require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "test_helper.rb") class TestNiftyScaffoldGenerator < Test::Unit::TestCase include NiftyGenerators::TestHelper # Some generator-related assertions: # assert_generated_file(name, &block) # block passed the file contents # assert_directory_exists(name) # assert_generated_class(name, &block) # assert_generated_module(name, &block) # assert_generated_test_for(name, &block) # The assert_generated_(class|module|test_for) &block is passed the body of the class/module within the file # assert_has_method(body, *methods) # check that the body has a list of methods (methods with parentheses not supported yet) # # Other helper methods are: # app_root_files - put this in teardown to show files generated by the test method (e.g. p app_root_files) # bare_setup - place this in setup method to create the APP_ROOT folder for each test # bare_teardown - place this in teardown method to destroy the TMP_ROOT or APP_ROOT folder after each test context "routed" do setup do Dir.mkdir("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config") unless File.exists?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config")"#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/routes.rb", 'w') do |f| f.puts "ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|\n\nend" end end teardown do FileUtils.rm_rf "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config" end context "generator without name" do should "raise usage error" do assert_raise Rails::Generator::UsageError do run_rails_generator :nifty_scaffold end end end context "generator with no options and no existing model" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "LineItem" should_generate_file "app/helpers/line_items_helper.rb" should "generate controller with class as camelcase name pluralized and all actions" do assert_generated_file "app/controllers/line_items_controller.rb" do |body| assert_match "class LineItemsController < ApplicationController", body %w[index show new create edit update destroy].each do |action| assert_match "def #{action}", body end end end %w[index show new edit].each do |action| should_generate_file "app/views/line_items/#{action}.html.erb" end should "have name attribute" do assert_generated_file "app/views/line_items/_form.html.erb" do |body| assert_match "<%= f.text_field :name %>", body end end should "add map.resources line to routes" do assert_generated_file "config/routes.rb" do |body| assert_match "map.resources :line_items", body end end should_not_generate_file "app/models/line_item.rb" end context "generator with some attributes" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "name:string", "description:text" should "generate migration with attribute columns" do file = Dir.glob("#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/migrate/*.rb").first assert file, "migration file doesn't exist" assert_match(/[0-9]+_create_line_items.rb$/, file) assert_generated_file "db/migrate/#{File.basename(file)}" do |body| assert_match "class CreateLineItems", body assert_match "t.string :name", body assert_match "t.text :description", body assert_match "t.timestamps", body end end should "generate model with class as camelcase name" do assert_generated_file "app/models/line_item.rb" do |body| assert_match "class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base", body end end end context "generator with index action" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "index" should_generate_file "app/views/line_items/index.html.erb" should "generate controller with index action" do assert_generated_file "app/controllers/line_items_controller.rb" do |body| assert_match "def index", body assert_match "@line_items = LineItem.all", body assert_no_match(/ def index/, body) end end end context "generator with show action" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "show" should_generate_file "app/views/line_items/show.html.erb" should "generate controller with show action" do assert_generated_file "app/controllers/line_items_controller.rb" do |body| assert_match "def show", body assert_match "@line_item = LineItem.find(params[:id])", body end end end context "generator with new and create actions" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "new", "create" should_not_generate_file "app/views/line_items/create.html.erb" should_not_generate_file "app/views/line_items/_form.html.erb" should "render form in 'new' template" do assert_generated_file "app/views/line_items/new.html.erb" do |body| assert_match "<% form_for @line_item do |f| %>", body end end should "generate controller with actions" do assert_generated_file "app/controllers/line_items_controller.rb" do |body| assert_match "def new", body assert_match "@line_item =\n", body assert_match "def create", body assert_match "@line_item =[:line_item])", body assert_match "if", body assert_match "flash[:notice] = \"Successfully created line item.\"", body assert_match "redirect_to line_items_url", body assert_match "render :action => 'new'", body end end end context "generator with edit and update actions" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "edit", "update" should_not_generate_file "app/views/line_items/update.html.erb" should_not_generate_file "app/views/line_items/_form.html.erb" should "render form in 'edit' template" do assert_generated_file "app/views/line_items/edit.html.erb" do |body| assert_match "<% form_for @line_item do |f| %>", body end end should "generate controller with actions" do assert_generated_file "app/controllers/line_items_controller.rb" do |body| assert_match "def edit", body assert_match "@line_item = LineItem.find(params[:id])", body assert_match "def update", body assert_match "if @line_item.update_attributes(params[:line_item])", body assert_match "flash[:notice] = \"Successfully updated line item.