthani | ラージャスターン語 | |
917 | names | language | rap | Rapanui | ラパヌイ語 | |
918 | names | language | rar | Rarotongan | ラロトガ語 | |
919 | names | language | rm | Rhaeto-Romance | レト・ロマン語 | |
920 | names | language | rn | Rundi | ルンディ語 | |
921 | names | language | ro | Romanian | ルーマニア語 | |
922 | names | language | roa | Romance Language | ロマンス諸語 | |
923 | names | language | rom | Romany | ロマーニー語 | |
924 | names | language | root | Root | ルート | |
925 | names | language | ru | Russian | ロシア語 | |
926 | names | language | rup | Aromanian | アルーマニア語 | |
927 | names | language | rw | Kinyarwanda | ルワンダ語 | |
928 | names | language | sa | Sanskrit | サンスクリット語 | |
929 | names | language | sad | Sandawe | サンダウェ語 | |
930 | names | language | sah | Yakut | ヤクート語 | |
931 | names | language | sai | South American Indian Language | 南米インディアン諸語 | |
932 | names | language | sal | Salishan Language | セイリッシュ語族 | |
933 | names | language | sam | Samaritan Aramaic | サマリア・アラム語 | |
934 | names | language | sas | Sasak | ササク語 | |
935 | names | language | sat | Santali | サンターリー語 | |
936 | names | language | sc | Sardinian | サルデーニャ語 | |
937 | names | language | scn | Sicilian | シチリア語 | |
938 | names | language | sco | Scots | スコットランド語 | |
939 | names | language | sd | Sindhi | シンド語 | |
940 | names | language | se | Northern Sami | 北サーミ語 | |
941 | names | language | sel | Selkup | セリクプ語 | |
942 | names | language | sem | Semitic Language | セム諸語 | |
943 | names | language | sg | Sango | サンゴ語 | |
944 | names | language | sga | Old Irish | 古期アイルランド語 | |
945 | names | language | sgn | Sign Language | 手まね言語 | |
946 | names | language | sh | Serbo-Croatian | セルボ=クロアチア語 | |
947 | names | language | shn | Shan | シャン語 | |
948 | names | language | si | Sinhala | シンハラ語 | |
949 | names | language | sid | Sidamo | シダモ語 | |
950 | names | language | sio | Siouan Language | スー語族 | |
951 | names | language | sit | Sino-Tibetan Language | シナ・チベット諸語 | |
952 | names | language | sk | Slovak | スロバキア語 | |
953 | names | language | sl | Slovenian | スロベニア語 | |
954 | names | language | sla | Slavic Language | スラブ諸語 | |
955 | names | language | sm | Samoan | サモア語 | |
956 | names | language | sma | Southern Sami | 南サーミ語 | |
957 | names | language | smi | Sami Language | サーミ諸語 | |
958 | names | language | smj | Lule Sami | ルレ・サーミ語 | |
959 | names | language | smn | Inari Sami | イナリ・サーミ語 | |
960 | names | language | sms | Skolt Sami | スコルト・サーミ語 | |
961 | names | language | sn | Shona | ショナ語 | |
962 | names | language | snk | Soninke | ソニンケ語 | |
963 | names | language | so | Somali | ソマリ語 | |
964 | names | language | sog | Sogdien | ソグド語 | |
965 | names | language | son | Songhai | ソンガイ語 | |
966 | names | language | sq | Albanian | アルバニア語 | |
967 | names | language | sr | Serbian | セルビア語 | |
968 | names | language | srn | Sranan Tongo | スリナム語 | |
969 | names | language | srr | Serer | セレル語 | |
970 | names | language | ss | Swati | シスワティ語 | |
971 | names | language | ssa | Nilo-Saharan Language | ナイル・サハラ諸語 | |
972 | names | language | st | Southern Sotho | 南部ソト語 | |
973 | names | language | su | Sundanese | スンダ語 | |
974 | names | language | suk | Sukuma | スクマ語 | |
975 | names | language | sus | Susu | スス語 | |
976 | names | language | sux | Sumerian | シュメール語 | |
977 | names | language | sv | Swedish | スウェーデン語 | |
978 | names | language | sw | Swahili | スワヒリ語 | |
979 | names | language | syc | Classical Syriac | syc | |
980 | names | language | syr | Syriac | シリア語 | |
981 | names | language | ta | Tamil | タミール語 | |
982 | names | language | tai | Tai Language | タイ諸語 | |
983 | names | language | te | Telugu | テルグ語 | |
984 | names | language | tem | Timne | テムネ語 | |
985 | names | language | ter | Tereno | テレーノ語 | |
986 | names | language | tet | Tetum | テトゥン語 | |
987 | names | language | tg | Tajik | タジク語 | |
988 | names | language | th | Thai | タイ語 | |
989 | names | language | ti | Tigrinya | ティグリニア語 | |
990 | names | language | tig | Tigre | ティグレ語 | |
991 | names | language | tiv | Tiv | ティブ語 | |
992 | names | language | tk | Turkmen | トルクメン語 | |
993 | names | language | tkl | Tokelau | トケラウ語 | |
994 | names | language | tl | Tagalog | タガログ語 | |
995 | names | language | tlh | Klingon | クリンゴン語 | |
996 | names | language | tli | Tlingit | トリンギット語 | |
997 | names | language | tmh | Tamashek | タマシェク語 | |
998 | names | language | tn | Tswana | ツワナ語 | |
999 | names | language | to | Tonga | トンガ語 | |
1000 | names | language | tog | Nyasa Tonga | トンガ語 (ニアサ) | |
1001 | names | language | tpi | Tok Pisin | トク・ピシン語 | |
1002 | names | language | tr | Turkish | トルコ語 | |
1003 | names | language | ts | Tsonga | ツォンガ語 | |
1004 | names | language | tsi | Tsimshian | チムシュ語 | |
1005 | names | language | tt | Tatar | タタール語 | |
1006 | names | language | tum | Tumbuka | トゥンブカ語 | |
1007 | names | language | tup | Tupi Language | トゥピ語族 | |
1008 | names | language | tut | Altaic Language | アルタイ諸語 | |
1009 | names | language | tvl | Tuvalu | ツバル語 | |
1010 | names | language | tw | Twi | トウィ語 | |
1011 | names | language | ty | Tahitian | タヒチ語 | |
1012 | names | language | tyv | Tuvinian | トゥヴァ語 | |
1013 | names | language | udm | Udmurt | ウドムルト語 | |
1014 | names | language | ug | Uighur | ウイグル語 | |
1015 | names | language | uga | Ugaritic | ウガリト語 | |
1016 | names | language | uk | Ukrainian | ウクライナ語 | |
1017 | names | language | umb | Umbundu | ウンブンドゥ語 | |
1018 | names | language | und | Unknown or Invalid Language | 非確定 | |
1019 | names | language | ur | Urdu | ウルドゥー語 | |
1020 | names | language | uz | Uzbek | ウズベク語 | |
1021 | names | language | vai | Vai | ヴァイ語 | |
1022 | names | language | ve | Venda | ベンダ語 | |
1023 | names | language | vi | Vietnamese | ベトナム語 | |
1024 | names | language | vo | Volapük | ボラピュク語 | |
1025 | names | language | vot | Votic | ボート語 | |
1026 | names | language | wa | Walloon | ワロン語 | |
1027 | names | language | wak | Wakashan Language | ワカシ語族 | |
1028 | names | language | wal | Walamo | ワッラモ語 | |
1029 | names | language | war | Waray | ワライ語 | |
1030 | names | language | was | Washo | ワショ語 | |
1031 | names | language | wen | Sorbian Language | ソルビア語族 | |
1032 | names | language | wo | Wolof | ウォロフ語 | |
1033 | names | language | xal | Kalmyk | カルムイク語 | |
1034 | names | language | xh | Xhosa | コサ語 | |
1035 | names | language | yao | Yao | ヤオ語 | |
1036 | names | language | yap | Yapese | ヤップ語 | |
1037 | names | language | yi | Yiddish | イディッシュ語 | |
1038 | names | language | yo | Yoruba | ヨルバ語 | |
1039 | names | language | ypk | Yupik Language | ユピック語族 | |
1040 | names | language | za | Zhuang | チワン語 | |
1041 | names | language | zap | Zapotec | ザポテック語 | |
1042 | names | language | zbl | Blissymbols | zbl | |
1043 | names | language | zen | Zenaga | ゼナガ語 | |
1044 | names | language | zh | Chinese | 中国語 | |
1045 | names | language | zh_Hans | Simplified Chinese | 簡体中国語 | |
1046 | names | language | zh_Hant | Traditional Chinese | 繁体中国語 | |
1047 | names | language | znd | Zande | ザンデ語 | |
1048 | names | language | zu | Zulu | ズールー語 | |
1049 | names | language | zun | Zuni | ズニ語 | |
1050 | names | language | zxx | No linguistic content | zxx | |
1051 | names | language | zza | Zaza | zza | |
1052 | names | localeDisplayPattern | localePattern | {0} ({1}) | {0}({1}) | |
1053 | names | localeDisplayPattern | localeSeparator | , | , | |
1054 | names | measurement-system | metric | Metric | メートル法 | |
1055 | names | measurement-system | US | US | ヤード・ポンド法 | |
1056 | names | metazone | Acre:daylight-short | = | ACST (Acre) | |
1057 | names | metazone | Acre:standard-short | = | ACT (Acre) | |
1058 | names | metazone | Afghanistan:standard-short | = | AFT | |
1059 | names | metazone | Africa_Central:generic-long | n/a | 中央アフリカ時間 | |
1060 | names | metazone | Africa_Central:standard-long | Central Africa Time | 中央アフリカ時間 | |
1061 | names | metazone | Africa_Central:standard-short | = | CAT | |
1062 | names | metazone | Africa_Eastern:generic-long | n/a | 東アフリカ時間 | |
1063 | names | metazone | Africa_Eastern:standard-long | East Africa Time | 東アフリカ時間 | |
1064 | names | metazone | Africa_Eastern:standard-short | = | EAT | |
1065 | names | metazone | Africa_Southern:generic-long | South Africa Time | 南アフリカ時間 | |
1066 | names | metazone | Africa_Southern:standard-long | South Africa Standard Time | 南アフリカ標準時 | |
1067 | names | metazone | Africa_Southern:standard-short | = | SAST | |
1068 | names | metazone | Africa_Western:daylight-long | West Africa Summer Time | 西アフリカ夏時間 | |
1069 | names | metazone | Africa_Western:daylight-short | = | WAST | |
1070 | names | metazone | Africa_Western:generic-long | n/a | 西アフリカ時間 | |
1071 | names | metazone | Africa_Western:standard-long | West Africa Time | 西アフリカ時間 | |
1072 | names | metazone | Africa_Western:standard-short | = | WAT | |
1073 | names | metazone | Aktyubinsk:daylight-short | = | AKTST | |
1074 | names | metazone | Aktyubinsk:standard-short | = | AKTT | |
1075 | names | metazone | Alaska_Hawaii:daylight-short | = | AHDT | |
1076 | names | metazone | Alaska_Hawaii:standard-short | = | AHST | |
1077 | names | metazone | Alaska:daylight-long | Alaska Daylight Time | アラスカ夏時間 | |
1078 | names | metazone | Alaska:daylight-short | = | AKDT | |
1079 | names | metazone | Alaska:generic-long | Alaska Time | アラスカ時間 | |
1080 | names | metazone | Alaska:standard-long | Alaska Standard Time | アラスカ標準時 | |
1081 | names | metazone | Alaska:standard-short | = | AKST | |
1082 | names | metazone | Almaty:daylight-short | = | ALMST | |
1083 | names | metazone | Almaty:standard-short | = | ALMT | |
1084 | names | metazone | Amazon:daylight-long | Amazon Summer Time | アマゾン夏時間 | |
1085 | names | metazone | Amazon:daylight-short | = | AMST | |
1086 | names | metazone | Amazon:standard-long | Amazon Time | アマゾン時間 | |
1087 | names | metazone | Amazon:standard-short | = | AMT | |
1088 | names | metazone | America_Central:daylight-long | Central Daylight Time | アメリカ中部夏時間 | |
1089 | names | metazone | America_Central:daylight-short | = | CDT | |
1090 | names | metazone | America_Central:generic-long | Central Time | アメリカ中部時間 | |
1091 | names | metazone | America_Central:standard-long | Central Standard Time | アメリカ中部標準時 | |
1092 | names | metazone | America_Central:standard-short | = | CST | |
1093 | names | metazone | America_Eastern:daylight-long | Eastern Daylight Time | アメリカ東部夏時間 | |
1094 | names | metazone | America_Eastern:daylight-short | = | EDT | |
1095 | names | metazone | America_Eastern:generic-long | Eastern Time | アメリカ東部時間 | |
1096 | names | metazone | America_Eastern:standard-long | Eastern Standard Time | アメリカ東部標準時 | |
1097 | names | metazone | America_Eastern:standard-short | = | EST | |
1098 | names | metazone | America_Mountain:daylight-long | Mountain Daylight Time | アメリカ山地夏時間 | |
1099 | names | metazone | America_Mountain:daylight-short | = | MDT | |
1100 | names | metazone | America_Mountain:generic-long | Mountain Time | アメリカ山地時間 | |
1101 | names | metazone | America_Mountain:standard-long | Mountain Standard Time | アメリカ山地標準時 | |
1102 | names | metazone | America_Mountain:standard-short | = | MST | |
1103 | names | metazone | America_Pacific:daylight-long | Pacific Daylight Time | アメリカ太平洋夏時間 | |
1104 | names | metazone | America_Pacific:daylight-short | = | PDT | |
1105 | names | metazone | America_Pacific:generic-long | Pacific Time | アメリカ太平洋時間 | |
1106 | names | metazone | America_Pacific:standard-long | Pacific Standard Time | アメリカ太平洋標準時 | |
1107 | names | metazone | America_Pacific:standard-short | = | PST | |
1108 | names | metazone | Anadyr:daylight-short | = | ANAST | |
1109 | names | metazone | Anadyr:standard-short | = | ANAT | |
1110 | names | metazone | Aqtau:daylight-short | = | AQTST (Aqtau) | |
1111 | names | metazone | Aqtau:standard-short | = | AQTT (Aqtau) | |
1112 | names | metazone | Aqtobe:daylight-short | = | AQTST (Aqtobe) | |
1113 | names | metazone | Aqtobe:standard-short | = | AQTT (Aqtobe) | |
1114 | names | metazone | Arabian:daylight-short | ADT (Arabian) | ADT (SA) | |
1115 | names | metazone | Arabian:standard-short | AST (Arabian) | AST (SA) | |
1116 | names | metazone | Argentina_Western:standard-short | = | WART | |
1117 | names | metazone | Argentina:daylight-long | Argentina Summer Time | アルゼンチン夏時間 | |
1118 | names | metazone | Argentina:daylight-short | = | ARST | |
1119 | names | metazone | Argentina:generic-long | n/a | アルゼンチン時間 | |
1120 | names | metazone | Argentina:standard-short | = | ART | |
1121 | names | metazone | Armenia:daylight-short | AMST (Armenia) | AMST (AM) | |
1122 | names | metazone | Armenia:standard-short | AMT (Armenia) | AMT (AM) | |
1123 | names | metazone | Ashkhabad:daylight-short | = | ASHST | |
1124 | names | metazone | Ashkhabad:standard-short | = | ASHT | |
1125 | names | metazone | Atlantic:daylight-long | Atlantic Daylight Time | 大西洋夏時間 | |
1126 | names | metazone | Atlantic:daylight-short | = | ADT | |
1127 | names | metazone | Atlantic:generic-long | Atlantic Time | 大西洋時間 | |
1128 | names | metazone | Atlantic:standard-long | Atlantic Standard Time | 大西洋標準時 | |
1129 | names | metazone | Atlantic:standard-short | = | AST | |
1130 | names | metazone | Australia_Central:daylight-short | = | ACDT | |
1131 | names | metazone | Australia_Central:standard-short | = | ACST | |
1132 | names | metazone | Australia_CentralWestern:daylight-short | = | ACWDT | |
1133 | names | metazone | Australia_CentralWestern:standard-short | = | ACWST | |
1134 | names | metazone | Australia_Eastern:daylight-short | = | AEDT | |
1135 | names | metazone | Australia_Eastern:standard-short | = | AEST | |
1136 | names | metazone | Australia_Western:daylight-short | = | AWDT | |
1137 | names | metazone | Australia_Western:standard-short | = | AWST | |
1138 | names | metazone | Azerbaijan:daylight-short | = | AZST | |
1139 | names | metazone | Azerbaijan:standard-short | = | AZT | |
1140 | names | metazone | Azores:daylight-short | = | AZOST | |
1141 | names | metazone | Azores:standard-short | = | AZOT | |
1142 | names | metazone | Baku:daylight-short | = | BAKST | |
1143 | names | metazone | Baku:standard-short | = | BAKT | |
1144 | names | metazone | Bangladesh:standard-short | = | BDT | |
1145 | names | metazone | Bering:daylight-short | = | BDT (Bering) | |
1146 | names | metazone | Bering:standard-short | = | BST (Bering) | |
1147 | names | metazone | Bhutan:standard-short | = | BTT | |
1148 | names | metazone | Bolivia:standard-short | = | BOT | |
1149 | names | metazone | Borneo:daylight-short | = | BORST | |
1150 | names | metazone | Borneo:standard-short | = | BORT | |
1151 | names | metazone | Brasilia:daylight-long | Brasilia Summer Time | ブラジリア夏時間 | |
1152 | names | metazone | Brasilia:daylight-short | = | BRST | |
1153 | names | metazone | Brasilia:standard-long | Brasilia Time | ブラジリア時間 | |
1154 | names | metazone | Brasilia:standard-short | = | BRT | |
1155 | names | metazone | Brunei:standard-short | = | BNT | |
1156 | names | metazone | Cape_Verde:daylight-short | = | CVST | |
1157 | names | metazone | Cape_Verde:standard-short | = | CVT | |
1158 | names | metazone | Chamorro:standard-short | = | ChST | |
1159 | names | metazone | Changbai:standard-short | = | CHAT | |
1160 | names | metazone | Chatham:daylight-short | = | CHADT | |
1161 | names | metazone | Chatham:standard-short | = | CHAST | |
1162 | names | metazone | Chile:daylight-short | = | CLST | |
1163 | names | metazone | Chile:standard-short | = | CLT | |
1164 | names | metazone | China:daylight-long | China Daylight Time | 中国夏時間 | |
1165 | names | metazone | China:daylight-short | CDT (China) | CDT (CN) | |
1166 | names | metazone | China:standard-long | China Standard Time | 中国標準時 | |
1167 | names | metazone | China:standard-short | CST (China) | CST (CN) | |
1168 | names | metazone | Choibalsan:daylight-short | = | CHOST | |
1169 | names | metazone | Choibalsan:standard-short | = | CHOT | |
1170 | names | metazone | Christmas:standard-short | = | CXT | |
1171 | names | metazone | Cocos:standard-short | = | CCT | |
1172 | names | metazone | Colombia:daylight-short | = | COST | |
1173 | names | metazone | Colombia:standard-short | = | COT | |
1174 | names | metazone | Cook:daylight-short | = | CKHST | |
1175 | names | metazone | Cook:standard-short | = | CKT | |
1176 | names | metazone | Cuba:daylight-short | CDT (Cuba) | CDT (CU) | |
1177 | names | metazone | Cuba:standard-short | CST (Cuba) | CST (CU) | |
1178 | names | metazone | Dacca:standard-short | = | DACT | |
1179 | names | metazone | Davis:standard-short | = | DAVT | |
1180 | names | metazone | DumontDUrville:standard-short | = | DDUT | |
1181 | names | metazone | Dushanbe:daylight-short | = | DUSST | |
1182 | names | metazone | Dushanbe:standard-short | = | DUST | |
1183 | names | metazone | Dutch_Guiana:standard-short | = | NEGT | |
1184 | names | metazone | East_Timor:standard-short | = | TLT | |
1185 | names | metazone | Easter:daylight-short | = | EASST | |
1186 | names | metazone | Easter:standard-short | = | EAST | |
1187 | names | metazone | Ecuador:standard-short | = | ECT | |
1188 | names | metazone | Europe_Central:daylight-long | Central European Summer Time | 中欧夏時間 | |
1189 | names | metazone | Europe_Central:daylight-short | = | CEST | |
1190 | names | metazone | Europe_Central:standard-long | Central European Time | 中欧標準時 | |
1191 | names | metazone | Europe_Central:standard-short | = | CET | |
1192 | names | metazone | Europe_Eastern:daylight-long | Eastern European Summer Time | 東欧夏時間 | |
1193 | names | metazone | Europe_Eastern:daylight-short | = | EEST | |
1194 | names | metazone | Europe_Eastern:standard-long | Eastern European Time | 東欧標準時 | |
1195 | names | metazone | Europe_Eastern:standard-short | = | EET | |
1196 | names | metazone | Europe_Western:daylight-short | = | WEST | |
1197 | names | metazone | Europe_Western:standard-short | = | WET | |
1198 | names | metazone | Falkland:daylight-short | = | FKST | |
1199 | names | metazone | Falkland:standard-short | = | FKT | |
1200 | names | metazone | Fiji:daylight-short | = | FJST | |
1201 | names | metazone | Fiji:standard-short | = | FJT | |
1202 | names | metazone | French_Guiana:standard-short | = | GFT | |
1203 | names | metazone | French_Southern:standard-short | = | TFT | |
1204 | names | metazone | Frunze:daylight-short | = | FRUST | |
1205 | names | metazone | Frunze:standard-short | = | FRUT | |
1206 | names | metazone | Galapagos:standard-short | = | GALT | |
1207 | names | metazone | Gambier:standard-short | = | GAMT | |
1208 | names | metazone | Georgia:daylight-short | = | GEST | |
1209 | names | metazone | Georgia:standard-short | = | GET | |
