require 'trollop' banner_text= <<-EOS Gumdrop v#{ Gumdrop::VERSION } The simple, sweet, static CMS. EOS opts = Trollop::options do banner banner_text opt :verbose,"Verbose output" opt :debug, "Enable debugging output" opt :quiet, "No console output" if Gumdrop.in_site_folder? banner <<-EOS Examples: gumdrop --build gumdrop -b gumdrop --new Post gumdrop --server gumdrop -s -p 8080 -r Options: EOS opt :build, "Build HTML output" opt :new, "Create new data item (specify collection name)", :type=>String opt :server, "Runs development server" opt :port, "Specifies port to run server on", :type=>:int opt :reload, "Force reloading on dev server" opt :template, "Create local template from this site (specify template name)", :type=>String else banner <<-EOS Examples: gumdrop --create my_site gumdrop -c new_site --template backbone Options: EOS opt :create, "Create a gumdrop project", :type=>String opt :template, "Template to create new project from", :type=>String, :default=>'default' opt :list, "List available templates" end end # NO COMMANDS GIVEN unless opts[:create_given] or opts[:build_given] or opts[:server_given] or opts[:new_given] or opts[:template_given] or opts[:list_given] puts banner_text Trollop::die "No commands specified" end # BUILD if opts[:build_given] puts banner_text unless opts[:quiet_given] # SERVER elsif opts[:server_given] puts banner_text unless opts[:quiet_given] Gumdrop::Server # LIST TEMPLATES elsif opts[:list_given] # List templates puts banner_text unless opts[:quiet_given] here= File.dirname(__FILE__) lib_dir= File.expand_path File.join(here, '../../templates', '*') user_dir= File.expand_path File.join("~", ".gumdrop", "templates", "*") puts "Gem Templates:" Dir[lib_dir].each do |name| puts " #{File.basename name}" if end puts "Local Templates:" Dir[user_dir].each do |name| puts " #{File.basename name}" if end # NEW DATA COLLECTION ITEM elsif opts[:new_given] puts banner_text unless opts[:quiet_given] puts "Not implemented yet..." # CREATE NEW SITE elsif opts[:create_given] puts banner_text unless opts[:quiet_given] require 'fileutils' here= File.dirname(__FILE__) lib_root= File.expand_path File.join(here, '../../') user_gumdrop_dir= File.expand_path File.join("~", ".gumdrop") there= File.expand_path( opts[:create] ) template_name = opts[:template] if File.file? there puts "You cannot specify a file as the target!" elsif ! there FileUtils.mkdir_p there end # from gem... if File.join(lib_root, 'templates', template_name) # FileUtils.cp_r Dir[File.join(here, "template", template_name, "*")], there puts "Creating gumdrop project (from template:#{template_name})" puts " #{there}" FileUtils.cp_r File.join(lib_root, "templates", template_name, "."), there puts "Done." # local template... elsif File.join(user_gumdrop_dir, 'templates', template_name) # FileUtils.cp_r Dir[File.join(here, "template", template_name, "*")], there puts "Creating gumdrop project (from local template:#{template_name})" puts " #{there}" FileUtils.cp_r File.join(user_gumdrop_dir, "templates", template_name, "."), there puts "Done." else puts "Invalid template '#{template_name}'!" end # SAVE CURRENT SITE AS TEMPLATE elsif opts[:template_given] # Save as template... puts banner_text unless opts[:quiet_given] template= opts[:template] template_path = File.expand_path File.join('~', '.gumdrop', 'templates', template) if File.exists? template_path puts "A template named '#{template}' already exists!" else require 'fileutils' puts "Creating template: #{template}" puts " ~/.gumdrop/templates/#{template}" site_root= Gumdrop.site_folder FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(template_path) FileUtils.cp_r File.join(site_root, "."), template_path puts "Done." end # UNKNOWN COMMAND else puts banner_text require 'pp' puts "Unknown options" pp opts end