#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'bundler/setup' require 'vedeu' # An example application to demonstrate colours, cursor and interface movement, # maximising/unmaximising of interfaces and toggling of cursors and interfaces. # # If you have cloned this repository from GitHub, you can run this example: # # ./test/support/examples/material_colours_app.rb # class VedeuMaterialColoursApp Vedeu.bind(:_initialize_) { Vedeu.trigger(:_refresh_) } # Be aware that running an application with debugging enabled will affect # performance. Vedeu.configure do debug! # profile! log '/tmp/vedeu_material_colours_app.log' # height 11 # width 20 end Vedeu.interface 'main_interface' do border 'main_interface' do colour foreground: '#ffffff', background: :default title 'Rainbow!' caption('Unicorns!') end colour foreground: '#ffffff', background: :default geometry 'main_interface' do x 3 xn 24 y 2 yn 13 end group :my_group zindex 2 end # This interface uses the 'parens' style for the DSL, which sometimes helps # Ruby to understand the values you provide. # # It also uses custom border characters to demonstrate that functionality. Vedeu.interface 'other_interface' do border 'other_interface' do colour(foreground: '#ffffff', background: :default) title('Wow!') caption('Shiny!') horizontal('-') top_right('+') top_left('+') bottom_right('+') bottom_left('+') end colour(foreground: '#ffffff', background: :default) geometry 'other_interface' do x(27) xn(47) y(3) yn(13) end zindex(1) end Vedeu.interface 'empty_interface' do border 'empty_interface' do colour(foreground: '#ffffff', background: :default) title('Empty!') horizontal('-') top_right('+') top_left('+') bottom_right('+') bottom_left('+') end colour(foreground: '#ffffff', background: :default) geometry 'empty_interface' do x(50) xn(64) y(5) yn(13) end group :my_group zindex(1) end Vedeu.interface 'keys_interface' do colour(foreground: '#ffffff', background: :default) geometry 'keys_interface' do x(3) xn(64) y(15) yn(34) end zindex(1) end Vedeu.keymap('_global_') do key(:up) { Vedeu.trigger(:_cursor_up_) } key(:right) { Vedeu.trigger(:_cursor_right_) } key(:down) { Vedeu.trigger(:_cursor_down_) } key(:left) { Vedeu.trigger(:_cursor_left_) } key(:home) { Vedeu.trigger(:_cursor_top_) } key(:end) { Vedeu.trigger(:_cursor_bottom_) } key(:insert) do Vedeu.log(type: :debug, message: "Commands: #{Vedeu.all_commands.inspect}") Vedeu.log(type: :debug, message: "Keypresses: #{Vedeu.all_keypresses.inspect}") end key('q') { Vedeu.trigger(:_exit_) } key(:escape) { Vedeu.trigger(:_mode_switch_) } key(:shift_tab) { Vedeu.trigger(:_focus_prev_) } key(:tab) { Vedeu.trigger(:_focus_next_) } key('1') { Vedeu.trigger(:_hide_interface_, 'main_interface') } key('2') { Vedeu.trigger(:_show_interface_, 'main_interface') } key('3') { Vedeu.trigger(:_hide_interface_, 'other_interface') } key('4') { Vedeu.trigger(:_show_interface_, 'other_interface') } key('a') { Vedeu.trigger(:_view_left_, 'main_interface') } key('s') { Vedeu.trigger(:_view_down_, 'main_interface') } key('d') { Vedeu.trigger(:_view_up_, 'main_interface') } key('f') { Vedeu.trigger(:_view_right_, 'main_interface') } key('w') { Vedeu.trigger(:_toggle_group_, :my_group) } key('e') { Vedeu.trigger(:_hide_group_, :my_group) } key('r') { Vedeu.trigger(:_show_group_, :my_group) } key('t') do Vedeu.trigger(:_toggle_interface_, 'main_interface') Vedeu.trigger(:_toggle_interface_, 'other_interface') end key('h') { Vedeu.trigger(:_view_left_, 'other_interface') } key('j') { Vedeu.trigger(:_view_down_, 'other_interface') } key('k') { Vedeu.trigger(:_view_up_, 'other_interface') } key('l') { Vedeu.trigger(:_view_right_, 'other_interface') } key('m') { Vedeu.trigger(:_maximise_, 'main_interface') } key('n') { Vedeu.trigger(:_unmaximise_, 'main_interface') } key('b') { Vedeu.trigger(:_maximise_, 'other_interface') } key('v') { Vedeu.trigger(:_unmaximise_, 'other_interface') } key('x') { Vedeu.trigger(:_set_border_caption_, Vedeu.focus, 'Amazing!') } key('z') { Vedeu.trigger(:_set_border_title_, Vedeu.focus, 'Surprise!') } end Vedeu.renders do view 'main_interface' do