1210 | names | metazone | Gilbert_Islands:standard-short | = | GILT | |
1211 | names | metazone | GMT:standard-long | Greenwich Mean Time | グリニッジ標準時 | |
1212 | names | metazone | GMT:standard-short | = | GMT | |
1213 | names | metazone | Greenland_Central:daylight-short | = | CGST | |
1214 | names | metazone | Greenland_Central:standard-short | = | CGT | |
1215 | names | metazone | Greenland_Eastern:daylight-short | = | EGST | |
1216 | names | metazone | Greenland_Eastern:standard-short | = | EGT | |
1217 | names | metazone | Greenland_Western:daylight-short | = | WGST | |
1218 | names | metazone | Greenland_Western:standard-short | = | WGT | |
1219 | names | metazone | Guam:standard-short | GST (Guam) | GST (GU) | |
1220 | names | metazone | Gulf:standard-short | = | GST | |
1221 | names | metazone | Guyana:standard-short | = | GYT | |
1222 | names | metazone | Hawaii_Aleutian:standard-short | = | HST | |
1223 | names | metazone | Hong_Kong:daylight-short | = | HKST | |
1224 | names | metazone | Hong_Kong:standard-short | = | HKT | |
1225 | names | metazone | Hovd:daylight-short | = | HOVST | |
1226 | names | metazone | Hovd:standard-short | = | HOVT | |
1227 | names | metazone | India:standard-short | = | IST | |
1228 | names | metazone | Indian_Ocean:standard-short | = | IOT | |
1229 | names | metazone | Indochina:standard-short | = | ICT | |
1230 | names | metazone | Indonesia_Central:standard-short | = | CIT | |
1231 | names | metazone | Indonesia_Eastern:standard-short | = | EIT | |
1232 | names | metazone | Indonesia_Western:standard-short | = | WIT | |
1233 | names | metazone | Iran:daylight-short | = | IRDT | |
1234 | names | metazone | Iran:standard-short | = | IRST | |
1235 | names | metazone | Irkutsk:daylight-short | = | IRKST | |
1236 | names | metazone | Irkutsk:standard-short | = | IRKT | |
1237 | names | metazone | Israel:daylight-long | Israel Daylight Time | イスラエル夏時間 | |
1238 | names | metazone | Israel:daylight-short | = | IDT | |
1239 | names | metazone | Israel:standard-long | Israel Standard Time | イスラエル標準時 | |
1240 | names | metazone | Israel:standard-short | IST (Israel) | IST (IL) | |
1241 | names | metazone | Japan:commonlyUsed | n/a | true | |
1242 | names | metazone | Japan:daylight-long | Japan Daylight Time | 日本夏時間 | |
1243 | names | metazone | Japan:daylight-short | = | JDT | |
1244 | names | metazone | Japan:standard-long | Japan Standard Time | 日本標準時 | |
1245 | names | metazone | Japan:standard-short | = | JST | |
1246 | names | metazone | Kamchatka:daylight-short | = | PETST | |
1247 | names | metazone | Kamchatka:standard-short | = | PETT | |
1248 | names | metazone | Karachi:standard-short | = | KART | |
1249 | names | metazone | Kashgar:standard-short | = | KAST | |
1250 | names | metazone | Kazakhstan_Eastern:standard-short | = | EKST | |
1251 | names | metazone | Kazakhstan_Western:standard-short | = | WKST | |
1252 | names | metazone | Kizilorda:daylight-short | = | KIZST | |
1253 | names | metazone | Kizilorda:standard-short | = | KIZT | |
1254 | names | metazone | Korea:daylight-short | = | KDT | |
1255 | names | metazone | Korea:standard-short | = | KST | |
1256 | names | metazone | Kosrae:standard-short | = | KOST | |
1257 | names | metazone | Krasnoyarsk:daylight-short | = | KRAST | |
1258 | names | metazone | Krasnoyarsk:standard-short | = | KRAT | |
1259 | names | metazone | Kuybyshev:daylight-short | = | KUYST | |
1260 | names | metazone | Kuybyshev:standard-short | = | KUYT | |
1261 | names | metazone | Kwajalein:standard-short | = | KWAT | |
1262 | names | metazone | Kyrgystan:standard-short | = | KGT | |
1263 | names | metazone | Lanka:standard-short | = | LKT | |
1264 | names | metazone | Line_Islands:standard-short | = | LINT | |
1265 | names | metazone | Long_Shu:standard-short | = | LONT | |
1266 | names | metazone | Lord_Howe:daylight-short | = | LHDT | |
1267 | names | metazone | Lord_Howe:standard-short | = | LHST | |
1268 | names | metazone | Macau:daylight-short | = | MOST | |
1269 | names | metazone | Macau:standard-short | = | MOT | |
1270 | names | metazone | Magadan:daylight-short | = | MAGST | |
1271 | names | metazone | Magadan:standard-short | = | MAGT | |
1272 | names | metazone | Malaya:standard-short | = | MALT | |
1273 | names | metazone | Malaysia:standard-short | = | MYT | |
1274 | names | metazone | Maldives:standard-short | = | MVT | |
1275 | names | metazone | Marquesas:standard-short | = | MART | |
1276 | names | metazone | Marshall_Islands:standard-short | = | MHT | |
1277 | names | metazone | Mauritius:daylight-short | = | MUST | |
1278 | names | metazone | Mauritius:standard-short | = | MUT | |
1279 | names | metazone | Mawson:standard-short | = | MAWT | |
1280 | names | metazone | Mongolia:daylight-short | = | ULAST | |
1281 | names | metazone | Mongolia:standard-short | = | ULAT | |
1282 | names | metazone | Moscow:daylight-short | = | MSKS | |
1283 | names | metazone | Moscow:standard-short | = | MSK | |
1284 | names | metazone | Myanmar:standard-short | = | MMT | |
1285 | names | metazone | Nauru:standard-short | = | NRT | |
1286 | names | metazone | Nepal:standard-short | = | NPT | |
1287 | names | metazone | New_Caledonia:daylight-short | = | NCST | |
1288 | names | metazone | New_Caledonia:standard-short | = | NCT | |
1289 | names | metazone | New_Zealand:daylight-short | = | NZDT | |
1290 | names | metazone | New_Zealand:standard-short | = | NZST | |
1291 | names | metazone | Newfoundland:daylight-long | Newfoundland Daylight Time | ニューファンドランド島夏時間 | |
1292 | names | metazone | Newfoundland:daylight-short | = | NDT | |
1293 | names | metazone | Newfoundland:standard-long | Newfoundland Standard Time | ニューファンドランド島標準時 | |
1294 | names | metazone | Newfoundland:standard-short | = | NST | |
1295 | names | metazone | Niue:standard-short | = | NUT | |
1296 | names | metazone | Norfolk:standard-short | = | NFT | |
1297 | names | metazone | Noronha:daylight-short | = | FNST | |
1298 | names | metazone | Noronha:standard-short | = | FNT | |
1299 | names | metazone | North_Mariana:standard-short | = | MPT | |
1300 | names | metazone | Novosibirsk:daylight-short | = | NOVST | |
1301 | names | metazone | Novosibirsk:standard-short | = | NOVT | |
1302 | names | metazone | Omsk:daylight-short | = | OMSST | |
1303 | names | metazone | Omsk:standard-short | = | OMST | |
1304 | names | metazone | Pakistan:daylight-short | = | PKST | |
1305 | names | metazone | Pakistan:standard-short | = | PKT | |
1306 | names | metazone | Palau:standard-short | = | PWT | |
1307 | names | metazone | Papua_New_Guinea:standard-short | = | PGT | |
1308 | names | metazone | Paraguay:daylight-short | = | PYST | |
1309 | names | metazone | Paraguay:standard-short | = | PYT | |
1310 | names | metazone | Peru:daylight-short | = | PEST | |
1311 | names | metazone | Peru:standard-short | = | PET | |
1312 | names | metazone | Philippines:daylight-short | = | PHST | |
1313 | names | metazone | Philippines:standard-short | = | PHT | |
1314 | names | metazone | Phoenix_Islands:standard-short | = | PHOT | |
1315 | names | metazone | Pierre_Miquelon:daylight-short | = | PMDT | |
1316 | names | metazone | Pierre_Miquelon:standard-short | = | PMST | |
1317 | names | metazone | Pitcairn:standard-short | = | PNT | |
1318 | names | metazone | Ponape:standard-short | = | PONT | |
1319 | names | metazone | Qyzylorda:daylight-short | = | QYZST | |
1320 | names | metazone | Qyzylorda:standard-short | = | QYZT | |
1321 | names | metazone | Reunion:standard-short | = | RET | |
1322 | names | metazone | Rothera:standard-short | = | ROTT | |
1323 | names | metazone | Sakhalin:daylight-short | = | SAKST | |
1324 | names | metazone | Sakhalin:standard-short | = | SAKT | |
1325 | names | metazone | Samara:daylight-short | = | SAMST | |
1326 | names | metazone | Samara:standard-short | = | SAMT | |
1327 | names | metazone | Samarkand:daylight-short | = | SAMST (Samarkand) | |
1328 | names | metazone | Samarkand:standard-short | = | SAMT (Samarkand) | |
1329 | names | metazone | Samoa:standard-short | = | SST | |
1330 | names | metazone | Seychelles:standard-short | = | SCT | |
1331 | names | metazone | Shevchenko:daylight-short | = | SHEST | |
1332 | names | metazone | Shevchenko:standard-short | = | SHET | |
1333 | names | metazone | Singapore:standard-short | = | SGT | |
1334 | names | metazone | Solomon:standard-short | = | SBT | |
1335 | names | metazone | South_Georgia:standard-short | GST (S. Georgia) | GST (GS) | |
1336 | names | metazone | Suriname:standard-short | = | SRT | |
1337 | names | metazone | Sverdlovsk:daylight-short | = | SVEST | |
1338 | names | metazone | Sverdlovsk:standard-short | = | SVET | |
1339 | names | metazone | Syowa:standard-short | = | SYOT | |
1340 | names | metazone | Tahiti:standard-short | = | TAHT | |
1341 | names | metazone | Tajikistan:standard-short | = | TJT | |
1342 | names | metazone | Tashkent:daylight-short | = | TASST | |
1343 | names | metazone | Tashkent:standard-short | = | TAST | |
1344 | names | metazone | Tbilisi:daylight-short | = | TBIST | |
1345 | names | metazone | Tbilisi:standard-short | = | TBIT | |
1346 | names | metazone | Tokelau:standard-short | = | TKT | |
1347 | names | metazone | Tonga:daylight-short | = | TOST | |
1348 | names | metazone | Tonga:standard-short | = | TOT | |
1349 | names | metazone | Truk:standard-short | = | TRUT | |
1350 | names | metazone | Turkey:daylight-short | = | TRST | |
1351 | names | metazone | Turkey:standard-short | = | TRT | |
1352 | names | metazone | Turkmenistan:daylight-short | = | TMST | |
1353 | names | metazone | Turkmenistan:standard-short | = | TMT | |
1354 | names | metazone | Tuvalu:standard-short | = | TVT | |
1355 | names | metazone | Uralsk:daylight-short | = | URAST | |
1356 | names | metazone | Uralsk:standard-short | = | URAT | |
1357 | names | metazone | Uruguay:daylight-short | = | UYST | |
1358 | names | metazone | Uruguay:standard-short | = | UYT | |
1359 | names | metazone | Urumqi:standard-short | = | URUT | |
1360 | names | metazone | Uzbekistan:daylight-short | = | UZST | |
1361 | names | metazone | Uzbekistan:standard-short | = | UZT | |
1362 | names | metazone | Vanuatu:daylight-short | = | VUST | |
1363 | names | metazone | Vanuatu:standard-short | = | VUT | |
1364 | names | metazone | Venezuela:standard-short | = | VET | |
1365 | names | metazone | Vladivostok:daylight-short | = | VLAST | |
1366 | names | metazone | Vladivostok:standard-short | = | VLAT | |
1367 | names | metazone | Volgograd:daylight-short | = | VOLST | |
1368 | names | metazone | Volgograd:standard-short | = | VOLT | |
1369 | names | metazone | Vostok:standard-short | = | VOST | |
1370 | names | metazone | Wake:standard-short | = | WAKT | |
1371 | names | metazone | Wallis:standard-short | = | WFT | |
1372 | names | metazone | Yakutsk:daylight-short | = | YAKST | |
1373 | names | metazone | Yakutsk:standard-short | = | YAKT | |
1374 | names | metazone | Yekaterinburg:daylight-short | = | YEKST | |
1375 | names | metazone | Yekaterinburg:standard-short | = | YEKT | |
1376 | names | metazone | Yerevan:daylight-short | = | YERST | |
1377 | names | metazone | Yerevan:standard-short | = | YERT | |
1378 | names | metazone | Yukon:daylight-short | = | YDT | |
1379 | names | metazone | Yukon:standard-short | = | YST | |
1380 | names | script | Arab | Arabic | アラビア文字 | |
1381 | names | script | Armi | Imperial Aramaic | Armi | |
1382 | names | script | Armn | Armenian | アルメニア文字 | |
1383 | names | script | Avst | Avestan | Avst | |
1384 | names | script | Bali | Balinese | バリ文字 | |
1385 | names | script | Batk | Batak | バタク文字 | |
1386 | names | script | Beng | Bengali | ベンガル文字 | |
1387 | names | script | Blis | Blissymbols | ブリスシンボル | |
1388 | names | script | Bopo | Bopomofo | 注音字母 | |
1389 | names | script | Brah | Brahmi | ブラーフミー文字 | |
1390 | names | script | Brai | Braille | ブライユ点字 | |
1391 | names | script | Bugi | Buginese | ブギス文字 | |
1392 | names | script | Buhd | Buhid | ブヒッド文字 | |
1393 | names | script | Cakm | Chakma | Cakm | |
1394 | names | script | Cans | Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics | 統合カナダ先住民記号 | |
1395 | names | script | Cari | Carian | カリ文字 | d |
1396 | names | script | Cham | Cham | チャム文字 | |
1397 | names | script | Cher | Cherokee | チェロキー文字 | |
1398 | names | script | Cirt | Cirth | キアス文字 | |
1399 | names | script | Copt | Coptic | コプト文字 | |
1400 | names | script | Cprt | Cypriot | キプロス文字 | |
1401 | names | script | Cyrl | Cyrillic | キリル文字 | |
1402 | names | script | Cyrs | Old Church Slavonic Cyrillic | キリル文字 (古代教会スラブ語の文字) | |
1403 | names | script | Deva | Devanagari | デーバナーガリー文字 | |
1404 | names | script | Dsrt | Deseret | デセレット文字 | |
1405 | names | script | Egyd | Egyptian demotic | エジプト民衆文字 | |
1406 | names | script | Egyh | Egyptian hieratic | エジプト神官文字 | |
1407 | names | script | Egyp | Egyptian hieroglyphs | エジプト聖刻文字 | |
1408 | names | script | Ethi | Ethiopic | エチオピア文字 | |
1409 | names | script | Geok | Georgian Khutsuri | グルジア文字(フツリ) | |
1410 | names | script | Geor | Georgian | グルジア文字 | |
1411 | names | script | Glag | Glagolitic | グラゴール文字 | |
1412 | names | script | Goth | Gothic | ゴート文字 | |
1413 | names | script | Grek | Greek | ギリシャ文字 | |
1414 | names | script | Gujr | Gujarati | グジャラート文字 | |
1415 | names | script | Guru | Gurmukhi | グルムキー文字 | |
1416 | names | script | Hang | Hangul | ハングル | |
1417 | names | script | Hani | Han | 漢字 | |
1418 | names | script | Hano | Hanunoo | ハヌノオ文字 | |
1419 | names | script | Hans | Simplified Han | 簡体字 | |
1420 | names | script | Hant | Traditional Han | 繁体字 | |
1421 | names | script | Hebr | Hebrew | ヘブライ文字 | |
1422 | names | script | Hira | Hiragana | ひらがな | |
1423 | names | script | Hmng | Pahawh Hmong | パハウ・フモン文字 | |
1424 | names | script | Hrkt | Katakana or Hiragana | カタカナとひらがな | |
1425 | names | script | Hung | Old Hungarian | 古代ハンガリー文字 | |
1426 | names | script | Inds | Indus | インダス文字 (ハラッパ文字) | |
1427 | names | script | Ital | Old Italic | 古代イタリアの文字 | d |
1428 | names | script | Java | Javanese | ジャワ文字 | |
1429 | names | script | Jpan | Japanese | 日本語の文字 | |
1430 | names | script | Kali | Kayah Li | カヤー文字 | |
1431 | names | script | Kana | Katakana | カタカナ | |
1432 | names | script | Khar | Kharoshthi | カローシュティー文字 | |
1433 | names | script | Khmr | Khmer | クメール文字 | |
1434 | names | script | Knda | Kannada | カンナダ文字 | |
1435 | names | script | Kore | Korean | 韓国語の文字 | |
1436 | names | script | Kthi | Kaithi | Kthi | |
1437 | names | script | Lana | Lanna | Lana | |
1438 | names | script | Laoo | Lao | ラオ文字 | |
1439 | names | script | Latf | Fraktur Latin | ラテン文字 (ドイツ文字) | |
1440 | names | script | Latg | Gaelic Latin | ラテン文字 (ゲール語の文字) | d |
1441 | names | script | Latn | Latin | ラテン文字 | |
1442 | names | script | Lepc | Lepcha | レプチャ文字 (ロン文字) | |
1443 | names | script | Limb | Limbu | リンブ文字 | |
1444 | names | script | Lina | Linear A | 線文字A | |
1445 | names | script | Linb | Linear B | 線文字B | |
1446 | names | script | Lyci | Lycian | Lyci | |
1447 | names | script | Lydi | Lydian | Lydi | |
1448 | names | script | Mand | Mandaean | マンダ文字 | |
1449 | names | script | Mani | Manichaean | Mani | |
1450 | names | script | Maya | Mayan hieroglyphs | マヤ象形文字 | |
1451 | names | script | Mero | Meroitic | メロエ文字 | |
1452 | names | script | Mlym | Malayalam | マラヤーラム文字 | |
1453 | names | script | Mong | Mongolian | モンゴル文字 | |
1454 | names | script | Moon | Moon | ムーン文字 | |
1455 | names | script | Mtei | Meitei Mayek | メイテイ文字 | |
1456 | names | script | Mymr | Myanmar | ミャンマー文字 | |
1457 | names | script | Nkoo | N’Ko | インコ文字 | d |
1458 | names | script | Ogam | Ogham | オガム文字 | |
1459 | names | script | Olck | Ol Chiki | オルチキ文字 | |
1460 | names | script | Orkh | Orkhon | オルホン文字 | |
1461 | names | script | Orya | Oriya | オリヤー文字 | |
1462 | names | script | Osma | Osmanya | オスマニア文字 | |
1463 | names | script | Perm | Old Permic | 古ペルミック文字 | d |
1464 | names | script | Phag | Phags-pa | パスパ文字 | |
1465 | names | script | Phli | Inscriptional Pahlavi | Phli | |
1466 | names | script | Phlp | Psalter Pahlavi | Phlp | |
1467 | names | script | Phlv | Book Pahlavi | Phlv | |
1468 | names | script | Phnx | Phoenician | フェニキア文字 | |
1469 | names | script | Plrd | Pollard Phonetic | ポラード音声記号 | |
1470 | names | script | Prti | Inscriptional Parthian | Prti | |
1471 | names | script | Qaai | Inherited | 系統 | d |
1472 | names | script | Rjng | Rejang | Rjng | |
1473 | names | script | Roro | Rongorongo | ロンゴロンゴ文字 | |
1474 | names | script | Runr | Runic | ルーン文字 | |
1475 | names | script | Samr | Samaritan | Samr | |
1476 | names | script | Sara | Sarati | サラティ文字 | |
1477 | names | script | Saur | Saurashtra | Saur | |
1478 | names | script | Sgnw | SignWriting | Sgnw | |
1479 | names | script | Shaw | Shavian | ショー文字 | |
1480 | names | script | Sinh | Sinhala | シンハラ文字 | |
1481 | names | script | Sund | Sundanese | Sund | |
1482 | names | script | Sylo | Syloti Nagri | シロティ・ナグリ文字 | |
1483 | names | script | Syrc | Syriac | シリア文字 | |
1484 | names | script | Syre | Estrangelo Syriac | シリア文字 (エストランゲロ文字) | |
1485 | names | script | Syrj | Western Syriac | シリア文字 (西方シリア文字) | |
1486 | names | script | Syrn | Eastern Syriac | シリア文字 (東方シリア文字) | |
1487 | names | script | Tagb | Tagbanwa | タグバンワ文字 | |
1488 | names | script | Tale | Tai Le | タイレ文字 | |
1489 | names | script | Talu | New Tai Lue | 新タイ・ルー文字 | |
1490 | names | script | Taml | Tamil | タミール文字 | |
1491 | names | script | Tavt | Tai Viet | Tavt | |
1492 | names | script | Telu | Telugu | テルグ文字 | |
1493 | names | script | Teng | Tengwar | テングワール文字 | |
1494 | names | script | Tfng | Tifinagh | ティフナグ文字 (ベルベル文字) | |
1495 | names | script | Tglg | Tagalog | タガログ文字 | |
1496 | names | script | Thaa | Thaana | ターナ文字 | |
1497 | names | script | Thai | Thai | タイ文字 | |
1498 | names | script | Tibt | Tibetan | チベット文字 | |
1499 | names | script | Ugar | Ugaritic | ウガリト文字 | |
1500 | names | script | Vaii | Vai | ヴァイ文字 | |
1501 | names | script | Visp | Visible Speech | 視話法 | d |
1502 | names | script | Xpeo | Old Persian | 古代ペルシア文字 | |
1503 | names | script | Xsux | Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform | シュメール=アッカド語楔形文字 | |
1504 | names | script | Yiii | Yi | イ文字 | |
1505 | names | script | Zmth | Mathematical Notation | Zmth | |
1506 | names | script | Zsym | Symbols | Zsym | |
1507 | names | script | Zxxx | Unwritten | 口承言語のコード | |
1508 | names | script | Zyyy | Common | 共通コード | |
1509 | names | script | Zzzz | Unknown or Invalid Script | コード化されていない文字のコード | d |
1510 | names | territory | 001 | World | 世界 | |
1511 | names | territory | 002 | Africa | アフリカ | |
