require 'mechanize' require 'security' require 'json' module Cupertino module ProvisioningPortal class Agent < ::Mechanize attr_accessor :username, :password, :team def initialize super self.user_agent_alias = 'Mac Safari' pw = Security::InternetPassword.find(:server => Cupertino::ProvisioningPortal::HOST) @username, @password = pw.attributes['acct'], pw.password if pw end def get(uri, parameters = [], referer = nil, headers = {}) uri = ::File.join("https://#{Cupertino::ProvisioningPortal::HOST}", uri) unless /^https?/ === uri 3.times do super(uri, parameters, referer, headers) return page unless page.respond_to?(:title) case page.title when /Sign in with your Apple ID/ login! and redo when /Select Team/ select_team! and redo else return page end end raise UnsuccessfulAuthenticationError end def list_certificates(type = :development) url = case type when :development "" when :distribution "" else raise ArgumentError, "Certificate type must be :development or :distribution" end get(url) regex = /certificateDataURL = "([^"]*)"/ certificate_data_url = (page.body.match regex or raise UnexpectedContentError)[1] regex = /certificateRequestTypes = "([^"]*)"/ certificate_request_types = (page.body.match regex or raise UnexpectedContentError)[1] regex = /certificateStatuses = "([^"]*)"/ certificate_statuses = (page.body.match regex or raise UnexpectedContentError)[1] certificate_data_url += certificate_request_types + certificate_statuses get(certificate_data_url) certificate_data = page.content parsed_certificate_data = JSON.parse(certificate_data) certificates = [] parsed_certificate_data['certRequests'].each do |row| certificate = = row['name'] certificate.type = type certificate.download_url = "{row['certificateId']}&type=#{row['certificateTypeDisplayId']}" certificate.expiration_date = row['expirationDateString'] certificate.status = row['statusString'] certificates << certificate end certificates end def download_certificate(certificate) list_certificates(certificate.type) self.pluggable_parser.default = Mechanize::Download download = get(certificate.download_url) download.filename end def list_devices get('') regex = /deviceDataURL = "([^"]*)"/ device_data_url = (page.body.match regex or raise UnexpectedContentError)[1] get(device_data_url) device_data = page.content parsed_device_data = JSON.parse(device_data) devices = [] parsed_device_data['devices'].each do |row| device = = row['name'] device.udid = row['deviceNumber'] # Apple doesn't provide the UDID on this page anymore devices << device end devices end def add_devices(*devices) return if devices.empty? get('') begin file = .txt)) file.write("Device ID\tDevice Name") devices.each do |device| file.write("\n#{device.udid}\t#{}") end file.rewind form = page.form_with(:name => 'deviceImport') or raise UnexpectedContentError upload = form.file_uploads.first upload.file_name = file.path form.radiobuttons.first.check() form.submit if form = page.form_with(:name => 'deviceSubmit') form.method = 'POST' form.field_with(:name => 'deviceNames').name = 'name' form.field_with(:name => 'deviceNumbers').name = 'deviceNumber' form.submit elsif form = page.form_with(:name => 'deviceImport') form.submit else raise UnexpectedContentError end ensure file.close! end end def list_profiles(type = :development) url = case type when :development '' when :distribution '' else raise ArgumentError, 'Provisioning profile type must be :development or :distribution' end get(url) regex = /profileDataURL = "([^"]*)"/ profile_data_url = (page.body.match regex or raise UnexpectedContentError)[1] profile_data_url += case type when :development '&type=limited' when :distribution '&type=production' end get(profile_data_url) profile_data = page.content parsed_profile_data = JSON.parse(profile_data) profiles = [] parsed_profile_data['provisioningProfiles'].each do |row| profile = = row['name'] profile.type = type profile.app_id = row['appId']['appIdId'] profile.status = row['status'] profile.download_url = "{row['provisioningProfileId']}" profile.edit_url = "{row['provisioningProfileId']}" profiles << profile end profiles end def download_profile(profile) list_profiles(profile.type) self.pluggable_parser.default = Mechanize::Download download = get(profile.download_url) download.filename end def manage_devices_for_profile(profile) raise ArgumentError unless block_given? list_profiles(profile.type) get(profile.edit_url) on, off = [], []'dd.selectDevices div.rows div').each do |row| checkbox ='input[type="checkbox"]').first device = ='span.title').text rescue nil device.udid = checkbox['value'] rescue nil if checkbox['checked'] on << device else off << device end end devices = yield on, off form = page.form_with(:name => 'profileEdit') or raise UnexpectedContentError form.checkboxes_with(:name => 'deviceIds').each do |checkbox| checkbox.check if devices.detect{|device| device.udid == checkbox['value']} checkbox.check else checkbox.uncheck end end form.method = 'POST' form.submit end def list_app_ids get('') regex = /bundleDataURL = "([^"]*)"/ bundle_data_url = (page.body.match regex or raise UnexpectedContentError)[1] get(bundle_data_url) bundle_data = page.content parsed_bundle_data = JSON.parse(bundle_data) app_ids = [] parsed_bundle_data['appIds'].each do |row| app_id = app_id.bundle_seed_id = [row['prefix'], row['identifier']].join(".") app_id.description = row['name'] app_id.development_properties, app_id.distribution_properties = [], [] row['features'].each do |feature, value| if value == true app_id.development_properties << feature elsif value.kind_of?(String) && !value.empty? app_id.development_properties << "#{feature}: #{value}" end end row['enabledFeatures'].each do |feature| app_id.distribution_properties << feature end app_ids << app_id end app_ids end private def login! if form = page.form_with(:name => 'appleConnectForm') form.theAccountName = self.username form.theAccountPW = self.password form.submit end end def select_team! if form = page.form_with(:name => 'saveTeamSelection') # now stores team ID, not name team_option = form.radiobutton_with(:value => team_option.check button = form.button_with(:name => 'action:saveTeamSelection!save') form.click_button(button) end end end end end