############################################################################# # Define and check attributes for a Graph::Easy textual description. # ############################################################################# package Graph::Easy::Attributes; $VERSION = '0.32'; package Graph::Easy; use strict; use utf8; # for examples like "Fähre" # to make it easier to remember the attribute names: my $att_aliases = { 'auto-label' => 'autolabel', 'auto-link' => 'autolink', 'auto-title' => 'autotitle', 'arrow-style' => 'arrowstyle', 'arrow-shape' => 'arrowshape', 'border-color' => 'bordercolor', 'border-style' => 'borderstyle', 'border-width' => 'borderwidth', 'font-size' => 'fontsize', 'label-color' => 'labelcolor', 'label-pos' => 'labelpos', 'text-style' => 'textstyle', 'text-wrap' => 'textwrap', 'point-style' => 'pointstyle', 'point-shape' => 'pointshape', }; sub _att_aliases { $att_aliases; } ############################################################################# # color handling # The W3C/SVG/CSS color scheme my $color_names = { w3c => { inherit => 'inherit', aliceblue => '#f0f8ff', antiquewhite => '#faebd7', aquamarine => '#7fffd4', aqua => '#00ffff', azure => '#f0ffff', beige => '#f5f5dc', bisque => '#ffe4c4', black => '#000000', blanchedalmond => '#ffebcd', blue => '#0000ff', blueviolet => '#8a2be2', brown => '#a52a2a', burlywood => '#deb887', cadetblue => '#5f9ea0', chartreuse => '#7fff00', chocolate => '#d2691e', coral => '#ff7f50', cornflowerblue => '#6495ed', cornsilk => '#fff8dc', crimson => '#dc143c', cyan => '#00ffff', darkblue => '#00008b', darkcyan => '#008b8b', darkgoldenrod => '#b8860b', darkgray => '#a9a9a9', darkgreen => '#006400', darkgrey => '#a9a9a9', darkkhaki => '#bdb76b', darkmagenta => '#8b008b', darkolivegreen => '#556b2f', darkorange => '#ff8c00', darkorchid => '#9932cc', darkred => '#8b0000', darksalmon => '#e9967a', darkseagreen => '#8fbc8f', darkslateblue => '#483d8b', darkslategray => '#2f4f4f', darkslategrey => '#2f4f4f', darkturquoise => '#00ced1', darkviolet => '#9400d3', deeppink => '#ff1493', deepskyblue => '#00bfff', dimgray => '#696969', dodgerblue => '#1e90ff', firebrick => '#b22222', floralwhite => '#fffaf0', forestgreen => '#228b22', fuchsia => '#ff00ff', gainsboro => '#dcdcdc', ghostwhite => '#f8f8ff', goldenrod => '#daa520', gold => '#ffd700', gray => '#808080', green => '#008000', greenyellow => '#adff2f', grey => '#808080', honeydew => '#f0fff0', hotpink => '#ff69b4', indianred => '#cd5c5c', indigo => '#4b0082', ivory => '#fffff0', khaki => '#f0e68c', lavenderblush => '#fff0f5', lavender => '#e6e6fa', lawngreen => '#7cfc00', lemonchiffon => '#fffacd', lightblue => '#add8e6', lightcoral => '#f08080', lightcyan => '#e0ffff', lightgoldenrodyellow => '#fafad2', lightgray => '#d3d3d3', lightgreen => '#90ee90', lightgrey => '#d3d3d3', lightpink => '#ffb6c1', lightsalmon => '#ffa07a', lightseagreen => '#20b2aa', lightskyblue => '#87cefa', lightslategray => '#778899', lightslategrey => '#778899', lightsteelblue => '#b0c4de', lightyellow => '#ffffe0', limegreen => '#32cd32', lime => '#00ff00', linen => '#faf0e6', magenta => '#ff00ff', maroon => '#800000', mediumaquamarine => '#66cdaa', mediumblue => '#0000cd', mediumorchid => '#ba55d3', mediumpurple => '#9370db', mediumseagreen => '#3cb371', mediumslateblue => '#7b68ee', mediumspringgreen => '#00fa9a', mediumturquoise => '#48d1cc', mediumvioletred => '#c71585', midnightblue => '#191970', mintcream => '#f5fffa', mistyrose => '#ffe4e1', moccasin => '#ffe4b5', navajowhite => '#ffdead', navy => '#000080', oldlace => '#fdf5e6', olivedrab => '#6b8e23', olive => '#808000', orangered => '#ff4500', orange => '#ffa500', orchid => '#da70d6', palegoldenrod => '#eee8aa', palegreen => '#98fb98', paleturquoise => '#afeeee', palevioletred => '#db7093', papayawhip => '#ffefd5', peachpuff => '#ffdab9', peru => '#cd853f', pink => '#ffc0cb', plum => '#dda0dd', powderblue => '#b0e0e6', purple => '#800080', red => '#ff0000', rosybrown => '#bc8f8f', royalblue => '#4169e1', saddlebrown => '#8b4513', salmon => '#fa8072', sandybrown => '#f4a460', seagreen => '#2e8b57', seashell => '#fff5ee', sienna => '#a0522d', silver => '#c0c0c0', skyblue => '#87ceeb', slateblue => '#6a5acd', slategray => '#708090', slategrey => '#708090', snow => '#fffafa', springgreen => '#00ff7f', steelblue => '#4682b4', tan => '#d2b48c', teal => '#008080', thistle => '#d8bfd8', tomato => '#ff6347', turquoise => '#40e0d0', violet => '#ee82ee', wheat => '#f5deb3', white => '#ffffff', whitesmoke => '#f5f5f5', yellowgreen => '#9acd32', yellow => '#ffff00', }, x11 => { inherit => 'inherit', aliceblue => '#f0f8ff', antiquewhite => '#faebd7', antiquewhite1 => '#ffefdb', antiquewhite2 => '#eedfcc', antiquewhite3 => '#cdc0b0', antiquewhite4 => '#8b8378', aquamarine => '#7fffd4', aquamarine1 => '#7fffd4', aquamarine2 => '#76eec6', aquamarine3 => '#66cdaa', aquamarine4 => '#458b74', azure => '#f0ffff', azure1 => '#f0ffff', azure2 => '#e0eeee', azure3 => '#c1cdcd', azure4 => '#838b8b', beige => '#f5f5dc', bisque => '#ffe4c4', bisque1 => '#ffe4c4', bisque2 => '#eed5b7', bisque3 => '#cdb79e', bisque4 => '#8b7d6b', black => '#000000', blanchedalmond => '#ffebcd', blue => '#0000ff', blue1 => '#0000ff', blue2 => '#0000ee', blue3 => '#0000cd', blue4 => '#00008b', blueviolet => '#8a2be2', brown => '#a52a2a', brown1 => '#ff4040', brown2 => '#ee3b3b', brown3 => '#cd3333', brown4 => '#8b2323', burlywood => '#deb887', burlywood1 => '#ffd39b', burlywood2 => '#eec591', burlywood3 => '#cdaa7d', burlywood4 => '#8b7355', cadetblue => '#5f9ea0', cadetblue1 => '#98f5ff', cadetblue2 => '#8ee5ee', cadetblue3 => '#7ac5cd', cadetblue4 => '#53868b', chartreuse => '#7fff00', chartreuse1 => '#7fff00', chartreuse2 => '#76ee00', chartreuse3 => '#66cd00', chartreuse4 => '#458b00', chocolate => '#d2691e', chocolate1 => '#ff7f24', chocolate2 => '#ee7621', chocolate3 => '#cd661d', chocolate4 => '#8b4513', coral => '#ff7f50', coral1 => '#ff7256', coral2 => '#ee6a50', coral3 => '#cd5b45', coral4 => '#8b3e2f', cornflowerblue => '#6495ed', cornsilk => '#fff8dc', cornsilk1 => '#fff8dc', cornsilk2 => '#eee8cd', cornsilk3 => '#cdc8b1', cornsilk4 => '#8b8878', crimson => '#dc143c', cyan => '#00ffff', cyan1 => '#00ffff', cyan2 => '#00eeee', cyan3 => '#00cdcd', cyan4 => '#008b8b', darkgoldenrod => '#b8860b', darkgoldenrod1 => '#ffb90f', darkgoldenrod2 => '#eead0e', darkgoldenrod3 => '#cd950c', darkgoldenrod4 => '#8b6508', darkgreen => '#006400', darkkhaki => '#bdb76b', darkolivegreen => '#556b2f', darkolivegreen1 => '#caff70', darkolivegreen2 => '#bcee68', darkolivegreen3 => '#a2cd5a', darkolivegreen4 => '#6e8b3d', darkorange => '#ff8c00', darkorange1 => '#ff7f00', darkorange2 => '#ee7600', darkorange3 => '#cd6600', darkorange4 => '#8b4500', darkorchid => '#9932cc', darkorchid1 => '#bf3eff', darkorchid2 => '#b23aee', darkorchid3 => '#9a32cd', darkorchid4 => '#68228b', darksalmon => '#e9967a', darkseagreen => '#8fbc8f', darkseagreen1 => '#c1ffc1', darkseagreen2 => '#b4eeb4', darkseagreen3 => '#9bcd9b', darkseagreen4 => '#698b69', darkslateblue => '#483d8b', darkslategray => '#2f4f4f', darkslategray1 => '#97ffff', darkslategray2 => '#8deeee', darkslategray3 => '#79cdcd', darkslategray4 => '#528b8b', darkslategrey => '#2f4f4f', darkturquoise => '#00ced1', darkviolet => '#9400d3', deeppink => '#ff1493', deeppink1 => '#ff1493', deeppink2 => '#ee1289', deeppink3 => '#cd1076', deeppink4 => '#8b0a50', deepskyblue => '#00bfff', deepskyblue1 => '#00bfff', deepskyblue2 => '#00b2ee', deepskyblue3 => '#009acd', deepskyblue4 => '#00688b', dimgray => '#696969', dimgrey => '#696969', dodgerblue => '#1e90ff', dodgerblue1 => '#1e90ff', dodgerblue2 => '#1c86ee', dodgerblue3 => '#1874cd', dodgerblue4 => '#104e8b', firebrick => '#b22222', firebrick1 => '#ff3030', firebrick2 => '#ee2c2c', firebrick3 => '#cd2626', firebrick4 => '#8b1a1a', floralwhite => '#fffaf0', forestgreen => '#228b22', gainsboro => '#dcdcdc', ghostwhite => '#f8f8ff', gold => '#ffd700', gold1 => '#ffd700', gold2 => '#eec900', gold3 => '#cdad00', gold4 => '#8b7500', goldenrod => '#daa520', goldenrod1 => '#ffc125', goldenrod2 => '#eeb422', goldenrod3 => '#cd9b1d', goldenrod4 => '#8b6914', gray => '#c0c0c0', gray0 => '#000000', gray1 => '#030303', gray2 => '#050505', gray3 => '#080808', gray4 => '#0a0a0a', gray5 => '#0d0d0d', gray6 => '#0f0f0f', gray7 => '#121212', gray8 => '#141414', gray9 => '#171717', gray10 => '#1a1a1a', gray11 => '#1c1c1c', gray12 => '#1f1f1f', gray13 => '#212121', gray14 => '#242424', gray15 => '#262626', gray16 => '#292929', gray17 => '#2b2b2b', gray18 => '#2e2e2e', gray19 => '#303030', gray20 => '#333333', gray21 => '#363636', gray22 => '#383838', gray23 => '#3b3b3b', gray24 => '#3d3d3d', gray25 => '#404040', gray26 => '#424242', gray27 => '#454545', gray28 => '#474747', gray29 => '#4a4a4a', gray30 => '#4d4d4d', gray31 => '#4f4f4f', gray32 => '#525252', gray33 => '#545454', gray34 => '#575757', gray35 => '#595959', gray36 => '#5c5c5c', gray37 => '#5e5e5e', gray38 => '#616161', gray39 => '#636363', gray40 => '#666666', gray41 => '#696969', gray42 => '#6b6b6b', gray43 => '#6e6e6e', gray44 => '#707070', gray45 => '#737373', gray46 => '#757575', gray47 => '#787878', gray48 => '#7a7a7a', gray49 => '#7d7d7d', gray50 => '#7f7f7f', gray51 => '#828282', gray52 => '#858585', gray53 => '#878787', gray54 => '#8a8a8a', gray55 => '#8c8c8c', gray56 => '#8f8f8f', gray57 => '#919191', gray58 => '#949494', gray59 => '#969696', gray60 => '#999999', gray61 => '#9c9c9c', gray62 => '#9e9e9e', gray63 => '#a1a1a1', gray64 => '#a3a3a3', gray65 => '#a6a6a6', gray66 => '#a8a8a8', gray67 => '#ababab', gray68 => '#adadad', gray69 => '#b0b0b0', gray70 => '#b3b3b3', gray71 => '#b5b5b5', gray72 => '#b8b8b8', gray73 => '#bababa', gray74 => '#bdbdbd', gray75 => '#bfbfbf', gray76 => '#c2c2c2', gray77 => '#c4c4c4', gray78 => '#c7c7c7', gray79 => '#c9c9c9', gray80 => '#cccccc', gray81 => '#cfcfcf', gray82 => '#d1d1d1', gray83 => '#d4d4d4', gray84 => '#d6d6d6', gray85 => '#d9d9d9', gray86 => '#dbdbdb', gray87 => '#dedede', gray88 => '#e0e0e0', gray89 => '#e3e3e3', gray90 => '#e5e5e5', gray91 => '#e8e8e8', gray92 => '#ebebeb', gray93 => '#ededed', gray94 => '#f0f0f0', gray95 => '#f2f2f2', gray96 => '#f5f5f5', gray97 => '#f7f7f7', gray98 => '#fafafa', gray99 => '#fcfcfc', gray100 => '#ffffff', green => '#00ff00', green1 => '#00ff00', green2 => '#00ee00', green3 => '#00cd00', green4 => '#008b00', greenyellow => '#adff2f', grey => '#c0c0c0', grey0 => '#000000', grey1 => '#030303', grey2 => '#050505', grey3 => '#080808', grey4 => '#0a0a0a', grey5 => '#0d0d0d', grey6 => '#0f0f0f', grey7 => '#121212', grey8 => '#141414', grey9 => '#171717', grey10 => '#1a1a1a', grey11 => '#1c1c1c', grey12 => '#1f1f1f', grey13 => '#212121', grey14 => '#242424', grey15 => '#262626', grey16 => '#292929', grey17 => '#2b2b2b', grey18 => '#2e2e2e', grey19 => '#303030', grey20 => '#333333', grey21 => '#363636', grey22 => '#383838', grey23 => '#3b3b3b', grey24 => '#3d3d3d', grey25 => '#404040', grey26 => '#424242', grey27 => '#454545', grey28 => '#474747', grey29 => '#4a4a4a', grey30 => '#4d4d4d', grey31 => '#4f4f4f', grey32 => '#525252', grey33 => '#545454', grey34 => '#575757', grey35 => '#595959', grey36 => '#5c5c5c', grey37 => '#5e5e5e', grey38 => '#616161', grey39 => '#636363', grey40 => '#666666', grey41 => '#696969', grey42 => '#6b6b6b', grey43 => '#6e6e6e', grey44 => '#707070', grey45 => '#737373', grey46 => '#757575', grey47 => '#787878', grey48 => '#7a7a7a', grey49 => '#7d7d7d', grey50 => '#7f7f7f', grey51 => '#828282', grey52 => '#858585', grey53 => '#878787', grey54 => '#8a8a8a', grey55 => '#8c8c8c', grey56 => '#8f8f8f', grey57 => '#919191', grey58 => '#949494', grey59 => '#969696', grey60 => '#999999', grey61 => '#9c9c9c', grey62 => '#9e9e9e', grey63 => '#a1a1a1', grey64 => '#a3a3a3', grey65 => '#a6a6a6', grey66 => '#a8a8a8', grey67 => '#ababab', grey68 => '#adadad', grey69 => '#b0b0b0', grey70 => '#b3b3b3', grey71 => '#b5b5b5', grey72 => '#b8b8b8', grey73 => '#bababa', grey74 => '#bdbdbd', grey75 => '#bfbfbf', grey76 => '#c2c2c2', grey77 => '#c4c4c4', grey78 => '#c7c7c7', grey79 => '#c9c9c9', grey80 => '#cccccc', grey81 => '#cfcfcf', grey82 => '#d1d1d1', grey83 => '#d4d4d4', grey84 => '#d6d6d6', grey85 => '#d9d9d9', grey86 => '#dbdbdb', grey87 => '#dedede', grey88 => '#e0e0e0', grey89 => '#e3e3e3', grey90 => '#e5e5e5', grey91 => '#e8e8e8', grey92 => '#ebebeb', grey93 => '#ededed', grey94 => '#f0f0f0', grey95 => '#f2f2f2', grey96 => '#f5f5f5', grey97 => '#f7f7f7', grey98 => '#fafafa', grey99 => '#fcfcfc', grey100 => '#ffffff', honeydew => '#f0fff0', honeydew1 => '#f0fff0', honeydew2 => '#e0eee0', honeydew3 => '#c1cdc1', honeydew4 => '#838b83', hotpink => '#ff69b4', hotpink1 => '#ff6eb4', hotpink2 => '#ee6aa7', hotpink3 => '#cd6090', hotpink4 => '#8b3a62', indianred => '#cd5c5c', indianred1 => '#ff6a6a', indianred2 => '#ee6363', indianred3 => '#cd5555', indianred4 => '#8b3a3a', indigo => '#4b0082', ivory => '#fffff0', ivory1 => '#fffff0', ivory2 => '#eeeee0', ivory3 => '#cdcdc1', ivory4 => '#8b8b83', khaki => '#f0e68c', khaki1 => '#fff68f', khaki2 => '#eee685', khaki3 => '#cdc673', khaki4 => '#8b864e', lavender => '#e6e6fa', lavenderblush => '#fff0f5', lavenderblush1 => '#fff0f5', lavenderblush2 => '#eee0e5', lavenderblush3 => '#cdc1c5', lavenderblush4 => '#8b8386', lawngreen => '#7cfc00', lemonchiffon => '#fffacd', lemonchiffon1 => '#fffacd', lemonchiffon2 => '#eee9bf', lemonchiffon3 => '#cdc9a5', lemonchiffon4 => '#8b8970', lightblue => '#add8e6', lightblue1 => '#bfefff', lightblue2 => '#b2dfee', lightblue3 => '#9ac0cd', lightblue4 => '#68838b', lightcoral => '#f08080', lightcyan => '#e0ffff', lightcyan1 => '#e0ffff', lightcyan2 => '#d1eeee', lightcyan3 => '#b4cdcd', lightcyan4 => '#7a8b8b', lightgoldenrod => '#eedd82', lightgoldenrod1 => '#ffec8b', lightgoldenrod2 => '#eedc82', lightgoldenrod3 => '#cdbe70', lightgoldenrod4 => '#8b814c', lightgoldenrodyellow => '#fafad2', lightgray => '#d3d3d3', lightgrey => '#d3d3d3', lightpink => '#ffb6c1', lightpink1 => '#ffaeb9', lightpink2 => '#eea2ad', lightpink3 => '#cd8c95', lightpink4 => '#8b5f65', lightsalmon => '#ffa07a', lightsalmon1 => '#ffa07a', lightsalmon2 => '#ee9572', lightsalmon3 => '#cd8162', lightsalmon4 => '#8b5742', lightseagreen => '#20b2aa', lightskyblue => '#87cefa', lightskyblue1 => '#b0e2ff', lightskyblue2 => '#a4d3ee', lightskyblue3 => '#8db6cd', lightskyblue4 => '#607b8b', lightslateblue => '#8470ff', lightslategray => '#778899', lightslategrey => '#778899', lightsteelblue => '#b0c4de', lightsteelblue1 => '#cae1ff', lightsteelblue2 => '#bcd2ee', lightsteelblue3 => '#a2b5cd', lightsteelblue4 => '#6e7b8b', lightyellow => '#ffffe0', lightyellow1 => '#ffffe0', lightyellow2 => '#eeeed1', lightyellow3 => '#cdcdb4', lightyellow4 => '#8b8b7a', limegreen => '#32cd32', linen => '#faf0e6', magenta => '#ff00ff', magenta1 => '#ff00ff', magenta2 => '#ee00ee', magenta3 => '#cd00cd', magenta4 => '#8b008b', maroon => '#b03060', maroon1 => '#ff34b3', maroon2 => '#ee30a7', maroon3 => '#cd2990', maroon4 => '#8b1c62', mediumaquamarine => '#66cdaa', mediumblue => '#0000cd', mediumorchid => '#ba55d3', mediumorchid1 => '#e066ff', mediumorchid2 => '#d15fee', mediumorchid3 => '#b452cd', mediumorchid4 => '#7a378b', mediumpurple => '#9370db', mediumpurple1 => '#ab82ff', mediumpurple2 => '#9f79ee', mediumpurple3 => '#8968cd', mediumpurple4 => '#5d478b', mediumseagreen => '#3cb371', mediumslateblue => '#7b68ee', mediumspringgreen => '#00fa9a', mediumturquoise => '#48d1cc', mediumvioletred => '#c71585', midnightblue => '#191970', mintcream => '#f5fffa', mistyrose => '#ffe4e1', mistyrose1 => '#ffe4e1', mistyrose2 => '#eed5d2', mistyrose3 => '#cdb7b5', mistyrose4 => '#8b7d7b', moccasin => '#ffe4b5', navajowhite => '#ffdead', navajowhite1 => '#ffdead', navajowhite2 => '#eecfa1', navajowhite3 => '#cdb38b', navajowhite4 => '#8b795e', navy => '#000080', navyblue => '#000080', oldlace => '#fdf5e6', olivedrab => '#6b8e23', olivedrab1 => '#c0ff3e', olivedrab2 => '#b3ee3a', olivedrab3 => '#9acd32', olivedrab4 => '#698b22', orange => '#ffa500', orange1 => '#ffa500', orange2 => '#ee9a00', orange3 => '#cd8500', orange4 => '#8b5a00', orangered => '#ff4500', orangered1 => '#ff4500', orangered2 => '#ee4000', orangered3 => '#cd3700', orangered4 => '#8b2500', orchid => '#da70d6', orchid1 => '#ff83fa', orchid2 => '#ee7ae9', orchid3 => '#cd69c9', orchid4 => '#8b4789', palegoldenrod => '#eee8aa', palegreen => '#98fb98', palegreen1 => '#9aff9a', palegreen2 => '#90ee90', palegreen3 => '#7ccd7c', palegreen4 => '#548b54', paleturquoise => '#afeeee', paleturquoise1 => '#bbffff', paleturquoise2 => '#aeeeee', paleturquoise3 => '#96cdcd', paleturquoise4 => '#668b8b', palevioletred => '#db7093', palevioletred1 => '#ff82ab', palevioletred2 => '#ee799f', palevioletred3 => '#cd6889', palevioletred4 => '#8b475d', papayawhip => '#ffefd5', peachpuff => '#ffdab9', peachpuff1 => '#ffdab9', peachpuff2 => '#eecbad', peachpuff3 => '#cdaf95', peachpuff4 => '#8b7765', peru => '#cd853f', pink => '#ffc0cb', pink1 => '#ffb5c5', pink2 => '#eea9b8', pink3 => '#cd919e', pink4 => '#8b636c', plum => '#dda0dd', plum1 => '#ffbbff', plum2 => '#eeaeee', plum3 => '#cd96cd', plum4 => '#8b668b', powderblue => '#b0e0e6', purple => '#a020f0', purple1 => '#9b30ff', purple2 => '#912cee', purple3 => '#7d26cd', purple4 => '#551a8b', red => '#ff0000', red1 => '#ff0000', red2 => '#ee0000', red3 => '#cd0000', red4 => '#8b0000', rosybrown => '#bc8f8f', rosybrown1 => '#ffc1c1', rosybrown2 => '#eeb4b4', rosybrown3 => '#cd9b9b', rosybrown4 => '#8b6969', royalblue => '#4169e1', royalblue1 => '#4876ff', royalblue2 => '#436eee', royalblue3 => '#3a5fcd', royalblue4 => '#27408b', saddlebrown => '#8b4513', salmon => '#fa8072', salmon1 => '#ff8c69', salmon2 => '#ee8262', salmon3 => '#cd7054', salmon4 => '#8b4c39', sandybrown => '#f4a460', seagreen => '#2e8b57', seagreen1 => '#54ff9f', seagreen2 => '#4eee94', seagreen3 => '#43cd80', seagreen4 => '#2e8b57', seashell => '#fff5ee', seashell1 => '#fff5ee', seashell2 => '#eee5de', seashell3 => '#cdc5bf', seashell4 => '#8b8682', sienna => '#a0522d', sienna1 => '#ff8247', sienna2 => '#ee7942', sienna3 => '#cd6839', sienna4 => '#8b4726', skyblue => '#87ceeb', skyblue1 => '#87ceff', skyblue2 => '#7ec0ee', skyblue3 => '#6ca6cd', skyblue4 => '#4a708b', slateblue => '#6a5acd', slateblue1 => '#836fff', slateblue2 => '#7a67ee', slateblue3 => '#6959cd', slateblue4 => '#473c8b', slategray => '#708090', slategray1 => '#c6e2ff', slategray2 => '#b9d3ee', slategray3 => '#9fb6cd', slategray4 => '#6c7b8b', slategrey => '#708090', snow => '#fffafa', snow1 => '#fffafa', snow2 => '#eee9e9', snow3 => '#cdc9c9', snow4 => '#8b8989', springgreen => '#00ff7f', springgreen1 => '#00ff7f', springgreen2 => '#00ee76', springgreen3 => '#00cd66', springgreen4 => '#008b45', steelblue => '#4682b4', steelblue1 => '#63b8ff', steelblue2 => '#5cacee', steelblue3 => '#4f94cd', steelblue4 => '#36648b', tan => '#d2b48c', tan1 => '#ffa54f', tan2 => '#ee9a49', tan3 => '#cd853f', tan4 => '#8b5a2b', thistle => '#d8bfd8', thistle1 => '#ffe1ff', thistle2 => '#eed2ee', thistle3 => '#cdb5cd', thistle4 => '#8b7b8b', tomato => '#ff6347', tomato1 => '#ff6347', tomato2 => '#ee5c42', tomato3 => '#cd4f39', tomato4 => '#8b3626', transparent => '#fffffe', turquoise => '#40e0d0', turquoise1 => '#00f5ff', turquoise2 => '#00e5ee', turquoise3 => '#00c5cd', turquoise4 => '#00868b', violet => '#ee82ee', violetred => '#d02090', violetred1 => '#ff3e96', violetred2 => '#ee3a8c', violetred3 => '#cd3278', violetred4 => '#8b2252', wheat => '#f5deb3', wheat1 => '#ffe7ba', wheat2 => '#eed8ae', wheat3 => '#cdba96', wheat4 => '#8b7e66', white => '#ffffff', whitesmoke => '#f5f5f5', yellow => '#ffff00', yellow1 => '#ffff00', yellow2 => '#eeee00', yellow3 => '#cdcd00', yellow4 => '#8b8b00', yellowgreen => '#9acd32', # The following 12 colors exist here so that a "color: 3; colorscheme: accent3" # will not report an "unknown color 3" from the Parser. As a side-effect # you will not get an error for a plain "color: 3". 1 => '#a6cee3', 2 => '#1f78b4', 3 => '#b2df8a', 4 => '#33a02c', 5 => '#fb9a99', 6 => '#e31a1c', 7 => '#fdbf6f', 8 => '#ff7f00', 9 => '#cab2d6', 10 => '#6a3d9a', 11 => '#ffff99', 12 => '#b15928', }, # The following color specifications were developed by: # Cynthia Brewer (http://colorbrewer.org/) # See the LICENSE FILE for the full license that applies to them. accent3 => { 1 => '#7fc97f', 2 => '#beaed4', 3 => '#fdc086', }, accent4 => { 1 => '#7fc97f', 2 => '#beaed4', 3 => '#fdc086', 4 => '#ffff99', }, accent5 => { 1 => '#7fc97f', 2 => '#beaed4', 3 => '#fdc086', 4 => '#ffff99', 5 => '#386cb0', }, accent6 => { 1 => '#7fc97f', 2 => '#beaed4', 3 => '#fdc086', 4 => '#ffff99', 5 => '#386cb0', 6 => '#f0027f', }, accent7 => { 1 => '#7fc97f', 2 => '#beaed4', 3 => '#fdc086', 4 => '#ffff99', 5 => '#386cb0', 6 => '#f0027f', 7 => '#bf5b17', }, accent8 => { 1 => '#7fc97f', 2 => '#beaed4', 3 => '#fdc086', 4 => '#ffff99', 5 => '#386cb0', 6 => '#f0027f', 7 => '#bf5b17', 8 => '#666666', }, blues3 => { 1 => '#deebf7', 2 => '#9ecae1', 3 => '#3182bd', }, blues4 => { 1 => '#eff3ff', 2 => '#bdd7e7', 3 => '#6baed6', 4 => '#2171b5', }, blues5 => { 1 => '#eff3ff', 2 => '#bdd7e7', 3 => '#6baed6', 4 => '#3182bd', 5 => '#08519c', }, blues6 => { 1 => '#eff3ff', 2 => '#c6dbef', 3 => '#9ecae1', 4 => '#6baed6', 5 => '#3182bd', 6 => '#08519c', }, blues7 => { 1 => '#eff3ff', 2 => '#c6dbef', 3 => '#9ecae1', 4 => '#6baed6', 5 => '#4292c6', 6 => '#2171b5', 7 => '#084594', }, blues8 => { 1 => '#f7fbff', 2 => '#deebf7', 3 => '#c6dbef', 4 => '#9ecae1', 5 => '#6baed6', 6 => '#4292c6', 7 => '#2171b5', 8 => '#084594', }, blues9 => { 1 => '#f7fbff', 2 => '#deebf7', 3 => '#c6dbef', 4 => '#9ecae1', 5 => '#6baed6', 6 => '#4292c6', 7 => '#2171b5', 8 => '#08519c', 9 => '#08306b', }, brbg3 => { 1 => '#d8b365', 2 => '#f5f5f5', 3 => '#5ab4ac', }, brbg4 => { 1 => '#a6611a', 2 => '#dfc27d', 3 => '#80cdc1', 4 => '#018571', }, brbg5 => { 1 => '#a6611a', 2 => '#dfc27d', 3 => '#f5f5f5', 