# # = Using Ruby/GSL # == {}[link:index.html"name="1] Installation # See {here}[link:files/rdoc/index_rdoc.html]. # # == {}[link:index.html"name="2] Load the library # Put at the head of your scripts, # # require 'rubygems' # if installed via RubyGems # require 'gsl' # # == {}[link:index.html"name="3] Naming conventions, C Structs and Ruby Classes # # Most of the GSL data types, functions or constants are named as gsl_xxx or GSL_XXX. # In Ruby/GSL, the prefix gsl_ is replaced by the module identifier GSL::, # where GSL is the top level module of Ruby/GSL, # and the Ruby classes are defined for each of the GSL C structs under the GSL module. # According to the Ruby manner, the name of each class begins with a capital. For example, # # * Struct gsl_vector ---> Ruby class GSL::Vector # * Function call as v = gsl_vector_alloc(5); ---> Class method v = GSL::Vector.alloc(5) # * Function call as gsl_vector_set(v, i, 1.5); ---> Method v.set(i, 1.5) or v[i] = 1.5 # * Constant GSL_SUCCESS ---> Ruby module constant GSL::SUCCESS # * Function gsl_sf_bessel_J0(x) ---> # * Submodule GSL::Sf # * Module function GSL::Sf::bessel_J0(x) # * GSL::Sf::Bessel::J0(x) is also OK, where J0(x) is a module function of the sub-sub-module GSL::Sf::Bessel. # * Function gsl_linalg_LU_decomp ---> # * Module GSL::Linalg::LU # * Singleton method GSL::Linalg::LU_decomp # * Submodule GSL::Linalg::LU # * Singleton method GSL::Linalg::LU.decomp # * Method GSL::Matrix#LU_decomp # # == {}[link:index.html"name="4] Examples # See the directories "examples/" and "tests/". # # Some of the examples use the graph utility to show the results. The graph # utility is included in the {GNU plotutils}[http://www.gnu.org/software/plotutils/plotutils.html"target="_top] package. Windows-cygwin binaries of GNU plotutils and # related packages are available from # {here}[http://rustam.uwp.edu/support"target="_top]. # # == {}[link:index.html"name="5] Modules and Classes # The following is the list of Ruby/GSL modules and classes, () # # * GSL (Module) # * Complex (Class) # * Poly (Class) # * Workspace (Class) # * DividedDifferenceRepresentation (Class) # * Taylor (Class) # * Sf (Module) # * Result (Class) # * Block (Class) # * Int (Class) # * Byte (Class) # * Index < Permutation # * Vector (Class) # * View < Vector # * Complex (Class) # * View < Vector::Complex # * Matrix (Class) # * View < Matrix (Class) # * Complex (Class) # * View < Matrix::Complex # * Permutation (Class) # * Combination (Class) # * Linalg (Module) # * LU (Module) # * QR (Module) # * QRPT (Module) # * LQ (Module) # * LQPT (Module) # * SV (Module) # * Cholesky (Module) # * Symmtd (Module) # * HH (Module) # * Eigen (Module) # * EigenValues < Vector # * EigenVectors < Matrix # * Symm (Module) # * Workspace (Class) # * Symmv (Module) # * Workspace (Class) # * Unsymm (Module) # * Workspace (Class) # * Unsymmv (Module) # * Workspace (Class) # * Herm (Module) # * Workspace (Class) # * Hermv (Module) # * Workspace (Class) # * FFT (Module) # * ComplexWavetable (Class) # * ComplexWorkspace (Class) # * HalfComplexWavetable (Class) # * RealWavetable (Class) # * RealWorkspace (Class) # * Wavelet (Class) # * Wavelet2d < Wavelet # * Function (Class) # * Function_fdf (Class) # * Integration (Module) # * Workspace # * QAWS_Table # * QAWO_Table # * Rng (Class) # * QRng (Class) # * Ran (Module) # * Stats (Module) # * Histogram (Class) # * Integral < Histogram # * Pdf (Class) # * Histogram2d (Class) # * N-tuples # * SelectFn (Class) # * ValueFn (Class) # * Monte (Module) # * Function (Class) # * Plain (Class) # * Miser (Class) # * Vegas (Class) # * Siman (Module) # * Efunc (Class) # * Step (Class) # * Metric (Class) # * Print (Class) # * Params (Class) # * Solver (Class) # * Odeiv (Module) # * Control (Class) # * Evolve (Class) # * System (Class) # * Solver (Class) # * Interp (Class) # * Accel (Class) # * Spline (Class) # * Diff (Module) # * Deriv (Module) # * Cheb (Class) # * Sum (Module) # * Levin_u (Class) # * Levin_utrunc (Class) # * Dht (Class) # * Root (Module) # * Solver (Class) # * FdfSolver (Class) # * Min(Module) # * FMinimizer (Class) # * MultiRoot (Module) # * Function (Class) # * FSolver (Class) # * Function_fdf (Class) # * FdfSolver (Class) # * MultiMin (Module) # * Function (Class) # * FMinimizer (Class) # * Function_fdf (Class) # * FdfMinimizer (Class) # * Fit (Module) # * MultiFit (Module) # * Workspace (Class) # * Solver (Class) # * Function_fdf (Class) # * FdfSolver (Class) # * CONST (Module) # * MKSA (Module) # * CGSM (Module) # * NUM (Module) # # {prev}[link:files/rdoc/intro_rdoc.html] # {next}[link:files/rdoc/ehandling_rdoc.html] # # {Reference index}[link:files/rdoc/ref_rdoc.html] # {top}[link:files/rdoc/index_rdoc.html] # #