# # = bio/db/embl.rb - Common methods for EMBL style database classes # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2001-2006 # Mitsuteru C. Nakao # License:: The Ruby License # # $Id: common.rb,v 1.12 2007/04/05 23:35:40 trevor Exp $ # # == Description # # EMBL style databases class # # This module defines a common framework among EMBL, UniProtKB, SWISS-PROT, # TrEMBL. For more details, see the documentations in each embl/*.rb # libraries. # # EMBL style format: # ID - identification (begins each entry; 1 per entry) # AC - accession number (>=1 per entry) # SV - sequence version (1 per entry) # DT - date (2 per entry) # DE - description (>=1 per entry) # KW - keyword (>=1 per entry) # OS - organism species (>=1 per entry) # OC - organism classification (>=1 per entry) # OG - organelle (0 or 1 per entry) # RN - reference number (>=1 per entry) # RC - reference comment (>=0 per entry) # RP - reference positions (>=1 per entry) # RX - reference cross-reference (>=0 per entry) # RA - reference author(s) (>=1 per entry) # RG - reference group (>=0 per entry) # RT - reference title (>=1 per entry) # RL - reference location (>=1 per entry) # DR - database cross-reference (>=0 per entry) # FH - feature table header (0 or 2 per entry) # FT - feature table data (>=0 per entry) # CC - comments or notes (>=0 per entry) # XX - spacer line (many per entry) # SQ - sequence header (1 per entry) # bb - (blanks) sequence data (>=1 per entry) # // - termination line (ends each entry; 1 per entry) # # == Examples # # # Make a new parser class for EMBL style database entry. # require 'bio/db/embl/common' # module Bio # class NEWDB < EMBLDB # include Bio::EMBLDB::Common # end # end # # == References # # * The EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database # http://www.ebi.ac.uk/embl/ # # * The EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database: Users Manual # http://www.ebi.ac.uk/embl/Documentation/User_manual/usrman.html # # * Swiss-Prot Protein knowledgebase. TrEMBL Computer-annotated supplement # to Swiss-Prot # http://au.expasy.org/sprot/ # # * UniProt # http://uniprot.org/ # # * The UniProtKB/SwissProt/TrEMBL User Manual # http://www.expasy.org/sprot/userman.html # require 'bio/db' require 'bio/reference' module Bio class EMBLDB module Common DELIMITER = "\n//\n" RS = DELIMITER TAGSIZE = 5 def initialize(entry) super(entry, TAGSIZE) end # returns a Array of accession numbers in the AC lines. # # AC Line # "AC A12345; B23456;" # AC [AC1;]+ # # Accession numbers format: # 1 2 3 4 5 6 # [O,P,Q] [0-9] [A-Z, 0-9] [A-Z, 0-9] [A-Z, 0-9] [0-9] def ac unless @data['AC'] tmp = Array.new field_fetch('AC').split(/ /).each do |e| tmp.push(e.sub(/;/,'')) end @data['AC'] = tmp end @data['AC'] end alias accessions ac # returns the first accession number in the AC lines def accession ac[0] end # returns a String int the DE line. # # DE Line def de unless @data['DE'] @data['DE'] = fetch('DE') end @data['DE'] end alias description de alias definition de # API # returns contents in the OS line. # * Bio::EMBLDB#os -> Array of # where is: # [{'name'=>'Human', 'os'=>'Homo sapiens'}, # {'name'=>'Rat', 'os'=>'Rattus norveticus'}] # * Bio::SPTR#os[0]['name'] => "Human" # * Bio::SPTR#os[0] => {'name'=>"Human", 'os'=>'Homo sapiens'} # * Bio::STPR#os(0) => "Homo sapiens (Human)" # # OS Line; organism species (>=1) # "OS Trifolium repens (white clover)" # # OS Genus species (name). # OS Genus species (name0) (name1). # OS Genus species (name0) (name1). # OS Genus species (name0), G s0 (name0), and G s (name1). def os(num = nil) unless @data['OS'] os = Array.new fetch('OS').split(/, and|, /).each do |tmp| if tmp =~ /([A-Z][a-z]* *[\w\d \:\'\+\-]+[\w\d])/ org = $1 tmp =~ /(\(.