# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales. # See https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points. en: service_type: default: 'Default' certified: 'Certified' proofreading: 'Proofreading' localization: 'Localization' sidebar: testimonials: read_more: "Read more..." all: 'All testimonials' subscribe: email_placeholder: "Enter your e-mail" button: "Subscribe for Discounts" disabled_button: 'loading...' free_features: for: 'for' free: 'Free' get_all: 'Get all these features' button: 'Start a Project' top_languages: see_all: 'See all' label: loading: "Loading..." subscribe_offers: 'Do not miss new discount offers' blog: read_more: "Read more..." tagget_in: "Tagged in:" layout: label: phones: "Call:" we_accept: "Payment methods:" verified_by: "Verified By:" button: new: "Add new" edit: "Update" save: "Save" send: "Send" done: "Done" view: "View" create: "Create" change_password: "Change password" translate_now: "Translate Now" get_a_free_quote: 'Get a Free Quote' order_service: "Order %{service}" order_service_localization: "Order %{service}" order_service_child: "Order %{parent} in %{service}" start_project: "Start a Project" go_to_profile: 'Go to Profile' read_more: "Read more" see_how_it_works: "See how it works" more_testimonials: "Read latest testimonials" chat_now: 'Chat' live_chat: 'Live Chat' back_to_home: 'Back home' more_about_service: 'Continue reading about %{service}' subscribe: 'Subscribe!' start_new_project: 'Start a new project' extras: per_word: '/word' pagination: next_page: 'Next' prev_page: "Prev" show: "Show:" items: "items" cabinet_pagination: next_page: 'Next' prev_page: "Prev" show: "Show" items: "items" services: service_item_middle_col: 'Industry Expertise' service_item_last_col: 'Approximate Prices per word' package: per_word: 'per word' subscribe_block: title: 'Do not miss new discount offers' email_placeholder: 'Enter your email' button: 'Subscribe to discounts!' disabled_button: 'please wait...' login_holder: loading_1: 'prepare...' loading_2: 'loading...' forgot_pass: 'Forgot password?' button: submit: 'Submit' submit_disabled: 'loading' registration: 'Registration' login: 'Log In' logout: 'Log Out' placeholder: email: 'Enter your e-mail' password: 'Enter your password' errors: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' email: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' invalid: 'Wrong format' taken: 'This email is already in use' wrong_login: 'Invalid email or password' not_found: 'Wrong email adress' exists: 'This email is already subscribed' taken_free_quote: 'To order a translation please log in' other_certificate: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' name: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' extra_symbols: 'Wrong format' first_name: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' extra_symbols: 'Wrong format' last_name: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' extra_symbols: 'Wrong format' password: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' certificate: blank: 'Required field' current_password: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' confirmation: 'The values do not match' password_confirmation: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' confirmation: 'The values do not match' company: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' message: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' description: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' notes: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' related_order_id: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' country: blank: 'Required field' country_code: blank: 'Required field' invalid: 'Invalid country code' phone_code: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' phone_area: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' phone_number: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' phone: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' verify_code: blank: 'Required field' required: 'Required field' server: 'Invalid code' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' translate_content: too_short: 'Value is too short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' src_language: blank: 'Required field' dst_language: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'At least %{count} language required' words_num: blank: 'Required field' preffered_writer: invalid: 'Such combination was not found' coupon_value: invalid: 'The provided code is not valid. Contact support for help.' idea: blank: 'Required field' query: blank: 'Required field' birth_day: blank: 'Required field' birth_month: blank: 'Required field' birth_year: blank: 'Required field' gender: blank: 'Required field' marital_status: blank: 'Required