motion_require "../support/attr_default" =begin { type: :move, id: :one } =end module Walt module Operation class Base extend Walt::Support::AttrDefault PROPERTIES = [:id, :type] attr_accessor *PROPERTIES def initialize(params = {}) params.each do |key, value| if PROPERTIES.include?(key.to_sym) self.send("#{key}=", value) end end end def setup(view, animation) # do initial before animation end def finalize(view, animation = nil) # do whatever occurs during the animation end end module_function def for(hash) # Check classes in module for corresponding operation type = hash[:type] || hash["type"] # Check for the form {operation_type: :id} if !type type = ( | self.operation_types)[0] hash[:id] = (hash[type] || hash[type.to_sym]) hash[:type] = type end if type.is_a?(Symbol) || type.is_a?(String) string = "#{type.to_s.downcase}_operation".camelize if not const_defined? string raise "Invalid Operation value for operation #{hash.inspect}. Create a class called #{string}." end return Walt::Operation.const_get(string).new(hash) end end def operation_types Walt::Operation.constants(false).select { |constant_name| constant_name =~ /Operation$/ }.collect! { |op| op.to_s.gsub("Operation", "").underscore } end end end