line { centre 'Red', width: 20, background: '#f44336' } line { centre 'Pink', width: 20, background: '#e91e63' } line { centre 'Purple', width: 20, background: '#9c27b0' } line { centre 'Deep Purple', width: 20, background: '#673ab7' } line { centre 'Indigo', width: 20, background: '#3f51b5' } line { centre 'Blue', width: 20, background: '#2196f3' } line { centre 'Light Blue', width: 20, background: '#03a9f4' } line { centre 'Cyan', width: 20, background: '#00bcd4' } line { centre 'Teal', width: 20, background: '#009688' } line { centre 'Green', width: 20, background: '#4caf50' } line { centre 'Light Green', width: 20, background: '#8bc34a' } line { centre 'Lime', width: 20, background: '#cddc39' } line { centre 'Yellow', width: 20, background: '#ffeb3b' } line { centre 'Amber', width: 20, background: '#ffc107' } line { centre 'Orange', width: 20, background: '#ff9800' } line { centre 'Deep Orange', width: 20, background: '#ff5722' } line { centre 'Brown', width: 20, background: '#795548' } line { centre 'Grey', width: 20, background: '#9e9e9e' } line { centre 'Blue Grey', width: 20, background: '#607d8b' } end view 'other_interface' do line { centre 'Blue Grey', width: 20, background: '#607d8b' } line { centre 'Grey', width: 20, background: '#9e9e9e' } line { centre 'Brown', width: 20, background: '#795548' } line { centre 'Deep Orange', width: 20, background: '#ff5722' } line { centre 'Orange', width: 20, background: '#ff9800' } line { centre 'Amber', width: 20, background: '#ffc107' } line { centre 'Yellow', width: 20, background: '#ffeb3b' } line { centre 'Lime', width: 20, background: '#cddc39' } line { centre 'Light Green', width: 20, background: '#8bc34a' } line { centre 'Green', width: 20, background: '#4caf50' } line { centre 'Teal', width: 20, background: '#009688' } line { centre 'Cyan', width: 20, background: '#00bcd4' } line { centre 'Light Blue', width: 20, background: '#03a9f4' } line { centre 'Blue', width: 20, background: '#2196f3' } line { centre 'Indigo', width: 20, background: '#3f51b5' } line { centre 'Deep Purple', width: 20, background: '#673ab7' } line { centre 'Purple', width: 20, background: '#9c27b0' } line { centre 'Pink', width: 20, background: '#e91e63' } line { centre 'Red', width: 20, background: '#f44336' } end view 'empty_interface' do line { line '' } end view 'keys_interface' do cursor false line { stream { left "\u2190 \u2193 \u2191 \u2192", foreground: '#ffff00', width: 20 } stream { left "Move cursor" } } line { stream { left "home", foreground: '#ffff00', width: 20 } stream { left "Move cursor to first line of content." } } line { stream { left "end", foreground: '#ffff00', width: 20 } stream { left "Move cursor to last line of content." } } line {} line { stream { left 'a, s, d, f', foreground: '#ffff00', width: 20 } stream { left 'Move Rainbow! left, down, up, right' } } line { stream { left 'h, j, k, l', foreground: '#ffff00', width: 20 } stream { left 'Move Wow! left, down, up, right' } } line {} line { stream { left 't', foreground: '#ffff00', width: 20 } stream { left 'Toggle Rainbow!/Wow!' } } line { stream { left '1, 2', foreground: '#ffff00', width: 20 } stream { left 'Hide/Show Rainbow!' } } line { stream { left '3, 4', foreground: '#ffff00', width: 20 } stream { left 'Hide/Show Wow!' } } line {} line { stream { left 'm, n', foreground: '#ffff00', width: 20 } stream { left 'Maximise/Unmaximise Rainbow!' } } line { stream { left 'b, v', foreground: '#ffff00', width: 20 } stream { left 'Maximise/Unmaximise Wow!' } } line {} line { stream { left 'escape', foreground: '#ffff00', width: 20 } stream { left 'Mode Switch' } } line { stream { left 'shift+tab', foreground: '#ffff00', width: 20 } stream { left 'Focus previous view' } } line { stream { left 'tab', foreground: '#ffff00', width: 20 } stream { left 'Focus next view' } } line {} line { stream { left 'q', foreground: '#ffff00', width: 20 } stream { left 'Exit' } } end end Vedeu.focus_by_name 'main_interface' def self.start(argv = ARGV) Vedeu::Launcher.execute!(argv) end end # VedeuMaterialColoursApp VedeuMaterialColoursApp.start(ARGV)