;(function (tinymce, $) { 'use strict'; var AutoComplete = function(ed, options) { this.editor = ed; this.options = $.extend({}, { source: [], delay: 500, queryBy: 'name', items: 10 }, options); this.matcher = this.options.matcher || this.matcher; this.renderDropdown = this.options.renderDropdown || this.renderDropdown; this.render = this.options.render || this.render; this.insert = this.options.insert || this.insert; this.highlighter = this.options.highlighter || this.highlighter; this.query = ''; this.hasFocus = true; this.renderInput(); this.bindEvents(); }; AutoComplete.prototype = { constructor: AutoComplete, renderInput: function() { var rawHtml = '' + '' + this.options.current_delimiter + '' + '\uFEFF' + ''; this.editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, rawHtml); this.editor.focus(); this.editor.selection.select(this.editor.selection.dom.select('span#autocomplete-searchtext span')[0]); this.editor.selection.collapse(0); }, bindEvents: function() { this.editor.on('keyup', this.editorKeyUpProxy = $.proxy(this.rteKeyUp, this)); this.editor.on('keydown', this.editorKeyDownProxy = $.proxy(this.rteKeyDown, this)); this.editor.on('click', this.editorClickProxy = $.proxy(this.rteClicked, this)); //keydown event has to be called first. var keyDownEvent = this.editor.__bindings['keydown'].pop(); this.editor.__bindings['keydown'].unshift(keyDownEvent); $(this.editor.getWin()).on('scroll', this.rteScroll = $.proxy(function(){ this.cleanUp(true); }, this)); $('body').on('click', this.bodyClickProxy = $.proxy(this.rteLostFocus, this)); }, unbindEvents: function() { this.editor.off('keyup', this.editorKeyUpProxy); this.editor.off('keydown', this.editorKeyDownProxy); this.editor.on('click', this.editorClickProxy); $(this.editor.getWin()).off('scroll', this.rteScroll); $('body').off('click', this.bodyClickProxy); }, rteKeyUp: function(e) { switch(e.which || e.keyCode) { //DOWN ARROW case 40: //UP ARROW case 38: //SHIFT case 16: //CTRL case 17: //ALT case 18: break; //BACKSPACE case 8: if (this.query === '') { this.cleanUp(true); } else { this.lookup(); } break; //TAB case 9: //ENTER case 13: var item = (this.$dropdown !== undefined) ? this.$dropdown.find('li.active') : []; if (item.length) { this.select(item.data()); this.cleanUp(false); } else { this.cleanUp(true); } break; //ESC case 27: this.cleanUp(true); break; default: this.lookup(); } }, rteKeyDown: function(e) { switch (e.which || e.keyCode) { //TAB case 9: //ENTER case 13: //ESC case 27: e.preventDefault(); break; //UP ARROW case 38: e.preventDefault(); if(this.$dropdown !== undefined) { this.highlightPreviousResult(); } break; //DOWN ARROW case 40: e.preventDefault(); if(this.$dropdown !== undefined) { this.highlightNextResult(); } break; } e.stopPropagation(); }, rteClicked: function (e) { var $target = $(e.target); if (this.hasFocus && $target.parent().attr('id') !== 'autocomplete-searchtext') { this.cleanUp(true); } }, rteLostFocus: function (ed, e) { if (this.hasFocus) { this.cleanUp(true); } }, lookup: function() { this.query = $.trim($(this.editor.getBody()).find("#autocomplete-searchtext").text()).replace('\ufeff', ''); clearTimeout(this.searchTimeout); this.searchTimeout = setTimeout($.proxy(function() { var items = $.isFunction(this.options.source) ? this.options.source(this.query, this.options.current_delimiter, $.proxy(this.process, this)) : this.options.source; if(items) { this.process(items); } }, this), this.options.delay); }, matcher: function(item) { return ~item[this.options.queryBy].toLowerCase().indexOf(this.query.toLowerCase()); }, sorter: function (items) { var beginswith = [], caseSensitive = [], caseInsensitive = [], item; while ((item = items.shift()) !== undefined) { if (!item[this.options.queryBy].toLowerCase().indexOf(this.query.toLowerCase())) beginswith.push(item); else if (~item[this.options.queryBy].indexOf(this.query)) caseSensitive.push(item); else caseInsensitive.push(item); } return beginswith.concat(caseSensitive, caseInsensitive); }, highlighter: function(text) { return text.replace(new RegExp('(' + this.query + ')', 'ig'), function ($1, match) { return '' + match + ''; }); }, show: function() { var container = this.editor.getContainer() || this.editor.bodyElement var rtePosition = $(container).offset(); var contentAreaPosition = $(this.editor.getContentAreaContainer() || this.editor.bodyElement).position(); var nodePosition = $(this.editor.dom.select('span#autocomplete')).position(); var top = rtePosition.top + nodePosition.top + $(this.editor.selection.getNode()).innerHeight() - $(this.editor.getDoc()).scrollTop() + 5; var left = rtePosition.left + nodePosition.left; this.