require 'erb' require 'mongo' require 'active_support' require 'active_support/core_ext' require 'action_dispatch/http/upload' require 'mongodb_logger/replica_set_helper' module MongodbLogger class Logger < ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger include ReplicaSetHelper DEFAULT_COLLECTION_SIZE = 250.megabytes # Looks for configuration files in this order CONFIGURATION_FILES = ["mongodb_logger.yml", "mongoid.yml", "database.yml"] LOG_LEVEL_SYM = [:debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal, :unknown] attr_reader :db_configuration, :mongo_connection, :mongo_collection_name, :mongo_collection, :mongo_connection_type def initialize(options={}) path = options[:path] || File.join(Rails.root, "log/#{Rails.env}.log") level = options[:level] || DEBUG internal_initialize rescue => e # should use a config block for this Rails.env.production? ? (raise e) : (puts "MongodbLogger WARNING: Using BufferedLogger due to exception: " + e.message) ensure if disable_file_logging? @level = level @buffer = {} @auto_flushing = 1 @guard = else super(path, level) end end def add_metadata(options={}) options.each do |key, value| unless [:messages, :request_time, :ip, :runtime, :application_name, :is_exception, :params, :method].include?(key.to_sym) @mongo_record[key] = value else raise ArgumentError, ":#{key} is a reserved key for the mongodb logger. Please choose a different key" end end if @mongo_record end def add(severity, message = nil, progname = nil, &block) $stdout.puts(message) if ENV['HEROKU_RACK'] # log in stdout on Heroku if @level && @level <= severity && message.present? && @mongo_record.present? # do not modify the original message used by the buffered logger msg = logging_colorized? ? message.to_s.gsub(/(\e(\[([\d;]*[mz]?))?)?/, '').strip : message @mongo_record[:messages][LOG_LEVEL_SYM[severity]] << msg end # may modify the original message disable_file_logging? ? message : (@level ? super : message) end # Drop the capped_collection and recreate it def reset_collection if @mongo_connection && @mongo_collection @mongo_collection.drop create_collection end end def mongoize(options={}) @mongo_record = options.merge({ :messages => { |hash, key| hash[key] = }, :request_time =>, :application_name => @application_name }) runtime = Benchmark.measure{ yield }.real if block_given? rescue Exception => e add(3, e.message.to_s + "\n" + e.backtrace.join("\n")) # log exceptions @mongo_record[:is_exception] = true # Reraise the exception for anyone else who cares raise e ensure # In case of exception, make sure runtime is set @mongo_record[:runtime] = ((runtime ||= 0) * 1000).ceil # error callback Base.on_log_exception(@mongo_record) if @mongo_record[:is_exception] begin rescue begin # try to nice serialize record nice_serialize @mongo_record rescue # do extra work to inpect (and flatten) force_serialize @mongo_record rescue nil end end end def authenticated? @authenticated end private # facilitate testing def internal_initialize configure connect check_for_collection end def disable_file_logging? @db_configuration.fetch('disable_file_logging', false) end def configure default_capsize = DEFAULT_COLLECTION_SIZE @authenticated = false @db_configuration = { 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 27017, 'capsize' => default_capsize}.merge(resolve_config) @mongo_collection_name = @db_configuration['collection'] || "#{Rails.env}_log" @application_name = resolve_application_name @safe_insert = @db_configuration['safe_insert'] || false @insert_block = @db_configuration.has_key?('replica_set') && @db_configuration['replica_set'] ? lambda { rescue_connection_failure{ insert_log_record(@safe_insert) } } : lambda { insert_log_record } end def resolve_application_name if @db_configuration.has_key?('application_name') @db_configuration['application_name'] else Rails.application.class.to_s.split("::").first end end def resolve_config config = {} CONFIGURATION_FILES.each do |filename| config_file = Rails.root.join("config", filename) if config_file.file? config = YAML.load([Rails.env] config = config['mongodb_logger'] if config && config.has_key?('mongodb_logger') break unless config.blank? end end config end def mongo_connection_object if @db_configuration['hosts'] conn =*(@db_configuration['hosts'] << {:connect => true, :pool_timeout => 6})) @db_configuration['replica_set'] = true else conn =['host'], @db_configuration['port'], :connect => true, :pool_timeout => 6) end @mongo_connection_type = conn.class conn end def connect @mongo_connection ||= mongo_connection_object.db(@db_configuration['database']) if @db_configuration['username'] && @db_configuration['password'] # the driver stores credentials in case reconnection is required @authenticated = @mongo_connection.authenticate(@db_configuration['username'], @db_configuration['password']) end end def create_collection @mongo_connection.create_collection(@mongo_collection_name, {:capped => true, :size => @db_configuration['capsize'].to_i}) end def check_for_collection # setup the capped collection if it doesn't already exist create_collection unless @mongo_connection.collection_names.include?(@mongo_collection_name) @mongo_collection = @mongo_connection[@mongo_collection_name] end def insert_log_record(safe = false) @mongo_collection.insert(@mongo_record, :safe => safe) end def logging_colorized? # Cache it since these ActiveRecord attributes are assigned after logger initialization occurs in Rails boot @colorized ||= Object.const_defined?(:ActiveRecord) && ActiveRecord::LogSubscriber.colorize_logging end # try to serialyze data by each key and found invalid object def nice_serialize(rec) if msgs = rec[:messages] msgs.each do |i, j| msgs[i] = nice_serialize_object(j) end end if pms = rec[:params] pms.each do |i, j| pms[i] = nice_serialize_object(j) end end end def nice_serialize_object(data) case data when NilClass, String, Fixnum, Bignum, Float, TrueClass, FalseClass, Time, Regexp, Symbol data when Hash hvalues = data.each{|k,v| hvalues[k] = nice_serialize_object(v) } hvalues when Array{|v| nice_serialize_object(v) } when ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile, Rack::Test::UploadedFile # uploaded files hvalues = { :original_filename => data.original_filename, :content_type => data.content_type } else data.inspect end end # force the data in the db by inspecting each top level array and hash element # this will flatten other hashes and arrays def force_serialize(rec) if msgs = rec[:messages] msgs.each { |i, j| msgs[i] = j.inspect } end if pms = rec[:params] pms.each { |i, j| pms[i] = j.inspect } end end end end