1512 | names | territory | 003 | North America | 北米 | |
1513 | names | territory | 005 | South America | 南アメリカ | |
1514 | names | territory | 009 | Oceania | オセアニア | |
1515 | names | territory | 011 | Western Africa | 西アフリカ | |
1516 | names | territory | 013 | Central America | 中央アメリカ | |
1517 | names | territory | 014 | Eastern Africa | 東アフリカ | |
1518 | names | territory | 015 | Northern Africa | 北アフリカ | |
1519 | names | territory | 017 | Middle Africa | 中部アフリカ | |
1520 | names | territory | 018 | Southern Africa | 南部アフリカ | |
1521 | names | territory | 019 | Americas | アメリカ大陸 | |
1522 | names | territory | 021 | Northern America | 北アメリカ | |
1523 | names | territory | 029 | Caribbean | カリブ海 | |
1524 | names | territory | 030 | Eastern Asia | 東アジア | |
1525 | names | territory | 034 | Southern Asia | 南アジア | |
1526 | names | territory | 035 | South-Eastern Asia | 東南アジア | |
1527 | names | territory | 039 | Southern Europe | 南ヨーロッパ | |
1528 | names | territory | 053 | Australia and New Zealand | オーストラリア・ニュージーランド | |
1529 | names | territory | 054 | Melanesia | メラネシア | |
1530 | names | territory | 057 | Micronesian Region | ミクロネシア地域 | |
1531 | names | territory | 061 | Polynesia | ポリネシア | |
1532 | names | territory | 062 | South-Central Asia | 南中央アジア | |
1533 | names | territory | 142 | Asia | アジア | |
1534 | names | territory | 143 | Central Asia | 中央アジア | |
1535 | names | territory | 145 | Western Asia | 西アジア | |
1536 | names | territory | 150 | Europe | ヨーロッパ | |
1537 | names | territory | 151 | Eastern Europe | 東ヨーロッパ | |
1538 | names | territory | 154 | Northern Europe | 北ヨーロッパ | |
1539 | names | territory | 155 | Western Europe | 西ヨーロッパ | |
1540 | names | territory | 172 | Commonwealth of Independent States | 独立国家共同体 | |
1541 | names | territory | 419 | Latin America and the Caribbean | ラテンアメリカ・カリブ地域 | |
1542 | names | territory | 830 | Channel Islands | チャネル諸島 | |
1543 | names | territory | AD | Andorra | アンドラ | |
1544 | names | territory | AE | United Arab Emirates | アラブ首長国連邦 | |
1545 | names | territory | AF | Afghanistan | アフガニスタン | |
1546 | names | territory | AG | Antigua and Barbuda | アンティグア・バーブーダ | |
1547 | names | territory | AI | Anguilla | アンギラ | |
1548 | names | territory | AL | Albania | アルバニア | |
1549 | names | territory | AM | Armenia | アルメニア | |
1550 | names | territory | AN | Netherlands Antilles | オランダ領アンティル諸島 | |
1551 | names | territory | AO | Angola | アンゴラ | |
1552 | names | territory | AQ | Antarctica | 南極大陸 | |
1553 | names | territory | AR | Argentina | アルゼンチン | |
1554 | names | territory | AS | American Samoa | 米領サモア | |
1555 | names | territory | AT | Austria | オーストリア | |
1556 | names | territory | AU | Australia | オーストラリア | |
1557 | names | territory | AW | Aruba | アルバ島 | |
1558 | names | territory | AX | Aland Islands | オーランド諸島 | |
1559 | names | territory | AZ | Azerbaijan | アゼルバイジャン | |
1560 | names | territory | BA | Bosnia and Herzegovina | ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ | |
1561 | names | territory | BB | Barbados | バルバドス | |
1562 | names | territory | BD | Bangladesh | バングラデシュ | |
1563 | names | territory | BE | Belgium | ベルギー | |
1564 | names | territory | BF | Burkina Faso | ブルキナファソ | |
1565 | names | territory | BG | Bulgaria | ブルガリア | |
1566 | names | territory | BH | Bahrain | バーレーン | |
1567 | names | territory | BI | Burundi | ブルンジ | |
1568 | names | territory | BJ | Benin | ベニン | |
1569 | names | territory | BL | Saint Barthélemy | サン・バルテルミー | |
1570 | names | territory | BM | Bermuda | バミューダ | |
1571 | names | territory | BN | Brunei | ブルネイ | |
1572 | names | territory | BO | Bolivia | ボリビア | |
1573 | names | territory | BR | Brazil | ブラジル | |
1574 | names | territory | BS | Bahamas | バハマ | |
1575 | names | territory | BT | Bhutan | ブータン | |
1576 | names | territory | BV | Bouvet Island | ブーベ島 | |
1577 | names | territory | BW | Botswana | ボツワナ | |
1578 | names | territory | BY | Belarus | ベラルーシ | |
1579 | names | territory | BZ | Belize | ベリーズ | |
1580 | names | territory | CA | Canada | カナダ | |
1581 | names | territory | CC | Cocos Islands | ココス (キーリング) 諸島 | |
1582 | names | territory | CD | Congo - Kinshasa | コンゴ民主共和国 (キンシャサ) | |
1583 | names | territory | CF | Central African Republic | 中央アフリカ共和国 | |
1584 | names | territory | CG | Congo - Brazzaville | コンゴ共和国 (ブラザビル) | |
1585 | names | territory | CH | Switzerland | スイス | |
1586 | names | territory | CI | Ivory Coast | コートジボワール | |
1587 | names | territory | CK | Cook Islands | クック諸島 | |
1588 | names | territory | CL | Chile | チリ | |
1589 | names | territory | CM | Cameroon | カメルーン | |
1590 | names | territory | CN | China | 中国 | |
1591 | names | territory | CO | Colombia | コロンビア | |
1592 | names | territory | CR | Costa Rica | コスタリカ | |
1593 | names | territory | CS | Serbia and Montenegro | セルビア・モンテネグロ | |
1594 | names | territory | CU | Cuba | キューバ | |
1595 | names | territory | CV | Cape Verde | カーボベルデ | |
1596 | names | territory | CX | Christmas Island | クリスマス島 | |
1597 | names | territory | CY | Cyprus | キプロス | |
1598 | names | territory | CZ | Czech Republic | チェコ共和国 | |
1599 | names | territory | DE | Germany | ドイツ | |
1600 | names | territory | DJ | Djibouti | ジブチ | |
1601 | names | territory | DK | Denmark | デンマーク | |
1602 | names | territory | DM | Dominica | ドミニカ国 | |
1603 | names | territory | DO | Dominican Republic | ドミニカ共和国 | |
1604 | names | territory | DZ | Algeria | アルジェリア | |
1605 | names | territory | EC | Ecuador | エクアドル | |
1606 | names | territory | EE | Estonia | エストニア | |
1607 | names | territory | EG | Egypt | エジプト | |
1608 | names | territory | EH | Western Sahara | 西サハラ | |
1609 | names | territory | ER | Eritrea | エリトリア | |
1610 | names | territory | ES | Spain | スペイン | |
1611 | names | territory | ET | Ethiopia | エチオピア | |
1612 | names | territory | FI | Finland | フィンランド | |
1613 | names | territory | FJ | Fiji | フィジー | |
1614 | names | territory | FK | Falkland Islands | フォークランド諸島 | |
1615 | names | territory | FM | Micronesia | ミクロネシア | |
1616 | names | territory | FO | Faroe Islands | フェロー諸島 | |
1617 | names | territory | FR | France | フランス | |
1618 | names | territory | GA | Gabon | ガボン | |
1619 | names | territory | GB | United Kingdom | イギリス | |
1620 | names | territory | GD | Grenada | グレナダ | |
1621 | names | territory | GE | Georgia | グルジア | |
1622 | names | territory | GF | French Guiana | 仏領ギアナ | |
1623 | names | territory | GG | Guernsey | ガーンジー | |
1624 | names | territory | GH | Ghana | ガーナ | |
1625 | names | territory | GI | Gibraltar | ジブラルタル | |
1626 | names | territory | GL | Greenland | グリーンランド | |
1627 | names | territory | GM | Gambia | ガンビア | |
1628 | names | territory | GN | Guinea | ギニア | |
1629 | names | territory | GP | Guadeloupe | グアドループ | |
1630 | names | territory | GQ | Equatorial Guinea | 赤道ギニア | |
1631 | names | territory | GR | Greece | ギリシャ | |
1632 | names | territory | GS | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | 南ジョージア島・南サンドイッチ諸島 | |
1633 | names | territory | GT | Guatemala | グアテマラ | |
1634 | names | territory | GU | Guam | グアム | |
1635 | names | territory | GW | Guinea-Bissau | ギニアビサウ | |
1636 | names | territory | GY | Guyana | ガイアナ | |
1637 | names | territory | HK | Hong Kong SAR China | 中華人民共和国香港特別行政区 | |
1638 | names | territory | HK/alt-short | Hong Kong | 香港; [draft=contributed] | |
1639 | names | territory | HM | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | ハード島・マクドナルド諸島 | |
1640 | names | territory | HN | Honduras | ホンジュラス | |
1641 | names | territory | HR | Croatia | クロアチア | |
1642 | names | territory | HT | Haiti | ハイチ | |
1643 | names | territory | HU | Hungary | ハンガリー | |
1644 | names | territory | ID | Indonesia | インドネシア | |
1645 | names | territory | IE | Ireland | アイルランド | |
1646 | names | territory | IL | Israel | イスラエル | |
1647 | names | territory | IM | Isle of Man | マン島 | |
1648 | names | territory | IN | India | インド | |
1649 | names | territory | IO | British Indian Ocean Territory | 英領インド洋植民地 | |
1650 | names | territory | IQ | Iraq | イラク | |
1651 | names | territory | IR | Iran | イラン | |
1652 | names | territory | IS | Iceland | アイスランド | |
1653 | names | territory | IT | Italy | イタリア | |
1654 | names | territory | JE | Jersey | ジャージー | |
1655 | names | territory | JM | Jamaica | ジャマイカ | |
1656 | names | territory | JO | Jordan | ヨルダン | |
1657 | names | territory | JP | Japan | 日本 | |
1658 | names | territory | KE | Kenya | ケニア | |
1659 | names | territory | KG | Kyrgyzstan | キルギスタン | |
1660 | names | territory | KH | Cambodia | カンボジア | |
1661 | names | territory | KI | Kiribati | キリバス | |
1662 | names | territory | KM | Comoros | コモロ | |
1663 | names | territory | KN | Saint Kitts and Nevis | セントクリストファー・ネイビス | |
1664 | names | territory | KP | North Korea | 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 | |
1665 | names | territory | KR | South Korea | 大韓民国 | |
1666 | names | territory | KW | Kuwait | クウェート | |
1667 | names | territory | KY | Cayman Islands | ケイマン諸島 | |
1668 | names | territory | KZ | Kazakhstan | カザフスタン | |
1669 | names | territory | LA | Laos | ラオス | |
1670 | names | territory | LB | Lebanon | レバノン | |
1671 | names | territory | LC | Saint Lucia | セントルシア | |
1672 | names | territory | LI | Liechtenstein | リヒテンシュタイン | |
1673 | names | territory | LK | Sri Lanka | スリランカ | |
1674 | names | territory | LR | Liberia | リベリア | |
1675 | names | territory | LS | Lesotho | レソト | |
1676 | names | territory | LT | Lithuania | リトアニア | |
1677 | names | territory | LU | Luxembourg | ルクセンブルグ | |
1678 | names | territory | LV | Latvia | ラトビア | |
1679 | names | territory | LY | Libya | リビア | |
1680 | names | territory | MA | Morocco | モロッコ | |
1681 | names | territory | MC | Monaco | モナコ | |
1682 | names | territory | MD | Moldova | モルドバ | |
1683 | names | territory | ME | Montenegro | モンテネグロ | |
1684 | names | territory | MF | Saint Martin | セント・マーチン | |
1685 | names | territory | MG | Madagascar | マダガスカル | |
1686 | names | territory | MH | Marshall Islands | マーシャル諸島共和国 | |
1687 | names | territory | MK | Macedonia | マケドニア | |
1688 | names | territory | ML | Mali | マリ | |
1689 | names | territory | MM | Myanmar | ミャンマー | |
1690 | names | territory | MN | Mongolia | モンゴル | |
1691 | names | territory | MO | Macau SAR China | 中華人民共和国マカオ特別行政区 | |
1692 | names | territory | MO/alt-short | Macau | マカオ; [draft=contributed] | |
1693 | names | territory | MP | Northern Mariana Islands | 北マリアナ諸島 | |
1694 | names | territory | MQ | Martinique | マルティニーク島 | |
1695 | names | territory | MR | Mauritania | モーリタニア | |
1696 | names | territory | MS | Montserrat | モントセラト島 | |
1697 | names | territory | MT | Malta | マルタ | |
1698 | names | territory | MU | Mauritius | モーリシャス | |
1699 | names | territory | MV | Maldives | モルジブ | |
1700 | names | territory | MW | Malawi | マラウィ | |
1701 | names | territory | MX | Mexico | メキシコ | |
1702 | names | territory | MY | Malaysia | マレーシア | |
1703 | names | territory | MZ | Mozambique | モザンビーク | |
1704 | names | territory | NA | Namibia | ナミビア | |
1705 | names | territory | NC | New Caledonia | ニューカレドニア | |
1706 | names | territory | NE | Niger | ニジェール | |
1707 | names | territory | NF | Norfolk Island | ノーフォーク島 | |
1708 | names | territory | NG | Nigeria | ナイジェリア | |
1709 | names | territory | NI | Nicaragua | ニカラグア | |
1710 | names | territory | NL | Netherlands | オランダ | |
1711 | names | territory | NO | Norway | ノルウェー | |
1712 | names | territory | NP | Nepal | ネパール | |
1713 | names | territory | NR | Nauru | ナウル | |
1714 | names | territory | NU | Niue | ニウエ島 | |
1715 | names | territory | NZ | New Zealand | ニュージーランド | |
1716 | names | territory | OM | Oman | オマーン | |
1717 | names | territory | PA | Panama | パナマ | |
1718 | names | territory | PE | Peru | ペルー | |
1719 | names | territory | PF | French Polynesia | 仏領ポリネシア | |
1720 | names | territory | PG | Papua New Guinea | パプアニューギニア | |
1721 | names | territory | PH | Philippines | フィリピン | |
1722 | names | territory | PK | Pakistan | パキスタン | |
1723 | names | territory | PL | Poland | ポーランド | |
1724 | names | territory | PM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | サンピエール島・ミクロン島 | |
1725 | names | territory | PN | Pitcairn | ピトケアン島 | |
1726 | names | territory | PR | Puerto Rico | プエルトリコ | |
1727 | names | territory | PS | Palestinian Territory | パレスチナ領土 | |
1728 | names | territory | PT | Portugal | ポルトガル | |
1729 | names | territory | PW | Palau | パラオ | |
1730 | names | territory | PY | Paraguay | パラグアイ | |
1731 | names | territory | QA | Qatar | カタール | |
1732 | names | territory | QO | Outlying Oceania | その他のオセアニア | |
1733 | names | territory | QU | European Union | 欧州連合 | |
1734 | names | territory | RE | Reunion | レユニオン島 | |
1735 | names | territory | RO | Romania | ルーマニア | |
1736 | names | territory | RS | Serbia | セルビア | |
1737 | names | territory | RU | Russia | ロシア | |
1738 | names | territory | RW | Rwanda | ルワンダ | |
1739 | names | territory | SA | Saudi Arabia | サウジアラビア | |
1740 | names | territory | SB | Solomon Islands | ソロモン諸島 | |
1741 | names | territory | SC | Seychelles | セーシェル | |
1742 | names | territory | SD | Sudan | スーダン | |
1743 | names | territory | SE | Sweden | スウェーデン | |
1744 | names | territory | SG | Singapore | シンガポール | |
1745 | names | territory | SH | Saint Helena | セントヘレナ | |
1746 | names | territory | SI | Slovenia | スロベニア | |
1747 | names | territory | SJ | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | スバールバル諸島・ヤンマイエン島 | |
1748 | names | territory | SK | Slovakia | スロバキア | |
1749 | names | territory | SL | Sierra Leone | シエラレオネ | |
1750 | names | territory | SM | San Marino | サンマリノ | |
1751 | names | territory | SN | Senegal | セネガル | |
1752 | names | territory | SO | Somalia | ソマリア | |
1753 | names | territory | SR | Suriname | スリナム | |
1754 | names | territory | ST | Sao Tome and Principe | サントメ・プリンシペ | |
1755 | names | territory | SV | El Salvador | エルサルバドル | |
1756 | names | territory | SY | Syria | シリア | |
1757 | names | territory | SZ | Swaziland | スワジランド | |
1758 | names | territory | TC | Turks and Caicos Islands | タークス諸島・カイコス諸島 | |
1759 | names | territory | TD | Chad | チャド | |
1760 | names | territory | TF | French Southern Territories | フランス領極南諸島 | |
1761 | names | territory | TG | Togo | トーゴ | |
1762 | names | territory | TH | Thailand | タイ | |
1763 | names | territory | TJ | Tajikistan | タジキスタン | |
1764 | names | territory | TK | Tokelau | トケラウ諸島 | |
1765 | names | territory | TL | East Timor | 東ティモール | |
1766 | names | territory | TM | Turkmenistan | トルクメニスタン | |
1767 | names | territory | TN | Tunisia | チュニジア | |
1768 | names | territory | TO | Tonga | トンガ | |
1769 | names | territory | TR | Turkey | トルコ | |
1770 | names | territory | TT | Trinidad and Tobago | トリニダード・トバゴ | |
1771 | names | territory | TV | Tuvalu | ツバル | |
1772 | names | territory | TW | Taiwan | 台湾 | |
1773 | names | territory | TZ | Tanzania | タンザニア | |
1774 | names | territory | UA | Ukraine | ウクライナ | |
1775 | names | territory | UG | Uganda | ウガンダ | |
1776 | names | territory | UM | United States Minor Outlying Islands | 米領太平洋諸島 | |
1777 | names | territory | US | United States | アメリカ合衆国 | |
1778 | names | territory | UY | Uruguay | ウルグアイ | |
1779 | names | territory | UZ | Uzbekistan | ウズベキスタン | |
1780 | names | territory | VA | Vatican | バチカン市国 | |
1781 | names | territory | VC | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | セントビンセント・グレナディーン諸島 | |
1782 | names | territory | VE | Venezuela | ベネズエラ | |
1783 | names | territory | VG | British Virgin Islands | イギリス領ヴァージン諸島 | |
1784 | names | territory | VI | U.S. Virgin Islands | アメリカ領ヴァージン諸島 | |
1785 | names | territory | VN | Vietnam | ベトナム | |
1786 | names | territory | VU | Vanuatu | バヌアツ | |
1787 | names | territory | WF | Wallis and Futuna | ウォリス・フツナ | |
1788 | names | territory | WS | Samoa | サモア | |
1789 | names | territory | YE | Yemen | イエメン | |
1790 | names | territory | YT | Mayotte | マヨット島 | |
1791 | names | territory | ZA | South Africa | 南アフリカ | |
1792 | names | territory | ZM | Zambia | ザンビア | |
1793 | names | territory | ZW | Zimbabwe | ジンバブエ | |
1794 | names | territory | ZZ | Unknown or Invalid Region | 不明な地域 | |
1795 | names | time-zone-cities | AD/Andorra | Andorra | アンドラ公国 | d |
1796 | names | time-zone-cities | AE/Dubai | Dubai | ドバイ | d |
1797 | names | time-zone-cities | AF/Kabul | Kabul | カブール | d |
1798 | names | time-zone-cities | AG/Antigua | Antigua | アンチグア | d |
1799 | names | time-zone-cities | AI/Anguilla | Anguilla | アンギラ | d |
1800 | names | time-zone-cities | AL/Tirane | Tirane | チラナ | d |
1801 | names | time-zone-cities | AM/Yerevan | Yerevan | エレバン | d |
1802 | names | time-zone-cities | America/Argentina/La_Rioja | La Rioja | ラリオハ | |
1803 | names | time-zone-cities | America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos | Rio Gallegos | リオガイェゴス | |
1804 | names | time-zone-cities | America/Argentina/San_Juan | San Juan | サンファン | |
1805 | names | time-zone-cities | America/Argentina/San_Luis | San Luis | サンルイス | |
1806 | names | time-zone-cities | America/Argentina/Tucuman | Tucuman | トゥクマン | |
1807 | names | time-zone-cities | AN/Curacao | Curacao | キュラソー | d |
1808 | names | time-zone-cities | AO/Luanda | Luanda | ルアンダ | d |
1809 | names | time-zone-cities | AQ/Casey | Casey | ケーシー | |
1810 | names | time-zone-cities | AQ/Davis | Davis | デービス | |
1811 | names | time-zone-cities | AQ/DumontDUrville | Dumont d’Urville | デュモン デュルビル | |
1812 | names | time-zone-cities | AQ/Mawson | Mawson | モーソン | |
1813 | names | time-zone-cities | AQ/McMurdo | McMurdo | マクムード | |
1814 | names | time-zone-cities | AQ/Palmer | Palmer | パーマー | |
1815 | names | time-zone-cities | AQ/Rothera | Rothera | ロデラ | |
1816 | names | time-zone-cities | AQ/South_Pole | South Pole | 南極点 | |
1817 | names | time-zone-cities | AQ/Syowa | Syowa | 昭和基地 | |
1818 | names | time-zone-cities | AQ/Vostok | Vostok | ボストーク | |
1819 | names | time-zone-cities | AR/Argentina | Ushuaia | ウスアイア | |
1820 | names | time-zone-cities | AR/Buenos_Aires | Buenos Aires | ブエノスアイレス | |
1821 | names | time-zone-cities | AR/Catamarca | Catamarca | カタマルカ | |
1822 | names | time-zone-cities | AR/Cordoba | Cordoba | コルドバ | |
1823 | names | time-zone-cities | AR/Jujuy | Jujuy | フフイ | |
1824 | names | time-zone-cities | AR/Mendoza | Mendoza | メンドーサ | |
1825 | names | time-zone-cities | AS/Pago_Pago | Pago Pago | パゴパゴ | d |
1826 | names | time-zone-cities | AT/Vienna | Vienna | ウィーン | d |
1827 | names | time-zone-cities | AU/Adelaide | Adelaide | アデレード | |
1828 | names | time-zone-cities | AU/Brisbane | Brisbane | ブリスベン | |
1829 | names | time-zone-cities | AU/Broken_Hill | Broken Hill | ブロークンヒル | |
