require 'activerecord' module IsParanoid def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.extend SafetyNet end module SafetyNet # Call this in your model to enable all the safety-net goodness # # Example: # # class Android < ActiveRecord::Base # is_paranoid # end # # If you want to include ActiveRecord::Calculations to include your # destroyed models, do is_paranoid :with_calculations => true and you # will get sum_with_deleted, count_with_deleted, etc. def is_paranoid opts = {} class_eval do # This is the real magic. All calls made to this model will append # the conditions deleted_at => nil. Exceptions require using # exclusive_scope (see self.delete_all, self.count_with_destroyed, # and self.find_with_destroyed ) default_scope :conditions => {:deleted_at => nil} # Actually delete the model, bypassing the safety net. Because # this method is called internally by Model.delete(id) and on the # delete method in each instance, we don't need to specify those # methods separately def self.delete_all conditions = nil self.with_exclusive_scope do super conditions end end # Return instances of all models matching the query regardless # of whether or not they have been soft-deleted. def self.find_with_destroyed *args self.with_exclusive_scope { find(*args) } end # Returns all destroyed views def self.find_only_destroyed *args self.with_exclusive_scope { with_only_destroyed_scope { find(*args) } } end # Mark the model deleted_at as now. def destroy_without_callbacks self.update_attribute(:deleted_at, end # Override the default destroy to allow us to flag deleted_at. # This preserves the before_destroy and after_destroy callbacks. # Because this is also called internally by Model.destroy_all and # the Model.destroy(id), we don't need to specify those methods # separately. def destroy return false if callback(:before_destroy) == false result = destroy_without_callbacks callback(:after_destroy) result end # Set deleted_at flag on a model to nil, effectively undoing the # soft-deletion. def restore self.update_attribute(:deleted_at, nil) end protected def self.with_only_destroyed_scope(&block) with_scope({:find => { :conditions => ["deleted_at IS NOT NULL"] }}, &block) end end if opts[:with_calculations] self.extend({ [:average, :calculate, :construct_count_options_from_args, :count, :maximum, :minimum, :sum].each do |method| # EXAMPLE OUTPUT: define_method "#{method}_with_destroyed" do |*args| # def count_with_destroyed(*args) self.with_exclusive_scope{ self.send(method, *args) } # self.with_exclusive_scope{ self.send(:count, *args) } end # end end }) end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, IsParanoid)