module Avro module Builder # This module provides methods for defining attributes that can be # set via the DSL on various objects. # # The methods generated for DSL attributes are combined getter/setters # of the form: # # attribute(value = nil) # # When value is provided the attribute is set, and when it is nil the # current value is returned. # # When a DSL attribute is defined, the class also keeps track of the # attribute names. module DslAttributes def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end def has_dsl_attribute?(name) self.class.dsl_attribute_names.include?(name.to_sym) end module ClassMethods def dsl_attributes(*names) names.each do |name| dsl_attribute_names << name ivar = :"@#{name}" define_method(name) do |value = nil| value ? instance_variable_set(ivar, value) : instance_variable_get(ivar) end end end # If a block is specified then it is used to define the # combined getter/setter method for the DSL attribute. def dsl_attribute(name, &block) if block_given? dsl_attribute_names << name define_method(name, &block) else dsl_attributes(name) end end def dsl_attribute_names @dsl_attribute_names ||= if superclass.respond_to?(:dsl_attribute_names) superclass.dsl_attribute_names.dup else end end end end end end