1830 | names | time-zone-cities | AU/Currie | Currie | カリー | |
1831 | names | time-zone-cities | AU/Darwin | Darwin | ダーウィン | |
1832 | names | time-zone-cities | AU/Eucla | Eucla | ユークラ | |
1833 | names | time-zone-cities | AU/Hobart | Hobart | ホバート | |
1834 | names | time-zone-cities | AU/Lindeman | Lindeman | リンデマン | |
1835 | names | time-zone-cities | AU/Lord_Howe | Lord Howe | ロードハウ | |
1836 | names | time-zone-cities | AU/Melbourne | Melbourne | メルボルン | |
1837 | names | time-zone-cities | AU/Perth | Perth | パース | |
1838 | names | time-zone-cities | AU/Sydney | Sydney | シドニー | |
1839 | names | time-zone-cities | AW/Aruba | Aruba | アルバ | d |
1840 | names | time-zone-cities | AX/Mariehamn | = | Mariehamn | |
1841 | names | time-zone-cities | AZ/Baku | Baku | バクー | d |
1842 | names | time-zone-cities | BA/Sarajevo | = | Sarajevo | |
1843 | names | time-zone-cities | BB/Barbados | Barbados | バルバドス | d |
1844 | names | time-zone-cities | BD/Dhaka | Dhaka | ダッカ | d |
1845 | names | time-zone-cities | BE/Brussels | Brussels | ブリュッセル | d |
1846 | names | time-zone-cities | BF/Ouagadougou | Ouagadougou | ワガドゥグー | d |
1847 | names | time-zone-cities | BG/Sofia | Sofia | ソフィア | d |
1848 | names | time-zone-cities | BH/Bahrain | Bahrain | バーレーン国 | d |
1849 | names | time-zone-cities | BI/Bujumbura | Bujumbura | ブジュンブラ | d |
1850 | names | time-zone-cities | BJ/Porto-Novo | Porto-Novo | ポルトノボ | d |
1851 | names | time-zone-cities | BL/St_Barthelemy | = | St Barthelemy | |
1852 | names | time-zone-cities | BM/Bermuda | Bermuda | バミューダ | d |
1853 | names | time-zone-cities | BN/Brunei | Brunei | ブルネイ | d |
1854 | names | time-zone-cities | BO/La_Paz | La Paz | ラパス | d |
1855 | names | time-zone-cities | BR/Araguaina | Araguaina | アラグァイナ | |
1856 | names | time-zone-cities | BR/Bahia | Bahia | バイーア | |
1857 | names | time-zone-cities | BR/Belem | Belem | ベレン | |
1858 | names | time-zone-cities | BR/Boa_Vista | Boa Vista | ボアビスタ | |
1859 | names | time-zone-cities | BR/Campo_Grande | Campo Grande | カンポグランデ | |
1860 | names | time-zone-cities | BR/Cuiaba | Cuiaba | クイアバ | |
1861 | names | time-zone-cities | BR/Eirunepe | Eirunepe | エイルネペ | |
1862 | names | time-zone-cities | BR/Fortaleza | Fortaleza | フォルタレザ | |
1863 | names | time-zone-cities | BR/Maceio | Maceio | マセイオ | |
1864 | names | time-zone-cities | BR/Manaus | Manaus | マナウス | |
1865 | names | time-zone-cities | BR/Noronha | Noronha | ノロニャ | |
1866 | names | time-zone-cities | BR/Porto_Velho | Porto Velho | ポルトベーリョ | |
1867 | names | time-zone-cities | BR/Recife | Recife | レシフェ | |
1868 | names | time-zone-cities | BR/Rio_Branco | Rio Branco | リオブランコ | |
1869 | names | time-zone-cities | BR/Sao_Paulo | Sao Paulo | サンパウロ | |
1870 | names | time-zone-cities | BS/Nassau | Nassau | ナッサウ | d |
1871 | names | time-zone-cities | BT/Thimphu | Thimphu | ティンプー | d |
1872 | names | time-zone-cities | BW/Gaborone | Gaborone | ガボローネ | d |
1873 | names | time-zone-cities | BY/Minsk | Minsk | ミンスク | d |
1874 | names | time-zone-cities | BZ/Belize | Belize | ベリーズ | d |
1875 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Blanc-Sablon | Blanc-Sablon | ブラン・サブロン | |
1876 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Cambridge_Bay | Cambridge Bay | ケンブリッジベイ | |
1877 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Coral_Harbour | Coral Harbour | コーラルハーバー | |
1878 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Dawson | Dawson | ドーソン | |
1879 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Dawson_Creek | Dawson Creek | ドーソンクリーク | |
1880 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Edmonton | Edmonton | エドモントン | |
1881 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Glace_Bay | Glace Bay | グレースベイ | |
1882 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Goose_Bay | Goose Bay | グースベイ | |
1883 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Halifax | Halifax | ハリファクス | |
1884 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Inuvik | Inuvik | イヌヴィク | |
1885 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Iqaluit | Iqaluit | イカルイット | |
1886 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Moncton | Moncton | モンクトン | |
1887 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Montreal | Montreal | モントリオール | |
1888 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Nipigon | Nipigon | ニピゴン | |
1889 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Pangnirtung | Pangnirtung | パンナータング | |
1890 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Rainy_River | Rainy River | レイニーリバー | |
1891 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Rankin_Inlet | Rankin Inlet | ランキン湾 | |
1892 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Regina | Regina | レジャイナ | |
1893 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Resolute | Resolute | レソリュート | |
1894 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/St_Johns | St. John's | セントジョンズ | |
1895 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Swift_Current | Swift Current | スウィフトカレント | |
1896 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Thunder_Bay | Thunder Bay | サンダーベイ | |
1897 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Toronto | Toronto | トロント | |
1898 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Vancouver | Vancouver | バンクーバー | |
1899 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Whitehorse | Whitehorse | ホワイトホース | |
1900 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Winnipeg | Winnipeg | ウィニペグ | |
1901 | names | time-zone-cities | CA/Yellowknife | Yellowknife | イエローナイフ | |
1902 | names | time-zone-cities | CC/Cocos | Cocos | ココス | d |
1903 | names | time-zone-cities | CD/Kinshasa | Kinshasa | キンシャサ | |
1904 | names | time-zone-cities | CD/Lubumbashi | Lubumbashi | ルブンバシ | |
1905 | names | time-zone-cities | CF/Bangui | Bangui | バンギ | d |
1906 | names | time-zone-cities | CG/Brazzaville | Brazzaville | ブラザビル | d |
1907 | names | time-zone-cities | CH/Zurich | Zurich | チューリッヒ | d |
1908 | names | time-zone-cities | CI/Abidjan | Abidjan | アビジャン | d |
1909 | names | time-zone-cities | CK/Rarotonga | Rarotonga | ラロトンガ | d |
1910 | names | time-zone-cities | CL/Easter | Easter | イースター島 | |
1911 | names | time-zone-cities | CL/Santiago | Santiago | アメリカ/サンチアゴ | |
1912 | names | time-zone-cities | CM/Douala | Douala | ドゥアラ | d |
1913 | names | time-zone-cities | CN/Chongqing | Chongqing | 重慶 | |
1914 | names | time-zone-cities | CN/Harbin | Harbin | ハルビン | |
1915 | names | time-zone-cities | CN/Kashgar | Kashgar | カシガル | |
1916 | names | time-zone-cities | CN/Shanghai | Shanghai | 上海 | |
1917 | names | time-zone-cities | CN/Urumqi | Urumqi | ウルムチ | |
1918 | names | time-zone-cities | CO/Bogota | Bogota | ボゴタ | d |
1919 | names | time-zone-cities | CR/Costa_Rica | Costa Rica | コスタリカ共和国 | d |
1920 | names | time-zone-cities | CU/Havana | Havana | ハバナ | d |
1921 | names | time-zone-cities | CV/Cape_Verde | Cape Verde | カボベルデ共和国 | d |
1922 | names | time-zone-cities | CX/Christmas | Christmas | クリスマス | d |
1923 | names | time-zone-cities | CY/Nicosia | Nicosia | ニコシア | d |
1924 | names | time-zone-cities | CZ/Prague | = | Prague | |
1925 | names | time-zone-cities | DE/Berlin | Berlin | ベルリン | d |
1926 | names | time-zone-cities | DJ/Djibouti | Djibouti | ジブチ共和国 | d |
1927 | names | time-zone-cities | DK/Copenhagen | Copenhagen | コペンハーゲン | d |
1928 | names | time-zone-cities | DM/Dominica | Dominica | ドミニカ国 | d |
1929 | names | time-zone-cities | DO/Santo_Domingo | Santo Domingo | サントドミンゴ | d |
1930 | names | time-zone-cities | DZ/Algiers | Algiers | アルジェ | d |
1931 | names | time-zone-cities | EC/Galapagos | Galapagos | ガラパゴス | |
1932 | names | time-zone-cities | EC/Guayaquil | Guayaquil | アメリカ/グアヤキル | |
1933 | names | time-zone-cities | EE/Tallinn | Tallinn | タリン | d |
1934 | names | time-zone-cities | EG/Cairo | Cairo | カイロ | d |
1935 | names | time-zone-cities | EH/El_Aaiun | El Aaiun | アイウン | d |
1936 | names | time-zone-cities | ER/Asmera | Asmera | アスマラ | d |
1937 | names | time-zone-cities | ES/Canary | Canary | カナリア諸島 | |
1938 | names | time-zone-cities | ES/Ceuta | Ceuta | セウタ | |
1939 | names | time-zone-cities | ES/Madrid | Madrid | ヨーロッパ/マドリード | |
1940 | names | time-zone-cities | ET/Addis_Ababa | Addis Ababa | アジスアベバ | d |
1941 | names | time-zone-cities | FI/Helsinki | Helsinki | ヘルシンキ | d |
1942 | names | time-zone-cities | FJ/Fiji | Fiji | フィジー共和国 | d |
1943 | names | time-zone-cities | FK/Stanley | Stanley | スタンリー | d |
1944 | names | time-zone-cities | FM/Kosrae | Kosrae | コシャエ | |
1945 | names | time-zone-cities | FM/Ponape | Ponape | ポナペ | |
1946 | names | time-zone-cities | FM/Truk | Truk | トラック | |
1947 | names | time-zone-cities | FO/Faeroe | Faeroe | フェロー | d |
1948 | names | time-zone-cities | FR/Paris | Paris | パリ | |
1949 | names | time-zone-cities | GA/Libreville | Libreville | リーブルビル | d |
1950 | names | time-zone-cities | GB/London | London | ヨーロッパ/ロンドン | |
1951 | names | time-zone-cities | GD/Grenada | Grenada | グレナダ | d |
1952 | names | time-zone-cities | GE/Tbilisi | Tbilisi | トビリシ | d |
1953 | names | time-zone-cities | GF/Cayenne | Cayenne | カイエンヌ | d |
1954 | names | time-zone-cities | GG/Guernsey | = | Guernsey | |
1955 | names | time-zone-cities | GH/Accra | Accra | アクラ | d |
1956 | names | time-zone-cities | GI/Gibraltar | Gibraltar | ジブラルタル | d |
1957 | names | time-zone-cities | GL/Danmarkshavn | Danmarkshavn | デンマークシャウン | |
1958 | names | time-zone-cities | GL/Godthab | Godthab | アメリカ/ゴッドホープ | |
1959 | names | time-zone-cities | GL/Scoresbysund | Scoresbysund | スコレスビスン | |
1960 | names | time-zone-cities | GL/Thule | Thule | チューレ | |
1961 | names | time-zone-cities | GM/Banjul | Banjul | バンジュル | d |
1962 | names | time-zone-cities | GN/Conakry | Conakry | コナクリ | d |
1963 | names | time-zone-cities | GP/Guadeloupe | Guadeloupe | グアダループ | d |
1964 | names | time-zone-cities | GQ/Malabo | Malabo | マラボ | d |
1965 | names | time-zone-cities | GR/Athens | Athens | アテネ | d |
1966 | names | time-zone-cities | GS/South_Georgia | South Georgia | 南ジョージア島 | d |
1967 | names | time-zone-cities | GT/Guatemala | Guatemala | グァテマラ共和国 | d |
1968 | names | time-zone-cities | GU/Guam | Guam | グアム | d |
1969 | names | time-zone-cities | GW/Bissau | Bissau | ビサウ | d |
1970 | names | time-zone-cities | GY/Guyana | Guyana | ガイアナ | d |
1971 | names | time-zone-cities | HK/Hong_Kong | Hong Kong | 香港 | d |
1972 | names | time-zone-cities | HN/Tegucigalpa | = | Tegucigalpa | |
1973 | names | time-zone-cities | HR/Zagreb | = | Zagreb | |
1974 | names | time-zone-cities | HT/Port-au-Prince | Port-au-Prince | ポルトープランス | d |
1975 | names | time-zone-cities | HU/Budapest | Budapest | ブダペスト | d |
1976 | names | time-zone-cities | ID/Jakarta | Jakarta | ジャカルタ | |
1977 | names | time-zone-cities | ID/Jayapura | Jayapura | ジャヤプラ | |
1978 | names | time-zone-cities | ID/Makassar | Makassar | マカッサル | |
1979 | names | time-zone-cities | ID/Pontianak | Pontianak | ポンティアナク | |
1980 | names | time-zone-cities | IE/Dublin | Dublin | ダブリン | d |
1981 | names | time-zone-cities | IL/Jerusalem | Jerusalem | エルサレム | |
1982 | names | time-zone-cities | IM/Isle_of_Man | = | Isle of Man | |
1983 | names | time-zone-cities | IN/Calcutta | = | Calcutta | |
1984 | names | time-zone-cities | IO/Chagos | Chagos | チャゴス | d |
1985 | names | time-zone-cities | IQ/Baghdad | Baghdad | バグダッド | d |
1986 | names | time-zone-cities | IR/Tehran | Tehran | テヘラン | d |
1987 | names | time-zone-cities | IS/Reykjavik | Reykjavik | レイキャビーク | d |
1988 | names | time-zone-cities | IT/Rome | Rome | ローマ | d |
1989 | names | time-zone-cities | JE/Jersey | = | Jersey | |
1990 | names | time-zone-cities | JM/Jamaica | Jamaica | ジャマイカ | d |
1991 | names | time-zone-cities | JO/Amman | Amman | アンマン | d |
1992 | names | time-zone-cities | JP/Tokyo | Tokyo | 東京 | |
1993 | names | time-zone-cities | KE/Nairobi | Nairobi | ナイロビ | d |
1994 | names | time-zone-cities | KG/Bishkek | Bishkek | ビシュケク | d |
1995 | names | time-zone-cities | KH/Phnom_Penh | Phnom Penh | プノンペン | d |
1996 | names | time-zone-cities | KI/Enderbury | Enderbury | エンダベリー | |
1997 | names | time-zone-cities | KI/Kiritimati | Kiritimati | キリティマティ | |
1998 | names | time-zone-cities | KI/Tarawa | Tarawa | タラワ | |
1999 | names | time-zone-cities | KM/Comoro | Comoro | コモロ | d |
2000 | names | time-zone-cities | KN/St_Kitts | St Kitts | セントキッツネイビス | d |
2001 | names | time-zone-cities | KP/Pyongyang | Pyongyang | 平壌 | d |
2002 | names | time-zone-cities | KR/Seoul | Seoul | ソウル | d |
2003 | names | time-zone-cities | KW/Kuwait | Kuwait | クウェート国 | d |
2004 | names | time-zone-cities | KY/Cayman | Cayman | ケイマン | d |
2005 | names | time-zone-cities | KZ/Almaty | Almaty | アルマトイ | |
2006 | names | time-zone-cities | KZ/Aqtau | Aqtau | アクタウ | |
2007 | names | time-zone-cities | KZ/Aqtobe | Aqtobe | アクトベ | |
2008 | names | time-zone-cities | KZ/Oral | Oral | オラル | |
2009 | names | time-zone-cities | KZ/Qyzylorda | Qyzylorda | キジルオルダ | |
2010 | names | time-zone-cities | LA/Vientiane | Vientiane | ビエンチャン | d |
2011 | names | time-zone-cities | LB/Beirut | Beirut | ベイルート | d |
2012 | names | time-zone-cities | LC/St_Lucia | St Lucia | セントルシア | d |
2013 | names | time-zone-cities | LI/Vaduz | Vaduz | ファドゥーツ | d |
2014 | names | time-zone-cities | LK/Colombo | Colombo | コロンボ | d |
2015 | names | time-zone-cities | LR/Monrovia | Monrovia | モンロビア | d |
2016 | names | time-zone-cities | LS/Maseru | Maseru | マセル | d |
2017 | names | time-zone-cities | LT/Vilnius | Vilnius | ヴィルニアス | d |
2018 | names | time-zone-cities | LU/Luxembourg | Luxembourg | ルクセンブルグ大公国 | d |
2019 | names | time-zone-cities | LV/Riga | Riga | リガ | d |
2020 | names | time-zone-cities | LY/Tripoli | Tripoli | トリポリ | d |
2021 | names | time-zone-cities | MA/Casablanca | Casablanca | カサブランカ | |
2022 | names | time-zone-cities | MC/Monaco | Monaco | モナコ公国 | d |
2023 | names | time-zone-cities | MD/Chisinau | Chisinau | キシナウ | d |
2024 | names | time-zone-cities | ME/Podgorica | = | Podgorica | |
2025 | names | time-zone-cities | MF/Marigot | = | Marigot | |
2026 | names | time-zone-cities | MG/Antananarivo | Antananarivo | アンタナナリボ | d |
2027 | names | time-zone-cities | MH/Kwajalein | Kwajalein | クワジェリン | |
2028 | names | time-zone-cities | MH/Majuro | Majuro | マジュロ | |
2029 | names | time-zone-cities | MK/Skopje | = | Skopje | |
2030 | names | time-zone-cities | ML/Bamako | Bamako | アフリカ/バマコ | |
2031 | names | time-zone-cities | MM/Rangoon | Rangoon | ラングーン | d |
2032 | names | time-zone-cities | MN/Choibalsan | Choibalsan | チョイバルサン | |
2033 | names | time-zone-cities | MN/Hovd | Hovd | ホブド | |
2034 | names | time-zone-cities | MN/Ulaanbaatar | Ulaanbaatar | ウランバートル | |
2035 | names | time-zone-cities | MO/Macau | Macau | マカオ | d |
2036 | names | time-zone-cities | MP/Saipan | Saipan | サイパン | d |
2037 | names | time-zone-cities | MQ/Martinique | Martinique | マルチニーク | d |
2038 | names | time-zone-cities | MR/Nouakchott | Nouakchott | ヌアクショット | d |
2039 | names | time-zone-cities | MS/Montserrat | Montserrat | モントセラト島 | d |
2040 | names | time-zone-cities | MT/Malta | Malta | マルタ共和国 | d |
2041 | names | time-zone-cities | MU/Mauritius | Mauritius | モーリシャス共和国 | d |
2042 | names | time-zone-cities | MV/Maldives | Maldives | モルディブ共和国 | d |
2043 | names | time-zone-cities | MW/Blantyre | Blantyre | ブランタイア | d |
2044 | names | time-zone-cities | MX/Cancun | Cancun | カンクン | |
2045 | names | time-zone-cities | MX/Chihuahua | Chihuahua | チワワ | |
2046 | names | time-zone-cities | MX/Hermosillo | Hermosillo | エルモシヨ | |
2047 | names | time-zone-cities | MX/Mazatlan | Mazatlan | マサトラン | |
2048 | names | time-zone-cities | MX/Merida | Merida | メリダ | |
2049 | names | time-zone-cities | MX/Mexico_City | Mexico City | メキシコシティー | |
2050 | names | time-zone-cities | MX/Monterrey | Monterrey | モンテレイ | |
2051 | names | time-zone-cities | MX/Tijuana | Tijuana | ティフアナ | |
2052 | names | time-zone-cities | MY/Kuala_Lumpur | Kuala Lumpur | アジア/クアラルンプール | |
2053 | names | time-zone-cities | MY/Kuching | Kuching | クチン | |
2054 | names | time-zone-cities | MZ/Maputo | Maputo | マプト | d |
2055 | names | time-zone-cities | NA/Windhoek | Windhoek | ビントフック | d |
2056 | names | time-zone-cities | NC/Noumea | Noumea | ヌメア | d |
2057 | names | time-zone-cities | NE/Niamey | Niamey | ニアメー | d |
2058 | names | time-zone-cities | NF/Norfolk | Norfolk | ノーフォーク | d |
2059 | names | time-zone-cities | NG/Lagos | Lagos | ラゴス | d |
2060 | names | time-zone-cities | NI/Managua | Managua | マナグア | d |
2061 | names | time-zone-cities | NL/Amsterdam | Amsterdam | アムステルダム | d |
2062 | names | time-zone-cities | NO/Oslo | Oslo | オスロ | d |
2063 | names | time-zone-cities | NP/Katmandu | Katmandu | カトマンズ | d |
2064 | names | time-zone-cities | NR/Nauru | Nauru | ナウル共和国 | d |
2065 | names | time-zone-cities | NU/Niue | Niue | ニウエ | d |
2066 | names | time-zone-cities | NZ/Auckland | Auckland | 太平洋/オークランド | |
2067 | names | time-zone-cities | NZ/Chatham | Chatham | チャタム | |
2068 | names | time-zone-cities | OM/Muscat | Muscat | マスカット | d |
2069 | names | time-zone-cities | PA/Panama | Panama | パナマ共和国 | d |
2070 | names | time-zone-cities | PE/Lima | Lima | リマ | d |
2071 | names | time-zone-cities | PF/Gambier | Gambier | ガンビア | |
2072 | names | time-zone-cities | PF/Marquesas | Marquesas | マルケサス | |
2073 | names | time-zone-cities | PF/Tahiti | Tahiti | 太平洋/タヒチ | |
2074 | names | time-zone-cities | PG/Port_Moresby | Port Moresby | ポートモレスビー | d |
2075 | names | time-zone-cities | PH/Manila | Manila | マニラ | d |
2076 | names | time-zone-cities | PK/Karachi | Karachi | カラチ | d |
2077 | names | time-zone-cities | PL/Warsaw | Warsaw | ワルシャワ | d |
2078 | names | time-zone-cities | PM/Miquelon | Miquelon | ミクロン | d |
2079 | names | time-zone-cities | PN/Pitcairn | Pitcairn | ピトケアン島 | d |
2080 | names | time-zone-cities | PR/Puerto_Rico | Puerto Rico | プエルトリコ | d |
2081 | names | time-zone-cities | PS/Gaza | Gaza | ガザ | d |
2082 | names | time-zone-cities | PT/Azores | Azores | アゾレス諸島 | |
2083 | names | time-zone-cities | PT/Lisbon | Lisbon | ヨーロッパ/リスボン | |
2084 | names | time-zone-cities | PT/Madeira | Madeira | マデイラ | |
2085 | names | time-zone-cities | PW/Palau | Palau | パラオ共和国 | d |
2086 | names | time-zone-cities | PY/Asuncion | Asuncion | アスンシオン | d |
2087 | names | time-zone-cities | QA/Qatar | Qatar | カタール | d |
2088 | names | time-zone-cities | RE/Reunion | Reunion | レユニオン | d |
2089 | names | time-zone-cities | RO/Bucharest | Bucharest | ブカレスト | |
2090 | names | time-zone-cities | RS/Belgrade | = | Belgrade | |