field' city: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' address_1: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' address_2: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' zip_code: blank: 'Required field' too_short: 'Is to short (min %{count} symbols)' too_long: 'Value is too long (max %{count} symbols)' attachments: blank: 'Some resources to translate required!' reference_materials: file_too_small: 'File is too small' file_too_large: 'File is too large' too_many_files: 'You have reached the maximum number of files' time_zone: blank: 'Required field' translators: filter: title: 'Show translators who:' labels: translate_pairs: 'Translate:' industry: 'Industry Expertise:' status: 'Status:' welcome_prices: title: step_1: "Select Languages" step_2: "Choose an Expert" step_3: "Fill in Project Details" step_finish: "Start the Project" result: "Instant quote" symbol: step_1: "1" step_2: "2" step_3: "3" step_finish: "Start" label: src_language: 'Translate From:' dst_language: 'Translate To:' urgency: 'Urgency:' words_num: 'Number of Words:' placeholder: src_language: 'Select' dst_language: 'Select' urgency: 'Choose urgency' words_num: '1' text: per_word: '/word' word_price: 'Basic price:' total_price: 'Total price:' supported_formats: 'Supported file formats:' currency_symbol: '' language_drop: title: main: 'Translate:' label: src_language: 'From:' dst_language: 'To:' placeholder: src_language: 'Select' dst_language: 'Select' button: add_more_languages: "Add more languages" check_prices: "Check Prices" new_order: title: first_step: 'Project details' second_step: 'Preferences' third_step: 'Start the project' languages_popup: 'Choose Languages' new_customer: 'New Client' returning_customer: 'Registered Client' order_summary: 'Your Project Summary' currency: '$' summary_widget: service: 'Type of Service:' certificate: 'Certificate:' industry_expertise: 'Industry Expertise:' category: 'Category:' src_language: 'Translate From:' dst_language: 'Translate To:' words_num: 'Number of Words:' urgency: 'Urgency:' package: 'Your Package:' basic_price: 'Basic Price:' features: 'Additional Features:' translator_level: 'Translator Level:' preffered_translator: 'Requested Translator:' extras_total: 'Extra Price:' total_to_pay: 'Total to Pay:' selected_feature: 'Yes' savings: 'Savings:' label: service: 'Type of Service:' industry_expertise: 'Industry Expertise:' category: 'Category:' certificate: 'Choose Certificate:' src_language: 'Translate From:' dst_language: 'Translate To:' urgency: 'Urgency:' package: 'Package:' hour: 'hour' hours: 'hours' day: 'day' days: 'days' free: 'Free' translator_level: 'Translator:' preffered_translator: 'Request:' extra_features: 'Extras:' discount_code: 'Discount code:' currency: 'Check the price in your currency:' translate_content: 'Information to Translate:' payment_type: 'Payment method:' upload_assets: 'Upload file (s) or type / paste text' description: 'Add a note for Translator:' placeholder: src_language: 'Choose source language' preffered_translator: 'Preferred translator id' certificate: 'Choose certificate' other_certificate: 'Type preffered certificate' dst_language_counter: 0: 'none' zero: 'none' one: 'one language' other: '{} languages' text: preffered_translator: '(%{price} to the project total)' discount_save: 'Savings: %{price}' agreement_accept: >- I accept Money Back Guarantee, Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. I allow the company to obtain my personal data and use cookies for my account managing and providing requested services. I understand that my personal information will not be shared with any third parties. agreement_accept_required: 'Accept Terms and Conditions to continue' converted_summary_tmpl: 'Approximately {{price.converted_cost}} in {{price.currency_title}}' word_counter: 0: 'words' zero: 'words' one: 'word' other: 'words' urgency: hours: one: '{} hour' other: '{} hours' days: one: '{} day' other: '{} days' per_word: 'per word' total_savings: 'Savings:' total_to_pay: 'Total to Pay:' basic_estimated_price: 'Estimated basic price:' basic_total_price: 'Basic price:' supported_formats: 'Supported File Formats' common_formats: '.txt, .pdf, .csv, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .xml, .html.' all_formats: 'List of all formats' loading: 'Counting…' files: 'Files' hide: 'Hide' symbol_s: '(s)' counted: 'Not counted' specific_link: 'Specific link' link: 'Link' website: 'Website' processing_take_time: 'Loading and counting is time consuming. Meantime, proceed with placing your project.' price_with_vat: 'The price for EU residents is provided including VAT' warn_min_price_applied: 'Minimum order value is {{min_price}}' warn_pair_min_price_applied: 'Minimum value per one language pair is {{min_price}}' button: proceed_to_payment: 'Proceed to Safe Payment' get_free_quote: 'Get a Free Quote' i_accept: 'I accept' add_more_languages: 'Add more Languages' select_languages_done: 