class ZergXcode::Plugins::Retarget include ZergXcode::Objects XcodeObject = ZergXcode::XcodeObject def help {:short => 'reassign files to a target or set of targets', :long => <<"END" } Usage: retarget project_path pattern [target target..] Reassigns all the files matching a pattern to a target or set of targets. The files matching the pattern will be removed from all other targets. If no target is specified, the files are removed from all targets. END end def run(args) path = args.shift pattern = args.shift regexp = Regexp.compile pattern project = ZergXcode.load path retarget! project, regexp, args! end def retarget!(project, regexp, targets) # maps each file type to the type of the phase it's in file_type_phases = {} # maps each file to the phase it's in file_phases = {} # maps each PBXFileRef to the PBXBuildFile pointing to it build_files = {} # populate the maps project['targets'].each do |target| target.all_files.each do |file| build_file = file[:build_object] phase_type = file[:phase]['isa'] build_files[file[:object]] = build_file file_type_phases[build_file.file_type] = phase_type file_phases[file[:object]] = phase_type end end # compute target sets in_targets = project['targets'].select do |target| targets.include? target['name'] end out_targets = project['targets'] - in_targets # clean up targets outside the args out_targets.each do |target| target['buildPhases'].each do |phase| phase['files'].reject! { |build_file| regexp =~ build_file.filename } end end # build a list of the files in the project matching the pattern new_files = { |file| file[:object] }.select do |file| regexp =~ file['path'] end # build PBXBuildFile wrappers around files that don't have them new_files.each do |file| next if build_files[file] build_file = 'fileRef' => file build_files[file] = build_file file_phases[file] = file_type_phases[build_file.file_type] || build_file.guessed_build_phase_type end # add files to targets matching the args in_targets.each do |target| already_in = { |file| file[:object] }) new_files.each do |file| file_ref = file[:object] next if already_in.include? file phase_type = file_phases[file] phase = target['buildPhases'].find { |p| p['isa'] == phase_type } unless phase phase = 'isa' => phase_type, 'dependencies' => [], 'files' => [], 'buildActionMask' => '2147483647', 'runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing' => '0' target['buildPhases'] << phase end phase['files'] << build_files[file] end end end end