/* ================================================================= Copyright (C) 2000-2013 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ================================================================= */ #include "database.h" #include "table.h" #include "dbDef.h" #include #include #include #include #include "stringConverter.h" #pragma package(smart_init) namespace bzs { namespace db { namespace protocol { namespace tdap { namespace client { struct dbimple { dbdef* dbDef; void* optionalData; _TCHAR rootDir[MAX_PATH]; deleteRecordFn m_deleteRecordFn; copyDataFn m_copyDataFn; bool isOpened; bool isTableReadOnly; bool lockReadOnly; dbimple() : dbDef(NULL), optionalData(NULL), m_deleteRecordFn(NULL), m_copyDataFn(NULL), isOpened(false), isTableReadOnly(false), lockReadOnly(false) { rootDir[0] = 0x00; } dbimple& operator=(const dbimple& rt) { if (&rt != this) { dbDef = rt.dbDef; _tcscpy(rootDir, rt.rootDir); isOpened = rt.isOpened; optionalData = rt.optionalData; isTableReadOnly = rt.isTableReadOnly; lockReadOnly = rt.lockReadOnly; m_deleteRecordFn = rt.m_deleteRecordFn; m_copyDataFn = rt.m_copyDataFn; } return *this; } }; void database::destroy(database* db) { delete db; } database::database() : nsdatabase() { m_impl = new dbimple(); } database::~database() { doClose(); delete m_impl; } void database::release() { if (refCount() == 1) nsdatabase::release(); else { nsdatabase::release(); if ((refCount() == 1) && m_impl->dbDef && (m_impl->dbDef->nsdb() == this)) nsdatabase::release(); } } dbdef* database::dbDef() const { return m_impl->dbDef; } const _TCHAR* database::rootDir() const { return m_impl->rootDir; } void database::setRootDir(const _TCHAR* directory) { setDir(directory); } void* database::optionalData() const { return m_impl->optionalData; } void database::setOptionalData(void* v) { m_impl->optionalData = v; } bool database::tableReadOnly() const { return m_impl->isTableReadOnly; } const deleteRecordFn database::onDeleteRecord() const { return m_impl->m_deleteRecordFn; } void database::setOnDeleteRecord(const deleteRecordFn v) { m_impl->m_deleteRecordFn = v; } const copyDataFn database::onCopyData() const { return m_impl->m_copyDataFn; } void database::setOnCopyData(const copyDataFn v) { m_impl->m_copyDataFn = v; } void database::setLockReadOnly(bool v) { m_impl->lockReadOnly = v; } bool database::isOpened() const { return m_impl->isOpened; } char_td database::mode() const { assert(m_impl->dbDef); return m_impl->dbDef->mode(); } void database::create(const _TCHAR* fullpath, short type) { if (!m_impl->dbDef) m_impl->dbDef = new dbdef(this, type); // Create TabelDef here. m_impl->dbDef->create(fullpath); m_stat = m_impl->dbDef->stat(); } void database::drop() { if (m_impl->dbDef == NULL) m_stat = STATUS_DB_YET_OPEN; _TCHAR FullPath[MAX_PATH]; std::vector fileNames; for (int i = 0; i <= m_impl->dbDef->tableCount(); i++) { if (m_impl->dbDef->tableDefs(i)) { _stprintf_s(FullPath, MAX_PATH, _T("%s") PSEPARATOR _T("%s"), rootDir(), m_impl->dbDef->tableDefs(i)->fileName()); fileNames.push_back(FullPath); } } fileNames.push_back(m_impl->dbDef->uri()); close(); if (m_stat) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < fileNames.size(); i++) { nsdatabase::dropTable(fileNames[i].c_str()); if (m_stat && (m_stat == STATUS_TABLE_NOTOPEN)) return; } } void database::dropTable(const _TCHAR* TableName) { _TCHAR FullPath[MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(FullPath, rootDir()); _tcscat(FullPath, PSEPARATOR); short index = m_impl->dbDef->tableNumByName(TableName); if (index == -1) m_stat = STATUS_TABLENAME_NOTFOUND; else _tcscat(FullPath, m_impl->dbDef->tableDefs(index)->fileName()); nsdatabase::dropTable(FullPath); } void database::setDir(const _TCHAR* directory) { _tcscpy(m_impl->rootDir, directory); } database& database::operator=(const database& rt) { if (&rt != this) { nsdatabase::operator=(rt); m_impl->dbimple::operator=(*(rt.m_impl)); rt.m_impl->dbDef->addref(); addref(); } return *this; } database* database::clone() { if (!m_impl->dbDef) m_impl->dbDef = new dbdef(this, TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF); database* p = new database(); *p = *this; return p; } void database::getBtrVersion(btrVersions* versions) { uchar_td* posblk = NULL; if (m_impl->dbDef) posblk = const_cast(m_impl->dbDef->posblk()); nsdatabase::getBtrVersion(versions, posblk); } void database::onCopyDataInternal(table* tb, int recordCount, int count, bool& cancel) { if (m_impl->m_copyDataFn) m_impl->m_copyDataFn(this, recordCount, count, cancel); } void database::setTableReadOnly(bool value) { if (!m_impl->lockReadOnly) m_impl->isTableReadOnly = value; } void database::doOpen(const _TCHAR* uri, short type, short mode, const _TCHAR* ownername) { m_stat = STATUS_SUCCESS; m_impl->dbDef->setDefType(type); m_impl->dbDef->open(uri, (char_td)mode, ownername); if ((m_stat == STATUS_SUCCESS) && (m_impl->dbDef->m_stat == STATUS_INVALID_OWNERNAME) && (type == 0)) m_impl->dbDef->m_stat = STATUS_DIFFERENT_DBVERSION; m_stat = m_impl->dbDef->m_stat; m_impl->isOpened = (m_stat == STATUS_SUCCESS); // important } bool database::open(const _TCHAR* _uri, short type, short mode, const _TCHAR* dir, const _TCHAR* ownername) { _TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH]; m_stat = STATUS_SUCCESS; if (!m_impl->isOpened) { if (setUri(_uri) == false) { m_stat = 11; return false; } if (dir && dir[0]) { setDir(dir); if (m_stat) return false; } else { if (m_impl->rootDir[0] == 0x00) { nstable::getDirURI(uri(), buf); setDir(buf); if (m_stat) return false; } } if (!m_impl->dbDef) m_impl->dbDef = new dbdef(this, type); doOpen(_uri, type, mode, ownername); m_impl->isOpened = (m_stat == STATUS_SUCCESS); // important if ((m_stat == STATUS_TABLE_NOTOPEN) && isUseTransactd() && _tcsstr(_uri, TRANSACTD_SCHEMANAME)) { // Specified TRANSACTD_SCHEMANAME and no table // Auto make schema. create(_uri, TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF); if (m_stat == STATUS_SUCCESS) { doOpen(_uri, type, mode, ownername); if (m_stat == STATUS_SUCCESS) { m_impl->dbDef->autoMakeSchema(); m_impl->dbDef->close(); doOpen(_uri, type, mode, ownername); } } } } if (m_impl->isOpened && onOpenAfter()) return true; m_impl->isOpened = false; m_impl->dbDef->close(); m_impl->dbDef->release(); nsdatabase::release(); m_impl->dbDef = NULL; return