'Done selecting' load_type_text: title: 'Add materials for translation' my_device: 'My device' google_drive: 'Google Drive' dropbox: 'Dropbox' box: 'Box' drag_drop: 'Drag&Drop' upload_files: 'Upload Files' type_paste: 'Type or Paste' type_text: 'Type a text to translate' loading: 'loading' loading_failed: 'loading failed' upload_file: 'Upload File' done: 'Done selecting' upload_gd: 'Upload a file from Google Drive' connect_gd: 'Connect to Google Drive' connect_db: 'Connect to Dropbox' connect_box: 'Connect to Box' more_files: 'Add more files' upload_db: 'Upload a file from Dropbox' upload_box: 'Upload a file from Box' clear: 'Clear' confirm: 'Are you sure you want to delete all the information?' clear_yes: 'yes' clear_no: 'no' uploader_web_link: specific_link: 'Specific Link' website: 'Website' link_software: 'Link to the software' link_input: 'Link to the page' link_web: 'Link to the website' submit: 'Submit' uploader_web_file: link: 'Link' file: 'File' link_input: 'Link to the software' link_web: 'Link to the software' upload_file: 'Upload File' popups: we_working: 'We are working on your project.' thank_you: 'Thank you for choosing our service' thank_you_payment: 'Thank you for choosing our service. You payment has been successfully made' proceed_payment: 'Thank you for choosing our service. Proceed to payment so that we could start working on your project' proceed_payment_litte: ' Thank you for choosing our service. Proceed to' we_could: ' so that we could start working on your' placing: 'Thank you for placing your project with us!' go_project: 'Go to your project' start_project: 'Start new project' projects_page: 'Go to the projects page' our_tеranslators: ' Our Translators started working on your project. Monitor status of the project' interest: ' Thank you for your interest and trust in our service and your participation in our Affiliate Program' account: ' The PayPal account, that was used by you to make a purchase on our website was' already: ' already used by one of our clients. According to the' terms_conditions: 'Terms&Conditions' affiliate_program: ' of our Affiliate Program, only a new client can get a discount that the affiliate code gives.' contact_support: 'Contact our Support Team if any questions' easily: 'easily.' link_project: 'project' link_payment: 'payment' dear: 'Dear' languages_page: label: src_language: 'Translate From:' dst_language: 'Translate To:' button: confirm: 'Yes' decline: 'No' i_done: 'Done selecting' price_page: label: service: 'Type of Service' industry_expertise: 'Industry Expertise' category: 'Category' certificate: 'Choose certificate' urgency: 'Urgency' package: 'Choose Package' currency: 'Currency' placeholder: other_certificate: 'Type certificate' text: per_word: 'per word' button: start_project: 'Start a project' payment_type: paypal: 'Paypal' credit_card: 'Credit Card' wire_transfer: 'Wire Transfer' month_title: january: 'January' february: 'February' march: 'March' april: 'April' may: 'May' june: 'June' july: 'July' august: 'August' september: 'September' october: 'October' november: 'November' december: 'December' urgency: type: months2: "2 months" days30: "30 days" days20: "20 days" days_14: "14 days" days_10: "10 days" days_7: "7 days" days_6: "6 days" days_5: "5 days" days_4: "4 days" days_3: "3 days" hours_48: "48 hours" hours_24: "24 hours" hours_18: "18 hours" hours_12: "12 hours" hours_8: "8 hours" hours_6: "6 hours" hours_title: one: "%{count} hour" other: "%{count} hours" days_title: one: "%{count} day" other: "%{count} days" # titles: # free_sample: "Free sample - %{title}." # free_sample_desc: "Free sample - %{title}. We have gathered the best essay samples and college essay samples that were written by professional essay writers." # writers: "Certified Writers - %{title}." # writers_desc: "%{title}" account: no_records: orders_processing: title: 'There are no processing projects in this list' description: '' orders_completed: title: 'There are no completed projects in this list' description: '' orders_canceled: title: 'There are no canceled projects in this list' description: '' orders_payments: title: 'There are no payments in this list' description: '' feedbacks_top_writers: title: 'There are no translators in your TOP list' description: 'This list contains translators with 4+ average rating