2091 | names | time-zone-cities | RU/Anadyr | Anadyr | アナジル | |
2092 | names | time-zone-cities | RU/Irkutsk | Irkutsk | イルクーツク | |
2093 | names | time-zone-cities | RU/Kaliningrad | Kaliningrad | カリーニングラード | |
2094 | names | time-zone-cities | RU/Kamchatka | Kamchatka | カムチャッカ | |
2095 | names | time-zone-cities | RU/Krasnoyarsk | Krasnoyarsk | クラスノヤルスク | |
2096 | names | time-zone-cities | RU/Magadan | Magadan | マガダン | |
2097 | names | time-zone-cities | RU/Moscow | Moscow | モスクワ | |
2098 | names | time-zone-cities | RU/Novosibirsk | Novosibirsk | ノボシビルスク | |
2099 | names | time-zone-cities | RU/Omsk | Omsk | オムスク | |
2100 | names | time-zone-cities | RU/Sakhalin | Sakhalin | サハリン | |
2101 | names | time-zone-cities | RU/Samara | Samara | サマラ | |
2102 | names | time-zone-cities | RU/Vladivostok | Vladivostok | ウラジオストク | |
2103 | names | time-zone-cities | RU/Volgograd | Volgograd | ボルゴグラード | |
2104 | names | time-zone-cities | RU/Yakutsk | Yakutsk | ヤクーツク | |
2105 | names | time-zone-cities | RU/Yekaterinburg | Yekaterinburg | エカテリンブルグ | |
2106 | names | time-zone-cities | RW/Kigali | Kigali | キガリ | d |
2107 | names | time-zone-cities | SA/Riyadh | Riyadh | リヤド | d |
2108 | names | time-zone-cities | SB/Guadalcanal | Guadalcanal | ガダルカナル | d |
2109 | names | time-zone-cities | SC/Mahe | Mahe | マエ | d |
2110 | names | time-zone-cities | SD/Khartoum | Khartoum | ハルツーム | d |
2111 | names | time-zone-cities | SE/Stockholm | Stockholm | ストックホルム | d |
2112 | names | time-zone-cities | SG/Singapore | Singapore | シンガポール | d |
2113 | names | time-zone-cities | SH/St_Helena | St Helena | セントヘレナ | d |
2114 | names | time-zone-cities | SI/Ljubljana | = | Ljubljana | |
2115 | names | time-zone-cities | SJ/Longyearbyen | Longyearbyen | 北極/ロングイヤービーエン | |
2116 | names | time-zone-cities | SK/Bratislava | = | Bratislava | |
2117 | names | time-zone-cities | SL/Freetown | Freetown | フリータウン | d |
2118 | names | time-zone-cities | SM/San_Marino | = | San Marino | |
2119 | names | time-zone-cities | SN/Dakar | Dakar | ダカール | d |
2120 | names | time-zone-cities | SO/Mogadishu | Mogadishu | モガディシュ | d |
2121 | names | time-zone-cities | SR/Paramaribo | Paramaribo | パラマリボ | d |
2122 | names | time-zone-cities | ST/Sao_Tome | Sao Tome | サントメ | d |
2123 | names | time-zone-cities | SV/El_Salvador | El Salvador | サルバドル | d |
2124 | names | time-zone-cities | SY/Damascus | Damascus | ダマスカス | d |
2125 | names | time-zone-cities | SZ/Mbabane | Mbabane | ムババネ | d |
2126 | names | time-zone-cities | TC/Grand_Turk | Grand Turk | グランドターク | d |
2127 | names | time-zone-cities | TD/Ndjamena | Ndjamena | ンジャメナ | d |
2128 | names | time-zone-cities | TF/Kerguelen | Kerguelen | ケルゲレーヌ | d |
2129 | names | time-zone-cities | TG/Lome | Lome | ロメ | d |
2130 | names | time-zone-cities | TH/Bangkok | Bangkok | バンコク | d |
2131 | names | time-zone-cities | TJ/Dushanbe | Dushanbe | ドゥシャンベ | d |
2132 | names | time-zone-cities | TK/Fakaofo | Fakaofo | ファカオフォ | d |
2133 | names | time-zone-cities | TL/Dili | Dili | ディリ | d |
2134 | names | time-zone-cities | TM/Ashgabat | Ashgabat | アシガバード | d |
2135 | names | time-zone-cities | TN/Tunis | Tunis | チュニジア | d |
2136 | names | time-zone-cities | TO/Tongatapu | Tongatapu | トンガタプ | d |
2137 | names | time-zone-cities | TR/Istanbul | Istanbul | イスタンブール | d |
2138 | names | time-zone-cities | TT/Port_of_Spain | Port of Spain | ポートオブスペイン | d |
2139 | names | time-zone-cities | TV/Funafuti | Funafuti | フナフティ | d |
2140 | names | time-zone-cities | TW/Taipei | Taipei | 台北 | d |
2141 | names | time-zone-cities | TZ/Dar_es_Salaam | Dar es Salaam | ダルエスサラーム | d |
2142 | names | time-zone-cities | UA/Kiev | Kiev | キエフ | |
2143 | names | time-zone-cities | UA/Simferopol | Simferopol | シンフェローポリ | |
2144 | names | time-zone-cities | UA/Uzhgorod | Uzhgorod | ウジゴロド | |
2145 | names | time-zone-cities | UA/Zaporozhye | Zaporozhye | ザポロージェ | |
2146 | names | time-zone-cities | UG/Kampala | Kampala | カンパラ | d |
2147 | names | time-zone-cities | UM/Johnston | Johnston | ジョンストン | |
2148 | names | time-zone-cities | UM/Midway | Midway | ミッドウェー | |
2149 | names | time-zone-cities | UM/Wake | Wake | ウェーク | |
2150 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Adak | Adak | アダック | |
2151 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Anchorage | Anchorage | アンカレッジ | |
2152 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Boise | Boise | ボイシ | |
2153 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Chicago | Chicago | シカゴ | |
2154 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Denver | Denver | デンバー | |
2155 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Detroit | Detroit | デトロイト | |
2156 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Honolulu | Honolulu | ホノルル | |
2157 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Indiana/Knox | Knox, Indiana | インディアナ州ノックス | |
2158 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Indiana/Marengo | Marengo, Indiana | インディアナ州マレンゴ | |
2159 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Indiana/Petersburg | Petersburg, Indiana | インディアナ州ピーターズバーグ | |
2160 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Indiana/Tell_City | Tell City, Indiana | インディアナ州テルシティ | |
2161 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Indiana/Vevay | Vevay, Indiana | インディアナ州ビベー | |
2162 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Indiana/Vincennes | Vincennes, Indiana | インディアナ州ビンセンス | |
2163 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Indiana/Winamac | Winamac, Indiana | インディアナ州ウィナマック | |
2164 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Indianapolis | Indianapolis | インディアナポリス | |
2165 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Juneau | Juneau | ジュノー | |
2166 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Kentucky/Monticello | Monticello, Kentucky | ケンタッキー州モンティチェロ | |
2167 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Los_Angeles | Los Angeles | ロサンゼルス | |
2168 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Louisville | Louisville | ルイスビル | |
2169 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Menominee | Menominee | メノミニー | |
2170 | names | time-zone-cities | US/New_York | New York | ニューヨーク | |
2171 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Nome | Nome | ノーメ | |
2172 | names | time-zone-cities | US/North_Dakota/Center | Center, North Dakota | ノースダコタ州センター | |
2173 | names | time-zone-cities | US/North_Dakota/New_Salem | New Salem, North Dakota | ノースダコタ州ニューセーラム | |
2174 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Phoenix | Phoenix | フェニックス | |
2175 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Shiprock | Shiprock | シップロック | |
2176 | names | time-zone-cities | US/Yakutat | Yakutat | ヤクタット | |
2177 | names | time-zone-cities | UY/Montevideo | Montevideo | モンテビデオ | d |
2178 | names | time-zone-cities | UZ/Samarkand | Samarkand | サマルカンド | |
2179 | names | time-zone-cities | UZ/Tashkent | Tashkent | アジア/タシケント | |
2180 | names | time-zone-cities | VA/Vatican | = | Vatican | |
2181 | names | time-zone-cities | VC/St_Vincent | St Vincent | セントヴィンセント | d |
2182 | names | time-zone-cities | VE/Caracas | Caracas | カラカス | d |
2183 | names | time-zone-cities | VG/Tortola | Tortola | トルトーラ | d |
2184 | names | time-zone-cities | VI/St_Thomas | St Thomas | セントトマス | d |
2185 | names | time-zone-cities | VN/Saigon | Saigon | サイゴン | d |
2186 | names | time-zone-cities | VU/Efate | Efate | エファテ | d |
2187 | names | time-zone-cities | WF/Wallis | Wallis | ワリー | d |
2188 | names | time-zone-cities | WS/Apia | Apia | アピーア | d |
2189 | names | time-zone-cities | YE/Aden | Aden | アデン | d |
2190 | names | time-zone-cities | YT/Mayotte | Mayotte | マイヨット島 | d |
2191 | names | time-zone-cities | ZA/Johannesburg | Johannesburg | ヨハネスブルグ | d |
2192 | names | time-zone-cities | ZM/Lusaka | Lusaka | ルサカ | d |
2193 | names | time-zone-cities | ZW/Harare | Harare | ハラーレ | d |
2194 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT | = | GMT | |
2195 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT-1 | = | GMT-1 | |
2196 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT-10 | = | GMT-10 | |
2197 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT-11 | = | GMT-11 | |
2198 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT-12 | = | GMT-12 | |
2199 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT-13 | = | GMT-13 | |
2200 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT-14 | = | GMT-14 | |
2201 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT-2 | = | GMT-2 | |
2202 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT-3 | = | GMT-3 | |
2203 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT-4 | = | GMT-4 | |
2204 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT-5 | = | GMT-5 | |
2205 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT-6 | = | GMT-6 | |
2206 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT-7 | = | GMT-7 | |
2207 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT-8 | = | GMT-8 | |
2208 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT-9 | = | GMT-9 | |
2209 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT+1 | = | GMT+1 | |
2210 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT+10 | = | GMT+10 | |
2211 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT+11 | = | GMT+11 | |
2212 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT+12 | = | GMT+12 | |
2213 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT+2 | = | GMT+2 | |
2214 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT+3 | = | GMT+3 | |
2215 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT+4 | = | GMT+4 | |
2216 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT+5 | = | GMT+5 | |
2217 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT+6 | = | GMT+6 | |
2218 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT+7 | = | GMT+7 | |
2219 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT+8 | = | GMT+8 | |
2220 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/GMT+9 | = | GMT+9 | |
2221 | names | time-zone-cities | ZZ/Unknown | Unknown | 不明 | |
2222 | names | type | calendar | calendar | 暦法 | |
2223 | names | type | calendar-buddhist | Buddhist Calendar | タイ仏教暦 | |
2224 | names | type | calendar-chinese | Chinese Calendar | 中国暦 | |
2225 | names | type | calendar-gregorian | Gregorian Calendar | 西暦 (グレゴリオ暦) | |
2226 | names | type | calendar-hebrew | Hebrew Calendar | ユダヤ暦 | |
2227 | names | type | calendar-indian | Indian National Calendar | indian | |
2228 | names | type | calendar-islamic | Islamic Calendar | イスラム暦 | |
2229 | names | type | calendar-islamic-civil | Islamic-Civil Calendar | 太陽イスラム暦 | |
2230 | names | type | calendar-japanese | Japanese Calendar | 和暦 | |
2231 | names | type | calendar-roc | Republic of China Calendar | roc | |
2232 | names | type | collation | collation | 照合 | |
2233 | names | type | collation-big5han | Traditional Chinese Sort Order - Big5 | 繁体字中国語 (Big5) | |
2234 | names | type | collation-direct | Direct Sort Order | 直接著錄 | d |
2235 | names | type | collation-gb2312han | Simplified Chinese Sort Order - GB2312 | 簡体字中国語 (GB2312) | |
2236 | names | type | collation-phonebook | Phonebook Sort Order | 電話帳方式 | |
2237 | names | type | collation-pinyin | Pinyin Sort Order | ピンイン順 | |
2238 | names | type | collation-stroke | Stroke Sort Order | 画数順 | |
2239 | names | type | collation-traditional | Traditional Sort Order | 旧式 | |
2240 | names | type | currency | currency | 通貨 | |
2241 | names | variant | 1606NICT | Late Middle French to 1606 | 後期中世フランス語(〜1606) | |
2242 | names | variant | 1694ACAD | Early Modern French | 初期現代フランス語 | |
2243 | names | variant | 1901 | Traditional German orthography | 伝統的ドイツ語正書法(1901) | |
2244 | names | variant | 1994 | Standardized Resian orthography | 1994 | |
2245 | names | variant | 1996 | German orthography of 1996 | ドイツ語正書法(1996) | |
2246 | names | variant | AREVELA | Eastern Armenian | 東アルメニア文語 | |
2247 | names | variant | AREVMDA | Western Armenian | 西アルメニア文語 | |
2248 | names | variant | BAKU1926 | Unified Turkic Latin Alphabet | BAKU1926 | |
2249 | names | variant | BISKE | San Giorgio/Bila dialect | BISKE | |
2250 | names | variant | BOONT | Boontling | ブーントリング | |
2251 | names | variant | FONIPA | IPA Phonetics | 国際音声記号 | |
2252 | names | variant | FONUPA | UPA Phonetics | ウラル音声記号 | |
2253 | names | variant | LIPAW | The Lipovaz dialect of Resian | LIPAW | |
2254 | names | variant | MONOTON | Monotonic | モノトニック | |
2255 | names | variant | NEDIS | Natisone dialect | ナティゾーネ方言 | |
2256 | names | variant | NJIVA | Gniva/Njiva dialect | NJIVA | |
2257 | names | variant | OSOJS | Oseacco/Osojane dialect | OSOJS | |
2258 | names | variant | POLYTON | Polytonic | ポリトニック | |
2259 | names | variant | POSIX | Computer | コンピュータ | |
2260 | names | variant | REVISED | Revised Orthography | 改訂版 | |
2261 | names | variant | ROZAJ | Resian | レシア方言 | |
2262 | names | variant | SAAHO | Saho | サホ語 | |
2263 | names | variant | SCOTLAND | Scottish Standard English | SCOTLAND | |
2264 | names | variant | SCOUSE | Scouse | リバプール方言 | |
2265 | names | variant | SOLBA | Stolvizza/Solbica dialect | SOLBA | |
2266 | names | variant | TARASK | Taraskievica orthography | TARASK | |
2267 | names | variant | VALENCIA | Valencian | バレンシア方言 | |
2268 | units | day | pattern/other | {0} days | {0}日 | |
2269 | units | hour | pattern/other | {0} hours | {0}時間 | |
2270 | units | minute | pattern/other | {0} minutes | {0}分 | |
2271 | units | month | pattern/other | {0} months | {0}ヶ月 | |
2272 | units | second | pattern/other | {0} seconds | {0}秒 | |
2273 | units | week | pattern/other | {0} weeks | {0}週間 | |
2274 | units | year | pattern/other | {0} years | {0}年 | |
2275 | misc | casing | currency | = | mixed | |
2276 | misc | casing | dayWidth | = | mixed | |
2277 | misc | casing | fields | = | mixed | |
2278 | misc | casing | in_lists | = | mixed | |
2279 | misc | casing | keys | = | mixed | |
2280 | misc | casing | languages | = | mixed | |
2281 | misc | casing | long | = | mixed | |
2282 | misc | casing | measurementSystemNames | = | mixed | |
2283 | misc | casing | monthWidth | = | mixed | |
2284 | misc | casing | quarterWidth | = | mixed | |
2285 | misc | casing | scripts | = | mixed | |
2286 | misc | casing | territories | = | mixed | |
2287 | misc | casing | types | = | mixed | |
2288 | misc | casing | variants | = | mixed | |
2289 | misc | delimiters | alternateQuotationEnd | ’ | 』 | |
2290 | misc | delimiters | alternateQuotationStart | ‘ | 『 | |
2291 | misc | delimiters | quotationEnd | ” | 」 | |
2292 | misc | delimiters | quotationStart | “ | 「 | |
2293 | misc | exemplarCharacters | standard | [a-z] | [ゞ ゝヽ ヾ ぁァ あア ぃィ いイ ぅゥ うウ ヴ ぇェ えエ ぉォ おオ ヵ かカ がガ きキ ぎギ くク ぐグ ヶ けケ げゲ こコ ごゴ さサ ざザ しシ じジ すス ずズ せセ ぜゼ そソ ぞゾ たタ だダ ちチ ぢヂ っッ つツ づヅ てテ でデ とト どド なナ にニ ぬヌ ねネ のノ はハ ばバ ぱパ ひヒ びビ ぴピ ふフ ぶブ ぷプ へヘ べベ ぺペ ほホ ぼボ ぽポ まマ みミ むム めメ もモ ゃャ やヤ ゅュ ゆユ ょョ よヨ らラ りリ るル れレ ろロ ゎヮ わワ ゐヰ ゑヱ をヲ んン 一 丁 七 万-下 不 与 且 世 丘 丙 両 並 中 丸 丹 主 久 乏 乗 乙 九 乱 乳 乾 亀 了 予 争 事 二 互 五 井 亜 亡 交 亨 享-亭 人 仁 今 介 仏 仕 他 付 仙 代-以 仮 仰 仲 件 任 企 伏-休 会 伝 伯 伴 伸 伺 似 但 位-佐 体 何 余 作 佳 併 使 例 侍 供 依 価 侮 侯 侵 便 係 促 俊 俗 保 信 修 俳 俵 俸 倉 個 倍 倒 候 借 倣 値 倫 倹 偉 偏 停 健 側-偶 偽 傍 傑 傘 備 催 債 傷 傾 働 像 僕 僚 僧 儀 億 儒 償 優 元-兆 先 光 克 免 児 党 入 全 八-六 共 兵 具 典 兼 内 円 冊 再 冒 冗 写 冠 冬 冷 准 凍 凝 凡 処 凶 凸-出 刀 刃 分-刈 刊 刑 列 初 判 別 利 到 制-券 刺 刻 則 削 前 剖 剛 剣 剤 副 剰 割 創 劇 力 功 加 劣 助 努 励 労 効 劾 勅 勇 勉 動 勘 務 勝 募 勢 勤 勧 勲 勺 匁 包 化 北 匠 匹-医 匿 十 千 升 午 半 卑-協 南 単 博 占 印 危 即-卵 卸 厄 厘 厚 原 厳 去 参 又 及-収 叔 取 受 叙 口-句 叫 召 可 台 史 右 号 司 各 合 吉 同-向 君 吟 否 含 吸 吹 呈-告 周 味 呼 命 和 咲 哀 品 員 哲 唆 唇 唐 唯 唱 商 問 啓 善 喚 喜 喝 喪 喫 営 嗣 嘆 嘉 嘱 器 噴 嚇 囚 四 回 因 団 困 囲 図 固 国 圏 園 土 圧 在 地 坂 均 坊 坑 坪 垂 型 垣 埋 城 域 執 培 基 堀 堂 堅 堕 堤 堪 報 場 塀 塁 塊 塑 塔 塗 塚 塩 塾 境 墓 増 墜 墨 墳 墾 壁 壇 壊 壌 士 壮 声-売 変 夏 夕 外 多 夜 夢 大 天-夫 央 失 奇 奉 奏 契 奔 奥 奨 奪 奮 女 奴 好 如-妄 妊 妙 妥 妨 妹 妻 姉 始 姓 委 姫 姻 姿 威 娘 娠 娯 婆 婚 婦 婿 媒 嫁 嫌 嫡 嬢 子 孔 字 存 孝 季 孤 学 孫 宅 宇-安 完 宗-定 宜 宝 実 客-室 宮 宰 害-家 容 宿 寂 寄 密 富 寒 寛 寝 察 寡 寧 審 寮 寸 寺 対 寿 封 専 射 将 尉-尋 導 小 少 尚 就 尺 尼-局 居 屈 届 屋 展 属 層 履 屯 山 岐 岩 岬 岳 岸 峠 峡 峰 島 崇 崎 崩 川 州 巡 巣 工-巨 差 己 巻 市 布 帆 希 帝 帥 師 席 帯 帰 帳 常 帽 幅 幕 幣 干-年 幸 幹 幻-幾 庁 広 床 序 底 店 府 度 座 庫 庭 庶-庸 廃 廉 廊 延 廷 建 弁 弊 式 弐 弓-引 弘 弟 弦 弧 弱 張 強 弾 当 形 彩 彫 彰 影 役 彼 往 征 径 待 律 後 徐 徒 従 得 御 復 循 微 徳 徴 徹 心 必 忌 忍 志-忙 応 忠 快 念 怒 怖 思 怠 急 性 怪 恋 恐 恒 恥 恨 恩 恭 息 恵 悔 悟 悠 患 悦 悩 悪 悲 悼 情 惑 惜 惨 惰 想 愁 愉 意 愚 愛 感 慈 態 慌 慎 慕 慢 慣 慨 慮 慰 慶 憂 憎 憤 憩 憲 憶 憾 懇 懐 懲 懸 成-戒 戦 戯 戸 戻 房 所 扇 扉 手 才 打 払 扱 扶 批 承 技 抄 把 抑 投 抗 折 抜 択 披 抱 抵 抹 押 抽 担 拍 拐 拒 拓 拘 拙 招 拝 拠 拡 括 拷 拾 持 指 挑 挙 挟 振 挿 捕 捜 捨 据 掃 授 掌 排 掘 掛 採 探 接 控 推 措 掲 描 提 揚 換 握 揮 援 揺 損 搬 搭 携 搾 摂 摘 摩 撃 撤 撮 撲 擁 操 擦 擬 支 改 攻 放 政 故 敏 救 敗 教 敢 散 敬 数 整 敵 敷 文 斉 斎 斗 料 斜 斤 斥 断 新 方 施 旅 旋 族 旗 既 日 旧-早 旬 昆 昇 昌 明 易 昔 星 映 春 昨 昭 是 昼 時 晩 普 景 晴 晶 暁 暇 暑 暖 暗 暦 暫 暮 暴 曇 曜 曲 更 書 曹 替 最 月 有 服 朕 朗 望 朝 期 木 未-札 朱 朴 机 朽 杉 材 村 束 条 来 杯 東 松 板 析 林 枚 果 枝 枠 枢 枯 架 柄 某 染 柔 柱 柳 査 栄 栓 校 株 核 根 格 栽 桃 案 桑 桜 桟 梅 械 棄 棋 棒 棚 棟 森 棺 植 検 業 極 楼 楽 概 構 様 槽 標 模 権 横 樹 橋 機 欄 欠 次 欧 欲 欺 款 歌 歓 止 正 武 歩 歯 歳 歴 死 殉-残 殖 殴 段 殺 殻 殿 母 毎 毒 比 毛 氏 民 気 水 氷 永 汁 求 汗 汚 江 池 決 汽 沈 沖 没 沢 河 沸 油 治 沼 沿 況 泉 泊 泌 法 泡-泣 泥 注 泰 泳 洋 洗 洞 津 洪 活 派 流 浄 浅 浜 浦 浪 浮 浴 海 浸 消 涙 涯 液 涼 淑 淡 深 混 添 清 渇-渉 渋 渓 減 渡 渦 温 測 港 湖 湯 湾-満 源 準 溝 溶 滅 滋 滑 滝 滞 滴 漁 漂 漆 漏 演 漠 漢 漫 漬 漸 潔 潜 潟 潤 潮 澄 激 濁 濃 濫 濯 瀬 火 灯 灰 災 炉 炊 炎 炭 点 為 烈 無 焦 然 焼 煙 照 煩 煮 熟 熱 燃 燥 爆 爵 父 片 版 牛 牧 物 牲 特 犠 犬 犯 状 狂 狩 独 狭 猛 猟 猫 献 猶 猿 獄 獣 獲 玄 率 玉 王 珍 珠 班 現 球 理 琴 環 璽 瓶 甘 甚 生 産 用 田-申 男 町 画 界 畑 畔 留 畜 畝 略 番 異 畳 疎 疑 疫 疲 疾 病 症 痘 痛 痢 痴 療 癒 癖 発 登 白 百 的 皆 皇 皮 皿 盆 益 盗 盛 盟 監 盤 目 盲 直 相 盾 省 看 県 真 眠 眺 眼 着 睡 督 瞬 矛 矢 知 短 矯 石 砂 研 砕 砲 破 硝 硫 硬 碁 碑 確 磁 磨 礁 礎 示 礼 社 祈 祉 祖 祚 祝 神 祥 票 祭 禁 禄 禅 禍-福 秀 私 秋 科 秒 秘 租 秩 称 移 程 税 稚 種 稲 稼 稿 穀 穂 積 穏 穫 穴 究 空 突 窃 窒 窓 窮 窯 立 竜 章 童 端 競 竹 笑 笛 符 第 筆 等 筋 筒 答 策 箇 算 管 箱 節 範 築 篤 簡 簿 籍 米 粉 粋 粒 粗 粘 粛 粧 精 糖 糧 糸 系 糾 紀 約 紅 紋 納 純 紙-紛 素-索 紫 累 細 紳 紹 紺 終 組 経 結 絞 絡 給 統 絵 絶 絹 継 続 維 綱 網 綿 緊 総 緑 緒 線 締 編 緩 緯 練 縁 縄 縛 縦 縫 縮 績 繁 繊 織 繕 繭 繰 缶 罪 置 罰 署 罷 羅 羊 美 群 義 羽 翁 翌 習 翻 翼 老 考 者 耐 耕 耗 耳 聖 聞 聴 職 肉 肌 肖 肝 肢 肥 肩 肪 肯 育 肺 胃 胆 背 胎 胞 胴 胸 能 脂 脅 脈 脚 脱 脳 脹 腐 腕 腰 腸 腹 膚 膜 膨 臓 臣 臨 自 臭 至 致 興 舌 舎 舗 舞 舟 航 般 舶 船 艇 艦 良 色 芋 芝 花 芳 芸 芽 苗 若 苦 英 茂 茎 茶 草 荒 荘 荷 菊 菌 菓 菜 華 落 葉 著 葬 蒸 蓄 蔵 薄 薦 薪-薬 藩 藻 虐 虚 虜 虞 虫 蚊 蚕 蛇 蛍 蛮 融 血 衆 行 術 街 衛 衝 衡 衣 表 衰 衷 袋 被 裁 裂 装 裏 裕 補 裸 製 複 褐 褒 襟 襲 西 要 覆 覇 見 規 視 覚 覧 親 観 角 解 触 言 訂 計 討 訓 託 記 訟 訪 設 許 訳 訴 診 証 詐 詔 評 詞 詠 試 詩 詰-詳 誇 誉 誌 認 誓 誕 誘 語 誠 誤 説 読 課 調 談 請 論 諭 諮 諸 諾 謀 謁 謄 謙 講 謝 謡 謹 識 譜 警 議 譲 護 谷 豆 豊 豚 象 豪 貝 貞 負-貢 貧-販 貫 責 貯 貴 買 貸 費 貿 賀 賃 賄 資 賊 賓 賛 賜 賞 賠 賢 賦 質 購 贈 赤 赦 走 赴 起 超 越 趣 足 距 跡 路 跳 践 踊 踏 躍 身 車 軌 軍 軒 軟 転 軸 軽 較 載 輝 輩 輪 輸 轄 辛 辞 辱 農 辺 込 迅 迎 近 返 迫 迭 述 迷 追 退 送 逃 逆 透 逐 逓 途 通 逝 速 造 連 逮 週 進 逸 遂 遅 遇 遊 運 遍 過 道-違 遠 遣 適 遭 遮 遵 遷 選 遺 避 還 邦 邪 邸 郊 郎 郡 部 郭 郵 郷 都 酌 配 酒 酔 酢 酪 酬 酵 酷 酸 醜 醸 釈 里-量 金 針 釣 鈍 鈴 鉄 鉛 鉢 鉱 銀 銃 銅 銑 銘 銭 鋭 鋳 鋼 錘 錠 錬 錯 録 鍛 鎖 鎮 鏡 鐘 鑑 長 門 閉 開 閑 間 関 閣 閥 閲 闘 防 阻 附 降 限 陛 院-陥 陪 陰 陳 陵 陶 陸 険 陽 隅 隆 隊 階 随 隔 際 障 隠 隣 隷 隻 雄-雇 雉 雌 雑 離 難 雨 雪 雰 雲 零 雷 電 需 震 霊 霜 霧 露 青 静 非 面 革 靴 韓 音 韻 響 頂 項 順 預-頒 領 頭 頻 頼 題 額 顔 顕 願 類 顧 風 飛 食 飢 飯 飲 飼-飾 養 餓 館 首 香 馬 駄-駆 駐 騎 騒 験 騰 驚 骨 髄 高 髪 鬼 魂 魅 魔 魚 鮮 鯨 鳥 鳴 鶏 麗 麦 麻 黄 黒 黙 鼓 鼻 齢] | |
