Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
* It is possible to set things in three different places.
* 1. As attributes in the object tag.
* 2. As param tags under the object tag.
* 3. As attributes in the embed tag.
* It is possible for a single attribute to be present in more than one place.
* So let's define a mapping between a sementic attribute and its syntactic
* equivalents.
* Then we'll set and retrieve attribute values according to the mapping,
* instead of having to check and set each syntactic attribute every time.
* Reference: http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=tn_12701
var attributesMap =
id : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'id' } ],
classid : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'classid' } ],
codebase : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'codebase'} ],
pluginspage : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'pluginspage' } ],
src : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_PARAM, name : 'movie' }, { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'src' } ],
name : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'name' } ],
align : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'align' } ],
title : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'title' }, { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'title' } ],
'class' : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'class' }, { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'class'} ],
width : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'width' }, { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'width' } ],
height : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'height' }, { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'height' } ],
hSpace : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'hSpace' }, { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'hSpace' } ],
vSpace : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'vSpace' }, { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'vSpace' } ],
style : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_OBJECT, name : 'style' }, { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'style' } ],
type : [ { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : 'type' } ]
var names = [ 'play', 'loop', 'menu', 'quality', 'scale', 'salign', 'wmode', 'bgcolor', 'base', 'flashvars', 'allowScriptAccess',
'allowFullScreen' ];
for ( var i = 0 ; i < names.length ; i++ )
attributesMap[ names[i] ] = [ { type : ATTRTYPE_EMBED, name : names[i] }, { type : ATTRTYPE_PARAM, name : names[i] } ];
names = [ 'allowFullScreen', 'play', 'loop', 'menu' ];
for ( i = 0 ; i < names.length ; i++ )
attributesMap[ names[i] ][0]['default'] = attributesMap[ names[i] ][1]['default'] = true;
function loadValue( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap )
var attributes = attributesMap[ this.id ];
if ( !attributes )
var isCheckbox = ( this instanceof CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.checkbox );
for ( var i = 0 ; i < attributes.length ; i++ )
var attrDef = attributes[ i ];
switch ( attrDef.type )
if ( !objectNode )
if ( objectNode.getAttribute( attrDef.name ) !== null )
var value = objectNode.getAttribute( attrDef.name );
if ( isCheckbox )
this.setValue( value.toLowerCase() == 'true' );
this.setValue( value );
else if ( isCheckbox )
this.setValue( !!attrDef[ 'default' ] );
if ( !objectNode )
if ( attrDef.name in paramMap )
value = paramMap[ attrDef.name ];
if ( isCheckbox )
this.setValue( value.toLowerCase() == 'true' );
this.setValue( value );
else if ( isCheckbox )
this.setValue( !!attrDef[ 'default' ] );
if ( !embedNode )
if ( embedNode.getAttribute( attrDef.name ) )
value = embedNode.getAttribute( attrDef.name );
if ( isCheckbox )
this.setValue( value.toLowerCase() == 'true' );
this.setValue( value );
else if ( isCheckbox )
this.setValue( !!attrDef[ 'default' ] );
function commitValue( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap )
var attributes = attributesMap[ this.id ];
if ( !attributes )
var isRemove = ( this.getValue() === '' ),
isCheckbox = ( this instanceof CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.checkbox );
for ( var i = 0 ; i < attributes.length ; i++ )
var attrDef = attributes[i];
switch ( attrDef.type )
if ( !objectNode )
var value = this.getValue();
if ( isRemove || isCheckbox && value === attrDef[ 'default' ] )
objectNode.removeAttribute( attrDef.name );
objectNode.setAttribute( attrDef.name, value );
if ( !objectNode )
value = this.getValue();
if ( isRemove || isCheckbox && value === attrDef[ 'default' ] )
if ( attrDef.name in paramMap )
paramMap[ attrDef.name ].remove();
if ( attrDef.name in paramMap )
paramMap[ attrDef.name ].setAttribute( 'value', value );
var param = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '', objectNode.getDocument() );
param.setAttributes( { name : attrDef.name, value : value } );
if ( objectNode.getChildCount() < 1 )
param.appendTo( objectNode );
param.insertBefore( objectNode.getFirst() );
if ( !embedNode )
value = this.getValue();
if ( isRemove || isCheckbox && value === attrDef[ 'default' ])
embedNode.removeAttribute( attrDef.name );
embedNode.setAttribute( attrDef.name, value );
CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'flash', function( editor )
var makeObjectTag = !editor.config.flashEmbedTagOnly,
makeEmbedTag = editor.config.flashAddEmbedTag || editor.config.flashEmbedTagOnly;
var previewPreloader,
previewAreaHtml = '
' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( editor.lang.common.preview ) +'
' +
' +
return {
title : editor.lang.flash.title,
minWidth : 420,
minHeight : 310,
onShow : function()
// Clear previously saved elements.