of your mutual projects' feedbacks_pending: title: 'There are no pending feedbacks' description: 'This list contains pending feedbacks only' feedbacks_all: title: 'There are no translators' description: 'This list contains all available translators of your mutual projects' discounts: title: 'There are no discounts yet' description: '' tickets_active: title: 'There are no active issues yet' description: '' tickets_completed: title: 'There are no completed issues yet' description: '' tickets_all_tickets: title: 'There are no issues yet' description: '' commissions: title: 'There are no commissions yet' description: '' notification_type: order_messages: 'New messages' order_completed: 'Not seen yet' translator_assigned: 'Translator assigned' transaction_type: title: income: 'Paid' payment: 'Paid' full_revert: 'Paid' partial_revert: 'Paid' reserv: 'Paid' description: income: 'Payment for project ID %{order_link}' payment: 'Payment for project ID %{order_link}' full_revert: 'Refund of the project ID %{order_link}' partial_revert: 'Partially refund of the project ID %{order_link}' reserv: 'Balance reserved of the project ID %{order_link}' method_description: paypal: 'Paypal payment for project ID %{order_link}' wire_transfer: 'WireTransfer payment for project ID %{order_link}' credit_card: 'CreditCard payment for project ID %{order_link}' method_description_extended: paypal: 'Paypal payment for project ID %{order_link} (purchaser: %{purchaser}, business: %{business})' wire_transfer: 'WireTransfer payment for project ID %{order_link}' credit_card: 'CreditCard payment for project ID %{order_link}' order: table_title: processing: number: 'Project ID' deadline: 'Expected Delivery Date' urgency: 'Urgency' service: 'Type of Service' target: 'Industry Expertise' price: 'Price' status: 'Status' completed: number: 'Project ID' deadline: 'Completion Date' urgency: 'Urgency' service: 'Type of Service' target: 'Industry Expertise' price: 'Price' status: 'Status' canceled: number: 'Project ID' deadline: 'Expected Delivery Date' urgency: 'Urgency' service: 'Type of Service' price: 'Price' status: 'Payment Status' reason: 'Reason' payments: date: 'Date' transaction: 'Transaction ID' status: 'Status' price: 'Price' description: 'Description' label: cost: 'Cost:' start_date: 'Start Date' end_date: 'End Date' text: order_id: 'ID' number: '#%{number}' not_pay: 'Make payment to enable us
start working on this project' cost_not_available: 'calculating' words_count: 'Number of words:' translator_id: 'Your Translator ID:' profile_link: "View Translator's Profile" download_link: 'Download' extras_title: 'Extras' per_word: '/word' extras_total: 'Total Extra Features:' not_paid: 'Not Paid' refunded: 'Refunded' deadline: 'Expected on:' urgency: 'Urgency:' events: 'Latest project updates' more_events: 'See All Updates' details: 'Details' customer_files: 'My Files' writer_files: "Translator's Files" writer_id: 'Translator ID:' description: 'Your note for Translator' reference_materials: 'Reference material:' add_reference_material: 'Upload' material_almost_done: 'completing upload...' reference_remove_confirm: 'Are you sure to delete this file?' reference_remove_cancel: 'Cancel' reference_remove_approve: 'Ok' no_reference_materials: 'You can add reference files for the translator' project_overview: 'Project Overview' turnaround_tip: 'The turnaround is counted since payment' material: raw_text: 'Raw text' expand: 'View' collapse: 'Hide' words: '(%{count} words)' text_type: 'Text' link_type: 'Link' visit_link: 'Visit' button: pay_now: 'Pay Now' add_feedback: 'Add Feedback' export: 'Export' clear_filter: 'Clear Filter' set_filter: 'Set Filter' get_features: 'Get features now!' popups: attention: 'Attention' information: " All previously filled fields will be cleared" change_type: "when you change the type of service." cancel: 'Cancel' submit: 'OK, I agree' please_select: 'Please select source language first' urgency: days: zero: 'N/A' one: '%{count} business day' other: '%{count} business days' order_note: placeholder: description: 'Type your message...' button: submit: 'Send' submit_disabled: 'Sending...' text: title: 'Chat' policy: 'Sharing personal information is forbidden for security reasons' refferals: symbol: required: '*' label: name: 'Name' time_zone: 'Time Zone' email: 'Email' country: 'Country' phone: 'Phone number' phone_code: 'Country code' phone_area: 'State or area code' phone_number: 'Phone number' birthday: 'Date of birth' gender: 'Gender' marital_status: 'Marital status' industry_expertise: 'Industry expertise' verify_code: 'Enter your code here:' find: 'Search' placeholder: name: 'Enter your name' email: 'Enter your e-mail' country: '' phone_code: '' phone_area: '' phone_number: '' time_zone: 'Enter your time zone' birthday: 'Date of birth' birth_day: '' birth_month: '' birth_year: '' gender: 'Gender' marital_status: 'Marital status' industry_expertise: 'Industry expertise' find: 'Transaction ID' button: verify: 'verify' verified: 'verified' submit_step_1: 'Go to step 2. Additional information' submit_step_2: 'Submit my answers' submit_step_3: 'Star collecting credits' phone_confirmation_submit: 'Submit' phone_confirmation_resend: 'Resend me the code' email_confirmation_resend: 'Did not get the email?' email_confirmation_cancel: 'Cancel' find: 'Search' filter_set: 'Set filter' filter_clear: 'Clear