false; } char* database::getContinuousList(int option) { char* fileList = (char*)malloc(64000); memset(fileList, 0, 64000); tabledef* TableDef; _TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH]; char tmp[MAX_PATH]; char* tmpPtr; for (short i = 0; i < m_impl->dbDef->tableCount(); i++) { TableDef = m_impl->dbDef->tableDefs(i); if (TableDef) { getTableUri(buf, TableDef->id); tmpPtr = (char*)toChar(tmp, buf, MAX_PATH); char* p = strstr(tmpPtr, PSEPARATOR_A PSEPARATOR_A); if (p) p = strstr(p + 2, PSEPARATOR_A); if (p == NULL) p = tmpPtr; strcat(fileList, p); strcat(fileList, ","); } } tmpPtr = (char*)toChar(tmp, uri(), MAX_PATH); strcat(fileList, tmpPtr); // add schema table too. return fileList; } short database::continuous(char_td IsEnd, bool inclideRepfile) { // Local databse only.Cnat not use remote database. if (!m_impl->isOpened) return STATUS_DB_YET_OPEN; char tmp[128] = { 0x00 }; char* buf = getContinuousList(inclideRepfile); uint_td buflen = (uint_td)strlen(buf) + 1; m_stat = m_btrcallid(TD_BACKUPMODE, tmp, buf, &buflen, 0, 0, IsEnd, clientID()); free(buf); return m_stat; } void database::doClose() { m_stat = STATUS_SUCCESS; if (m_impl->dbDef) { m_impl->dbDef->release(); nsdatabase::reset(); } m_impl->dbDef = NULL; m_impl->isOpened = false; m_impl->rootDir[0] = 0x00; m_impl->lockReadOnly = false; } void database::close() { bool flag = (m_impl->dbDef != NULL); doClose(); if (flag) nsdatabase::release(); } _TCHAR* database::getTableUri(_TCHAR* buf, short FileNum) { m_stat = STATUS_SUCCESS; if ((m_impl->dbDef) && (m_impl->isOpened)) { if (_tcsstr(m_impl->dbDef->tableDefs(FileNum)->fileName(), PSEPARATOR) == NULL) _stprintf_s(buf, MAX_PATH, _T("%s") PSEPARATOR _T("%s"), m_impl->rootDir, m_impl->dbDef->tableDefs(FileNum)->fileName()); else _tcscpy(buf, m_impl->dbDef->tableDefs(FileNum)->fileName()); return buf; } m_stat = STATUS_DB_YET_OPEN; return NULL; } table* database::openTable(const _TCHAR* TableName, short mode, bool AutoCreate, const _TCHAR* OrnerName, const _TCHAR* pPath) { short filenum; m_stat = 0; if ((m_impl->dbDef) && (m_impl->isOpened)) { filenum = m_impl->dbDef->tableNumByName(TableName); if (filenum == -1) { m_stat = m_impl->dbDef->m_stat; if (m_stat == STATUS_SUCCESS) m_stat = STATUS_TABLENAME_NOTFOUND; return NULL; } return openTable(filenum, mode, AutoCreate, OrnerName, pPath); } m_stat = STATUS_DB_YET_OPEN; return NULL; } table* database::createTableObject() { return new table(this); } table* database::openTable(short FileNum, short mode, bool AutoCreate, const _TCHAR* OrnerName, const _TCHAR* path) { /* Select directory - Fiest, Specify Direct. - Second, specified in filename. - Thard, Smae as schem table. */ _TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH]; bool regularDir = false; bool NewFile = false; m_stat = 0; if ((!m_impl->dbDef) || (!m_impl->isOpened)) { m_stat = STATUS_DB_YET_OPEN; return NULL; } if (m_impl->rootDir[0] == 0x00) { m_stat = STATUS_DB_YET_OPEN; return NULL; } tabledef* td = m_impl->dbDef->tableDefs(FileNum); if (!td) { m_stat = STATUS_INVALID_TABLE_IDX; return NULL; } table* tb = createTableObject(); dbdef::cacheFieldPos(td); if ((path == NULL) || (path[0] == 0x00)) { if (_tcsstr(td->fileName(), PSEPARATOR) == NULL) { getTableUri(buf, FileNum); regularDir = true; } else _tcscpy(buf, td->fileName()); } else _tcscpy(buf, path); if (m_impl->isTableReadOnly) mode = TD_OPEN_READONLY; tb->open(buf, (char_td)mode, OrnerName); if ((tb->m_stat == STATUS_TABLE_NOTOPEN) || (tb->m_stat == ERROR_NOSPECIFY_TABLE)) { if (AutoCreate) { createTable(FileNum, buf); if (m_stat != STATUS_SUCCESS) { tb->release(); return NULL; } else { tb->open(buf, (char_td)mode); if ((OrnerName) && (OrnerName[0])) tb->setOwnerName(OrnerName); NewFile = true; } } else { m_stat = tb->m_stat; tb->release(); return NULL; } } if (tb->m_stat == 0) tb->init(td, FileNum, regularDir); if ((m_stat != 0) || (tb->m_stat != 0) || !onTableOpened(tb, FileNum, mode, NewFile)) { m_stat = tb->m_stat; tb->release(); return NULL; } return tb; } bool database::createTable(short FileNum, const _TCHAR* FilePath) { if (isTransactdUri(FilePath)) { if (setUseTransactd() == false) return false; char buf2[MAX_PATH] = { 0x00 }; _TCHAR posblk[128] = { 0x00 }; const char* p = toServerUri(buf2, MAX_PATH, FilePath, isUseTransactd()); m_stat = m_btrcallid( TD_CREATETABLE, posblk, m_impl->dbDef->tableDefs(FileNum), &m_impl->dbDef->m_datalen, (void*)p, (uchar_td)strlen(p), CR_SUBOP_BY_TABLEDEF /* exists check */, clientID()); } else { const _TCHAR* buf; fileSpec* fs = (fileSpec*)malloc(1024); if (fs == NULL) { m_stat = STATUS_CANT_ALLOC_MEMORY; return false; } m_impl->dbDef->getFileSpec(fs, FileNum); if (FilePath) buf = FilePath; else buf = m_impl->dbDef->tableDefs(FileNum)->fileName(); nsdatabase::createTable(fs, 1024, buf, CR_SUBOP_BY_FILESPEC); free(fs); } return (m_stat == 0); } short database::assignSchemaData(dbdef* src) { beginTrn(); int Count = 1; dbdef* defDest = dbDef(); int recordCount = src->tableCount(); for (int i = 0; i <= src->tableCount(); i++) { tabledef* td = src->tableDefs(i); if (td) { tabledef tdtmp = *td; tdtmp.fieldCount = 0; tdtmp.keyCount = 0; defDest->insertTable(&tdtmp); if (defDest->stat()) break; for (int j = 0; j < td->fieldCount; ++j) { fielddef& fd = td->fieldDefs[j]; *defDest->insertField(td->id, j) = fd; } for (int j = 0; j < td->keyCount; ++j) { keydef& kd = td->keyDefs[j]; *defDest->insertKey(td->id, j) = kd; } defDest->updateTableDef(td->id); if (defDest->stat()) break; } bool Cancel = false; onCopyDataInternal(NULL, recordCount, Count, Cancel); if (Cancel) return -1; Count++; } if ((nstable::tdapErr((HWND)NULL, src->stat()) == 0) && (defDest->stat() == 0)) { endTrn(); return 0; } abortTrn(); if (nstable::tdapErr((HWND)NULL, src->stat())) return src->stat(); return defDest->stat(); } struct filedChnageInfo { filedChnageInfo() : fieldnum(-1), changed(0) {} short fieldnum; bool changed; }; void makeChangeInfo(const tabledef* ddef, const tabledef* sdef, filedChnageInfo* fci) { for (short i = 0; i < sdef->fieldCount; i++) { fielddef& fds = sdef->fieldDefs[i]; for (short j = 0; j < ddef->fieldCount; j++) { fielddef& fdd = ddef->fieldDefs[j]; if (strcmp(fdd.nameA(), fds.nameA()) == 0) { fci[i].fieldnum = j; if (fds.type != fdd.type) fci[i].changed = true; // diffrent type else if (fds.len != fdd.len) fci[i].changed = true; // different size break; } else fci[i].fieldnum = -1; } } } inline void copyEachFieldData(table* dest, table* src, filedChnageInfo* fci) { const tabledef* ddef = dest->tableDef(); const tabledef* sdef = src->tableDef(); for (int i = 0; i < sdef->fieldCount; i++) { int dindex = fci[i].fieldnum; fielddef& fds = sdef->fieldDefs[i]; fielddef& fdd = ddef->fieldDefs[dindex]; if (dindex != -1) { // src valiable len and last field; if ((fci[i].changed == false) || (fdd.type == ft_myfixedbinary)) { int len = fds.len; if (fds.len > fdd.len) len = fdd.len; memcpy(dest->fieldPtr(dindex), src->fieldPtr(i), len); } else { if (fdd.maxVarDatalen() && fds.maxVarDatalen()) { uint_td size; uint_td maxlen = fdd.maxVarDatalen(); const void* data = src->getFVbin(i, size); if (maxlen < size) size = maxlen; dest->setFV(dindex, data, size); } else { // If diffrent field type then convert to string then copy. dest->setFV(dindex, src->getFVstr(i)); } } } } } inline int moveVaileRecord(table* src) { int count = 0; bookmark_td bm = 0; src->stepLast(); while (src->stat() == STATUS_SUCCESS) { bm = src->bookmark(); ++count; src->stepPrev(); } if (count) { src->seekByBookmark(bm); return count; } return 0; } inline void moveNextRecord(table* src, short keyNum) { if (keyNum == -1) src->stepNext(); else src->seekNext(); } inline void moveFirstRecord(table* src, short keyNum) { if (keyNum == -1) src->stepFirst(); else src->seekFirst(); } /* Copy from src to dest table. * Copy as same field name. * If turbo then copy use memcpy and offset dest of first address. * if a src field is variable size binary, that dest field needs to be variable *size binary. * if src and dest fields are different type ,then a text copy is used. */ #pragma warn -8004 short database::copyTableData(table* dest, table* src, bool turbo, int offset, short keyNum, int maxSkip) { src->setKeyNum((char_td)keyNum); const tabledef* ddef = dest->tableDef(); const tabledef* sdef = src->tableDef(); ushort_td ins_rows = 0; bool repData = (_tcsstr(ddef->fileName(), _T("rep.dat"))) ? true : false; int skipCount = 0, count = 1; int recordCount = src->recordCount(); filedChnageInfo fci[256]; makeChangeInfo(ddef, sdef, fci); moveFirstRecord(src, keyNum); while (1) { if (src->stat()) { while (src->stat() != STATUS_EOF) { if (maxSkip != -1) break; if (recordCount < skipCount + count) { if (src->stat() == STATUS_IO_ERROR) { int n = moveVaileRecord(src); if (n) skipCount = recordCount - n - count; else break; } else break; } moveNextRecord(src, keyNum); skipCount++; if (src->stat() == STATUS_SUCCESS) break; } if (src->stat()) break; } dest->clearBuffer(); if (turbo) { if (dest->m_buflen + offset < src->datalen()) return STATUS_CANT_ALLOC_MEMORY; if (offset) memset(dest->fieldPtr(0), 0, offset); memcpy((char*)dest->fieldPtr(0) + offset, src->fieldPtr(0), src->datalen()); } else copyEachFieldData(dest, src, fci); if (repData) { dest->m_datalen = src->m_datalen; dest->tdap(TD_REC_INSERT); } else ins_rows += dest->insert(); if (dest->stat() == STATUS_INVALID_VALLEN) skipCount++; else if (dest->stat() == STATUS_DUPPLICATE_KEYVALUE) skipCount++; else if (dest->stat() != STATUS_SUCCESS) return