\"", body assert_match "redirect_to line_items_url", body assert_match "render :action => 'edit'", body end end end context "generator with edit and update actions" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "destroy" should_not_generate_file "app/views/line_items/destroy.html.erb" should "generate controller with action" do assert_generated_file "app/controllers/line_items_controller.rb" do |body| assert_match "def destroy", body assert_match "@line_item = LineItem.find(params[:id])", body assert_match "@line_item.destroy", body assert_match "flash[:notice] = \"Successfully destroyed line item.\"", body assert_match "redirect_to line_items_url", body end end end context "generator with new and edit actions" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "new", "edit" should_generate_file "app/views/line_items/_form.html.erb" should "render the form partial in views" do %w[new edit].each do |action| assert_generated_file "app/views/line_items/#{action}.html.erb" do |body| assert_match "<%= render :partial => 'form' %>", body end end end end context "generator with attributes and actions" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "name:string", "new", "price:float", "index", "available:boolean" should "render a form field for each attribute in 'new' template" do assert_generated_file "app/views/line_items/new.html.erb" do |body| assert_match "<%= f.text_field :name %>", body assert_match "<%= f.text_field :price %>", body assert_match "<%= f.check_box :available %>", body end end end context "generator with show, create, and update actions" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "show", "create", "update" should "redirect to line item show page, not index" do assert_generated_file "app/controllers/line_items_controller.rb" do |body| assert_match "redirect_to @line_item", body assert_no_match(/redirect_to line_items_url/, body) end end end context "generator with attributes and skip model option" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "foo:string", :skip_model => true should "use passed attribute" do assert_generated_file "app/views/line_items/_form.html.erb" do |body| assert_match "<%= f.text_field :foo %>", body end end should "not generate migration file" do assert Dir.glob("#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/migrate/*.rb").empty? end should_not_generate_file "app/models/line_item.rb" end context "generator with no attributes" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item" should "not generate migration file" do assert Dir.glob("#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/migrate/*.rb").empty? end should_not_generate_file "app/models/line_item.rb" end context "generator with only new and edit actions" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "new", "edit" should "included create and update actions in controller" do assert_generated_file "app/controllers/line_items_controller.rb" do |body| assert_match "def create", body assert_match "def update", body end end end context "generator with exclemation mark and show, new, and edit actions" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "!", "show", "new", "edit" should "only include index and destroy actions" do assert_generated_file "app/controllers/line_items_controller.rb" do |body| %w[index destroy].each { |a| assert_match "def #{a}", body } %w[show new create edit update].each do |a| assert_no_match(/def #{a}/, body) end end end end context "generator with --skip-controller" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", :skip_controller => true should_not_generate_file "app/controllers/line_items_controller.rb" should_not_generate_file "app/helpers/line_items_helper.rb" should_not_generate_file "app/views/line_items/index.html.erb" end context "generator with --skip-migration" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "name:string", :skip_migration => true should "not generate migration file" do assert Dir.glob("#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/migrate/*.rb").empty? end end context "generator with --skip-timestamps" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "name:string", :skip_timestamps => true should "generate migration with no timestamps" do file = Dir.glob("#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/migrate/*.rb").first assert file, "migration file doesn't exist" assert_generated_file "db/migrate/#{File.basename(file)}" do |body| assert_no_match(/t.timestamps/, body) end end end context "existing model" do setup do Dir.mkdir("#{RAILS_ROOT}/app") unless File.exists?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/app") Dir.mkdir("#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models") unless File.exists?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models")"#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/recipe.rb", 'w') do |f| f.puts "raise 'should not be loaded'" end end teardown do FileUtils.rm_rf "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app" end context "generator with skip model option" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "recipe", :skip_model => true should "use model columns for attributes" do assert_generated_file "app/views/recipes/_form.html.erb" do |body| assert_match "<%= f.text_field :foo %>", body assert_match "<%= f.text_field :bar %>", body assert_match "<%= f.text_field :book_id %>", body assert_no_match(/:id/, body) assert_no_match(/:created_at/, body) assert_no_match(/:updated_at/, body) end end should "not generate migration file" do assert Dir.glob("#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/migrate/*.rb").empty? end end context "generator with attribute specified" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "recipe", "zippo:string" should "use specified attribute" do assert_generated_file "app/views/recipes/_form.html.erb" do |body| assert_match "<%= f.text_field :zippo %>", body end end end end context "with spec dir" do setup do Dir.mkdir("#{RAILS_ROOT}/spec") unless File.exists?