Filter' copy_ref_link: 'Copy' text: tab_1: 'Verification' tab_2: 'Fill in additional information' tab_3: 'Get your referral code' main_info_block: 'Main information' other_info_block: 'Additional information' phone_confirmation_title: 'Verify your phone number' phone_confirmation_desc: 'The verification code has been sent to your phone number' email_confirmation_title: 'Verify your email' email_confirmation_desc: 'We have sent a message to your email. Check it for further instructions.' commissions_title: 'My commission' commissions_total: 'Total reward:' start_date: 'Start Date:' end_date: 'End Date:' your_ref_id: 'Your referral ID:' your_ref_link: 'Your referral link:' share_title: 'Share with friends:' referred_by: 'You were referred by:' referral_code: 'Your referral code' table_title: date: 'Date' transaction: 'Transaction ID' referral: 'User name' level: 'Level of referral' cost: 'Project Cost' commission: 'Commission' new_ticket: label: is_order_related: 'Is it a project related issue?' is_order_related_true: 'Yes' is_order_related_false: 'No' department: 'Send to:' query: 'Query:' description: 'Message:' placeholder: query: 'Choose your query' description: 'Enter your message' related_order_id: 'Your project ID' button: cancel: 'Discard' submit: 'Send' text: new_issue: 'New Issue' add_issue: 'Add an Issue' id: 'ID' department: 'Department' message: 'Message' answers: 'Answers' status: 'Status' updated: 'Updated' errors: invalid: 'invalid' new_note: placeholder: description: 'Enter your message' button: cancel: 'Discard' submit: 'Send' extras: button: new_order: 'Order Now' profile: symbol: required: '*' label: name: 'Name' first_name: 'First name' last_name: 'Last name' full_name: 'Full name' company: 'Company name' email: 'Email' current_password: 'Current password' password: 'New password' password_confirmation: 'Confirm password' country: 'Country code' phone: 'Phone number' time_zone: 'Time Zone' phone_code: 'Country code' phone_area: 'State or area code' phone_number: 'Phone number' placeholder: first_name: 'Enter your name' last_name: 'Enter your last name' company: 'Enter your company name' email: 'Enter your e-mail' current_password: '' password: '' password_confirmation: '' country: '' phone: '' phone_code: '' phone_area: '' phone_number: '' time_zone: '' country_code: '' tips: timezone: "Choose the time zone of your current location" email: "A confirmation link will be sent to your new adress A notification will be sent to your old adress." phone: "Your number is not displayed anywhere on the site, but maybe used to confirm critical actions or in password retrieval.US phone number example:
+1 8000 0000000
" password: "" form_type_title: default: 'About Me' billing: 'Billing Address' mailing: 'Mailing Preferences' text: email_success_title: 'We successfully sent the confirmation link to your email.' email_success_desc: '' save_success_title: 'Changes were made successfully' save_success_desc: '' leave_confirmation_title: 'You are going to leave this page' leave_confirmation_desc: "Click 'Leave page' to dismiss your changes" receive_notifications: 'Receive notifications about projects you initiate.' notifications_title: 'Project Notifications' mailing_table: event: 'Project Event' description: 'Description' receive: 'Receive Notification' button: submit_personal: 'Save' submit_personal_disabled: 'Saving...' submit_phone: 'Save' submit_phone_disabled: 'Saving...' submit_email: 'Save' submit_email_disabled: 'Saving...' submit_password: 'Save' submit_password_disabled: 'Saving...' submit_mailing: 'Save' submit_mailing_disabled: 'Saving...' leave: 'Leave page' close: 'Close' billing: symbol: required: '*' label: account_type: 'Type of Account' country: 'Country' city: 'City' vat_code: 'VAT Code' address_1: 'Address 1' address_2: 'Address 2' zip_code: 'Zip Code' placeholder: country: 'Select your country' city: '' vat_code: '' address_1: '' address_2: '' zip_code: '' account_type: private: 'Private' business: 'Business' button: submit: 'Save' submit_disabled: 'loading' discounts: type_title: onetime: 'One-time Offer' lifetime: 'Life-time Offer' extras: 'Offer for Extras' generated: 'Generated Coupons' button: use_lifetime: 'Use Now' use_offer: 'Use This Offer' text: code: 'Your code:' offer_html: '%{offer}% off' discount_code: 'Discount code:' notice: '* The discount is applied to basic price.' tickets: self: 'You' type_title: active: 'Active' completed: 'Completed' all_tickets: 'All' state: created: 'Created' pending: 'New' in_progress: 'Progress' closed: 'Resolved' follow_up_fail: 'Follow up fail' trash: 'Closed' approaching_deadline: 'Approaching deadline' feedbacks: type_title: top_writers: 'My TOP Translators' pending: 'Not Rated yet' all: 'All' text: number: "#%{number}" writer_id: "#%{number}" rank: "%{rank} / 5" leave_feedback_html: "Did you like your translator's work?