2294 | misc | exemplarCharacters | auxiliary | [á à ă â å ä ā æ ç é è ĕ ê ë ē í ì ĭ î ï ī ñ ó ò ŏ ô ö ø ō œ ß ú ù ŭ û ü ū ÿ] | [兌 拼 楔 錄 鳯] | |
2295 | misc | exemplarCharacters | currencySymbol | [a-c č d-l ł m-z] | [a-z] | d |
2296 | misc | fallback | locales | | | |
2297 | misc | layout | orientation | = | [lines=top-to-bottom, characters=left-to-right] | |
2298 | misc | posix | nostr | no:n | いいえ:イイエ | |
2299 | misc | posix | yesstr | yes:y | はい:ハイ | |
2300 | number | currency | match-after-currencyMatch | = | [:letter:] | |
2301 | number | currency | match-after-insertBetween | = | | |
2302 | number | currency | match-after-surroundingMatch | = | [:digit:] | |
2303 | number | currency | match-before-currencyMatch | = | [:letter:] | |
2304 | number | currency | match-before-insertBetween | = | | |
2305 | number | currency | match-before-surroundingMatch | = | [:digit:] | |
2306 | number | currency | name-pattern/other | = | {0} {1} | |
2307 | number | pattern | currency | ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00) | ¤#,##0.00 | |
2308 | number | pattern | decimal | = | #,##0.### | |
2309 | number | pattern | percent | = | #,##0% | |
2310 | number | pattern | scientific | = | #E0 | |
2311 | number | symbol | decimal | = | . | |
2312 | number | symbol | exponential | = | E | |
2313 | number | symbol | group | = | , | |
2314 | number | symbol | infinity | = | ∞ | |
2315 | number | symbol | list | = | ; | |
2316 | number | symbol | minusSign | = | - | |
2317 | number | symbol | nan | = | NaN | |
2318 | number | symbol | nativeZeroDigit | = | 0 | |
2319 | number | symbol | patternDigit | = | # | |
2320 | number | symbol | percentSign | = | % | |
2321 | number | symbol | perMille | = | ‰ | |
2322 | number | symbol | plusSign | = | + | |
2323 | deprecated | dates | localizedPatternChars | GyMdkHmsSEDFwWahKzYeugAZvcL | GanjkHmsSEDFwWxhKzAeugXZvcL | |
2324 | deprecated | default | calendar | = | [choice=gregorian] | |
2325 | deprecated | default | calendar-buddhist-dateFormats | = | [choice=medium] | |
2326 | deprecated | default | calendar-chinese-dateFormats | = | [choice=medium] | |
2327 | deprecated | default | calendar-chinese-months | = | [choice=format] | |
2328 | deprecated | default | calendar-coptic-months | = | [choice=format] | |
2329 | deprecated | default | calendar-ethiopic-months | = | [choice=format] | |
2330 | deprecated | default | calendar-gregorian-dateFormats | = | [choice=medium] | |
2331 | deprecated | default | calendar-gregorian-days | = | [choice=format] | |
2332 | deprecated | default | calendar-gregorian-months | = | [choice=format] | |
2333 | deprecated | default | calendar-gregorian-timeFormats | = | [choice=medium] | |
2334 | deprecated | default | calendar-hebrew-months | = | [choice=format] | |
2335 | deprecated | default | calendar-indian-months | = | [choice=format] | |
2336 | deprecated | default | calendar-islamic-months | = | [choice=format] | |
2337 | deprecated | default | calendar-japanese-dateFormats | = | [choice=medium] | |
2338 | deprecated | default | calendar-persian-months | = | [choice=format] | |
2339 | deprecated | default | calendar-roc-dateFormats | = | [choice=medium] | |
2340 | deprecated | time-zones | abbreviationFallback | = | [choice=standard] | |
2341 | deprecated | time-zones | hoursFormat | = | {0}/{1} | |
2342 | deprecated | time-zones | preferenceOrdering | = | [choice=] | |
2343 | time-zone | pattern | date-range | = | {0} - {1} | |
2344 | time-zone | pattern | fallbackFormat | = | {1} ({0}) | |
2345 | time-zone | pattern | gmtFormat | = | GMT{0} | |
2346 | time-zone | pattern | hourFormat | = | +HH:mm;-HH:mm | |
2347 | time-zone | pattern | regionFormat | {0} Time | {0}時間 | |
2348 | time-zone | pattern | singleCountries | = | [list=Europe/Kiev Pacific/Majuro Africa/Bamako America/Godthab America/Santiago America/Guayaquil Asia/Shanghai Asia/Tashkent Asia/Kuala_Lumpur Europe/Madrid Europe/Lisbon Europe/London Pacific/Auckland Pacific/Tahiti] | |
2349 | calendar-buddhist | day-period | am | = | AM | |
2350 | calendar-buddhist | day-period | pm | = | PM | |
2351 | calendar-buddhist | era | [000]-Abbr | = | BE | |
2352 | calendar-buddhist | pattern | date-full | = | EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy G | |
2353 | calendar-buddhist | pattern | date-long | = | MMMM d, yyyy G | |
2354 | calendar-buddhist | pattern | date-medium | = | MMM d, yyyy G | |
2355 | calendar-buddhist | pattern | date-short | = | M/d/yyyy | |
2356 | calendar-chinese | day-period | am | = | AM | |
2357 | calendar-chinese | day-period | pm | = | PM | |
2358 | calendar-chinese | month | [01]-format-wide | = | 1 | |
2359 | calendar-chinese | month | [01]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 1 | |
2360 | calendar-chinese | month | [02]-format-wide | = | 2 | |
2361 | calendar-chinese | month | [02]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 2 | |
2362 | calendar-chinese | month | [03]-format-wide | = | 3 | |
2363 | calendar-chinese | month | [03]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 3 | |
2364 | calendar-chinese | month | [04]-format-wide | = | 4 | |
2365 | calendar-chinese | month | [04]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 4 | |
2366 | calendar-chinese | month | [05]-format-wide | = | 5 | |
2367 | calendar-chinese | month | [05]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 5 | |
2368 | calendar-chinese | month | [06]-format-wide | = | 6 | |
2369 | calendar-chinese | month | [06]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 6 | |
2370 | calendar-chinese | month | [07]-format-wide | = | 7 | |
2371 | calendar-chinese | month | [07]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 7 | |
2372 | calendar-chinese | month | [08]-format-wide | = | 8 | |
2373 | calendar-chinese | month | [08]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 8 | |
2374 | calendar-chinese | month | [09]-format-wide | = | 9 | |
2375 | calendar-chinese | month | [09]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 9 | |
2376 | calendar-chinese | month | [10]-format-wide | = | 10 | |
2377 | calendar-chinese | month | [10]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 10 | |
2378 | calendar-chinese | month | [11]-format-wide | = | 11 | |
2379 | calendar-chinese | month | [11]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 11 | |
2380 | calendar-chinese | month | [12]-format-wide | = | 12 | |
2381 | calendar-chinese | month | [12]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 12 | |
2382 | calendar-chinese | month | default-format | = | [choice=wide] | |
2383 | calendar-chinese | pattern | date-full | = | EEEE y'x'G-Ml-d | |
2384 | calendar-chinese | pattern | date-long | = | y'x'G-Ml-d | |
2385 | calendar-chinese | pattern | date-medium | = | y'x'G-Ml-d | |
2386 | calendar-chinese | pattern | date-short | = | y'x'G-Ml-d | |
2387 | calendar-coptic | day-period | am | = | AM | |
2388 | calendar-coptic | day-period | pm | = | PM | |
2389 | calendar-coptic | era | [000]-Abbr | = | ERA0 | |
2390 | calendar-coptic | era | [001]-Abbr | = | ERA1 | |
2391 | calendar-coptic | month | [01]-format-wide | = | Tout | |
2392 | calendar-coptic | month | [01]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 1 | |
2393 | calendar-coptic | month | [02]-format-wide | = | Baba | |
2394 | calendar-coptic | month | [02]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 2 | |
2395 | calendar-coptic | month | [03]-format-wide | = | Hator | |
2396 | calendar-coptic | month | [03]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 3 | |
2397 | calendar-coptic | month | [04]-format-wide | = | Kiahk | |
2398 | calendar-coptic | month | [04]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 4 | |
2399 | calendar-coptic | month | [05]-format-wide | = | Toba | |
2400 | calendar-coptic | month | [05]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 5 | |
2401 | calendar-coptic | month | [06]-format-wide | = | Amshir | |
2402 | calendar-coptic | month | [06]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 6 | |
2403 | calendar-coptic | month | [07]-format-wide | = | Baramhat | |
2404 | calendar-coptic | month | [07]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 7 | |
2405 | calendar-coptic | month | [08]-format-wide | = | Baramouda | |
2406 | calendar-coptic | month | [08]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 8 | |
2407 | calendar-coptic | month | [09]-format-wide | = | Bashans | |
2408 | calendar-coptic | month | [09]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 9 | |
2409 | calendar-coptic | month | [10]-format-wide | = | Paona | |
2410 | calendar-coptic | month | [10]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 10 | |
2411 | calendar-coptic | month | [11]-format-wide | = | Epep | |
2412 | calendar-coptic | month | [11]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 11 | |
2413 | calendar-coptic | month | [12]-format-wide | = | Mesra | |
2414 | calendar-coptic | month | [12]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 12 | |
2415 | calendar-coptic | month | [13]-format-wide | = | Nasie | |
2416 | calendar-coptic | month | [13]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 13 | |
2417 | calendar-coptic | month | default-format | = | [choice=wide] | |
2418 | calendar-ethiopic | day-period | am | = | AM | |
2419 | calendar-ethiopic | day-period | pm | = | PM | |
2420 | calendar-ethiopic | era | [000]-Abbr | = | ERA0 | |
2421 | calendar-ethiopic | era | [001]-Abbr | = | ERA1 | |
2422 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [01]-format-wide | = | Meskerem | |
2423 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [01]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 1 | |
2424 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [02]-format-wide | = | Tekemt | |
2425 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [02]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 2 | |
2426 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [03]-format-wide | = | Hedar | |
2427 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [03]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 3 | |
2428 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [04]-format-wide | = | Tahsas | |
2429 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [04]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 4 | |
2430 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [05]-format-wide | = | Ter | |
2431 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [05]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 5 | |
2432 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [06]-format-wide | = | Yekatit | |
2433 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [06]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 6 | |
2434 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [07]-format-wide | = | Megabit | |
2435 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [07]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 7 | |
2436 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [08]-format-wide | = | Miazia | |
2437 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [08]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 8 | |
2438 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [09]-format-wide | = | Genbot | |
2439 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [09]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 9 | |
2440 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [10]-format-wide | = | Sene | |
2441 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [10]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 10 | |
2442 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [11]-format-wide | = | Hamle | |
2443 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [11]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 11 | |
2444 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [12]-format-wide | = | Nehasse | |
2445 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [12]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 12 | |
2446 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [13]-format-wide | = | Pagumen | |
2447 | calendar-ethiopic | month | [13]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 13 | |
2448 | calendar-ethiopic | month | default-format | = | [choice=wide] | |
2449 | calendar-gregorian | day-period | am | AM | 午前 | |
2450 | calendar-gregorian | day-period | pm | PM | 午後 | |
2451 | calendar-gregorian | day | sunday:format-abbreviated | Sun | 日 | |
2452 | calendar-gregorian | day | sunday:format-wide | Sunday | 日曜日 | |
2453 | calendar-gregorian | day | sunday:stand-alone-narrow | S | 日 | |
2454 | calendar-gregorian | day | monday:format-abbreviated | Mon | 月 | |
2455 | calendar-gregorian | day | monday:format-wide | Monday | 月曜日 | |
2456 | calendar-gregorian | day | monday:stand-alone-narrow | M | 月 | |
2457 | calendar-gregorian | day | tuesday:format-abbreviated | Tue | 火 | |
2458 | calendar-gregorian | day | tuesday:format-wide | Tuesday | 火曜日 | |
2459 | calendar-gregorian | day | tuesday:stand-alone-narrow | T | 火 | |
2460 | calendar-gregorian | day | wednesday:format-abbreviated | Wed | 水 | |
2461 | calendar-gregorian | day | wednesday:format-wide | Wednesday | 水曜日 | |
2462 | calendar-gregorian | day | wednesday:stand-alone-narrow | W | 水 | |
2463 | calendar-gregorian | day | thursday:format-abbreviated | Thu | 木 | |
2464 | calendar-gregorian | day | thursday:format-wide | Thursday | 木曜日 | |
2465 | calendar-gregorian | day | thursday:stand-alone-narrow | T | 木 | |
2466 | calendar-gregorian | day | friday:format-abbreviated | Fri | 金 | |
2467 | calendar-gregorian | day | friday:format-wide | Friday | 金曜日 | |
2468 | calendar-gregorian | day | friday:stand-alone-narrow | F | 金 | |
2469 | calendar-gregorian | day | saturday:format-abbreviated | Sat | 土 | |
2470 | calendar-gregorian | day | saturday:format-wide | Saturday | 土曜日 | |
2471 | calendar-gregorian | day | saturday:stand-alone-narrow | S | 土 | |
2472 | calendar-gregorian | day | default-format | = | [choice=wide] | |
2473 | calendar-gregorian | era | [000]-Abbr | BC | 紀元前 | |
2474 | calendar-gregorian | era | [000]-Names | Before Christ | 紀元前 | |
2475 | calendar-gregorian | era | [001]-Abbr | AD | 西暦 | |
2476 | calendar-gregorian | era | [001]-Names | Anno Domini | 西暦 | |
2477 | calendar-gregorian | field-label | day | Day | 日 | |
2478 | calendar-gregorian | field-label | dayperiod | AM/PM | 午前/午後 | |
2479 | calendar-gregorian | field-label | era | Era | 時代 | |
2480 | calendar-gregorian | field-label | hour | Hour | 時 | |
2481 | calendar-gregorian | field-label | minute | Minute | 分 | |
2482 | calendar-gregorian | field-label | month | Month | 月 | |
2483 | calendar-gregorian | field-label | second | Second | 秒 | |
2484 | calendar-gregorian | field-label | week | Week | 週 | |
2485 | calendar-gregorian | field-label | weekday | Day of the Week | 曜日 | |
2486 | calendar-gregorian | field-label | year | Year | 年 | |
2487 | calendar-gregorian | field-label | zone | Zone | タイムゾーン | |
2488 | calendar-gregorian | fields | day:-1 | Yesterday | 昨日 | |
2489 | calendar-gregorian | fields | day:-2 | The day before yesterday | 一昨日 | |
2490 | calendar-gregorian | fields | day:-3 | = | Three days ago | |
2491 | calendar-gregorian | fields | day:0 | Today | 今日 | |
2492 | calendar-gregorian | fields | day:1 | Tomorrow | 明日 | |
2493 | calendar-gregorian | fields | day:2 | The day after tomorrow | 明後日 | |
2494 | calendar-gregorian | fields | day:3 | = | Three days from now | |
2495 | calendar-gregorian | month | [01]-format-abbreviated | Jan | 1月 | |
2496 | calendar-gregorian | month | [01]-format-wide | January | 1月 | |
2497 | calendar-gregorian | month | [01]-stand-alone-abbreviated | Jan | 1月 | |
2498 | calendar-gregorian | month | [01]-stand-alone-narrow | J | 1 | |
2499 | calendar-gregorian | month | [02]-format-abbreviated | Feb | 2月 | |
2500 | calendar-gregorian | month | [02]-format-wide | February | 2月 | |
2501 | calendar-gregorian | month | [02]-stand-alone-abbreviated | Feb | 2月 | |
2502 | calendar-gregorian | month | [02]-stand-alone-narrow | F | 2 | |
2503 | calendar-gregorian | month | [03]-format-abbreviated | Mar | 3月 | |
2504 | calendar-gregorian | month | [03]-format-wide | March | 3月 | |
2505 | calendar-gregorian | month | [03]-stand-alone-abbreviated | Mar | 3月 | |
2506 | calendar-gregorian | month | [03]-stand-alone-narrow | M | 3 | |
2507 | calendar-gregorian | month | [04]-format-abbreviated | Apr | 4月 | |
2508 | calendar-gregorian | month | [04]-format-wide | April | 4月 | |
2509 | calendar-gregorian | month | [04]-stand-alone-abbreviated | Apr | 4月 | |
2510 | calendar-gregorian | month | [04]-stand-alone-narrow | A | 4 | |
2511 | calendar-gregorian | month | [05]-format-abbreviated | May | 5月 | |
2512 | calendar-gregorian | month | [05]-format-wide | May | 5月 | |
2513 | calendar-gregorian | month | [05]-stand-alone-abbreviated | May | 5月 | |
2514 | calendar-gregorian | month | [05]-stand-alone-narrow | M | 5 | |
2515 | calendar-gregorian | month | [06]-format-abbreviated | Jun | 6月 | |
2516 | calendar-gregorian | month | [06]-format-wide | June | 6月 | |
2517 | calendar-gregorian | month | [06]-stand-alone-abbreviated | Jun | 6月 | |
2518 | calendar-gregorian | month | [06]-stand-alone-narrow | J | 6 | |
2519 | calendar-gregorian | month | [07]-format-abbreviated | Jul | 7月 | |
2520 | calendar-gregorian | month | [07]-format-wide | July | 7月 | |
2521 | calendar-gregorian | month | [07]-stand-alone-abbreviated | Jul | 7月 | |
2522 | calendar-gregorian | month | [07]-stand-alone-narrow | J | 7 | |
2523 | calendar-gregorian | month | [08]-format-abbreviated | Aug | 8月 | |
2524 | calendar-gregorian | month | [08]-format-wide | August | 8月 | |
2525 | calendar-gregorian | month | [08]-stand-alone-abbreviated | Aug | 8月 | |
2526 | calendar-gregorian | month | [08]-stand-alone-narrow | A | 8 | |
2527 | calendar-gregorian | month | [09]-format-abbreviated | Sep | 9月 | |
2528 | calendar-gregorian | month | [09]-format-wide | September | 9月 | |
2529 | calendar-gregorian | month | [09]-stand-alone-abbreviated | Sep | 9月 | |
2530 | calendar-gregorian | month | [09]-stand-alone-narrow | S | 9 | |
2531 | calendar-gregorian | month | [10]-format-abbreviated | Oct | 10月 | |
2532 | calendar-gregorian | month | [10]-format-wide | October | 10月 | |
2533 | calendar-gregorian | month | [10]-stand-alone-abbreviated | Oct | 10月 | |
2534 | calendar-gregorian | month | [10]-stand-alone-narrow | O | 10 | |