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/spec") end teardown do FileUtils.rm_rf "#{RAILS_ROOT}/spec" end context "generator with some attributes" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "name:string", "description:text" should_generate_file "spec/models/line_item_spec.rb" should "have controller specs for each action" do assert_generated_file "spec/controllers/line_items_controller_spec.rb" do |body| assert_match "get :index", body assert_match "get :show", body assert_match "get :new", body assert_match "get :edit", body assert_match "post :create", body assert_match "put :update", body assert_match "delete :destroy", body end end should "have fixture with attributes" do assert_generated_file "spec/fixtures/line_items.yml" do |body| assert_match "name: MyString", body assert_match "description: MyText", body end end end context "generator with new and index actions" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "new", "index" should "have controller spec with only mentioned actions" do assert_generated_file "spec/controllers/line_items_controller_spec.rb" do |body| assert_match "get :index", body assert_match "get :new", body assert_match "post :create", body assert_no_match(/get :show/, body) assert_no_match(/get :edit/, body) assert_no_match(/put :update/, body) assert_no_match(/delete :destroy/, body) end end should "redirect to index action on successful create" do assert_generated_file "spec/controllers/line_items_controller_spec.rb" do |body| assert_match "redirect_to(line_items_url)", body end end end context "generator with edit and index actions" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "edit", "index" should "redirect to index action on successful update" do assert_generated_file "spec/controllers/line_items_controller_spec.rb" do |body| assert_match "redirect_to(line_items_url)", body end end end context "generator with testunit specified" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "name:string", :test_framework => :testunit should_generate_file "test/unit/line_item_test.rb" end end context "with test dir" do setup do Dir.mkdir("#{RAILS_ROOT}/test") unless File.exists?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/test") end teardown do FileUtils.rm_rf "#{RAILS_ROOT}/test" end context "generator with some attributes" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "name:string", "description:text" should_generate_file "test/unit/line_item_test.rb" should "have controller tests for each action" do assert_generated_file "test/functional/line_items_controller_test.rb" do |body| assert_match "get :index", body assert_match "get :show", body assert_match "get :new", body assert_match "get :edit", body assert_match "post :create", body assert_match "put :update", body assert_match "delete :destroy", body end end should "have fixture with attributes" do assert_generated_file "test/fixtures/line_items.yml" do |body| assert_match "name: MyString", body assert_match "description: MyText", body end end end context "generator with new and index actions" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "new", "index" should "have controller test with only mentioned actions" do assert_generated_file "test/functional/line_items_controller_test.rb" do |body| assert_match "get :index", body assert_match "get :new", body assert_match "post :create", body assert_no_match(/get :show/, body) assert_no_match(/get :edit/, body) assert_no_match(/put :update/, body) assert_no_match(/delete :destroy/, body) end end should "redirect to index action on successful create" do assert_generated_file "test/functional/line_items_controller_test.rb" do |body| assert_match "assert_redirected_to line_items_url", body end end end context "generator with edit and index actions" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "edit", "index" should "redirect to index action on successful update" do assert_generated_file "test/functional/line_items_controller_test.rb" do |body| assert_match "assert_redirected_to line_items_url", body end end end context "generator with rspec specified" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "name:string", :test_framework => :rspec should_generate_file "spec/models/line_item_spec.rb" end context "generator with shoulda specified" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "line_item", "name:string", :test_framework => :shoulda should "have controller and model tests using shoulda syntax" do assert_generated_file "test/functional/line_items_controller_test.rb" do |body| assert_match " should ", body end assert_generated_file "test/unit/line_item_test.rb" do |body| assert_match " should ", body end end end end context "generator with haml option" do rails_generator :nifty_scaffold, "LineItem", :haml => true %w[index show new edit _form].each do |action| should_generate_file "app/views/line_items/#{action}.html.haml" end should "render the form partial in views" do %w[new edit].each do |action| assert_generated_file "app/views/line_items/#{action}.html.haml" do |body| assert_match /^= render :partial => 'form'$/, body end end end end end end # just an example model we can use class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base add_column :id, :integer add_column :foo, :string add_column :bar, :string add_column :book_id, :integer add_column :created_at, :datetime add_column :updated_at, :datetime end