4 => '#80cdc1', 5 => '#018571', }, brbg6 => { 1 => '#8c510a', 2 => '#d8b365', 3 => '#f6e8c3', 4 => '#c7eae5', 5 => '#5ab4ac', 6 => '#01665e', }, brbg7 => { 1 => '#8c510a', 2 => '#d8b365', 3 => '#f6e8c3', 4 => '#f5f5f5', 5 => '#c7eae5', 6 => '#5ab4ac', 7 => '#01665e', }, brbg8 => { 1 => '#8c510a', 2 => '#bf812d', 3 => '#dfc27d', 4 => '#f6e8c3', 5 => '#c7eae5', 6 => '#80cdc1', 7 => '#35978f', 8 => '#01665e', }, brbg9 => { 1 => '#8c510a', 2 => '#bf812d', 3 => '#dfc27d', 4 => '#f6e8c3', 5 => '#f5f5f5', 6 => '#c7eae5', 7 => '#80cdc1', 8 => '#35978f', 9 => '#01665e', }, brbg10 => { 1 => '#543005', 2 => '#8c510a', 3 => '#bf812d', 4 => '#dfc27d', 5 => '#f6e8c3', 6 => '#c7eae5', 7 => '#80cdc1', 8 => '#35978f', 9 => '#01665e', 10 => '#003c30', }, brbg11 => { 1 => '#543005', 2 => '#8c510a', 3 => '#bf812d', 4 => '#dfc27d', 5 => '#f6e8c3', 6 => '#f5f5f5', 7 => '#c7eae5', 8 => '#80cdc1', 9 => '#35978f', 10 => '#01665e', 11 => '#003c30', }, bugn3 => { 1 => '#e5f5f9', 2 => '#99d8c9', 3 => '#2ca25f', }, bugn4 => { 1 => '#edf8fb', 2 => '#b2e2e2', 3 => '#66c2a4', 4 => '#238b45', }, bugn5 => { 1 => '#edf8fb', 2 => '#b2e2e2', 3 => '#66c2a4', 4 => '#2ca25f', 5 => '#006d2c', }, bugn6 => { 1 => '#edf8fb', 2 => '#ccece6', 3 => '#99d8c9', 4 => '#66c2a4', 5 => '#2ca25f', 6 => '#006d2c', }, bugn7 => { 1 => '#edf8fb', 2 => '#ccece6', 3 => '#99d8c9', 4 => '#66c2a4', 5 => '#41ae76', 6 => '#238b45', 7 => '#005824', }, bugn8 => { 1 => '#f7fcfd', 2 => '#e5f5f9', 3 => '#ccece6', 4 => '#99d8c9', 5 => '#66c2a4', 6 => '#41ae76', 7 => '#238b45', 8 => '#005824', }, bugn9 => { 1 => '#f7fcfd', 2 => '#e5f5f9', 3 => '#ccece6', 4 => '#99d8c9', 5 => '#66c2a4', 6 => '#41ae76', 7 => '#238b45', 8 => '#006d2c', 9 => '#00441b', }, bupu3 => { 1 => '#e0ecf4', 2 => '#9ebcda', 3 => '#8856a7', }, bupu4 => { 1 => '#edf8fb', 2 => '#b3cde3', 3 => '#8c96c6', 4 => '#88419d', }, bupu5 => { 1 => '#edf8fb', 2 => '#b3cde3', 3 => '#8c96c6', 4 => '#8856a7', 5 => '#810f7c', }, bupu6 => { 1 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'#d9d9d9', 10 => '#bc80bd', 11 => '#ccebc5', }, set312 => { 1 => '#8dd3c7', 2 => '#ffffb3', 3 => '#bebada', 4 => '#fb8072', 5 => '#80b1d3', 6 => '#fdb462', 7 => '#b3de69', 8 => '#fccde5', 9 => '#d9d9d9', 10 => '#bc80bd', 11 => '#ccebc5', 12 => '#ffed6f', }, spectral3 => { 1 => '#fc8d59', 2 => '#ffffbf', 3 => '#99d594', }, spectral4 => { 1 => '#d7191c', 2 => '#fdae61', 3 => '#abdda4', 4 => '#2b83ba', }, spectral5 => { 1 => '#d7191c', 2 => '#fdae61', 3 => '#ffffbf', 4 => '#abdda4', 5 => '#2b83ba', }, spectral6 => { 1 => '#d53e4f', 2 => '#fc8d59', 3 => '#fee08b', 4 => '#e6f598', 5 => '#99d594', 6 => '#3288bd', }, spectral7 => { 1 => '#d53e4f', 2 => '#fc8d59', 3 => '#fee08b', 4 => '#ffffbf', 5 => '#e6f598', 6 => '#99d594', 7 => '#3288bd', }, spectral8 => { 1 => '#d53e4f', 2 => '#f46d43', 3 => '#fdae61', 4 => '#fee08b', 5 => '#e6f598', 6 => '#abdda4', 7 => '#66c2a5', 8 => '#3288bd', }, spectral9 => { 1 => '#d53e4f', 2 => '#f46d43', 3 => '#fdae61', 4 => '#fee08b', 5 => '#ffffbf', 6 => '#e6f598', 7 => '#abdda4', 8 => '#66c2a5', 9 => '#3288bd', }, spectral10 => { 1 => '#9e0142', 2 => '#d53e4f', 3 => '#f46d43', 4 => '#fdae61', 5 => '#fee08b', 6 => '#e6f598', 7 => '#abdda4', 8 => '#66c2a5', 9 => '#3288bd', 10 => '#5e4fa2', }, spectral11 => { 1 => '#9e0142', 2 => '#d53e4f', 3 => '#f46d43', 4 => '#fdae61', 5 => '#fee08b', 6 => '#ffffbf', 7 => '#e6f598', 8 => '#abdda4', 9 => '#66c2a5', 10 => '#3288bd', 11 => '#5e4fa2', }, ylgn3 => { 1 => '#f7fcb9', 2 => '#addd8e', 3 => '#31a354', }, ylgn4 => { 1 => '#ffffcc', 2 => '#c2e699', 3 => '#78c679', 4 => '#238443', }, ylgn5 => { 1 => '#ffffcc', 2 => '#c2e699', 3 => '#78c679', 4 => '#31a354', 5 => '#006837', }, ylgn6 => { 1 => '#ffffcc', 2 => '#d9f0a3', 3 => '#addd8e', 4 => '#78c679', 5 => '#31a354', 6 => '#006837', }, ylgn7 => { 1 => '#ffffcc', 2 => '#d9f0a3', 3 => '#addd8e', 4 => '#78c679', 5 => '#41ab5d', 6 => '#238443', 7 => '#005a32', }, ylgn8 => { 1 => '#ffffe5', 2 => '#f7fcb9', 3 => '#d9f0a3', 4 => '#addd8e', 5 => '#78c679', 6 => '#41ab5d', 7 => '#238443', 8 => '#005a32', }, ylgn9 => { 1 => '#ffffe5', 2 => '#f7fcb9', 3 => '#d9f0a3', 4 => '#addd8e', 5 => '#78c679', 6 => '#41ab5d', 7 => '#238443', 8 => '#006837', 9 => '#004529', }, ylgnbu3 => { 1 => '#edf8b1', 2 => '#7fcdbb', 3 => '#2c7fb8', }, ylgnbu4 => { 1 => '#ffffcc', 2 => '#a1dab4', 3 => '#41b6c4', 4 => '#225ea8', }, ylgnbu5 => { 1 => '#ffffcc', 2 => '#a1dab4', 3 => '#41b6c4', 4 => '#2c7fb8', 5 => '#253494', }, ylgnbu6 => { 1 => '#ffffcc', 2 => '#c7e9b4', 3 => '#7fcdbb', 4 => '#41b6c4', 5 => '#2c7fb8', 6 => '#253494', }, ylgnbu7 => { 1 => '#ffffcc', 2 => '#c7e9b4', 3 => '#7fcdbb', 4 => '#41b6c4', 5 => '#1d91c0', 6 => '#225ea8', 7 => '#0c2c84', }, ylgnbu8 => { 1 => '#ffffd9', 2 => '#edf8b1', 3 => '#c7e9b4', 4 => '#7fcdbb', 5 => '#41b6c4', 6 => '#1d91c0', 7 => '#225ea8', 8 => '#0c2c84', }, ylgnbu9 => { 1 => '#ffffd9', 2 => '#edf8b1', 3 => '#c7e9b4', 4 => '#7fcdbb', 5 => '#41b6c4', 6 => '#1d91c0', 7 => '#225ea8', 8 => '#253494', 9 => '#081d58', }, ylorbr3 => { 1 => '#fff7bc', 2 => '#fec44f', 3 => '#d95f0e', }, ylorbr4 => { 1 => '#ffffd4', 2 => '#fed98e', 3 => '#fe9929', 4 => '#cc4c02', }, ylorbr5 => { 1 => '#ffffd4', 2 => '#fed98e', 3 => '#fe9929', 4 => '#d95f0e', 5 => '#993404', }, ylorbr6 => { 1 => '#ffffd4', 2 => '#fee391', 3 => '#fec44f', 4 => '#fe9929', 5 => '#d95f0e', 6 => '#993404', }, ylorbr7 => { 1 => '#ffffd4', 2 => '#fee391', 3 => '#fec44f', 4 => '#fe9929', 5 => '#ec7014', 6 => '#cc4c02', 7 => '#8c2d04', }, ylorbr8 => { 1 => '#ffffe5', 2 => '#fff7bc', 3 => '#fee391', 4 => '#fec44f', 5 => '#fe9929', 6 => '#ec7014', 7 => '#cc4c02', 8 => '#8c2d04', }, ylorbr9 => { 1 => '#ffffe5', 2 => '#fff7bc', 3 => '#fee391', 4 => '#fec44f', 5 => '#fe9929', 6 => '#ec7014', 7 => '#cc4c02', 8 => '#993404', 9 => '#662506', }, ylorrd3 => { 1 => '#ffeda0', 2 => '#feb24c', 3 => '#f03b20', }, ylorrd4 => { 1 => '#ffffb2', 2 => '#fecc5c', 3 => '#fd8d3c', 4 => '#e31a1c', }, ylorrd5 => { 1 => '#ffffb2', 2 => '#fecc5c', 3 => '#fd8d3c', 4 => '#f03b20', 5 => '#bd0026', }, ylorrd6 => { 1 => '#ffffb2', 2 => '#fed976', 3 => '#feb24c', 4 => '#fd8d3c', 5 => '#f03b20', 6 => '#bd0026', }, ylorrd7 => { 1 => '#ffffb2', 2 => '#fed976', 3 => '#feb24c', 4 => '#fd8d3c', 5 => '#fc4e2a', 6 => '#e31a1c', 7 => '#b10026', }, ylorrd8 => { 1 => '#ffffcc', 2 => '#ffeda0', 3 => '#fed976', 4 => '#feb24c', 5 => '#fd8d3c', 6 => '#fc4e2a', 7 => '#e31a1c', 8 => '#b10026', }, ylorrd9 => { 1 => '#ffffcc', 2 => '#ffeda0', 3 => '#fed976', 4 => '#feb24c', 5 => '#fd8d3c', 6 => '#fc4e2a', 7 => '#e31a1c', 8 => '#bd0026', 9 => '#800026', }, }; # reverse mapping value => name my $color_values = { }; my $all_color_names = { }; { # reverse mapping "#ff0000 => 'red'" # also build a list of all possible color names for my $n (keys %$color_names) { my $s = $color_names->{$n}; $color_values->{ $n } = {}; my $t = $color_values->{$n}; # sort the names on their length for my $c (sort { length($a) <=> length($b) || $a cmp $b } keys %$s) { # don't add "blue1" if it is already set as "blue" $t->{ $s->{$c} } = $c unless exists $t->{ $s->{$c} }; # mark as existing $all_color_names->{ $c } = undef; } } } our $qr_custom_attribute = qr/^x-([a-z_0-9]+-)*[a-z_0-9]+\z/; sub color_names { $color_names; } sub color_name { # return "red" for "#ff0000" my ($self,$color,$scheme) = @_; $scheme ||= 'w3c'; $color_values->{$scheme}->{$color} || $color; } sub color_value { # return "#ff0000" for "red" my ($self,$color,$scheme) = @_; $scheme ||= 'w3c'; # 'w3c/red' => 'w3c', 'red' $scheme = $1 if $color =~ s/^([a-z0-9])\///; $color_names->{$scheme}->{$color} || $color; } sub _color_scheme { # check that a given color scheme is valid my ($self, $scheme) = @_; return $scheme if $scheme eq 'inherit'; exists $color_names->{ $scheme } ? $scheme : undef; } sub _color { # Check that a given color name (like 'red'), or value (like '#ff0000') # or rgb(1,2,3) is valid. Used by valid_attribute(). # Note that for color names, the color scheme is not known here, so we # can only look if the color name is potentially possible. F.i. under # the Brewer scheme ylorrd9, '1' is a valid color name, while 'red' # would not. To resolve such conflicts, we will fallback to 'x11' # (the largest of the schemes) if the color name doesn't exist in # the current scheme. my ($self, $org_color) = @_; $org_color = lc($org_color); # color names are case insensitive $org_color =~ s/\s//g; # remove spaces to unify format my $color = $org_color; if ($color =~ s/^(w3c|[a-z]+\d{0,2})\///) { my $scheme = $1; return $org_color if exists $color_names->{$scheme}->{$color}; # if it didn't work, then fall back to x11 $scheme = 'x11'; return (exists $color_names->{$scheme}->{$color} ? $org_color : undef); } # scheme unknown, fall back to generic handling # red => red return $org_color if exists $all_color_names->{$color}; # #ff0000 => #ff0000, rgb(1,2,3) => rgb(1,2,3) defined $self->color_as_hex($color) ? $org_color : undef; } sub _hsv_to_rgb { # H=0..360, S=0..1.0, V=0..1.0 my ($h, $s, $v) = @_; my $e = 0.0001; if ($s < $e) { $v = abs(int(256 * $v)); $v = 255 if $v > 255; return ($v,$v,$v); } my ($r,$g,$b); $h *= 360; my $h1 = int($h / 60); my $f = $h / 60 - $h1; my $p = $v * (1 - $s); my $q = $v * (1 - ($s * $f)); my $t = $v * (1 - ($s * (1-$f))); if ($h1 == 0 || $h1 == 6) { $r = $v; $g = $t; $b = $p; } elsif ($h1 == 1) { $r = $q; $g = $v; $b = $p; } elsif ($h1 == 2) { $r = $p; $g = $v; $b = $t; } elsif ($h1 == 3) { $r = $p; $g = $q; $b = $v; } elsif ($h1 == 4) { $r = $t; $g = $p; $b = $v; } else { $r = $v; $g = $p; $b = $q; } # clamp values to 0.255 $r = abs(int($r*256)); $g = abs(int($g*256)); $b = abs(int($b*256)); $r = 255 if $r > 255; $g = 255 if $g > 255; $b = 255 if $b > 255; ($r,$g,$b); } sub _hsl_to_rgb { # H=0..360, S=0..100, L=0..100 my ($h, $s, $l) = @_; my $e = 0.0001; if ($s < $e) { # achromatic or grey $l = abs(int(256 * $l)); $l = 255 if $l > 255; return ($l,$l,$l); } my $t2; if ($l < 0.5) { $t2 = $l * ($s + 1); } else { $t2 = $l + $s - ($l * $s); } my $t1 = $l * 2 - $t2; my ($r,$g,$b); # 0..359 $h %= 360 if $h >= 360; # $h = 0..1 $h /= 360; my $tr = $h + 1/3; my $tg = $h; my $tb = $h - 1/3; $tr += 1 if $tr < 0; $tr -= 1 if $tr > 1; $tg += 1 if $tg < 0; $tg -= 1 if $tg > 1; $tb += 1 if $tb < 0; $tb -= 1 if $tb > 1; my $i = 0; my @temp3 = ($tr,$tg,$tb); my @rc; for my $c ($r,$g,$b) { my $t3 = $temp3[$i++]; if ($t3 < 1/6) { $c = $t1 + ($t2 - $t1) * 6 * $t3; } elsif ($t3 < 1/2) { $c = $t2; } elsif ($t3 < 2/3) { $c = $t1 + ($t2 - $t1) * 6 * (2/3 - $t3); } else { $c = $t1; } $c = int($c * 256); $c = 255 if $c > 255; push @rc, $c; } @rc; } my $factors = { 'rgb' => [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ], 'hsv' => [ 1, 1, 1, 255 ], 'hsl' => [ 360, 1, 1, 255 ], }; sub color_as_hex { # Turn "red" or rgb(255,0,0) or "#f00" into "#ff0000". Return undef for # invalid colors. my ($self,$color,$scheme) = @_; $scheme ||= 'w3c'; $color = lc($color); # 'w3c/red' => 'w3c', 'red' $scheme = $1 if $color =~ s/^([a-z0-9])\///; # convert "red" to "ffff00" return $color_names->{$scheme}->{$color} if exists $color_names->{$scheme}->{$color}; # fallback to x11 scheme if color doesn't exist return $color_names->{x11}->{$color} if exists $color_names->{x11}->{$color}; my $qr_num = qr/\s* ((?:[0-9]{1,3}%?) | # 12%, 10, 2 etc (?:[0-9]?