# ActiveRecordToXls This gem will generate XLS data for a collection of ActiveRecord models. It was forked from the [to_xls-rails gem](https://github.com/liangwenke/to_xls-rails). ## Installation **Gemfile**: ```ruby gem 'active_record_to_xls' ``` **config/initializers/mime_types.rb**: ```ruby Mime::Type.register_alias "text/excel", :xls ``` ## Usage **controller**: ```ruby format.xls { filename = “my_export.xls” send_data ActiveRecordToXls.call(Widget.all) } ``` **view:** ```ruby link_to 'Export Excel', my_action_path(format: :xls) ``` ### Options #### client_encoding - **Type:** String - **Default**: UTF-8 #### only - **Type:** Array Will only include the columns specified in this array: ```ruby send_data ActiveRecordToXls.call( Widget.all, only: [:title, :body] ) ``` #### except - **Type:** Array Will omit the columns specified in this array, eg: ```ruby send_data ActiveRecordToXls.call( Widget.all, omit: [:id] ) ``` #### prepend - **Type:** Array of row arrays Will prepend above header: ```ruby send_data ActiveRecordToXls.call( Widget.all, prepend: [["Col 0, Row 0", "Col 1, Row 0"], ["Col 0, Row 1"]] ) ``` #### header - **Type:** true or false - **Default:** false Will omit the header row: ```ruby send_data ActiveRecordToXls.call( Widget.all, header: false ) ``` #### header_columns - **Type**: Array Specify header column names: ```ruby send_data ActiveRecordToXls.call( Widget.all, header: false , header_columns: ['Title', 'Description]) ``` #### column_width - **Type:** Array of integers Set column widths: ```ruby send_data ActiveRecordToXls.call( Widget.all, column_width: [17,15,15,40,25,37] ) ``` #### append - **Type:** Array of row arrays Will append this row at end, eg: ```ruby send_data ActiveRecordToXls.call( Widget.all, append: [["Col 0, Row 0", "Col 1, Row 0"], ["Col 0, Row 1"]] ) ```