Class Delinquent
In: lib/de.linque.nt.rb
Parent: Object

Allows one to create a post on that is itslef the URL ofr which the postnis tagging. Quite meta. The initializer must be gigven either :user_name and :password, or :config_file (the name of a YAML file with user_name and password hash values). You can also pass in :base_tag, or use the default.


Public Class methods

Public Instance methods

Adds a new post with the given description and extended text. You can add your own tags by enclsing thme in [ brackets ]

If this file is called directly it invokes post_from_cli It expects there to be some value in ARGV. All the text up to the first ’.’ character is the description; the remaining text is the extended text. The content is then posted to