this.fakeImage = this.objectNode = this.embedNode = null;
previewPreloader = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'embed', editor.document );
// Try to detect any embed or object tag that has Flash parameters.
var fakeImage = this.getSelectedElement();
if ( fakeImage && fakeImage.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' ) && fakeImage.getAttribute( '_cke_real_element_type' ) == 'flash' )
this.fakeImage = fakeImage;
var realElement = editor.restoreRealElement( fakeImage ),
objectNode = null, embedNode = null, paramMap = {};
if ( realElement.getName() == 'cke:object' )
objectNode = realElement;
var embedList = objectNode.getElementsByTag( 'embed', 'cke' );
if ( embedList.count() > 0 )
embedNode = embedList.getItem( 0 );
var paramList = objectNode.getElementsByTag( 'param', 'cke' );
for ( var i = 0, length = paramList.count() ; i < length ; i++ )
var item = paramList.getItem( i ),
name = item.getAttribute( 'name' ),
value = item.getAttribute( 'value' );
paramMap[ name ] = value;
else if ( realElement.getName() == 'cke:embed' )
embedNode = realElement;
this.objectNode = objectNode;
this.embedNode = embedNode;
this.setupContent( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap, fakeImage );
onOk : function()
// If there's no selected object or embed, create one. Otherwise, reuse the
// selected object and embed nodes.
var objectNode = null,
embedNode = null,
paramMap = null;
if ( !this.fakeImage )
if ( makeObjectTag )
objectNode = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '', editor.document );
var attributes = {
classid : 'clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000',
codebase : 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0'
objectNode.setAttributes( attributes );
if ( makeEmbedTag )
embedNode = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '', editor.document );
type : 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
pluginspage : 'http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'
} );
if ( objectNode )
embedNode.appendTo( objectNode );
objectNode = this.objectNode;
embedNode = this.embedNode;
// Produce the paramMap if there's an object tag.
if ( objectNode )
paramMap = {};
var paramList = objectNode.getElementsByTag( 'param', 'cke' );
for ( var i = 0, length = paramList.count() ; i < length ; i++ )
paramMap[ paramList.getItem( i ).getAttribute( 'name' ) ] = paramList.getItem( i );
// A subset of the specified attributes/styles
// should also be applied on the fake element to
// have better visual effect. (#5240)
var extraStyles = {}, extraAttributes = {};
this.commitContent( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap, extraStyles, extraAttributes );
// Refresh the fake image.
var newFakeImage = editor.createFakeElement( objectNode || embedNode, 'cke_flash', 'flash', true );
newFakeImage.setAttributes( extraAttributes );
newFakeImage.setStyles( extraStyles );
if ( this.fakeImage )
newFakeImage.replace( this.fakeImage );
editor.getSelection().selectElement( newFakeImage );
editor.insertElement( newFakeImage );
onHide : function()
if ( this.preview )
contents : [
id : 'info',
label : editor.lang.common.generalTab,
accessKey : 'I',
elements :
type : 'vbox',
padding : 0,
children :
type : 'hbox',
widths : [ '280px', '110px' ],
align : 'right',
children :
id : 'src',
type : 'text',
label : editor.lang.common.url,
required : true,
validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty( editor.lang.flash.validateSrc ),
setup : loadValue,
commit : commitValue,
onLoad : function()
var dialog = this.getDialog(),
updatePreview = function( src ){
// Query the preloader to figure out the url impacted by based href.
