Lumberg [![Lumberg Build Status][Build Icon]][Build Status] =========================================================== ![Lumberg logo]( Ruby library for the WHM & cPanel API. It is currently what we consider to be beta-ish. Please report any issues you find. :) [RDoc]( Confirmed to work with ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.2, Rubinius, REE and JRuby 1.6.0 on cPanel 11.28+ [Build Status]: [Build Icon]: Install ------- gem install lumberg Usage ----- Create a server object and connect to WHM using your host and hash: ```ruby require 'lumberg' server = :host => WHM_HOST, :hash => WHM_HASH ) ``` If you are using HTTP Basic Authentication with a username/password: ```ruby server = :host => WHM_HOST, :user => USERNAME, :hash => 'my_password' ) ``` You can access the modules of WHM by calling `server.`. For example, `server.account` or `server.dns`. Here are the currently supported modules: * Account * DNS * Reseller Here's how to get a list of accounts: ```ruby account = server.account result = account.list ``` Most responses will return success and a message ```ruby p "Returned #{result[:success]} with message: #{result[:message]}" Returned true with message: Ok ``` You can grab the data you need from the results hash ```ruby num_accounts = result[:params][:acct].size p "There are #{num_accounts} accounts" There are 6 accounts ``` Here's an example of what the returned data looks like for a single account ```ruby pp result[:params][:acct].first { :startdate=>false, :plan => "default", :suspended => false, :theme => "x3", :shell => "/usr/local/cpanel/bin/jailshell", :maxpop => "unlimited", :maxlst => "unlimited", :maxaddons => "*unknown*", :suspendtime => nil, :ip => false, :maxsub => "unlimited", :domain => "", :maxsql => "unlimited", :partition => "home", :maxftp => "unlimited", :user => "bob", :suspendreason => "not suspended", :unix_startdate => false, :diskused => false, :maxparked => "*unknown*", :email => "*unknown*", :disklimit => "unlimited", :owner => "root" } ``` Account Example --------------- Creating a new account requires only a username, domain, and password. ```ruby result = server.account.create( :username => 'newuser', :domain => '', :password => 'password' ) if result[:success] p result[:message] end Account Creation Ok ``` You can list all accounts or search for a specific account. ```ruby result = server.account.list(:search => 'new', :searchtype => 'user') acct = result[:params][:acct].first p "Found user '#{acct[:user]}' with domain '#{acct[:domain]}'" Found user 'newuser' with domain '' ``` Suspending an account is simple and the reason for suspension is optional. ```ruby result = server.account.suspend(:username => 'newuser', :reason => 'bad user') p "user was suspended successfully" if result[:success] user was suspended successfully ``` We can look at the account list again to see the reason for the user's suspension. ```ruby result = server.account.list(:search => 'new', :searchtype => 'user') acct = result[:params][:acct].first p "user '#{acct[:user]}' was suspended with reason '#{acct[:suspendreason]}'" user 'newuser' was suspended with reason 'bad user' ``` Finally, we remove the user and delete their account. ```ruby result = server.account.remove(:username => 'newuser') p result[:message] newuser account removed ``` Reseller Example ---------------- Creating a reseller works by changing the status of an existing user account, so first we create a user account and then we can create that user as a reseller. ```ruby result = server.account.create( :username => 'rtest', :domain => '', :password => 'password' ) if result[:success] result = server.reseller.create(:username => 'rtest', :makeowner => true) p "created reseller rtest" if result[:success] end created reseller rtest ``` You can get a list of all of the reseller accounts easily. ``` result = server.reseller.list p result[:params][:resellers].inspect ["samir", "rtest"] ``` Suspending a reseller is pretty straightforward. It's optional to provide a reason for the suspension. ```ruby result = server.reseller.suspend(:username => 'rtest', :reason => 'bad user') p "reseller was suspended successfully" if result[:success] user was suspended successfully ``` Deleting the reseller removes the reseller status from the user account. To also delete the user account, set the `:terminatereseller` argument. ```ruby result = server.reseller.terminate(:reseller => 'rtest', :terminatereseller => true) p result[:message] Account Terminations Complete ``` Contributors ============ * [Justin Mazzi]( * [Tim Parkin]( Note on Patches/Pull Requests ============================= All HTTP interactions are recorded using VCR and FakeWeb. Please be sure to remove any sensitive information from your cassettes. * Fork the project. * Add yourself to the Contributors list * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. Copyright ========= Copyright (c) 2012 See LICENSE for details.