Leave a feedback" total_progress: 'Total progress:' progress_failed: 'Due date of your order has expired. Sorry for any inconvenience occurred. You order will be delivered as soon as possible.' see_more: 'See more...' no_rank: 'Ranking unavailable' your_feedback: 'Your feedback' on_project: '(on project %{number})' blank_feedback_notice: 'Your translator ranking helps us find the best translators for premium quality service and select top 10 translators in each subject area.' available_feedback_notice: 'You assessed this work as:' violation_title: 'Oh no!' violation_desc: "Looks like we failed to translate in the way you expected. We’re very sorry we disappointed you and would like to make up for our failure." violation_required: "Please, provide us the list of violations in your order for Quality Assurance Dept to analyze the incident." violation_revise: 'Revise my project considering the violations' violation_deadline: "Select revision's deadline" violation_deadline_tip: "Note, the revision willl be done no sooner than after 24 hour from the moment when it has been asked for." # # feedback popup results thank_you: 'Thank you for your feedback!' sent_revision: 'Your project was sent for revision.' correct_violations_deadline: 'Your translator will correct the violations by' hold_compensation: "We will hold translator's compensation." hold_no_deadline: "We will hold translator's compensation for 24 hours." average_rate_desc: 'What a pity that our service was not as good as it usually is, but sure thing, we will try harder next time.' good_rate_desc: "We're glad you like the result" good_rate_desc_bonus: "We'll make sure your translators get a bonus for their good work" label: violation_date: 'Date:' violation_time: 'Time:' placeholder: content: 'Write a message' violation_content: 'Write a message' button: prev: 'Prev' next: 'Next' discard: 'Cancel' discard_disabled: '...' submit: 'Send' submit_disabled: 'Sending...' violation_discard: 'Cancel' violation_discard_disabled: '...' violation_submit: 'Send' violation_submit_disabled: 'Sending...' add_feedback: 'Add Feedback' close_result: 'OK' table_title_pending: project_id: 'Project ID' service: 'Type of Service' translator: 'Translator ID' ranking: 'Translators Overal Ranking' my: 'My Feedbacks' pending_mobile_title: id: 'ID' details: 'Details' progress: 'Progress' translator_id: 'Translator ID' my: 'My Feedback' ranking: 'Translators overall ranking' regular_table_title: translator_id: 'Translator ID' proficiency: 'Translator Proficiency' my: 'My Feedbacks' mutual: 'Mutual Projects' pending_table_title: project_id: 'Project ID' service: 'Type of Service' translator: 'Translator ID' ranking: 'Translators overall ranking' my: 'My Feedback' state: evaluation: 'Pending' waiting: 'Not Paid' test: 'Pending' to_check: 'Pending' free: 'Pending' pending: 'In Progress' to_upload: 'In Progress' for_revision: 'In Progress' problematic: 'In Progress' refunded: 'Completed' revised: 'In Progress' done: 'Completed' archived: 'Completed' deleted: 'Canceled' canceled: 'Canceled' recovered: 'Pending' order_details: service: 'Type of Service:' industry_expertise: 'Industry Expertise:' category: 'Category:' certificate: 'Kind of Certificate:' other_certificate: 'Other Certificate:' language_from: 'Translate From:' languages_to: 'Translate To:' order_package: 'Package:' number: 'Order ID:' customer_due_date: 'Deadline:' confirmed_writer: 'Preffered translator:' urgency: 'Urgency:' savings: 'Savings:' total_cost: 'Total price:' waiting_payment_amount: 'Total to pay:' state: 'Order status:' total_words_count: 'Number of Words:' urgency_hours: 'Project Urgency:' dashboard: type_title: processing: 'Active' completed: 'Completed' canceled: 'Canceled' payments: 'Payments History' event_type: accepted_payment: 'Payment accepted: $%{amount}' confirmed_writer: 'Adopted in the work – Translator`s ID: %{record_id}' uploaded_file: 'Uploaded file' incoming_message: 'Incoming message' submenu: projects: 'My Projects' feedbacks: 'My Feedbacks' discounts: 'Discounts' extras: 'Extras' referrals: 'Loyalty Program' tickets: 'Issues' profiles: 'Settings' message_timezone: 'All dates are displayed in your time zone' translator_profile: text: translator_id: "translator's ID:" ranking: 'Overall ranking:' rank: "%{rank} / 5" completed: 'Completed projects:' progress: 'Projects in progres:' languages: 'Languages:' src_languages: 'From:' dst_languages: 'To:' skills: 'Skills:' customer_feedbacks: title: 'See your last feedback' collapse: 'See less' expand: 'See all' others_feedbacks: title: 'See what other clients say about this translator' collapse: 'See less' expand: 'See all' button: request: 'Request this translator' payments: label: currency: 'Currency:' payment_type: 'Payment method:' order_details: service: 'Type of Service:' industry_expertise: 'Industry Expertise:' category: 'Category:' certificate: 'Kind of Certificate:' other_certificate: 'Other Certificate:' language_from: 'Translate From:' languages_to: 'Translate To:' order_package: 'Package:' number: 'Order ID:' customer_due_date: 'Deadline:' confirmed_writer: 'Preffered translator:' urgency: 'Urgency:' total_cost: 'Total price:' waiting_payment_amount: 'Total to pay:' state: 'Order status:' total_words_count: 'Number of Words:' text: select_currency: 'Select currency' select_method: 'Select method:' payment: 'Payment' payment_id: 'ID #%{payment_id}' savings: 'Savings:' total_price: 'Total price:' total_to_pay: 'Total to Pay:' additional_services: 'Additional Services for better grades' checkouts: confirm: 'Proceed to secure payment.' paypal: 'Choose PayPal to pay with your PayPal account.' card: "Fill in your card details and click 'Pay' to make payment with your card." pay: 'Pay' secure: 'Secure payments' braintree: 'All payment data is processed securely by Braintree. We do not store your payment details.' button_yes: 'Yes' button_no: 'No' amex: "Due to American Express policy we accept payments in Euro.