previewPreloader.setAttribute( 'src', src );
dialog.preview.setHtml( '' );
// Preview element
dialog.preview = dialog.getContentElement( 'info', 'preview' ).getElement().getChild( 3 );
// Sync on inital value loaded.
this.on( 'change', function( evt ){
if ( evt.data && evt.data.value )
updatePreview( evt.data.value );
} );
// Sync when input value changed.
this.getInputElement().on( 'change', function( evt ){
updatePreview( this.getValue() );
}, this );
type : 'button',
id : 'browse',
filebrowser : 'info:src',
hidden : true,
// v-align with the 'src' field.
// TODO: We need something better than a fixed size here.
style : 'display:inline-block;margin-top:10px;',
label : editor.lang.common.browseServer
type : 'hbox',
widths : [ '25%', '25%', '25%', '25%', '25%' ],
children :
type : 'text',
id : 'width',
style : 'width:95px',
label : editor.lang.flash.width,
validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.flash.validateWidth ),
setup : function( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap, fakeImage )
loadValue.apply( this, arguments );
if ( fakeImage )
var fakeImageWidth = parseInt( fakeImage.$.style.width, 10 );
if ( !isNaN( fakeImageWidth ) )
this.setValue( fakeImageWidth );
commit : function( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap, extraStyles )
commitValue.apply( this, arguments );
if ( this.getValue() )
extraStyles.width = this.getValue() + 'px';
type : 'text',
id : 'height',
style : 'width:95px',
label : editor.lang.flash.height,
validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.flash.validateHeight ),
setup : function( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap, fakeImage )
loadValue.apply( this, arguments );
if ( fakeImage )
var fakeImageHeight = parseInt( fakeImage.$.style.height, 10 );
if ( !isNaN( fakeImageHeight ) )
this.setValue( fakeImageHeight );
commit : function( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap, extraStyles )
commitValue.apply( this, arguments );
if ( this.getValue() )
extraStyles.height = this.getValue() + 'px';
type : 'text',
id : 'hSpace',
style : 'width:95px',
label : editor.lang.flash.hSpace,
validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.flash.validateHSpace ),
setup : loadValue,
commit : commitValue
type : 'text',
id : 'vSpace',
style : 'width:95px',
label : editor.lang.flash.vSpace,
validate : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( editor.lang.flash.validateVSpace ),
setup : loadValue,
commit : commitValue
type : 'vbox',
children :
type : 'html',
id : 'preview',
style : 'width:95%;',
html : previewAreaHtml
id : 'Upload',
hidden : true,
filebrowser : 'uploadButton',
label : editor.lang.common.upload,
elements :
type : 'file',
id : 'upload',
label : editor.lang.common.upload,
size : 38
type : 'fileButton',
id : 'uploadButton',
label : editor.lang.common.uploadSubmit,
filebrowser : 'info:src',
'for' : [ 'Upload', 'upload' ]
id : 'properties',
label : editor.lang.flash.propertiesTab,
elements :
type : 'hbox',
widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
children :
id : 'scale',
type : 'select',
label : editor.lang.flash.scale,
'default' : '',
style : 'width : 100%;',
items :
[ editor.lang.common.notSet , ''],
[ editor.lang.flash.scaleAll, 'showall' ],
[ editor.lang.flash.scaleNoBorder, 'noborder' ],
[ editor.lang.flash.scaleFit, 'exactfit' ]
setup : loadValue,
commit : commitValue
id : 'allowScriptAccess',
type : 'select',
