module Spaceship module Portal # Represents a single application service (its state to be more precise) on the Apple Dev Portal class AppService # @return (String) The identifier used by the Dev Portal to represent this service # @example # "homeKit" attr_accessor :service_id # @return (Object) The current value for this service # @example # false attr_accessor :value # @return (String) The service URI for this service # @example # "account/ios/identifiers/updateService.action" attr_accessor :service_uri def initialize(service_id, value) @service_id = service_id @value = value if @service_id == "push" # Push notifications have a special URI @service_uri = "account/ios/identifiers/updatePushService.action" else # Default service URI @service_uri = "account/ios/identifiers/updateService.action" end end def self.new_service(id, values: { on: true, off: false }) m = values.each do |k, v| m.define_singleton_method(k) do, v) end end return m end AccessWifi = AppService.new_service("AWEQ28MY3E") AppGroup = AppService.new_service("APG3427HIY") ApplePay = AppService.new_service("OM633U5T5G") AssociatedDomains = AppService.new_service("SKC3T5S89Y") ClassKit = AppService.new_service("PKTJAN2017") AutoFillCredential = AppService.new_service("CPEQ28MX4E") DataProtection = AppService.new_service("dataProtection", values: { off: "", complete: "complete", unless_open: "unlessopen", until_first_auth: "untilfirstauth" }) GameCenter = AppService.new_service("gameCenter") HealthKit = AppService.new_service("HK421J6T7P") HomeKit = AppService.new_service("homeKit") Hotspot = AppService.new_service("HSC639VEI8") Cloud = AppService.new_service("iCloud") CloudKit = AppService.new_service("cloudKitVersion", values: { xcode5_compatible: 1, cloud_kit: 2 }) InAppPurchase = AppService.new_service("inAppPurchase") InterAppAudio = AppService.new_service("IAD53UNK2F") Multipath = AppService.new_service("MP49FN762P") NetworkExtension = AppService.new_service("NWEXT04537") NFCTagReading = AppService.new_service("NFCTRMAY17") PersonalVPN = AppService.new_service("V66P55NK2I") Passbook = AppService.new_service("pass") PushNotification = AppService.new_service("push") SiriKit = AppService.new_service("SI015DKUHP") VPNConfiguration = AppService.new_service("V66P55NK2I") Wallet = AppService.new_service("pass") WirelessAccessory = AppService.new_service("WC421J6T7P") constants.each do |c| name = c.to_s .gsub(/([A-Z0-9]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2') # ABBRVString -> ABBRV_String .gsub(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2') # CamelCase -> Camel_Case .downcase self.class.send(:define_method, name) do AppService.const_get(c) end end def ==(other) self.class == other.class && self.service_id == other.service_id && self.value == other.value && self.service_uri == other.service_uri end end end end