module Hyperstack module Internal module State # State::Mapper bidirectionally maps observers to objects during a rendering cycle. # Observers: Any object that responds to the `mutations` method can become # an observer by calling Mapper.observing. # State Objects: any object can be observed by calling the observed! method, and # an object indicates that it has changed state by calling the mutated! method, # which will notify all observers via their mutations methods. # During each rendering cycle a list of objects observed during rendering # is built called new_objects. # At the end of the rendering cycle new_objects becomes current_objects, and # its inverse called current_observers. # When mutated! is called, the current_observers list is used to find the list of # observers. # Typically mutated! is called during some javascript event, and we will want to # delay notification until the event handler has completed execution. module Mapper @rendering_level = 0 class << self # Entry Points: # observing setup an observer # observed! indicate an object has been observed # mutated! indicate an object has been mutated # observed? has this object been observed? # bulk_update prevent notifications until the event completes # update_objects_to_observe called at end of each rendering cycle # remove called when a component unmounts # Observers wrap code in observe. Any calls # made to the public entry points will then know which # observer is executing, along with whether this is the # outer most component, and whether to delay or handle state # changes immediately. # Once the observer's block completes execution, the # context instance variables are restored. def observing(observer, immediate_update, rendering, update_objects) saved_context = [@current_observer, @immediate_update] @current_observer = observer @immediate_update = immediate_update && observer if rendering @rendering_level += 1 observed!(observer) observed!(observer.class) end return_value = yield update_objects_to_observe(observer) if update_objects return_value ensure @current_observer, @immediate_update = saved_context @rendering_level -= 1 if rendering return_value end # called when an object has been observed (i.e. read) by somebody def observed!(object) return unless @current_observer new_objects[@current_observer] << object return unless update_exclusions[object] update_exclusions[object] << @current_observer end # Called when an object has been mutated. # Depending on the state of StateContext we will either # schedule the update notification for later, immediately # notify any observers, or do nothing. def mutated!(object) return if @ignore_mutations if delay_updates?(object) schedule_delayed_updater(object) elsif current_observers[object].each do |observer| observer.mutations([object]) end if current_observers.key? object end end # Check to see if an object has been observed. def observed?(object) # we don't want to unnecessarily create a reference to ourselves # in the current_observers hash so we just look for the key. current_observers.key?(object)# && current_observers[object].any? end # Code can be wrapped in the bulk_update method, and # notifications of any mutations that occur during # the yield will be scheduled for after the current # event finishes. def bulk_update saved_bulk_update_flag = @bulk_update_flag @bulk_update_flag = true yield ensure @bulk_update_flag = saved_bulk_update_flag end def ignore_mutations saved_ignore_mutations_flag = @ignore_mutations @ignore_mutations = true yield ensure @ignore_mutations = saved_ignore_mutations_flag end # Call after each component updates. (in the after_update/after_mount callbacks) # During the rendering cycle the observers and objects are held in the # current_observers and current_objects hashes, which are just inverses of each # so that current_observers can be accessed via objects, and current_objects can be # accessed by observers. # While rendering is going on, observers may add new objects to the new_objects list # When rendering completes we clear the current observers and objects lists, and # the new_objects list gets transferred in to current_objects and current_observers # and the process repeats. # When an event triggers a state change the current_objects list is used to determine # what observers (components) need to be updated. Note that the new_objects during this # phase is still empty, and that is why we need two lists. # TODO: see if we can get rid of all this and simply calling # remove_current_observers_and_objects at the START of each components rendering # cycle (i.e. before_mount and before_update) def update_objects_to_observe(observer = @current_observer) remove_current_observers_and_objects(observer) objects = new_objects.delete(observer) objects.each { |object| current_observers[object] << observer } if objects current_objects[observer] = objects end # call remove before unmounting components to prevent stray events # from being sent to unmounted components. def remove(observer = @current_observer) remove_current_observers_and_objects(observer) new_objects.delete observer # see run_delayed_updater for the purpose of @removed_observers @removed_observers << observer if @removed_observers end # Internal (Private) Methods # These four hashes track the current relationship between # observers and observable objects # new_objects are added as the @current_observer reads # an objects state def new_objects @new_objects ||= { |h, k| h[k] = } end # at the end of the rendering cycle the new_objects are # processed into a list of observers indexed by objects... def current_observers @current_observers ||= { |h, k| h[k] = [] } end # and a list of objects indexed by observers def current_objects @current_objects ||= { |h, k| h[k] = [] } end # Normally notification of changes to state are queued up # and will be run after the event has completed processing. # Then each observer is notified of the states that changed # during the event. The observers may then begin reading # state before the notification has completed. To prevent # redundant notifications in this case, a list of observers # indexed by objects is kept in the update_exclusions hash. # We avoid keeping empty lists of observers on the exclusion # lists by not adding an object hash key unless the object # already has pending state changes. (See the # schedule_delayed_updater method below) def update_exclusions @update_exclusions ||= end # remove_current_observers_and_objects clears the hashes between renders def remove_current_observers_and_objects(observer) raise 'state management called outside of watch block' unless observer deleted_objects = current_objects.delete(observer) return unless deleted_objects deleted_objects.each do |object| # to allow for GC we never want objects hanging around as keys in # the current_observers hash, so we tread carefully here. next unless current_observers.key? object current_observers[object].delete(observer) current_observers.delete object if current_observers[object].empty? end end # determine if updates should be delayed. # always delay updates if the bulk_update_flag is set # otherwise delayed updates only occurs if # Hyperstack.on_client? is true WITH ONE EXCEPTION: # observers can indicate that they need immediate updates in # case that the object being updated is themselves. def delay_updates?(object) @bulk_update_flag || (Hyperstack.on_client? && (@immediate_update != @current_observer || @current_observer != object)) end # schedule_delayed_updater adds a new set to the # update_exclusions hash (indexed by object) then makes # sure that the updater is scheduled to run as soon as the current # event completes. # the update_exclusions hash tells us two things. First any object that # is a key in the hash has been changed, but the notification of the change # has been delayed. Secondly the associated Set will contain a list of observers # that have already read the current state, between the time # schedule_delayed_updater has been called, and the updater runs. These # observers don't need notification since they already know the current state. # If an object changes state again then the Set will be reinitialized, and all # the observers that might have been on a previous exclusion list, will now be # notified. def schedule_delayed_updater(object) update_exclusions[object] = @delayed_updater ||= after(0) { run_delayed_updater } end # run_delayed_updater will call the mutations method for each observer passing # the entire list of objects that changed while waiting for the delay except # those that the observer has already seen (the exclusion list). The observers # mutation method may cause some other observer already on the observers_to_update # list to be removed. To prevent these observers from receiving mutations we keep a # temporary set of removed_observers. This is initialized before the mutations, # and then cleared as soon as we are done. def run_delayed_updater current_update_exclusions = @update_exclusions @update_exclusions = @delayed_updater = nil @removed_observers = observers_to_update(current_update_exclusions).each do |observer, objects| observer.mutations objects unless @removed_observers.include? observer end ensure @removed_observers = nil end # observers_to_update returns a hash with observers as keys, and lists of objects # as values. The hash is built by filtering the current_observers list # including only observers that have mutated objects, that are not on the exclusion # list. def observers_to_update(exclusions) { |hash, key| hash[key] = }.tap do |updates| exclusions.each do |object, excluded_observers| current_observers[object].each do |observer| next if excluded_observers.include?(observer) updates[observer] << object end if current_observers.key? object end end end end end end end end