Continue?" button: submit: 'Proceed to Safe Payment' helpers: page_entries_info: one_page: display_entries: zero: "No items found" one: "Showing 1 items" other: "Showing all %{count} items" more_pages: display_entries: "Showing %{first} to %{last} of %{total} items." auth: not_account: "Don't have an account?" register_now: "Get it right now!" new_password: succes: "On your e-mail address were sent instructions to reset your password." restore_pass: title: 'Restore password' email_placeholder: 'Email' button: 'Restore' change_pass: title: 'Change password' password_placeholder: 'Type new password' password_confirmation_placeholder: 'Confirm new password' reset_password_token: 'Reset password token:' button: 'Change' password_sent: title: 'Success' authorization: symbol: required: '*' label: email: 'Email' password: 'Password' placeholder: email: 'Enter your e-mail' password: '' button: restore_pass: 'Restore password' remind_pass: 'Remind Password' login: 'Log in' or: 'Or' registration: symbol: required: '*' tab_title: customer: 'Customer' translator: 'Translator' label: name: 'Name' full_name: 'Full name' company: 'Company name' email: 'Email' password: 'Password' password_confirmation: 'Confirm password' country: 'Country code' phone: 'Phone number' phone_code: 'Country code' phone_area: 'State or area code' phone_number: 'Phone number' placeholder: first_name: 'Enter your first name' last_name: 'Enter your last name' company: 'Enter your company name' email: 'Enter your e-mail' password: '' password_confirmation: '' country: '' phone: '' phone_code: '' phone_area: '' phone_number: '' button: customer: 'Save & Continue' translator: 'Save & Continue' disabled: 'loading...' i_accept: 'I accept' terms: accept: >- I accept Money Back Guarantee, Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. I allow the company to obtain my personal data and use cookies for my account managing and providing requested services. I understand that my personal information will not be shared with any third parties. accept_required: 'Accept Terms and Conditions to proceed' accept_error: 'Accept Terms and Conditions to proceed' feedback: placeholder: first_name: 'Enter your name' last_name: 'Enter your last name' company: 'Enter your company name' email: 'Enter your e-mail' idea: "What's on your mind?" message: 'Enter your comment or question' button: submit: 'Get In Touch' submit_disabled: 'loading...' reset: 'Send a new message' profile: edit: success: "Changes successfully saved." error: "Some errors occured." rate_duration: hours6: '6 hours' hours8: '8 hours' hours12: '12 hours' hours18: '18 hours' hours24: '24 hours' hours48: '48 hours' days3: '3 days' days4: '4 days' days5: '5 days' days6: '6 days' days7: '7 days' days10: '10 days' days14: '14 days' days21: '21 days' days21plus: '21+ days' lifetime_type: orders_count: "Orders count" orders_total: "Orders total" words_count: "Words total" discount_progress: both: "Place your order for just %{total} or %{words} words and get it %{value}% OFF" total: "Place your order for just %{total} and get it %{value}% OFF" words: "Place your order for just %{words} words and get it %{value}% OFF" discount_title: words_count: "%{words}+ words" orders_total: "AFTER %{total}" orders_count: "%{orders}+ projects" both: "%{words}+ words or over %{total}" discount_notes: words_count: "You are eligible for %{value}% life-time discount when you order %{words} words in total" orders_total: "You are eligible for %{value}% life-time discount when you spend %{total} in total" orders_count: "You are eligible for %{value}% life-time discount when you order %{orders} projects in total" both: "You are eligible for %{value}% life-time discount when you order %{words} words or spend %{total} in total" extra_icon_type: human: 'Human Translation' badge: 'The highest quality standard' adapted: 'Adapted to your industry expertise' speed: 'High Speed' quality: 'High Quality' check: 'Grammar checks' copy: 'Hard copy of your translation' copies: 'Opportunity to order several copies' discount: 'Discount on subsequent copies' manager: 'Personal Manager' support: 'Full range of support within your project lifecycle' contact: 'Support 24/7 /365' writer_activity_state: open_to_suggestions: "Open to suggestions" searching_for_orders: "Searching for orders" temporary_not_available: "Temporary not available" writer_sort_order: total: "Total order count" total_asc: "Total order count (R)" rating: "Customer rating" rating_asc: "Customer rating (R)" affilate: commission: level_1: "1st" level_2: "2nd" level_3: "3rd" level_4: "4th" level_5: "5th" level_0: "zero" level_human_1: "first" level_human_2: "second" level_human_3: "three" level_human_4: "four" level_human_5: "five" commission_type: orders_count: "Projects" orders_total: "Total $" pages_count: "Pages" form: step1: "Please verify your phone number and your e-mail to ensure stable communication with us." step2: "" social: description: "FYI, friends. These guys do pretty good job at writing. Click to get it 20% cheaper GUARANTEED!" title: "You should check this out!" discount_note: orders_total: "You are eligible for %{value}% life-time discount after you spent %{title}" pages_count: "You are eligible for %{value}% life-time discount after %{title} ordered" both: "You are eligible for %{value}% life-time discount after %{title1} ordered or %{title2} spent" affiliate_program: gender_type: male: 'Male' female: 'Female' marital_status: single: 'Single' married: 'Married' feature_type: text: enabled: 'Yes' title: proofread_by_editor: 'Proofread by editor:' preferred_writer: 'Preferred translator:' writer_level: 'Translator level:' printed_version: 'Printed version:' vip_support: 'VIP Support:' certification: 'Certification:' other: 'Other:' tips: proofread_by_editor: 'Additional proofread by professional editors to make your paper perfect' preferred_writer: "If you already have your favourite translator - type in his/her ID number here" printed_version: 'Get printed version' vip_support: 'Gives the highest priority status and the translator will be assigned within the shortest time possible' certification: 'Get a proof that your paper is 100% non-plagiarized' writer_level: '' description: proofread_by_editor: 'Additional proofread by professional editors to make your paper perfect' preferred_writer: "If you already have your favourite translator" printed_version: 'Get printed version' vip_support: 'Gives the highest priority status' certification: 'Get a proof that your paper is 100% non-plagiarized' writer_level: '' order_form: tips: urgency: 'Choose within what time frame your assignment needs to be done. Select the urgency that grants the order delivery prior to your submission time and enables you review your paper and provide feedback.' night_calls: 'Sometimes we might need to contact you for urgent clarifications. Please tick this filed if it is allowed.' errors: zero_price: 'It is impossible to make an order that does not cost anything.' profile_form: tips: time_zone: 'Choose the time zone of your current location' email: 'A confirmation link will be sent to your new adress A notification will be sent to your old adress.' phone_number: 'Your number is not displayed anywhere on the site, but maybe used to confirm critical actions or in password retrieval.US phone number example:
+1 8000 0000000
' password: "" urgent_rates_title: '1': 'Regular' '2': 'Urgent' '3': 'Extra Urgent' request: 'Upon Request' feedback_form: tips: revision: "Note, the revision willl be done no sooner than after 24 hour from the moment when it has been asked for." widget_type: features: 'Free Features' extras: 'Extra features' order_summary: 'Your order summary' badges: '2x2 Badges' subscribe: 'Subscribe to discounts' testimonials: 'Testimonials' top_languages: 'Popular languages' languages: en: 'English' es: 'Spanish' de: 'German' uk: 'Ukrainian' ru: 'Russian' menu: more: 'More' activemodel: errors: models: subscribe_form: attributes: email: exists: 'exists' free_quote: placeholder: name: 'Name *' email: 'E-mail *' phone_area: 'State or area code *' phone: 'Phone *' country_code: 'Country code *' description: 'Project description *' description_ext: 'Project Description (Language Pairs, Timeframe, etc) *' text: drop_files: 'Drop files here' or: 'or' drag_drop: 'or Drag & Drop' # notice: 'NOTE: File size limit for upload is 40MB. If your files exceed this limit, please submit the form and an account executive will reach out to you.' notice_in_section: 'Only 4 files visible | Supported File Formats .txt, .pdf, .csv, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .xml, .html.' notice: 'Supported File Formats .txt, .pdf, .csv, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .xml, .html.' button: select_files: 'Select files' submit: 'Submit' submit_pending: 'Submit...' upload_file: 'Upload File' get_free_quote: 'Get a Free Quote' get_free_quote_pending: 'Get a Free Quote...' terms: accept: >- I accept Money Back Guarantee, Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. I allow the company to obtain my personal data and use cookies for my account managing and providing requested services. I understand that my personal information will not be shared with any third parties. accept_required: 'Accept Terms and Conditions to proceed' accept_error: 'Accept Terms and Conditions to proceed'