dest->stat(); else count++; bool cancel = false; onCopyDataInternal(dest, recordCount, count, cancel); if (cancel) return -1; moveNextRecord(src, keyNum); } if ((skipCount) && (maxSkip == -1)) { bool cancel = false; onCopyDataInternal(dest, -1, count, cancel); if (cancel) return -1; } if (src->stat() == 9) return 0; return src->stat(); } #pragma warn .8004 void database::doConvertTable(short TableIndex, bool Turbo, const _TCHAR* OwnerName) { table* src; table* dest; _TCHAR szTempPath[MAX_PATH]; _TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH]; short ret; if (m_impl->dbDef->tableDefs(TABLE_NUM_TMP) == NULL) { m_stat = STATUS_NODEF_FOR_CONVERT; return; } tabledef* TableDef = m_impl->dbDef->tableDefs(TABLE_NUM_TMP); TableDef->fieldDefs = dbdef::getFieldDef(TableDef); TableDef->keyDefs = dbdef::getKeyDef(TableDef); src = openTable(TABLE_NUM_TMP, TD_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE, false, OwnerName); if (!src) return; TableDef = m_impl->dbDef->tableDefs(TableIndex); short len = TableDef->maxRecordLen; TableDef->preAlloc = (ushort_td)(src->recordCount() / TableDef->pageSize / len); TableDef->flags.bit2 = true; _tcscpy(szTempPath, getTableUri(buf, TableIndex)); _TCHAR* p = _tcsstr(szTempPath, _T("dbfile=")); if (p == 0) p = szTempPath; else p += 7; _TCHAR* p2 = _tcschr(p, _T('.')); if (p2 == 0) p2 = p + _tcslen(p); *p2 = 0x00; _tcscat(szTempPath, _T("_conv_dest_tmp")); createTable(TableIndex, szTempPath); dest = openTable(TableIndex, TD_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE, true, NULL, szTempPath); if (!dest) { src->release(); return; } beginTrn(); ret = 0; dest->setNoUpdateTimeStamp(true); if (src->recordCount(false)) // estimate ret = copyTableData(dest, src, Turbo); if (ret == 0) endTrn(); else abortTrn(); dest->release(); src->release(); if (ret == 0) { _TCHAR tmp[MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(tmp, getTableUri(buf, TableIndex)); if (isUseTransactd()) swapTablename(szTempPath, tmp); else { _TCHAR* pireod = _tcsrchr(tmp, '.'); if (pireod) *pireod = 0x00; _tcscat(tmp, _T("_conv_src.tmp")); rename(getTableUri(buf, TableIndex), tmp); if (m_stat) return; rename(szTempPath, getTableUri(buf, TableIndex)); if (m_stat) { rename(tmp, getTableUri(buf, TableIndex)); return; } nsdatabase::dropTable(tmp); } } else m_stat = ret; } void database::convertTable(short tableIndex, bool turbo, const _TCHAR* ownername) { doConvertTable(tableIndex, turbo, ownername); } bool database::existsTableFile(short TableIndex, const _TCHAR* OwnerName) { if (TableIndex == TABLE_NUM_TMP) { m_impl->dbDef->tableDefs(TABLE_NUM_TMP)->fieldDefs = dbdef::getFieldDef(m_impl->dbDef->tableDefs(TABLE_NUM_TMP)); m_impl->dbDef->tableDefs(TABLE_NUM_TMP)->keyDefs = dbdef::getKeyDef(m_impl->dbDef->tableDefs(512)); } table* bao = openTable(TableIndex, TD_OPEN_READONLY, false, OwnerName); bool ret = false; if (m_stat == STATUS_TABLE_NOTOPEN) ret = false; else if (m_stat == STATUS_INVALID_OWNERNAME) ret = true; else if (m_stat == STATUS_SUCCESS) ret = true; if (bao) bao->release(); m_stat = 0; return ret; } } // namespace client } // namespace btrv } // namespace protocol } // namespace db } // namespace bzs