2535 | calendar-gregorian | month | [11]-format-abbreviated | Nov | 11月 | |
2536 | calendar-gregorian | month | [11]-format-wide | November | 11月 | |
2537 | calendar-gregorian | month | [11]-stand-alone-abbreviated | Nov | 11月 | |
2538 | calendar-gregorian | month | [11]-stand-alone-narrow | N | 11 | |
2539 | calendar-gregorian | month | [12]-format-abbreviated | Dec | 12月 | |
2540 | calendar-gregorian | month | [12]-format-wide | December | 12月 | |
2541 | calendar-gregorian | month | [12]-stand-alone-abbreviated | Dec | 12月 | |
2542 | calendar-gregorian | month | [12]-stand-alone-narrow | D | 12 | |
2543 | calendar-gregorian | month | default-format | = | [choice=wide] | |
2544 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | date-full | EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy | yyyy年M月d日EEEE | |
2545 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | date-long | MMMM d, yyyy | yyyy年M月d日 | |
2546 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | date-medium | MMM d, yyyy | yyyy/MM/dd | |
2547 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | date-short | M/d/yy | yy/MM/dd | |
2548 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | date+time | = | {1} {0} | |
2549 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-d-d | d–d | d日~d日 | |
2550 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-fallback | {0} – {1} | {0}~{1} | |
2551 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-h-a | h a – h a | H時~H時 | |
2552 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-h-h | h–h a | H時~H時 | |
2553 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-hm-a | h:mm a – h:mm a | H時mm分~H時mm分 | |
2554 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-hm-h | h:mm–h:mm a | H時mm分~H時mm分 | |
2555 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-hm-m | h:mm–h:mm a | H時mm分~H時mm分 | |
2556 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-hmv-a | h:mm a – h:mm a v | H時mm分~H時mm分v | |
2557 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-hmv-h | h:mm–h:mm a v | H時mm分~H時mm分v | |
2558 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-hmv-m | h:mm–h:mm a v | H時mm分~H時mm分v | |
2559 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-hv-a | h a – h a v | H時~H時v | |
2560 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-hv-h | h–h a v | H時~H時v | |
2561 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-M-M | M–M | M月~M月 | |
2562 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-Md-d | M/d – M/d | MM/dd~MM/dd | |
2563 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-Md-M | M/d – M/d | MM/dd~MM/dd | |
2564 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-MEd-d | E, M/d – E, M/d | MM/dd(E)~MM/dd(E) | |
2565 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-MEd-M | E, M/d – E, M/d | MM/dd(E)~MM/dd(E) | |
2566 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-MMM-M | MMM–MMM | M月~M月 | |
2567 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-MMMd-d | MMM d–d | M月d日~d日 | |
2568 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-MMMd-M | MMM d – MMM d | M月d日~M月d日 | |
2569 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-MMMEd-d | E, MMM d – E, MMM d | M月d日(E)~d日(E) | |
2570 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-MMMEd-M | E, MMM d – E, MMM d | M月d日(E)~M月d日(E) | |
2571 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-MMMM-M | LLLL-LLLL | LLLL~LLLL | |
2572 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-y-y | y–y | y年~y年 | |
2573 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-yM-M | M/yy – M/yy | yy/MM~yy/MM | |
2574 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-yM-y | M/yy – M/yy | yy/MM~yy/MM | |
2575 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-yMd-d | M/d/yy – M/d/yy | yy/MM/dd~yy/MM/dd | |
2576 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-yMd-M | M/d/yy – M/d/yy | yy/MM/dd~yy/MM/dd | |
2577 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-yMd-y | M/d/yy – M/d/yy | yy/MM/dd~yy/MM/dd | |
2578 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-yMEd-d | E, M/d/yy – E, M/d/yy | yy/MM/dd(E)~yy/MM/dd(E) | |
2579 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-yMEd-M | E, M/d/yy – E, M/d/yy | yy/MM/dd(E)~yy/MM/dd(E) | |
2580 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-yMEd-y | E, M/d/yy – E, M/d/yy | yy/MM/dd(E)~yy/MM/dd(E) | |
2581 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-yMMM-M | MMM–MMM yyyy | y年M月~M月 | |
2582 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-yMMM-y | MMM yyyy – MMM yyyy | y年M月~y年M月 | |
2583 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-yMMMd-d | MMM d–d, yyyy | y年M月d日~d日 | |
2584 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-yMMMd-M | MMM d – MMM d, yyyy | y年M月d日~M月d日 | |
2585 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-yMMMd-y | MMM d, yyyy – MMM d, yyyy | y年M月d日~y年M月d日 | |
2586 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-yMMMEd-d | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, yyyy | y年M月d日(E)~d日(E) | |
2587 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-yMMMEd-M | E, MMM d – E, MMM d, yyyy | y年M月d日(E)~M月d日(E) | |
2588 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-yMMMEd-y | E, MMM d, yyyy – E, MMM d, yyyy | y年M月d日(E)~y年M月d日(E) | |
2589 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-yMMMM-M | yyyy-MM – MM | y年M月~M月 | |
2590 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | interval-yMMMM-y | yyyy-MM – yyyy-MM | y年M月~y年M月 | |
2591 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-d | d | d日 | |
2592 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-Ed | n/a | d日(EEE) | |
2593 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-GGGGyMd | n/a | GGGGy年M月d日 | |
2594 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-H | n/a | H時 | |
2595 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-Hm | HH:mm | H:mm | |
2596 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-M | L | L; [draft=contributed] | |
2597 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-Md | = | M/d | |
2598 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-MEd | E, M/d | M/d(E) | |
2599 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-MMdd | n/a | MM/dd | |
2600 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-MMM | LLL | LLL; [draft=contributed] | |
2601 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-MMMd | MMM d | M月d日 | |
2602 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-MMMEd | E, MMM d | M月d日(E) | |
2603 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-MMMMd | MMMM d | M月d日 | |
2604 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-MMMMEd | E, MMMM d | M月d日(E) | |
2605 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-mmss | n/a | mm:ss | |
2606 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-ms | = | mm:ss | |
2607 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-y | yyyy | y | |
2608 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-yM | M/yyyy | y/M | |
2609 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-yMEd | EEE, M/d/yyyy | y/M/d(EEE) | |
2610 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-yMMM | MMM yyyy | y年M月 | |
2611 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-yMMMEd | EEE, MMM d, yyyy | y年M月d日(EEE) | |
2612 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-yMMMM | MMMM yyyy | y年M月 | |
2613 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-yQ | Q yyyy | y/Q | |
2614 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-yQQQ | QQQ yyyy | yyyyQQQ | |
2615 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-yyMMM | n/a | y年M月 | |
2616 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-yyQ | n/a | yy/Q | |
2617 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-yyyy | n/a | y年 | |
2618 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | other-yyyyMM | n/a | yyyy/MM | |
2619 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | others-append-Day | = | {0} ({2}: {1}) | |
2620 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | others-append-Day-Of-Week | = | {0} {1} | |
2621 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | others-append-Era | = | {0} {1} | |
2622 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | others-append-Hour | = | {0} ({2}: {1}) | |
2623 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | others-append-Minute | = | {0} ({2}: {1}) | |
2624 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | others-append-Month | = | {0} ({2}: {1}) | |
2625 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | others-append-Quarter | = | {0} ({2}: {1}) | |
2626 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | others-append-Second | = | {0} ({2}: {1}) | |
2627 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | others-append-Timezone | = | {0} {1} | |
2628 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | others-append-Week | = | {0} ({2}: {1}) | |
2629 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | others-append-Year | = | {0} {1} | |
2630 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | time-full | h:mm:ss a v | H時mm分ss秒v | |
2631 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | time-long | h:mm:ss a z | HH:mm:ssz | |
2632 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | time-medium | h:mm:ss a | H:mm:ss | |
2633 | calendar-gregorian | pattern | time-short | h:mm a | H:mm | |
2634 | calendar-gregorian | quarter | [1]-format-abbreviated | = | Q1 | |
2635 | calendar-gregorian | quarter | [1]-format-wide | 1st quarter | 第1四半期 | |
2636 | calendar-gregorian | quarter | [1]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 1 | |
2637 | calendar-gregorian | quarter | [2]-format-abbreviated | = | Q2 | |
2638 | calendar-gregorian | quarter | [2]-format-wide | 2nd quarter | 第2四半期 | |
2639 | calendar-gregorian | quarter | [2]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 2 | |
2640 | calendar-gregorian | quarter | [3]-format-abbreviated | = | Q3 | |
2641 | calendar-gregorian | quarter | [3]-format-wide | 3rd quarter | 第3四半期 | |
2642 | calendar-gregorian | quarter | [3]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 3 | |
2643 | calendar-gregorian | quarter | [4]-format-abbreviated | = | Q4 | |
2644 | calendar-gregorian | quarter | [4]-format-wide | 4th quarter | 第4四半期 | |
2645 | calendar-gregorian | quarter | [4]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 4 | |
2646 | calendar-hebrew | day-period | am | = | AM | |
2647 | calendar-hebrew | day-period | pm | = | PM | |
2648 | calendar-hebrew | era | [000]-Abbr | = | AM | |
2649 | calendar-hebrew | month | [01]-format-wide | = | Tishri | |
2650 | calendar-hebrew | month | [01]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 1 | |
2651 | calendar-hebrew | month | [02]-format-wide | = | Heshvan | |
2652 | calendar-hebrew | month | [02]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 2 | |
2653 | calendar-hebrew | month | [03]-format-wide | = | Kislev | |
2654 | calendar-hebrew | month | [03]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 3 | |
2655 | calendar-hebrew | month | [04]-format-wide | = | Tevet | |
2656 | calendar-hebrew | month | [04]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 4 | |
2657 | calendar-hebrew | month | [05]-format-wide | = | Shevat | |
2658 | calendar-hebrew | month | [05]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 5 | |
2659 | calendar-hebrew | month | [06]-format-wide | = | Adar I | |
2660 | calendar-hebrew | month | [06]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 6 | |
2661 | calendar-hebrew | month | [07]-format-wide | = | Adar | |
2662 | calendar-hebrew | month | [07]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 7 | |
2663 | calendar-hebrew | month | [08]-format-wide | = | Nisan | |
2664 | calendar-hebrew | month | [08]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 8 | |
2665 | calendar-hebrew | month | [09]-format-wide | = | Iyar | |
2666 | calendar-hebrew | month | [09]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 9 | |
2667 | calendar-hebrew | month | [10]-format-wide | = | Sivan | |
2668 | calendar-hebrew | month | [10]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 10 | |
2669 | calendar-hebrew | month | [11]-format-wide | = | Tamuz | |
2670 | calendar-hebrew | month | [11]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 11 | |
2671 | calendar-hebrew | month | [12]-format-wide | = | Av | |
2672 | calendar-hebrew | month | [12]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 12 | |
2673 | calendar-hebrew | month | [13]-format-wide | = | Elul | |
2674 | calendar-hebrew | month | [13]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 13 | |
2675 | calendar-hebrew | month | default-format | = | [choice=wide] | |
2676 | calendar-indian | day-period | am | = | AM | |
2677 | calendar-indian | day-period | pm | = | PM | |
2678 | calendar-indian | era | [000]-Abbr | = | SAKA | |
2679 | calendar-indian | month | [01]-format-wide | = | Chaitra | |
2680 | calendar-indian | month | [01]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 1 | |
2681 | calendar-indian | month | [02]-format-wide | = | Vaisakha | |
2682 | calendar-indian | month | [02]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 2 | |
2683 | calendar-indian | month | [03]-format-wide | = | Jyaistha | |
2684 | calendar-indian | month | [03]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 3 | |
2685 | calendar-indian | month | [04]-format-wide | = | Asadha | |
2686 | calendar-indian | month | [04]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 4 | |
2687 | calendar-indian | month | [05]-format-wide | = | Sravana | |
2688 | calendar-indian | month | [05]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 5 | |
2689 | calendar-indian | month | [06]-format-wide | = | Bhadra | |
2690 | calendar-indian | month | [06]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 6 | |
2691 | calendar-indian | month | [07]-format-wide | = | Asvina | |
2692 | calendar-indian | month | [07]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 7 | |
2693 | calendar-indian | month | [08]-format-wide | = | Kartika | |
2694 | calendar-indian | month | [08]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 8 | |
2695 | calendar-indian | month | [09]-format-wide | = | Agrahayana | |
2696 | calendar-indian | month | [09]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 9 | |
2697 | calendar-indian | month | [10]-format-wide | = | Pausa | |
2698 | calendar-indian | month | [10]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 10 | |
2699 | calendar-indian | month | [11]-format-wide | = | Magha | |
2700 | calendar-indian | month | [11]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 11 | |
2701 | calendar-indian | month | [12]-format-wide | = | Phalguna | |
2702 | calendar-indian | month | [12]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 12 | |
2703 | calendar-indian | month | default-format | = | [choice=wide] | |
2704 | calendar-islamic | day-period | am | = | AM | |
2705 | calendar-islamic | day-period | pm | = | PM | |
2706 | calendar-islamic | era | [000]-Abbr | = | AH | |
2707 | calendar-islamic | month | [01]-format-wide | = | Muharram | |
2708 | calendar-islamic | month | [01]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 1 | |
2709 | calendar-islamic | month | [02]-format-wide | = | Safar | |
2710 | calendar-islamic | month | [02]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 2 | |
2711 | calendar-islamic | month | [03]-format-wide | = | Rabiʻ I | |
2712 | calendar-islamic | month | [03]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 3 | |
2713 | calendar-islamic | month | [04]-format-wide | = | Rabiʻ II | |
2714 | calendar-islamic | month | [04]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 4 | |
2715 | calendar-islamic | month | [05]-format-wide | = | Jumada I | |
2716 | calendar-islamic | month | [05]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 5 | |
2717 | calendar-islamic | month | [06]-format-wide | = | Jumada II | |
2718 | calendar-islamic | month | [06]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 6 | |
2719 | calendar-islamic | month | [07]-format-wide | = | Rajab | |
2720 | calendar-islamic | month | [07]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 7 | |
2721 | calendar-islamic | month | [08]-format-wide | = | Shaʻban | |
2722 | calendar-islamic | month | [08]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 8 | |
2723 | calendar-islamic | month | [09]-format-wide | = | Ramadan | |
2724 | calendar-islamic | month | [09]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 9 | |
2725 | calendar-islamic | month | [10]-format-wide | = | Shawwal | |
2726 | calendar-islamic | month | [10]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 10 | |
2727 | calendar-islamic | month | [11]-format-wide | = | Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah | |
2728 | calendar-islamic | month | [11]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 11 | |
2729 | calendar-islamic | month | [12]-format-wide | = | Dhuʻl-Hijjah | |
2730 | calendar-islamic | month | [12]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 12 | |
2731 | calendar-islamic | month | default-format | = | [choice=wide] | |
2732 | calendar-japanese | day-period | am | = | AM | |
2733 | calendar-japanese | day-period | pm | = | PM | |
2734 | calendar-japanese | era | [000]-Abbr | Taika | 大化 | |
2735 | calendar-japanese | era | [001]-Abbr | Hakuchi | 白雉 | |
2736 | calendar-japanese | era | [002]-Abbr | Hakuhō | 白鳯 | |
2737 | calendar-japanese | era | [003]-Abbr | Shuchō | 朱鳥 | |
2738 | calendar-japanese | era | [004]-Abbr | Taihō | 大宝 | |
2739 | calendar-japanese | era | [005]-Abbr | Keiun | 慶雲 | |
2740 | calendar-japanese | era | [006]-Abbr | Wadō | 和銅 | |
2741 | calendar-japanese | era | [007]-Abbr | Reiki | 霊亀 | |
2742 | calendar-japanese | era | [008]-Abbr | Yōrō | 養老 | |
2743 | calendar-japanese | era | [009]-Abbr | Jinki | 神亀 | |
2744 | calendar-japanese | era | [010]-Abbr | Tempyō | 天平 | |
2745 | calendar-japanese | era | [011]-Abbr | Tempyō-kampō | 天平感宝 | |
2746 | calendar-japanese | era | [012]-Abbr | Tempyō-shōhō | 天平勝宝 | |
2747 | calendar-japanese | era | [013]-Abbr | Tempyō-hōji | 天平宝字 | |
2748 | calendar-japanese | era | [014]-Abbr | Temphō-jingo | 天平神護 | |
2749 | calendar-japanese | era | [015]-Abbr | Jingo-keiun | 神護景雲 | |
2750 | calendar-japanese | era | [016]-Abbr | Hōki | 宝亀 | |
2751 | calendar-japanese | era | [017]-Abbr | Ten-ō | 天応 | |
2752 | calendar-japanese | era | [018]-Abbr | Enryaku | 延暦 | |
2753 | calendar-japanese | era | [019]-Abbr | Daidō | 大同 | |