+\))/ os.push({'name' => $1, 'os' => org}) else raise "Error: OS Line. #{$!}\n#{fetch('OS')}\n" end end @data['OS'] = os end if num # EX. "Trifolium repens (white clover)" "#{@data['OS'][num]['os']} {#data['OS'][num]['name']" end @data['OS'] end # returns contents in the OG line. # * Bio::EMBLDB::Common#og -> [ * ] # # OG Line; organella (0 or 1/entry) # OG Plastid; Chloroplast. # OG Mitochondrion. # OG Plasmid sym pNGR234a. # OG Plastid; Cyanelle. # OG Plasmid pSymA (megaplasmid 1). # OG Plasmid pNRC100, Plasmid pNRC200, and Plasmid pHH1. def og unless @data['OG'] og = Array.new if get('OG').size > 0 ogstr = fetch('OG') ogstr.sub!(/\.$/,'') ogstr.sub!(/ and/,'') ogstr.sub!(/;/, ',') ogstr.split(',').each do |tmp| og.push(tmp.strip) end end @data['OG'] = og end @data['OG'] end # returns contents in the OC line. # * Bio::EMBLDB::Common#oc -> [ * ] # OC Line; organism classification (>=1) # OC Eukaryota; Alveolata; Apicomplexa; Piroplasmida; Theileriidae; # OC Theileria. def oc unless @data['OC'] begin @data['OC'] = fetch('OC').sub(/.$/,'').split(/;/).map {|e| e.strip } rescue NameError nil end end @data['OC'] end # returns keywords in the KW line. # * Bio::EMBLDB::Common#kw -> [ * ] # KW Line; keyword (>=1) # KW [Keyword;]+ def kw unless @data['KW'] if get('KW').size > 0 tmp = fetch('KW').sub(/.$/,'') @data['KW'] = tmp.split(/;/).map {|e| e.strip } else @data['KW'] = [] end end @data['KW'] end alias keywords kw # returns contents in the R lines. # * Bio::EMBLDB::Common#ref -> [ * ] # where is: # {'RN' => '', 'RC' => '', 'RP' => '', 'RX' => '', # 'RA' => '', 'RT' => '', 'RL' => '', 'RG' => ''} # # R Lines # * RN RC RP RX RA RT RL RG def ref unless @data['R'] ary = Array.new get('R').split(/\nRN /).each do |str| raw = {'RN' => '', 'RC' => '', 'RP' => '', 'RX' => '', 'RA' => '', 'RT' => '', 'RL' => '', 'RG' => ''} str = 'RN ' + str unless /^RN / =~ str str.split("\n").each do |line| if /^(R[NPXARLCTG]) (.+)/ =~ line raw[$1] += $2 + ' ' else raise "Invalid format in R lines, \n[#{line}]\n" end end raw.each_value {|v| v.strip! v.sub!(/^"/,'') v.sub!(/;$/,'') v.sub!(/"$/,'') } ary.push(raw) end @data['R'] = ary end @data['R'] end # returns Bio::Reference object from Bio::EMBLDB::Common#ref. # * Bio::EMBLDB::Common#ref -> Bio::References def references unless @data['references'] ary = self.ref.map {|ent| hash = Hash.new('') ent.each {|key, value| case key when 'RA' hash['authors'] = value.split(/, /) when 'RT' hash['title'] = value when 'RL' if value =~ /(.*) (\d+) \((\d+)\), (\d+-\d+) \((\d+)\)$/ hash['journal'] = $1 hash['volume'] = $2 hash['issue'] = $3 hash['pages'] = $4 hash['year'] = $5 else hash['journal'] = value end when 'RX' # PUBMED, MEDLINE value.split('.').each {|item| tag, xref = item.split(/; /).map {|i| i.strip } hash[ tag.downcase ] = xref } end } Reference.new(hash) } @data['references'] = References.new(ary) end @data['references'] end # returns contents in the DR line. # * Bio::EMBLDB::Common#dr -> [ * ] # where is: # * Bio::EMBLDB::Common#dr {|k,v| } # # DR Line; defabases cross-reference (>=0) # a cross_ref pre one line # "DR database_identifier; primary_identifier; secondary_identifier." def dr unless @data['DR'] tmp = Hash.new self.get('DR').split(/\n/).each do |db| a = db.sub(/^DR /,'').sub(/.$/,'').strip.split(/;[ ]/) dbname = a.shift tmp[dbname] = Array.new unless tmp[dbname] tmp[dbname].push(a) end @data['DR'] = tmp end if block_given? @data['DR'].each do |k,v| yield(k, v) end else @data['DR'] end end end # module Common end # class EMBLDB end # module Bio