require 'helper' require 'lib/rubygems/commands/webhook_command' class WebhookCommandTest < CommandTest context "webhooking" do setup do @gem = "foo" @api = "" @url = "" @command = stub(@command).say end %w[-a --add -r --remove -f --fire].each do |option| should "raise an error with no URL with #{option}" do assert_raise OptionParser::MissingArgument do @command.handle_options([@gem, option]) end end end context "adding a specific hook" do setup do stub_api_key("key") stub_request(:post, @api).to_return(:body => "Success!") @command.handle_options([@gem, "-a", @url]) @command.execute end should "say hook was added" do assert_received(@command) do |command| command.say("Adding webhook...") command.say("Success!") end end should "post to api" do # webmock doesn't pass body params on correctly :[ assert_requested(:post, @api, :times => 1) assert_requested(:post, @api, :headers => { 'Authorization' => 'key' }) end end context "adding a global hook" do setup do stub_api_key("key") stub_request(:post, @api).to_return(:body => "Success!") @command.handle_options(["-g", "-a", @url]) @command.execute end should "say hook was added" do assert_received(@command) do |command| command.say("Adding webhook...") command.say("Success!") end end should "post to api" do # webmock doesn't pass body params on correctly :[ assert_requested(:post, @api, :times => 1) assert_requested(:post, @api, :headers => { 'Authorization' => 'key' }) end end context "listing hooks with some available" do setup do stub_api_key("key") stub_request(:get, "#{@api}.yaml").to_return :body => < 1) assert_requested(:get, "#{@api}.yaml", :headers => { 'Authorization' => 'key' }) end end context "listing hooks with none available" do setup do stub_api_key("key") stub_request(:get, "#{@api}.yaml").to_return(:body => "{}") @command.handle_options([]) @command.execute end should "list hooks" do assert_received(@command) do |command| command.say("You haven't added any webhooks yet.") end end end context "listing hooks with a json error" do setup do stub(@command).terminate_interaction stub_api_key("key") stub_request(:get, "#{@api}.yaml").to_return(:body => "fubar") @command.handle_options([]) @command.execute end should "dump out with error message" do assert_received(@command) do |command| command.say("There was a problem parsing the data:") end end should "terminate interaction" do assert_received(@command) do |command| command.terminate_interaction end end end context "removing specific hooks" do setup do stub_api_key("key") stub_request(:delete, "#{@api}/remove").to_return(:body => "Success!") @command.handle_options([@gem, "-r", @url]) @command.execute end should "say hook was removed" do assert_received(@command) do |command| command.say("Removing webhook...") command.say("Success!") end end should "send delete to api" do # webmock doesn't pass body params on correctly :[ assert_requested(:delete, "#{@api}/remove", :times => 1) assert_requested(:delete, "#{@api}/remove", :headers => { 'Authorization' => 'key' }) end end context "removing global hooks" do setup do stub_api_key("key") stub_request(:delete, "#{@api}/remove").to_return(:body => "Success!") @command.handle_options(["-g", "-r", @url]) @command.execute end should "say hook was removed" do assert_received(@command) do |command| command.say("Removing webhook...") command.say("Success!") end end should "send delete to api" do # webmock doesn't pass body params on correctly :[ assert_requested(:delete, "#{@api}/remove", :times => 1) assert_requested(:delete, "#{@api}/remove", :headers => { 'Authorization' => 'key' }) end end context "test firing hooks" do setup do stub_api_key("key") stub_request(:post, "#{@api}/fire").to_return(:body => "Success!") @command.handle_options([@gem, "-f", @url]) @command.execute end should "say hook was fired" do assert_received(@command) do |command| command.say("Test firing webhook...") command.say("Success!") end end should "send post to api" do # webmock doesn't pass body params on correctly :[ assert_requested(:post, "#{@api}/fire", :times => 1) assert_requested(:post, "#{@api}/fire", :headers => { 'Authorization' => 'key' }) end end end end