$dropdown = $(this.renderDropdown()) .css({ 'top': top, 'left': left }); $('body').append(this.$dropdown); this.$dropdown.on('click', $.proxy(this.autoCompleteClick, this)); }, process: function(data) { if(!this.hasFocus) { return; } if (this.$dropdown === undefined) { this.show(); } var _this = this, result = [], items = $.grep(data, function (item) { return _this.matcher(item); }); items = _this.sorter(items); items = items.slice(0, this.options.items); $.each(items, function(i, item) { var $element = $(_this.render(item, _this.options.current_delimiter)); $element.html($element.html().replace($element.text(), _this.highlighter($element.text()))); $.each(items[i], function(key, val) { $element.attr('data-' + key, val); }); result.push($element[0].outerHTML); }); if(result.length) { this.$dropdown.html(result.join('')).show(); } else { this.$dropdown.hide(); } }, renderDropdown: function() { return ''; }, render: function(item) { return '
  • ' + '' + item.name + '' + '
  • '; }, autoCompleteClick: function (e) { var item = $(e.target).closest('li').data(); if(!$.isEmptyObject(item)) { this.select(item); this.cleanUp(false); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }, highlightPreviousResult: function () { var currentIndex = this.$dropdown.find('li.active').index(), index = (currentIndex === 0) ? this.$dropdown.find('li').length - 1 : currentIndex -= 1; this.$dropdown.find('li').removeClass('active').eq(index).addClass('active'); }, highlightNextResult: function () { var currentIndex = this.$dropdown.find('li.active').index(), index = (currentIndex === this.$dropdown.find('li').length - 1) ? 0 : currentIndex += 1; this.$dropdown.find('li').removeClass('active').eq(index).addClass('active'); }, select: function (item) { var selection = this.editor.dom.select('span#autocomplete')[0]; this.editor.dom.remove(selection); this.editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, this.insert(item, this.options.current_delimiter) + ' '); }, insert: function(item) { return '' + item.name + ''; }, cleanUp: function (rollback) { this.unbindEvents(); this.hasFocus = false; if (this.$dropdown !== undefined) { this.$dropdown.remove(); delete this.$dropdown; } if (rollback) { var text = this.query, $selection = $(this.editor.dom.select('span#autocomplete')), replacement = $('

    ' + this.options.current_delimiter + text + '

    ')[0].firstChild, focus = $(this.editor.selection.getNode()).offset().top === ($selection.offset().top + (($selection.outerHeight() - $selection.height()) / 2)); this.editor.dom.replace(replacement, $selection[0]); if(focus) { this.editor.selection.select(replacement); this.editor.selection.collapse(); } } } }; tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.Mention', { init: function (ed, url) { var autoComplete, autoCompleteData = ed.getParam('mentions'); autoCompleteData.delimiter = autoCompleteData.delimiter || '@'; autoCompleteData.delimiters = autoCompleteData.delimiters || ['@', '!'] function prevCharIsSpace() { var $node = $(ed.selection.getNode().outerHTML), text = $node.text(), charachter = text.substr(text.length - 1, 1); return (!!$.trim(charachter).length) ? false : true; } ed.on('keypress', function(e) { var key_char = String.fromCharCode(e.which || e.keyCode); if (_.include(autoCompleteData.delimiters, key_char) && prevCharIsSpace()) { if(autoComplete === undefined || (autoComplete.hasFocus !== undefined && !autoComplete.hasFocus)) { e.preventDefault(); autoCompleteData.current_delimiter = key_char; autoComplete = new AutoComplete(ed, autoCompleteData); } } }); }, getInfo: function () { return { longname: 'mention', author: 'Steven Devooght', version: tinymce.majorVersion + '.' + tinymce.minorVersion }; } }); tinymce.PluginManager.add('mention', tinymce.plugins.Mention); })(tinymce, jQuery);