#!/usr/bin/env fontforge # Run using: # # $ ./generate-font-subsets.pe # # By default, the target directory is "generated". # # NOTE: Ignore "GID out of range" warnings; fontforge has to kick the tires a bit to flush out these dead references # # Use with Noto Serif fonts from https://code.google.com/p/noto/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2Ffonts%2Findividual%2Funhinted # Use with M+ fonts from http://mplus-fonts.sourceforge.jp/mplus-outline-fonts/download/index-en.html # # TODO: Add cjkv profile # # IMPORTANT: Must generate Apple format (0x10) or include old-fashioned 'kern' table for kerning to work in Prawn # # generate flags (additive): # * 0x00 - OpenType # * 0x10 - Apple # * 0x80 - OpenType and Apple # * 0x90 - Neither OpenType or Apple # * 0x800 - Generate old-style 'kern' table # * 0x08 - exclude TrueType instructions # # QUESTION: do we need to apply RoundToInt() after ClearInstrs()? # FIXME: need to generate cjk font genflags = 0x08 #genflags = 0x10 + 0x08 copy_fonts = ["NotoSerif-Regular.ttf", "NotoSerif-Bold.ttf", "NotoSerif-Italic.ttf", "NotoSerif-BoldItalic.ttf", "mplus-1p-regular.ttf", "mplus-1p-bold.ttf", "mplus-1p-light.ttf"] #copy_fonts = ["NotoSerif-Regular.ttf", "NotoSerif-Bold.ttf", "NotoSerif-Italic.ttf", "NotoSerif-BoldItalic.ttf"] #copy_fonts = ["LiberationMono-Regular.ttf", "LiberationMono-Bold.ttf", "LiberationMono-Italic.ttf", "LiberationMono-BoldItalic.ttf"] #copy_fonts = ["NotoSerif-Regular.ttf"] #copy_fonts = [] num_copy_fonts = SizeOf(copy_fonts) copy_scripts = ["latin", "latin-ext", "latin-cyrillic", "multilingual"] #copy_scripts = ["latin"] num_copy_scripts = SizeOf(copy_scripts) code_fonts = ["mplus-1mn-light.ttf", "mplus-1mn-regular.ttf", "mplus-1mn-medium.ttf", "mplus-1mn-bold.ttf"] #code_fonts = [] num_code_fonts = SizeOf(code_fonts) code_script = "ascii" #code_script = "multilingual" if ($argc == 2) output_dir = $argv[1] else #output_dir = "../data/fonts" output_dir = "generated" endif fi = 0 while (fi < num_copy_fonts) new_basename = ToLower(copy_fonts[fi]:r) is_mplus = Strstr(new_basename, "mplus") >= 0 # remove hyphen from mplus-1 if (is_mplus) new_basename = "mplus1" + StrJoin(StrSplit(new_basename, "mplus-1"), "") endif si = 0 while (si < num_copy_scripts) script = copy_scripts[si] Open(copy_fonts[fi]) SelectAll() # Remove TrueType instructions ClearInstrs() SelectNone() # Basic Latin (e.g., English) SelectMore(0u0020,0u007e) # Latin-1 Supplement (covers core Western European languages) SelectMore(0u00a0,0u00ff) # Mathematical Operators (e.g., infinity, sum, partial differential) SelectMore(0u2200,0u22ff) # General Punctuation (most of it) (e.g., dashes, smart quotes, bullet) SelectMore(0u2000,0u203a) # Trademark sign (selected from Letterlike Symbols set) SelectMore(0u2122) # Geometric Shapes (e.g., list bullets) SelectMore(0u25a0,0u25ff) # Greek (frequently used for math and bullets) SelectMore(0u0370,0u03ff) # Additional Currency Symbols (QUESTION: do we need all of them in basic latin? Euro Sign is 0u20ac) #SelectMore(0u20a0,0u20d0) SelectMore(0u20ac) if (script == "latin-ext" || script == "latin-cyrillic" || script == "multilingual") # Latin Extended-A, Latin Extended-B SelectMore(0u0100,0u024f) # IPA Extensions (i.e., core phonetics) #SelectMore(0u0250,0u02af) # Upside-down e (from IPA Extensions) SelectMore(0u0259) # Spacing Modifier Letters (e.g., diacritics) SelectMore(0u02b0,0u02ff) # Latin Ligatures (e.g., fi) (Noto Serif doesn't auto-detect them, so leave them off) #SelectMore(0ufb00,0ufb06) endif if (script == "latin-cyrillic" || script == "multilingual") # Cyrillic SelectMore(0u0400,0u04ff) # Cyrillic Supplement (QUESTION should this go in multilingual only?) SelectMore(0u0500,0u052f) endif if (script == "multilingual") # Greek Extended SelectMore(0u1f00,0u1fff) # Latin Extended Additional (Vietnamese, Hindi, ...) SelectMore(0u1e00,0u1eff) endif # BOM SelectMore(0ufeff) # No-break space SelectMore(0u00a0) # Non-marking return (QUESTION do we really need this?) #SelectMore(0u000d) SelectInvert() Clear() SelectNone() # Generate BOM from no-break space (for M+ fonts) if (is_mplus) Select(0u00a0) Copy() SelectNone() Select(0ufeff) Paste() SetWidth(0) SelectNone() endif # Generate line feed from no-break space (works around error "cmap format 14 is not supported" in ttfunk) # FIXME another option here is to select all the characters referenced by the cmap format 14 table Select(0u00a0) Copy() SelectNone() Select(0u000a) Paste() SetWidth(0) SelectNone() new_filename = new_basename + "-" + script + ".ttf" new_filepath = output_dir + "/" + new_filename Print("Generating " + new_filename + "...") Generate(new_filepath, "", genflags) Close() if (is_mplus) # Regenerate to drop invalid cmap format 14 table (ignore warnings) Open(new_filepath) Generate(new_filepath, "", genflags) Close() endif si = si + 1 endloop fi = fi + 1 endloop fi = 0 while (fi < num_code_fonts) new_basename = code_fonts[fi]:r # remove hyphen from mplus-1 new_basename = "mplus1" + StrJoin(StrSplit(new_basename, "mplus-1"), "") new_suffix = "-" + code_script + ".ttf" Open(code_fonts[fi]) SelectAll() # NOTE: M+ fonts don't have hinting, so technically this is redundant ClearInstrs() SelectNone() if (code_script == "ascii") # Basic Latin (e.g., Code) SelectMore(0u0020,0u007e) # No-break space SelectMore(0u00a0) # Box drawing symbols for unix `tree` output SelectMore(0u2500,0u257f) if (new_basename == "mplus1mn-regular") # Enclosed numbers (1-20) SelectMore(0u2460,0u2473) new_suffix = "-ascii-conums.ttf" endif SelectInvert() Clear() SelectNone() endif SetFontNames(new_basename, "M+ 1mn") # repurpose light as italic if (new_basename == "mplus1mn-light") SetFontNames("mplus1mn-italic", "M+ 1mn", "M+ 1mn Italic") SetOS2Value("Weight", 400) SetPanose(2, 5) SetTTFName(0x409, 2, "Italic") SetTTFName(0x409, 16, "") SetTTFName(0x409, 17, "") SetTTFName(0x411, 16, "") SetTTFName(0x411, 17, "") new_basename = "mplus1mn-italic" # repurpose medium as bold elseif (new_basename == "mplus1mn-medium") SetFontNames("mplus1mn-bold", "M+ 1mn", "M+ 1mn Bold") SetOS2Value("Weight", 700) SetPanose(2, 8) SetTTFName(0x409, 2, "Bold") SetTTFName(0x409, 16, "") SetTTFName(0x409, 17, "") SetTTFName(0x411, 16, "") SetTTFName(0x411, 17, "") new_basename = "mplus1mn-bold" # repurpose bold as bold italic elseif (new_basename == "mplus1mn-bold") SetFontNames("mplus1mn-bolditalic", "M+ 1mn", "M+ 1mn Bold Italic") SetOS2Value("Weight", 700) SetPanose(2, 8) SetTTFName(0x409, 2, "Bold Italic") SetTTFName(0x409, 16, "") SetTTFName(0x409, 17, "") SetTTFName(0x411, 16, "") SetTTFName(0x411, 17, "") new_basename = "mplus1mn-bolditalic" endif # Generate BOM from no-break space (for M+ fonts) Select(0u00a0) Copy() SelectNone() Select(0ufeff) Paste() SetWidth(0) SelectNone() new_filename = new_basename + new_suffix new_filepath = output_dir + "/" + new_filename Print("Generating " + new_filename + "...") Generate(new_filepath, "", genflags) Close() # Regenerate to drop invalid cmap format 14 table (ignore warnings) Open(new_filepath) Generate(new_filepath, "", genflags) Close() fi = fi + 1 endloop