\.[0-9]{1,5}) ) # .1, 0.1, 2.5 etc /x; # rgb(255,100%,1.0) => '#ffffff' if ($color =~ /^(rgb|hsv|hsl)\($qr_num,$qr_num,$qr_num(?:,$qr_num)?\s*\)\z/) { my $r = $2; my $g = $3; my $b = $4; my $a = $5; $a = 255 unless defined $a; my $format = $1; my $i = 0; for my $c ($r,$g,$b,$a) { # for the first value in HSL or HSV, use 360, otherwise 100. For RGB, use 255 my $factor = $factors->{$format}->[$i++]; if ($c =~ /^([0-9]+)%\z/) # 10% => 25.5 { $c = $1 * $factor / 100; } else { $c = $1 * $factor if $c =~ /^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\z/; # 0.1, 1.0 } } ($r,$g,$b) = Graph::Easy::_hsv_to_rgb($r,$g,$b) if $format eq 'hsv'; ($r,$g,$b) = Graph::Easy::_hsl_to_rgb($r,$g,$b) if $format eq 'hsl'; $a = int($a); $a = 255 if $a > 255; # #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA $color = sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x%02x", $r,$g,$b,$a); } # turn #ff0 into #ffff00 $color = "#$1$1$2$2$3$3" if $color =~ /^#([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])([a-f[0-9])\z/; # #RRGGBBff => #RRGGBB (alpha value of 255 is the default) $color =~ s/^(#......)ff\z/$1/i; # check final color value to be #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA return undef unless $color =~ /^#([a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{8})\z/i; $color; } sub text_style { # check whether the given list of textstyle attributes is valid my ($self, $style) = @_; return $style if $style =~ /^(normal|none|)\z/; my @styles = split /\s+/, $style; return undef if grep(!/^(underline|overline|line-through|italic|bold)\z/, @styles); $style; } sub text_styles { # return a hash with the defined textstyles checked my ($self) = @_; my $style = $self->attribute('textstyle'); return { none => 1 } if $style =~ /^(normal|none)\z/; return { } if $style eq ''; my $styles = {}; for my $key ( split /\s+/, $style ) { $styles->{$key} = 1; } $styles; } sub text_styles_as_css { my ($self, $align, $fontsize) = @_; my $style = ''; my $ts = $self->text_styles(); $style .= " font-style: italic;" if $ts->{italic}; $style .= " font-weight: bold;" if $ts->{bold}; if ($ts->{underline} || $ts->{none} || $ts->{overline} || $ts->{'line-through'}) { # XXX TODO: HTML does seem to allow only one of them my @s; foreach my $k (qw/underline overline line-through none/) { push @s, $k if $ts->{$k}; } my $s = join(' ', @s); $style .= " text-decoration: $s;" if $s; } my $fs = $self->raw_attribute('fontsize'); $style .= " font-size: $fs;" if $fs; if (!$align) { # XXX TODO: raw_attribute()? my $al = $self->attribute('align'); $style .= " text-align: $al;" if $al; } $style; } sub _font_size_in_pixels { my ($self, $em, $val) = @_; my $fs = $val; $fs = $self->attribute('fontsize') || '' if !defined $val; return $em if $fs eq ''; if ($fs =~ /^([\d.]+)em\z/) { $fs = $1 * $em; } elsif ($fs =~ /^([\d.]+)%\z/) { $fs = ($1 / 100) * $em; } # this is discouraged: elsif ($fs =~ /^([\d.]+)px\z/) { $fs = int($1 || 5); } else { $self->error("Illegal fontsize '$fs'"); } $fs; } # direction modifier in degrees my $modifier = { forward => 0, front => 0, left => -90, right => +90, back => +180, }; # map absolute direction to degrees my $dirs = { up => 0, north => 0, down => 180, south => 180, west => 270, east => 90, 0 => 0, 180 => 180, 90 => 90, 270 => 270, }; # map absolute direction to side (south etc) my $sides = { north => 'north', south => 'south', east => 'east', west => 'west', up => 'north', down => 'south', 0 => 'north', 180 => 'south', 90 => 'east', 270 => 'west', }; sub _direction_as_number { my ($self,$dir) = @_; my $d = $dirs->{$dir}; $self->_croak("$dir is not an absolut direction") unless defined $d; $d; } sub _direction_as_side { my ($self,$dir) = @_; return unless exists $sides->{$dir}; $sides->{$dir}; } sub _flow_as_direction { # Take a flow direction (0,90,180,270 etc), and a new direction (left|south etc) # and return the new flow. south et al will stay, while left|right etc depend # on the incoming flow. my ($self, $inflow, $dir) = @_; # in=south and dir=forward => south # in=south and dir=back => north etc # in=south and dir=east => east # return 90 unless defined $dir; if ($dir =~ /^(south|north|west|east|up|down|0|90|180|270)\z/) { # new direction is absolut, so inflow doesn't play a role # return 0,90,180 or 270 return $dirs->{$dir}; } my $in = $dirs->{$inflow}; my $modifier = $modifier->{$dir}; $self->_croak("$inflow,$dir results in undefined inflow") unless defined $in; $self->_croak("$inflow,$dir results in undefined modifier") unless defined $modifier; my $out = $in + $modifier; $out -= 360 while $out >= 360; # normalize to 0..359 $out += 360 while $out < 0; # normalize to 0..359 $out; } sub _flow_as_side { # Take a flow direction (0,90,180,270 etc), and a new direction (left|south etc) # and return the new flow. south et al will stay, while left|right etc depend # on the incoming flow. my ($self, $inflow, $dir) = @_; # in=south and dir=forward => south # in=south and dir=back => north etc # in=south and dir=east => east # return 90 unless defined $dir; if ($dir =~ /^(south|north|west|east|up|down|0|90|180|270)\z/) { # new direction is absolut, so inflow doesn't play a role # return east, west etc return $sides->{$dir}; } my $in = $dirs->{$inflow}; my $modifier = $modifier->{$dir}; $self->_croak("$inflow,$dir results in undefined inflow") unless defined $in; $self->_croak("$inflow,$dir results in undefined modifier") unless defined $modifier; my $out = $in + $modifier; $out -= 360 if $out >= 360; # normalize to 0..359 $sides->{$out}; } sub _direction { # check that a direction (south etc) is valid my ($self, $dir) = @_; $dir =~ /^(south|east|west|north|down|up|0|90|180|270|front|forward|back|left|right)\z/ ? $dir : undef; } sub _border_attribute_as_html { # Return "solid 1px red" from the individual border(style|color|width) # attributes, mainly for HTML output. my ($style, $width, $color, $scheme) = @_; $style ||= ''; $width = '' unless defined $width; $color = '' unless defined $color; $color = Graph::Easy->color_as_hex($color,$scheme)||'' if $color !~ /^#/; return $style if $style =~ /^(none|)\z/; # width: 2px for double would collapse to one line $width = '' if $style =~ /^double/; # convert the style and widths to something HTML can understand $width = '0.5em' if $style eq 'broad'; $width = '4px' if $style =~ /^bold/; $width = '1em' if $style eq 'wide'; $style = 'solid' if $style =~ /(broad|wide|bold)\z/; $style = 'dashed' if $style eq 'bold-dash'; $style = 'double' if $style eq 'double-dash'; $width = $width.'px' if $width =~ /^\s*\d+\s*\z/; return '' if $width eq '' && $style ne 'double'; my $val = join(" ", $style, $width, $color); $val =~ s/^\s+//; $val =~ s/\s+\z//; $val; } sub _border_attribute { # Return "solid 1px red" from the individual border(style|color|width) # attributes. Used by as_txt(). my ($style, $width, $color) = @_; $style ||= ''; $width = '' unless defined $width; $color = '' unless defined $color; return $style if $style =~ /^(none|)\z/; $width = $width.'px' if $width =~ /^\s*\d+\s*\z/; my $val = join(" ", $style, $width, $color); $val =~ s/^\s+//; $val =~ s/\s+\z//; $val; } sub _border_width_in_pixels { my ($self, $em) = @_; my $bw = $self->attribute('borderwidth') || '0'; return 0 if $bw eq '0'; my $bs = $self->attribute('borderstyle') || 'none'; return 0 if $bs eq 'none'; return 3 if $bs =~ /^bold/; return $em / 2 if $bs =~ /^broad/; return $em if $bs =~ /^wide/; # width: 1 is 1px; return $bw if $bw =~ /^([\d.]+)\z/; if ($bw =~ /^([\d.]+)em\z/) { $bw = $1 * $em; } elsif ($bw =~ /^([\d.]+)%\z/) { $bw = ($1 / 100) * $em; } # this is discouraged: elsif ($bw =~ /^([\d.]+)px\z/) { $bw = $1; } else { $self->error("Illegal borderwidth '$bw'"); } $bw; } sub _angle { # check an angle for being valid my ($self, $angle) = @_; return undef unless $angle =~ /^([+-]?\d{1,3}|south|west|east|north|up|down|left|right|front|back|forward)\z/; $angle; } sub _uint { # check a small unsigned integer for being valid my ($self, $val) = @_; return undef unless $val =~ /^\d+\z/; $val = abs(int($val)); $val = 4 * 1024 if $val > 4 * 1024; $val; } sub _font { # check a font-list for being valid my ($self, $font) = @_; $font; } sub split_border_attributes { # split "1px solid black" or "red dotted" into style, width and color my ($self,$border) = @_; # special case return ('none', undef, undef) if $border eq '0'; # extract style my $style; $border =~ s/(solid|dotted|dot-dot-dash|dot-dash|dashed|double-dash|double|bold-dash|bold|broad|wide|wave|none)/$style=$1;''/eg; $style ||= 'solid'; # extract width $border =~ s/(\d+(px|em|%))//g; my $width = $1 || ''; $width =~ s/[^0-9]+//g; # leave only digits $border =~ s/\s+//g; # rem unnec. spaces # The left-over part must be a valid color. my $color = $border; $color = Graph::Easy->_color($border) if $border ne ''; $self->error("$border is not a valid bordercolor") unless defined $color; $width = undef if $width eq ''; $color = undef if $color eq ''; $style = undef if $style eq ''; ($style,$width,$color); } ############################################################################# # attribute checking # different types of attributes with pre-defined handling use constant { ATTR_STRING => 0, # an arbitrary string ATTR_COLOR => 1, # color name or value like rgb(1,1,1) ATTR_ANGLE => 2, # 0 .. 359.99 ATTR_PORT => 3, # east, etc. ATTR_UINT => 4, # a "small" unsigned integer ATTR_URL => 5, # these cannot have "inherit", see ATTR_INHERIT_MIN ATTR_LIST => 6, # a list of values ATTR_LCTEXT => 7, # lowercase text (classname) ATTR_TEXT => 8, # titles, links, labels etc ATTR_NO_INHERIT => 6, ATTR_DESC_SLOT => 0, ATTR_MATCH_SLOT => 1, ATTR_DEFAULT_SLOT => 2, ATTR_EXAMPLE_SLOT => 3, ATTR_TYPE_SLOT => 4, }; # Lists the attribute names along with # * a short description, # * regexp or sub name to match valid attributes # * default value # * an short example value # * type # * graph examples my $attributes = { all => { align => [ "The alignment of the label text.", [ qw/center left right/ ], { default => 'center', group => 'left', edge => 'left' }, 'right', undef, "graph { align: left; label: My Graph; }\nnode {align: left;}\n ( Nodes:\n [ Right\\nAligned ] { align: right; } -- label\\n text -->\n { align: left; }\n [ Left\\naligned ] )", ], autolink => [ "If set to something else than 'none', will use the appropriate attribute to automatically generate the L, unless L is already set. See the section about labels, titles, names and links for reference.", [ qw/label title name none inherit/ ], { default => 'inherit', graph => 'none' }, 'title', ], autotitle => [ "If set to something else than 'none', will use the appropriate attribute to automatically generate the L