label : editor.lang.flash.access,
'default' : '',
style : 'width : 100%;',
items :
[ editor.lang.common.notSet , ''],
[ editor.lang.flash.accessAlways, 'always' ],
[ editor.lang.flash.accessSameDomain, 'samedomain' ],
[ editor.lang.flash.accessNever, 'never' ]
setup : loadValue,
commit : commitValue
type : 'hbox',
widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
children :
id : 'wmode',
type : 'select',
label : editor.lang.flash.windowMode,
'default' : '',
style : 'width : 100%;',
items :
[ editor.lang.common.notSet , '' ],
[ editor.lang.flash.windowModeWindow, 'window' ],
[ editor.lang.flash.windowModeOpaque, 'opaque' ],
[ editor.lang.flash.windowModeTransparent, 'transparent' ]
setup : loadValue,
commit : commitValue
id : 'quality',
type : 'select',
label : editor.lang.flash.quality,
'default' : 'high',
style : 'width : 100%;',
items :
[ editor.lang.common.notSet , '' ],
[ editor.lang.flash.qualityBest, 'best' ],
[ editor.lang.flash.qualityHigh, 'high' ],
[ editor.lang.flash.qualityAutoHigh, 'autohigh' ],
[ editor.lang.flash.qualityMedium, 'medium' ],
[ editor.lang.flash.qualityAutoLow, 'autolow' ],
[ editor.lang.flash.qualityLow, 'low' ]
setup : loadValue,
commit : commitValue
type : 'hbox',
widths : [ '50%', '50%' ],
children :
id : 'align',
type : 'select',
label : editor.lang.flash.align,
'default' : '',
style : 'width : 100%;',
items :
[ editor.lang.common.notSet , ''],
[ editor.lang.flash.alignLeft , 'left'],
[ editor.lang.flash.alignAbsBottom , 'absBottom'],
[ editor.lang.flash.alignAbsMiddle , 'absMiddle'],
[ editor.lang.flash.alignBaseline , 'baseline'],
[ editor.lang.flash.alignBottom , 'bottom'],
[ editor.lang.flash.alignMiddle , 'middle'],
[ editor.lang.flash.alignRight , 'right'],
[ editor.lang.flash.alignTextTop , 'textTop'],
[ editor.lang.flash.alignTop , 'top']
setup : loadValue,
commit : function( objectNode, embedNode, paramMap, extraStyles, extraAttributes )
var value = this.getValue();
commitValue.apply( this, arguments );
value && ( extraAttributes.align = value );
type : 'html',
html : ''
type : 'fieldset',
label : CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( editor.lang.flash.flashvars ),
children :
type : 'vbox',
padding : 0,
children :
type : 'checkbox',
id : 'menu',
label : editor.lang.flash.chkMenu,
'default' : true,
setup : loadValue,
commit : commitValue
type : 'checkbox',
id : 'play',
label : editor.lang.flash.chkPlay,
'default' : true,
setup : loadValue,
commit : commitValue
type : 'checkbox',
id : 'loop',
label : editor.lang.flash.chkLoop,
'default' : true,
setup : loadValue,
commit : commitValue
type : 'checkbox',
id : 'allowFullScreen',
label : editor.lang.flash.chkFull,
'default' : true,
setup : loadValue,
commit : commitValue
id : 'advanced',
label : editor.lang.common.advancedTab,
elements :
type : 'hbox',
widths : [ '45%', '55%' ],
children :
type : 'text',
id : 'id',
label : editor.lang.common.id,
setup : loadValue,
commit : commitValue
type : 'text',
id : 'title',
label : editor.lang.common.advisoryTitle,
setup : loadValue,
commit : commitValue
type : 'hbox',
widths : [ '45%', '55%' ],
children :
type : 'text',
id : 'bgcolor',
label : editor.lang.flash.bgcolor,
setup : loadValue,
commit : commitValue
type : 'text',
id : 'class',
label : editor.lang.common.cssClass,
setup : loadValue,
commit : commitValue
type : 'text',
id : 'style',
label : editor.lang.common.cssStyle,
setup : loadValue,
commit : commitValue
} );