require_relative '../../vagrant-subutai' require 'json' module VagrantSubutai module Blueprint class VariablesController attr_accessor :json, :variables, :required_ram, # sum of all containers ram size required (in unit GB) :required_disk, # sum of all containers disk size required (in unit GB) :available_ram, # sum of all containers ram size free (in unit GB) :available_disk, # sum of all containers disk size free (in unit GB) :mode, # Environment build mode (peer, bazaar) :cookies # Bazaar cookies(for reserving domain) KEYS = { name: 'name', description: 'description', containers: 'containers', hostname: 'hostname', template: 'template', size: 'size', peer_criteria: 'peer-criteria', port_mapping: 'port-mapping', protocol: 'protocol', domain: 'domain', internal_port: 'internal-port', external_port: 'external-port', max_price: 'max-price', avg_cpu_load: 'avg-cpu-load', min_free_ram: 'min-free-ram', min_free_disk_space: 'min-free-disk-space', user_variables: 'user-variables', type: 'type', default: 'default', validation: 'validation', ansible_configuration: 'ansible-configuration', extra_vars: 'extra-vars', key: 'key', value: 'value', source_url: 'source-url', ansible_playbook: 'ansible-playbook', groups: 'groups', hostnames: 'hostnames' }.freeze # @params available_ram, available_disk def initialize(available_ram, available_disk, mode) @required_ram = 0 @required_disk = 0 @available_ram = available_ram @available_disk = available_disk @mode = mode begin @json = JSON.parse("#{Dir.pwd}/#{Configs::Blueprint::FILE_NAME}")) rescue => e Put.error e exit! end end # Gives Subutai.json user variables # returns json object def user_variables hash = {} if @json.key?(KEYS[:user_variables]) conf_user_variables = SubutaiConfig.get(:USER_VARIABLES) if conf_user_variables.nil? conf_user_variables = {} else if conf_user_variables.kind_of?(String) begin conf_user_variables = JSON.parse(SubutaiConfig.get(:USER_VARIABLES)) rescue JSON::ParserError => e Put.error e return end end end user_variables = @json[KEYS[:user_variables]] keys = user_variables.keys keys.each do |key| if conf_user_variables[key].nil? hash[key] = get_input(user_variables[key]) else hash[key] = conf_user_variables[key] end end end @variables = hash end # This counts how mach quota(ram, disk) required for building environment from the Peer Os def check_required_quota if @json.key?(KEYS[:user_variables]) user_variables = @json[KEYS[:user_variables]] keys = user_variables.keys keys.each do |key| if user_variables[key][KEYS[:type]] == 'enum' && Configs::Blueprint::CONTAINER_SIZES.include?(user_variables[key][KEYS[:default]]) @required_ram += (VagrantSubutai::Configs::Quota::RESOURCE[(user_variables[key][KEYS[:default]]).strip.to_sym][:RAM]) @required_disk += (VagrantSubutai::Configs::Quota::RESOURCE[(user_variables[key][KEYS[:default]]).strip.to_sym][:DISK]) end end @required_ram += VagrantSubutai::Configs::Quota::RESOURCE[:TINY][:RAM] if @json.key?(KEYS[:ansible_configuration]) # default ansible container ram @required_disk += VagrantSubutai::Configs::Quota::RESOURCE[:TINY][:DISK] if @json.key?(KEYS[:ansible_configuration]) # default ansible container disk else @json[KEYS[:containers]].each do |container| @required_ram += (VagrantSubutai::Configs::Quota::RESOURCE[(container[KEYS[:size]]).to_sym][:RAM]) @required_disk += (VagrantSubutai::Configs::Quota::RESOURCE[(container[KEYS[:size]]).to_sym][:DISK]) end end end def check_quota?(resource) resource = JSON.parse(resource) @free_ram = resource['RAM']['free'].to_f / 1073741824 # convert bytes to gb @free_disk = (resource['Disk']['total'].to_f - resource['Disk']['used'].to_f) / 1073741824 # convert bytes to gb @free_ram = @free_ram.round(3) @free_disk = @free_disk.round(2) check_required_quota if @free_ram >= @required_ram && @free_disk >= @required_disk true else Put.warn "\nNo available resources on the Peer Os\n" "--------------------------------------------------------------------" if @free_ram >= @required_ram "RAM: available = #{@free_ram} gb, required minimum = #{@required_ram} gb" else Put.error "RAM: available = #{@free_ram} gb, required minimum = #{@required_ram} gb" end "--------------------------------------------------------------------" if @free_disk >= @required_disk "DISK: available = #{@free_disk} gb, required minimum = #{@required_disk} gb" else Put.error "DISK: available = #{@free_disk} gb, required minimum = #{@required_disk} gb" end "--------------------------------------------------------------------" false end end def has_ansible? if @json.key?