See []( for syntax conventions. ## Ideas/wishlist * In future inntroduce syntax like ``sheet.range('C3:E4')`` for mass operations. Also maybe ``sheet.cells('C3')`` or ``sheet.cells(3, 'C')`` etc. * Trying to make row Enumerable - perhaps skipping empty or undefined cells. * Accessors for nonempty/defined cells. * Maybe insted two syntaxes for accessing cell, we make both of them do the same and return Proxy object which would act either as value or cell. * Allow any of these: * ``book['Spring 2014']`` as alternative to ``book.worksheets('Spring 2014')`` ? * ``sheet.cells.F13`` as alternative to ``sheet.cells[14,5]`` ? ## Developing this gem ### Automated testing * ``guard`` will get tested any changes as soon as they are summitted * ``rake spec`` runs all test manually ### Automated utilities * [travis-ci]( provides automated testing * [github]( hosts the repository where you can get the code * [coverals]( checks how well source is covered by tests ### Local manual testing and releasing (to github released, ). * ``rake build`` - builds the gem to pkg directory. * ``sudo rake install`` - If this fails with "mkmf.rb can't find header files for ruby at /usr/lib/ruby/include/ruby.h" you may want to ``sudo aptitude install ruby-dev`` * Now can locally and manually use/test the gem. This should not be replacement for automated testing. * ``rake release`` - creates a version tag in git and pushes the code to github + Rubygems. After this is succesfull the new version appears as release in Github and RubyGems. alternative way using ``gem`` command gem build rspreadsheet.gemspec sudo gem install rspreadsheet-x.y.z.gem gem push rspreadsheet-x.y.z.gem