2754 | calendar-japanese | era | [020]-Abbr | Kōnin | 弘仁 | |
2755 | calendar-japanese | era | [021]-Abbr | Tenchō | 天長 | |
2756 | calendar-japanese | era | [022]-Abbr | Shōwa | 承和 | |
2757 | calendar-japanese | era | [023]-Abbr | Kajō | 嘉祥 | |
2758 | calendar-japanese | era | [024]-Abbr | Ninju | 仁寿 | |
2759 | calendar-japanese | era | [025]-Abbr | Saiko | 斉衡 | |
2760 | calendar-japanese | era | [026]-Abbr | Tennan | 天安 | |
2761 | calendar-japanese | era | [027]-Abbr | Jōgan | 貞観 | |
2762 | calendar-japanese | era | [028]-Abbr | Genkei | 元慶 | |
2763 | calendar-japanese | era | [029]-Abbr | Ninna | 仁和 | |
2764 | calendar-japanese | era | [030]-Abbr | Kampyō | 寛平 | |
2765 | calendar-japanese | era | [031]-Abbr | Shōtai | 昌泰 | |
2766 | calendar-japanese | era | [032]-Abbr | Engi | 延喜 | |
2767 | calendar-japanese | era | [033]-Abbr | Enchō | 延長 | |
2768 | calendar-japanese | era | [034]-Abbr | Shōhei | 承平 | |
2769 | calendar-japanese | era | [035]-Abbr | Tengyō | 天慶 | |
2770 | calendar-japanese | era | [036]-Abbr | Tenryaku | 天暦 | |
2771 | calendar-japanese | era | [037]-Abbr | Tentoku | 天徳 | |
2772 | calendar-japanese | era | [038]-Abbr | Ōwa | 応和 | |
2773 | calendar-japanese | era | [039]-Abbr | Kōhō | 康保 | |
2774 | calendar-japanese | era | [040]-Abbr | Anna | 安和 | |
2775 | calendar-japanese | era | [041]-Abbr | Tenroku | 天禄 | |
2776 | calendar-japanese | era | [042]-Abbr | Ten-en | 天延 | |
2777 | calendar-japanese | era | [043]-Abbr | Jōgen | 貞元 | |
2778 | calendar-japanese | era | [044]-Abbr | Tengen | 天元 | |
2779 | calendar-japanese | era | [045]-Abbr | Eikan | 永観 | |
2780 | calendar-japanese | era | [046]-Abbr | Kanna | 寛和 | |
2781 | calendar-japanese | era | [047]-Abbr | Ei-en | 永延 | |
2782 | calendar-japanese | era | [048]-Abbr | Eiso | 永祚 | |
2783 | calendar-japanese | era | [049]-Abbr | Shōryaku | 正暦 | |
2784 | calendar-japanese | era | [050]-Abbr | Chōtoku | 長徳 | |
2785 | calendar-japanese | era | [051]-Abbr | Chōhō | 長保 | |
2786 | calendar-japanese | era | [052]-Abbr | Kankō | 寛弘 | |
2787 | calendar-japanese | era | [053]-Abbr | Chōwa | 長和 | |
2788 | calendar-japanese | era | [054]-Abbr | Kannin | 寛仁 | |
2789 | calendar-japanese | era | [055]-Abbr | Jian | 治安 | |
2790 | calendar-japanese | era | [056]-Abbr | Manju | 万寿 | |
2791 | calendar-japanese | era | [057]-Abbr | Chōgen | 長元 | |
2792 | calendar-japanese | era | [058]-Abbr | Chōryaku | 長暦 | |
2793 | calendar-japanese | era | [059]-Abbr | Chōkyū | 長久 | |
2794 | calendar-japanese | era | [060]-Abbr | Kantoku | 寛徳 | |
2795 | calendar-japanese | era | [061]-Abbr | Eishō | 永承 | |
2796 | calendar-japanese | era | [062]-Abbr | Tengi | 天喜 | |
2797 | calendar-japanese | era | [063]-Abbr | Kōhei | 康平 | |
2798 | calendar-japanese | era | [064]-Abbr | Jiryaku | 治暦 | |
2799 | calendar-japanese | era | [065]-Abbr | Enkyū | 延久 | |
2800 | calendar-japanese | era | [066]-Abbr | Shōho | 承保 | |
2801 | calendar-japanese | era | [067]-Abbr | Shōryaku | 承暦 | |
2802 | calendar-japanese | era | [068]-Abbr | Eiho | 永保 | |
2803 | calendar-japanese | era | [069]-Abbr | Ōtoku | 応徳 | |
2804 | calendar-japanese | era | [070]-Abbr | Kanji | 寛治 | |
2805 | calendar-japanese | era | [071]-Abbr | Kaho | 嘉保 | |
2806 | calendar-japanese | era | [072]-Abbr | Eichō | 永長 | |
2807 | calendar-japanese | era | [073]-Abbr | Shōtoku | 承徳 | |
2808 | calendar-japanese | era | [074]-Abbr | Kōwa | 康和 | |
2809 | calendar-japanese | era | [075]-Abbr | Chōji | 長治 | |
2810 | calendar-japanese | era | [076]-Abbr | Kashō | 嘉承 | |
2811 | calendar-japanese | era | [077]-Abbr | Tennin | 天仁 | |
2812 | calendar-japanese | era | [078]-Abbr | Ten-ei | 天永 | |
2813 | calendar-japanese | era | [079]-Abbr | Eikyū | 永久 | |
2814 | calendar-japanese | era | [080]-Abbr | Gen-ei | 元永 | |
2815 | calendar-japanese | era | [081]-Abbr | Hoan | 保安 | |
2816 | calendar-japanese | era | [082]-Abbr | Tenji | 天治 | |
2817 | calendar-japanese | era | [083]-Abbr | Daiji | 大治 | |
2818 | calendar-japanese | era | [084]-Abbr | Tenshō | 天承 | |
2819 | calendar-japanese | era | [085]-Abbr | Chōshō | 長承 | |
2820 | calendar-japanese | era | [086]-Abbr | Hoen | 保延 | |
2821 | calendar-japanese | era | [087]-Abbr | Eiji | 永治 | |
2822 | calendar-japanese | era | [088]-Abbr | Kōji | 康治 | |
2823 | calendar-japanese | era | [089]-Abbr | Tenyō | 天養 | |
2824 | calendar-japanese | era | [090]-Abbr | Kyūan | 久安 | |
2825 | calendar-japanese | era | [091]-Abbr | Ninpei | 仁平 | |
2826 | calendar-japanese | era | [092]-Abbr | Kyūju | 久寿 | |
2827 | calendar-japanese | era | [093]-Abbr | Hogen | 保元 | |
2828 | calendar-japanese | era | [094]-Abbr | Heiji | 平治 | |
2829 | calendar-japanese | era | [095]-Abbr | Eiryaku | 永暦 | |
2830 | calendar-japanese | era | [096]-Abbr | Ōho | 応保 | |
2831 | calendar-japanese | era | [097]-Abbr | Chōkan | 長寛 | |
2832 | calendar-japanese | era | [098]-Abbr | Eiman | 永万 | |
2833 | calendar-japanese | era | [099]-Abbr | Nin-an | 仁安 | |
2834 | calendar-japanese | era | [100]-Abbr | Kaō | 嘉応 | |
2835 | calendar-japanese | era | [101]-Abbr | Shōan | 承安 | |
2836 | calendar-japanese | era | [102]-Abbr | Angen | 安元 | |
2837 | calendar-japanese | era | [103]-Abbr | Jishō | 治承 | |
2838 | calendar-japanese | era | [104]-Abbr | Yōwa | 養和 | |
2839 | calendar-japanese | era | [105]-Abbr | Juei | 寿永 | |
2840 | calendar-japanese | era | [106]-Abbr | Genryuku | 元暦 | |
2841 | calendar-japanese | era | [107]-Abbr | Bunji | 文治 | |
2842 | calendar-japanese | era | [108]-Abbr | Kenkyū | 建久 | |
2843 | calendar-japanese | era | [109]-Abbr | Shōji | 正治 | |
2844 | calendar-japanese | era | [110]-Abbr | Kennin | 建仁 | |
2845 | calendar-japanese | era | [111]-Abbr | Genkyū | 元久 | |
2846 | calendar-japanese | era | [112]-Abbr | Ken-ei | 建永 | |
2847 | calendar-japanese | era | [113]-Abbr | Shōgen | 承元 | |
2848 | calendar-japanese | era | [114]-Abbr | Kenryaku | 建暦 | |
2849 | calendar-japanese | era | [115]-Abbr | Kenpō | 建保 | |
2850 | calendar-japanese | era | [116]-Abbr | Shōkyū | 承久 | |
2851 | calendar-japanese | era | [117]-Abbr | Jōō | 貞応 | |
2852 | calendar-japanese | era | [118]-Abbr | Gennin | 元仁 | |
2853 | calendar-japanese | era | [119]-Abbr | Karoku | 嘉禄 | |
2854 | calendar-japanese | era | [120]-Abbr | Antei | 安貞 | |
2855 | calendar-japanese | era | [121]-Abbr | Kanki | 寛喜 | |
2856 | calendar-japanese | era | [122]-Abbr | Jōei | 貞永 | |
2857 | calendar-japanese | era | [123]-Abbr | Tempuku | 天福 | |
2858 | calendar-japanese | era | [124]-Abbr | Bunryaku | 文暦 | |
2859 | calendar-japanese | era | [125]-Abbr | Katei | 嘉禎 | |
2860 | calendar-japanese | era | [126]-Abbr | Ryakunin | 暦仁 | |
2861 | calendar-japanese | era | [127]-Abbr | En-ō | 延応 | |
2862 | calendar-japanese | era | [128]-Abbr | Ninji | 仁治 | |
2863 | calendar-japanese | era | [129]-Abbr | Kangen | 寛元 | |
2864 | calendar-japanese | era | [130]-Abbr | Hōji | 宝治 | |
2865 | calendar-japanese | era | [131]-Abbr | Kenchō | 建長 | |
2866 | calendar-japanese | era | [132]-Abbr | Kōgen | 康元 | |
2867 | calendar-japanese | era | [133]-Abbr | Shōka | 正嘉 | |
2868 | calendar-japanese | era | [134]-Abbr | Shōgen | 正元 | |
2869 | calendar-japanese | era | [135]-Abbr | Bun-ō | 文応 | |
2870 | calendar-japanese | era | [136]-Abbr | Kōchō | 弘長 | |
2871 | calendar-japanese | era | [137]-Abbr | Bun-ei | 文永 | |
2872 | calendar-japanese | era | [138]-Abbr | Kenji | 建治 | |
2873 | calendar-japanese | era | [139]-Abbr | Kōan | 弘安 | |
2874 | calendar-japanese | era | [140]-Abbr | Shōō | 正応 | |
2875 | calendar-japanese | era | [141]-Abbr | Einin | 永仁 | |
2876 | calendar-japanese | era | [142]-Abbr | Shōan | 正安 | |
2877 | calendar-japanese | era | [143]-Abbr | Kengen | 乾元 | |
2878 | calendar-japanese | era | [144]-Abbr | Kagen | 嘉元 | |
2879 | calendar-japanese | era | [145]-Abbr | Tokuji | 徳治 | |
2880 | calendar-japanese | era | [146]-Abbr | Enkei | 延慶 | |
2881 | calendar-japanese | era | [147]-Abbr | Ōchō | 応長 | |
2882 | calendar-japanese | era | [148]-Abbr | Shōwa | 正和 | |
2883 | calendar-japanese | era | [149]-Abbr | Bunpō | 文保 | |
2884 | calendar-japanese | era | [150]-Abbr | Genō | 元応 | |
2885 | calendar-japanese | era | [151]-Abbr | Genkyō | 元亨 | |
2886 | calendar-japanese | era | [152]-Abbr | Shōchū | 正中 | |
2887 | calendar-japanese | era | [153]-Abbr | Kareki | 嘉暦 | |
2888 | calendar-japanese | era | [154]-Abbr | Gentoku | 元徳 | |
2889 | calendar-japanese | era | [155]-Abbr | Genkō | 元弘 | |
2890 | calendar-japanese | era | [156]-Abbr | Kemmu | 建武 | |
2891 | calendar-japanese | era | [157]-Abbr | Engen | 延元 | |
2892 | calendar-japanese | era | [158]-Abbr | Kōkoku | 興国 | |
2893 | calendar-japanese | era | [159]-Abbr | Shōhei | 正平 | |
2894 | calendar-japanese | era | [160]-Abbr | Kentoku | 建徳 | |
2895 | calendar-japanese | era | [161]-Abbr | Bunchũ | 文中 | |
2896 | calendar-japanese | era | [162]-Abbr | Tenju | 天授 | |
2897 | calendar-japanese | era | [163]-Abbr | Kōryaku | 康暦 | |
2898 | calendar-japanese | era | [164]-Abbr | Kōwa | 弘和 | |
2899 | calendar-japanese | era | [165]-Abbr | Genchũ | 元中 | |
2900 | calendar-japanese | era | [166]-Abbr | Meitoku | 至徳 | |
2901 | calendar-japanese | era | [167]-Abbr | Kakei | 嘉慶 | |
2902 | calendar-japanese | era | [168]-Abbr | Kōō | 康応 | |
2903 | calendar-japanese | era | [169]-Abbr | Meitoku | 明徳 | |
2904 | calendar-japanese | era | [170]-Abbr | Ōei | 応永 | |
2905 | calendar-japanese | era | [171]-Abbr | Shōchō | 正長 | |
2906 | calendar-japanese | era | [172]-Abbr | Eikyō | 永享 | |
2907 | calendar-japanese | era | [173]-Abbr | Kakitsu | 嘉吉 | |
2908 | calendar-japanese | era | [174]-Abbr | Bun-an | 文安 | |
2909 | calendar-japanese | era | [175]-Abbr | Hōtoku | 宝徳 | |
2910 | calendar-japanese | era | [176]-Abbr | Kyōtoku | 享徳 | |
2911 | calendar-japanese | era | [177]-Abbr | Kōshō | 康正 | |
2912 | calendar-japanese | era | [178]-Abbr | Chōroku | 長禄 | |
2913 | calendar-japanese | era | [179]-Abbr | Kanshō | 寛正 | |
2914 | calendar-japanese | era | [180]-Abbr | Bunshō | 文正 | |
2915 | calendar-japanese | era | [181]-Abbr | Ōnin | 応仁 | |
2916 | calendar-japanese | era | [182]-Abbr | Bunmei | 文明 | |
2917 | calendar-japanese | era | [183]-Abbr | Chōkyō | 長享 | |
2918 | calendar-japanese | era | [184]-Abbr | Entoku | 延徳 | |
2919 | calendar-japanese | era | [185]-Abbr | Meiō | 明応 | |
2920 | calendar-japanese | era | [186]-Abbr | Bunki | 文亀 | |
2921 | calendar-japanese | era | [187]-Abbr | Eishō | 永正 | |
2922 | calendar-japanese | era | [188]-Abbr | Taiei | 大永 | |
2923 | calendar-japanese | era | [189]-Abbr | Kyōroku | 享禄 | |
2924 | calendar-japanese | era | [190]-Abbr | Tenmon | 天文 | |
2925 | calendar-japanese | era | [191]-Abbr | Kōji | 弘治 | |
2926 | calendar-japanese | era | [192]-Abbr | Eiroku | 永禄 | |
2927 | calendar-japanese | era | [193]-Abbr | Genki | 元亀 | |
2928 | calendar-japanese | era | [194]-Abbr | Tenshō | 天正 | |
2929 | calendar-japanese | era | [195]-Abbr | Bunroku | 文禄 | |
2930 | calendar-japanese | era | [196]-Abbr | Keichō | 慶長 | |
2931 | calendar-japanese | era | [197]-Abbr | Genwa | 元和 | |
2932 | calendar-japanese | era | [198]-Abbr | Kan-ei | 寛永 | |
2933 | calendar-japanese | era | [199]-Abbr | Shōho | 正保 | |
2934 | calendar-japanese | era | [200]-Abbr | Keian | 慶安 | |
2935 | calendar-japanese | era | [201]-Abbr | Shōō | 承応 | |
2936 | calendar-japanese | era | [202]-Abbr | Meiryaku | 明暦 | |
2937 | calendar-japanese | era | [203]-Abbr | Manji | 万治 | |
2938 | calendar-japanese | era | [204]-Abbr | Kanbun | 寛文 | |
2939 | calendar-japanese | era | [205]-Abbr | Enpō | 延宝 | |
2940 | calendar-japanese | era | [206]-Abbr | Tenwa | 天和 | |
2941 | calendar-japanese | era | [207]-Abbr | Jōkyō | 貞享 | |
2942 | calendar-japanese | era | [208]-Abbr | Genroku | 元禄 | |
2943 | calendar-japanese | era | [209]-Abbr | Hōei | 宝永 | |
2944 | calendar-japanese | era | [210]-Abbr | Shōtoku | 正徳 | |
2945 | calendar-japanese | era | [211]-Abbr | Kyōhō | 享保 | |
2946 | calendar-japanese | era | [212]-Abbr | Genbun | 元文 | |
2947 | calendar-japanese | era | [213]-Abbr | Kanpō | 寛保 | |
2948 | calendar-japanese | era | [214]-Abbr | Enkyō | 延享 | |
2949 | calendar-japanese | era | [215]-Abbr | Kan-en | 寛延 | |
2950 | calendar-japanese | era | [216]-Abbr | Hōryaku | 宝暦 | |
2951 | calendar-japanese | era | [217]-Abbr | Meiwa | 明和 | |
2952 | calendar-japanese | era | [218]-Abbr | An-ei | 安永 | |
2953 | calendar-japanese | era | [219]-Abbr | Tenmei | 天明 | |
2954 | calendar-japanese | era | [220]-Abbr | Kansei | 寛政 | |
2955 | calendar-japanese | era | [221]-Abbr | Kyōwa | 享和 | |
2956 | calendar-japanese | era | [222]-Abbr | Bunka | 文化 | |
2957 | calendar-japanese | era | [223]-Abbr | Bunsei | 文政 | |
2958 | calendar-japanese | era | [224]-Abbr | Tenpō | 天保 | |
2959 | calendar-japanese | era | [225]-Abbr | Kōka | 弘化 | |
2960 | calendar-japanese | era | [226]-Abbr | Kaei | 嘉永 | |
2961 | calendar-japanese | era | [227]-Abbr | Ansei | 安政 | |
2962 | calendar-japanese | era | [228]-Abbr | Man-en | 万延 | |
2963 | calendar-japanese | era | [229]-Abbr | Bunkyū | 文久 | |
2964 | calendar-japanese | era | [230]-Abbr | Genji | 元治 | |
2965 | calendar-japanese | era | [231]-Abbr | Keiō | 慶応 | |
2966 | calendar-japanese | era | [232]-Abbr | Meiji | 明治 | |
2967 | calendar-japanese | era | [232]-Narrow | = | M | |
2968 | calendar-japanese | era | [233]-Abbr | Taishō | 大正 | |
2969 | calendar-japanese | era | [233]-Narrow | = | T | |
2970 | calendar-japanese | era | [234]-Abbr | Shōwa | 昭和 | |
2971 | calendar-japanese | era | [234]-Narrow | = | S | |
2972 | calendar-japanese | era | [235]-Abbr | Heisei | 平成 | |
2973 | calendar-japanese | era | [235]-Narrow | = | H | |
2974 | calendar-japanese | pattern | date-full | EEEE, MMMM d, y G | Gy年M月d日EEEE | |
2975 | calendar-japanese | pattern | date-long | MMMM d, y G | Gy年M月d日 | |
2976 | calendar-japanese | pattern | date-medium | MMM d, y G | Gyy/MM/dd | |
2977 | calendar-japanese | pattern | date-short | M/d/yy | Gyy/MM/dd | |
2978 | calendar-japanese | pattern | date+time | = | {1} {0} | |
2979 | calendar-japanese | pattern | other-Ed | E d | d日(EEE) | |
2980 | calendar-japanese | pattern | other-H | = | H | |
2981 | calendar-japanese | pattern | other-Hm | = | HH:mm | |
2982 | calendar-japanese | pattern | other-Hms | = | HH:mm:ss | |
2983 | calendar-japanese | pattern | other-Md | = | M-d | |
2984 | calendar-japanese | pattern | other-MMMEd | E MMM d | M月d日(EEE) | |
2985 | calendar-japanese | pattern | other-MMMMd | = | MMMM d | |
2986 | calendar-japanese | pattern | other-ms | = | mm:ss | |
2987 | calendar-japanese | pattern | other-y | yyyy GGG | Gy年 | |
2988 | calendar-japanese | pattern | other-yM | = | GGGGG yy-MM | |
2989 | calendar-japanese | pattern | other-yMMM | = | GGGGG yy MMM | |
2990 | calendar-japanese | pattern | other-yQ | = | GGGGG yy Q | |
2991 | calendar-japanese | pattern | other-yyMM | n/a | Gyy/MM | |
2992 | calendar-japanese | pattern | other-yyMMM | n/a | Gy年M月 | |
2993 | calendar-japanese | pattern | other-yyQ | n/a | Gyy/Q | |
2994 | calendar-japanese | pattern | other-yyyy | n/a | Gy年 | |
2995 | calendar-japanese | pattern | others-append-Day | = | {0} ({2}: {1}) | |
2996 | calendar-japanese | pattern | others-append-Day-Of-Week | = | {0} {1} | |
2997 | calendar-japanese | pattern | others-append-Era | = | {0} {1} | |
2998 | calendar-japanese | pattern | others-append-Hour | = | {0} ({2}: {1}) | |
2999 | calendar-japanese | pattern | others-append-Minute | = | {0} ({2}: {1}) | |
3000 | calendar-japanese | pattern | others-append-Month | = | {0} ({2}: {1}) | |
3001 | calendar-japanese | pattern | others-append-Quarter | = | {0} ({2}: {1}) | |
3002 | calendar-japanese | pattern | others-append-Second | = | {0} ({2}: {1}) | |
3003 | calendar-japanese | pattern | others-append-Timezone | = | {0} {1} | |
3004 | calendar-japanese | pattern | others-append-Week | = | {0} ({2}: {1}) | |
3005 | calendar-japanese | pattern | others-append-Year | = | {0} {1} | |
3006 | calendar-japanese | pattern | time-long | h:mm:ss a z | HH:mm:ssz | d |
3007 | calendar-persian | day-period | am | = | AM | |
3008 | calendar-persian | day-period | pm | = | PM | |
3009 | calendar-persian | era | [000]-Abbr | = | AP | |
3010 | calendar-persian | month | [01]-format-wide | = | Farvardin | |
3011 | calendar-persian | month | [01]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 1 | |
3012 | calendar-persian | month | [02]-format-wide | = | Ordibehesht | |
3013 | calendar-persian | month | [02]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 2 | |
3014 | calendar-persian | month | [03]-format-wide | = | Khordad | |
3015 | calendar-persian | month | [03]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 3 | |
3016 | calendar-persian | month | [04]-format-wide | = | Tir | |
3017 | calendar-persian | month | [04]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 4 | |
3018 | calendar-persian | month | [05]-format-wide | = | Mordad | |
3019 | calendar-persian | month | [05]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 5 | |
3020 | calendar-persian | month | [06]-format-wide | = | Shahrivar | |
3021 | calendar-persian | month | [06]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 6 | |
3022 | calendar-persian | month | [07]-format-wide | = | Mehr | |
3023 | calendar-persian | month | [07]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 7 | |
3024 | calendar-persian | month | [08]-format-wide | = | Aban | |
3025 | calendar-persian | month | [08]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 8 | |
3026 | calendar-persian | month | [09]-format-wide | = | Azar | |
3027 | calendar-persian | month | [09]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 9 | |
3028 | calendar-persian | month | [10]-format-wide | = | Dey | |
3029 | calendar-persian | month | [10]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 10 | |
3030 | calendar-persian | month | [11]-format-wide | = | Bahman | |
3031 | calendar-persian | month | [11]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 11 | |
3032 | calendar-persian | month | [12]-format-wide | = | Esfand | |
3033 | calendar-persian | month | [12]-stand-alone-narrow | = | 12 | |
3034 | calendar-persian | month | default-format | = | [choice=wide] | |
3035 | calendar-roc | day-period | am | = | AM | |
3036 | calendar-roc | day-period | pm | = | PM | |
3037 | calendar-roc | era | [000]-Abbr | Before R.O.C. | 民国前 | |
3038 | calendar-roc | era | [001]-Abbr | R.O.C. | 民国 | |
3039 | calendar-roc | pattern | date-full | EEEE, MMMM d, G y | Gy年M月d日EEEE | |
3040 | calendar-roc | pattern | date-long | MMMM d, G y | Gy年M月d日EEEE | |
3041 | calendar-roc | pattern | date-medium | MMM d, G y | Gyy/MM/dd(EE) | |
3042 | calendar-roc | pattern | date-short | G y/M/d | Gyy/MM/dd(E) | |