jruby.standalone <%= webxml.standalone %> <% if !webxml.standalone && webxml.jruby_home %> jruby.home <%= webxml.jruby_home %> <% end %> rails.root /WEB-INF rails.env <%= webxml.rails_env || 'production' %> <% webxml.pool.marshal_dump.each do |k,v| %> jruby.pool.<%= k %> <%= v %> <% end %> files.default rails The files servlet should forward to the rails servlet if no file could be found files.prefix Prefix added to static files org.jruby.webapp.RailsContextListener rails org.jruby.webapp.RailsServlet files org.jruby.webapp.FileServlet <%= webxml.servlet_name || 'files' %> / <% if webxml.jndi %> <%= webxml.jndi %> javax.sql.DataSource Container <% end %>