(KEYS[:ansible_configuration]) true else false end end def ansible if has_ansible? ansible = ansible_configuration = @json[KEYS[:ansible_configuration]] ansible.ansible_playbook = ansible_configuration[KEYS[:ansible_playbook]] ansible.source_url = ansible_configuration[KEYS[:source_url]] ansible.extra_vars = [] ansible.groups = [] ansible_configuration[KEYS[:groups]].each do |group| temp = group hostnames = [] group[KEYS[:hostnames]].each do |hostname| hostnames << value(hostname) end temp[KEYS[:hostnames]] = hostnames ansible.groups << temp end if ansible_configuration.key?(KEYS[:extra_vars]) ansible_configuration[KEYS[:extra_vars]].each do |obj| hash = {} hash[obj[KEYS[:key]]] = value(obj[KEYS[:value]]) ansible.extra_vars << hash end end ansible end end def params(rh_id, peer_id) env = environment containers = env.containers hash = {} nodes = [] if mode == Configs::Blueprint::MODE::PEER containers.each do |container| node = {} node['hostname'] = container.hostname node['quota'] = {'containerSize' => container.container_size} node['templateId'] = Rest::Gorjun.template_id(, container.owner) node['resourceHostId'] = rh_id node['peerId'] = peer_id nodes << node end hash['name'] = hash['sshKey'] = "" hash['nodes'] = nodes elsif mode == Configs::Blueprint::MODE::BAZAAR containers.each do |container| node = {} node['hostname'] = container.hostname node['quota'] = {'containerSize' => container.container_size} node['templateId'] = Rest::Gorjun.template_id(, container.owner) node['resourceHostId'] = rh_id node['templateName'] = node['peerId'] = peer_id nodes << node end hash['environmentName'] = hash['exchangeSshKeys'] = true hash['registerHosts'] = true hash['nodes'] = nodes end hash end def value(variable) if is_variable?(variable) @variables[variable[/\${(.*?)}/, 1]] else variable end end def is_variable?(var) if (var =~ /\${(.*?)}/).nil? false else true end end # Environment # @return Environment model def environment env = = value(@json[KEYS[:name]]) env.containers = containers env end # Containers # @return Container Models def containers arr = [] @json[KEYS[:containers]].each do |container| cont = cont.hostname = value(container[KEYS[:hostname]]) cont.container_size = value(container[KEYS[:size]]) cont.template = container[KEYS[:template]] cont.peer_criteria = container[KEYS[:peer_criteria]] cont.port_mapping = container[KEYS[:port_mapping]] arr << cont end if @json.key?(KEYS[:ansible_configuration]) cont = cont.ansible arr << cont end arr end # Domain # @return Domain Model or nil def domain @json[KEYS[:containers]].each do |container| if container.key?(KEYS[:port_mapping]) container[KEYS[:port_mapping]].each do |port_map| if port_map[KEYS[:protocol]] == 'HTTP' || port_map[KEYS[:protocol]] == 'http' domain = domain.protocol = port_map[KEYS[:protocol]] = value(port_map[KEYS[:domain]]) domain.internal_port = port_map[KEYS[:internal_port]] domain.external_port = port_map[KEYS[:external_port]] domain.container_hostname = value(container[KEYS[:hostname]]) return domain end end end end nil end # Gets input variable # @params variable json object def get_input(variable_json) if variable_json[KEYS[:type]] == 'enum' "\nEnter your container size (Ex: #{variable_json[KEYS[:default]]}): " validations = variable_json[KEYS[:validation]].split(',') temp = nil validations.each_with_index do |validation, index| if Configs::Blueprint::CONTAINER_SIZES.include?(validation) && @available_ram >= Configs::Quota::RESOURCE[validation.strip.to_sym][:RAM] && @available_disk >= Configs::Quota::RESOURCE[validation.strip.to_sym][:DISK] " #{index}. #{validation}" temp = index else " #{index}. #{validation}" temp = index end end "\nChoose your container size between ( 0 to #{temp}): " input = STDIN.gets.strip.to_i validations[input] elsif mode == Configs::Blueprint::MODE::BAZAAR && variable_json[KEYS[:type]] == 'domain' "\n#Create a new domain: (Ex:" reserve else "\n#{variable_json[KEYS[:description]]}: (Ex: #{variable_json[KEYS[:default]]})" STDIN.gets.strip end end def reserve begin @temp = STDIN.gets.strip @response = VagrantSubutai::Rest::Bazaar.reserve(@cookies, @temp) until @response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPOK) Put.warn "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------" Put.warn "Requested \"#{@temp}\" sub-domain already exists" Put.warn '-------------------------------------------------------------------' "\n#Create a new domain: (Ex:" @temp = STDIN.gets.strip @response = VagrantSubutai::Rest::Bazaar.reserve(@cookies, @temp) end res = json = JSON.parse(res.body) json = json.find {|domain| domain['name'].split('.').first == @temp} "\n Created a new domain: #{json['name']}" json['name'] rescue => e Put.error e end end # Validate variable # @params var, type, validation def validate_variable(var, variable_json) if (var =~ /#{Regexp.quote(variable_json[KEYS[:validation]])}/).nil? false else true end end def bazaar_params(variables) variables.each do |variable| variable['label'] end end def get_input_bazaar(variable) "\n#{variable['label']}" if variable.key?('acceptableValues') if variable['type'] == 'enum' arr = variable['acceptableValues'].split(',') temp = nil arr.each_with_index do |val, index| " #{index}. #{val}" temp = index end "\nChoose your container size between ( 0 to #{temp}): " input = STDIN.gets.strip.to_i arr[input] elsif variable['type'] == 'domain' arr = variable['acceptableValues'].split(',') temp = nil arr.each_with_index do |val, index| " #{index}. #{val}" temp = index end " #{temp+1}. Create a new domain: (Ex:" "\nChoose options: ( 0 to #{temp+1}) " input = STDIN.gets.strip.to_i if temp+1 == input Put.success "\nCreate a new domain: (Ex:" reserve else Put.success "\n Chosen a domain: #{arr[input]}" arr[input] end end else STDIN.gets.strip end end # Validates Subutai.json file def validate scheme = Configs::Blueprint::SCHEME # Check keys @json.keys.each do |key| unless scheme.key?(key.to_sym) Put.error "Undefined key: \"#{key}\"" return false end end scheme_container = scheme[:containers].first scheme_port_mapping = scheme_container[KEYS[:port_mapping].to_sym].first # Check container keys @json[KEYS[:containers]].each do |container| container.keys.each do |key| unless scheme_container.key?(key.to_sym) Put.error "Undefined key: \"#{key}\"" return false end if key == KEYS[:size] && !is_variable?(container[KEYS[:size]]) unless Configs::Blueprint::CONTAINER_SIZES.include?(container[KEYS[:size]]) Put.error "Undefined container size: #{container[KEYS[:size]]}" return false end end if container.key?(KEYS[:port_mapping]) container[KEYS[:port_mapping]].each do |port_map| port_map.keys.each do |key| unless scheme_port_mapping.key?(key.to_sym) Put.error "Undefined port-mapping key: #{key}" return false end end end end end end # Check ansible configuration if @json.key?(KEYS[:ansible_configuration]) @json[KEYS[:ansible_configuration]].keys.each do |key| unless scheme[KEYS[:ansible_configuration].to_sym].key?(key.to_sym) Put.error "Undefined ansible-configuration key: #{key}" return false end end # check extra-vars if @json[KEYS[:ansible_configuration]].key?(KEYS[:extra_vars]) unless @json[KEYS[:ansible_configuration]][KEYS[:extra_vars]].kind_of?(Array) Put.error "ansible-configuration extra-vals should be JSON array \"[]\"" return false end @json[KEYS[:ansible_configuration]][KEYS[:extra_vars]].each do |extra_var| unless extra_var.key?(KEYS[:key]) Put.error "ansible-configuration extra-vals has no \"key\" key" return false end unless extra_var.key?(KEYS[:value]) Put.error "ansible-configuration extra-vals has no \"value\" key" return false end end end # check groups if @json[KEYS[:ansible_configuration]].key?(KEYS[:groups]) unless @json[KEYS[:ansible_configuration]][KEYS[:groups]].kind_of?(Array) Put.error "groups should be JSON array" return false end @json[KEYS[:ansible_configuration]][KEYS[:groups]].each do |group| group.keys.each do |key| unless scheme[KEYS[:ansible_configuration].to_sym][KEYS[:groups].to_sym].first.key?(key.to_sym) Put.error "Undefined groups key: #{key}" return false end end end end end # check peer criteria @json[KEYS[:peer_criteria]].each do |peer_criteria| peer_criteria.keys.each do |key| unless scheme[KEYS[:peer_criteria].to_sym].first.key?(key.to_sym) Put.error "Undefined peer-criteria key: #{key}" return false end end end # check user-variables if @json.key?(KEYS[:user_variables]) @json[KEYS[:user_variables]].keys.each do |key| user_variable = @json[KEYS[:user_variables]][key] user_variable.keys.each do |key| unless scheme[KEYS[:user_variables].to_sym][:any_name].key?(key.to_sym) Put.error "Undefined user-variables key: #{key}" return false end end end end true end end end end