module OrigenARMDebug # Object that defines the API necessary to perform MEM-AP transactions. Requires # a top-level protocol be defined as well as a top-level instantiation of an # SWJ-DP object. class MemAP # ARM Debug Interface v5.1 MEM_ADDR_CSW = 0x00000000 MEM_ADDR_TAR = 0x00000004 MEM_ADDR_DRW = 0x0000000C MEM_ADDR_BD0 = 0x00000010 MEM_ADDR_BD1 = 0x00000014 MEM_ADDR_BD2 = 0x00000018 MEM_ADDR_BD3 = 0x0000001C MEM_ADDR_CFG = 0x000000F4 MEM_ADDR_BASE = 0x000000F8 MEM_ADDR_IDR = 0x000000FC # Returns the parent object that instantiated the driver attr_reader :owner # Initialize class variables # # @param [Object] owner Parent object # @param [Hash] options Options to customize the operation # # @example # # def initialize(owner, options = {}) @owner = owner @name = options[:name].nil? ? 'default' : options[:name] @base_address = options[:base_address].nil? ? 0x00000000 : options[:base_address] # reset values for MEM-AP registers @current_csw = 0x00000000 @current_tar = 0xffffffff @current_dsw = 0x00000000 end # Shortcut name to SWJ-DP Debug Port def debug_port owner.swj_dp end alias_method :dp, :debug_port # Output some instance-specific information def inspect '=' * 30 ' MEM-AP INFO' " name: #{@name}" " base address: 0x#{@base_address.to_hex}" '' Origen.log.debug " csw_reg_addr = 0x#{csw_reg_addr.to_hex}" Origen.log.debug " tar_reg_addr = 0x#{tar_reg_addr.to_hex}" Origen.log.debug " drw_reg_addr = 0x#{drw_reg_addr.to_hex}" Origen.log.debug " bd0_reg_addr = 0x#{bd0_reg_addr.to_hex}" Origen.log.debug " bd1_reg_addr = 0x#{bd1_reg_addr.to_hex}" Origen.log.debug " bd2_reg_addr = 0x#{bd2_reg_addr.to_hex}" Origen.log.debug " bd3_reg_addr = 0x#{bd3_reg_addr.to_hex}" Origen.log.debug " cfg_reg_addr = 0x#{cfg_reg_addr.to_hex}" Origen.log.debug " base_reg_addr = 0x#{base_reg_addr.to_hex}" Origen.log.debug " idr_reg_addr = 0x#{idr_reg_addr.to_hex}" end # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # User API # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Method to read from a mem_ap register # # @param [Integer] addr Address of register to be read from # @param [Hash] options Options to customize the operation # # @example # # don't care what data actually is #, size: 32) # # # expect read data to be = 0x5a5a5a5a #, size: 32, edata: 0x5a5a5a5a) # # # expect read data to be = 0xXXXXXX5a (mask out all bits except [7:0]) #, size: 32, edata: 0x5a5a5a5a, r_mask: 0x000000ff) # # Returns nothing. def read(addr, options = {}) options = { size: 32 }.merge(options) options = { r_mask: 'mask', r_attempts: 1 }.merge(options) msg = 'Arm Debug: Shift out data for reading' options = { arm_debug_comment: msg }.merge(options) size = options[:size] set_size(size) set_addr(addr) debug_port.read_ap(drw_reg_addr, options) rdata = get_rdata(size, addr, rdata) increment_addr cc "MEM-AP(#{@name}): R-#{size.to_s(10)}: "\ "addr=0x#{addr.to_s(16).rjust(size / 4, '0')}" end # Method to write to a mem_ap register # # @param [Integer] addr Address of register to be read from # @param [Integer] wdata Data to be written # @param [Hash] options Options to customize the operation # # @example # mem_ap.write(0x2000000, 0xc3c3a5a5, size: 32) # # Returns nothing. def write(addr, wdata, options = {}); options = { size: 32 }.merge(options) options = { w_attempts: 1 }.merge(options) msg = "Arm Debug: Shift in data to write: #{wdata.to_hex}" options = { arm_debug_comment: msg }.merge(options) size = options[:size] set_size(size) set_addr(addr) wdata = get_wdata(size, addr, wdata) debug_port.write_ap(drw_reg_addr, wdata, options) increment_addr cc "MEM-AP(#{@name}): WR-#{size.to_s(10)}: "\ "addr=0x#{addr.to_s(16).rjust(size / 4, '0')}, "\ "data=0x#{wdata.to_s(16).rjust(size / 4, '0')}" end # Method to write and then read from a mem_ap register (legacy) # # @param [Integer] addr Address of register to be read from # @param [Integer] wdata Data to be written # @param [Hash] options Options to customize the operation # # @example # # don't care what read-back data actually is # mem_ap.write_read(0x2000000, 0xc3c3a5a5, size: 32) # # # expect read-back data to be same as write data = 0xc3c3a5a5 #, 0xc3c3a5a5, size: 32, edata: 0xc3c3a5a5) # # # expect read-back data to be = 0xXXXXXXa5 (mask out all bits except [7:0]) #, 0xc3c3a5a5, size: 32, edata: 0xc3c3a5a5, r_mask: 0x000000ff) # # Returns nothing. def write_read(addr, wdata, options = {}) options = { size: 32 }.merge(options) options = { edata: 0x00000000, r_mask: 0xffffffff, actual: 0x00000000 }.merge(options) options = { w_attempts: 1, r_attempts: 2 }.merge(options) size = options[:size] write(addr, wdata, options) options[:edata] = wdata & options[:r_mask] if options[:edata] == 0x00000000 read(addr, options) actual = wdata & options[:r_mask] cc "MEM-AP(#{@name}): WR-#{size.to_s(10)}: "\ "addr=0x#{addr.to_s(16).rjust(size / 4, '0')}, "\ "wdata=0x#{wdata.to_s(16).rjust(size / 4, '0')}, "\ "read=0x#{actual.to_s(16).rjust(size / 4, '0')}, "\ "expect=0x#{options[:edata].to_s(16).rjust(size / 4, '0')}, "\ "mask=0x#{options[:r_mask].to_s(16).rjust(size / 4, '0')}" end # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Legacy Support (to be phased out) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Method to read from a mem_ap register (legacy) # # @param [Integer] addr Address of register to be read from # @param [Integer] rdata This really does nothing since only care about value # of options[:edata] # @param [Hash] options Options to customize the operation # Returns nothing. def r(addr, rdata, options = {}) # Warn caller that this method is being deprecated msg = 'Use, options) instead of R(addr, rdata, options)' Origen.deprecate msg # Patch arguments and send to new method options = { rdata: rdata }.merge(options) read(addr, options) end alias_method :R, :r # Method to write to a mem_ap register (legacy) # # @param [Integer] addr Address of register to be written to # @param [Integer] wdata Data to be written # @param [Hash] options Options to customize the operation # Returns nothing. def w(addr, wdata, options = {}) # Warn caller that this method is being deprecated msg = 'Use mem_ap.write(addr, wdata, options) instead of W(addr, wdata, options)' Origen.deprecate msg # Patch arguments and send to new method write(addr, wdata, options) end alias_method :W, :w # Method to write and then read from a mem_ap register (legacy) # # @param [Integer] addr Address of register to be read from # @param [Integer] wdata Data to be written # @param [Hash] options Options to customize the operation # Returns nothing. def wr(addr, wdata, options = {}) # Warn caller that this method is being deprecated msg = 'Use mem_ap.write_read(addr, wdata, options) instead of WR(addr, wdata, options)' Origen.deprecate msg # Patch arguments and send to new method write_read(addr, wdata, options) end alias_method :WR, :wr # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Support Code # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- private # Sets the size of the data (by writing to the CSW size bits). It will only # write to the size if the size from the previous transaction has changed # # @param [Integer] size Size of data, supports 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit def set_size(size) case size when 8 then new_size = 0x00000000 when 16 then new_size = 0x00000001 when 32 then new_size = 0x00000002 else new_size = 0x00000002 end if (@current_csw == 0x00000000) debug_port.read_ap(csw_reg_addr) @current_csw = 0x23000040 end csw_size = @current_csw & 0x00000003 if (csw_size != new_size) new_csw = (@current_csw & 0xfffffffc) | new_size debug_port.write_ap(csw_reg_addr, new_csw) @current_csw = new_csw end end # Sets the addr of the transaction. # # @param [Integer] addr Address of data to be read from or written to def set_addr(addr) arm_debug_comment = "Arm Debug: Shift in read/write address: #{addr.to_hex}" options = { arm_debug_comment: arm_debug_comment } if (@current_tar != addr) debug_port.write_ap(tar_reg_addr, addr, options) end @current_tar = addr; end # Increment the address for the next transaction. def increment_addr current_csw_5_4 = (@current_csw & 0x00000030) >> 4 current_csw_2_0 = @current_csw & 0x00000007 if (current_csw_5_4 == 0b01) case current_csw_2_0 when 0b000 then @current_tar += 1 # Increment single when 0b001 then @current_tar += 2 # Increment single when 0b010 then @current_tar += 4 # Increment single end elsif (current_csw_5_4 == 0b10) @current_tar += 4 # Increment packed end if current_csw_5_4 && ((@current_tar & 0xfffffc00) == 0xffffffff) # reset tar when attempting to increment past 1kB boundary @current_tar = 0xffffffff end end # Create a bit-wise mask based on size, address and mask parameters. # # @param [Integer] size Size of data, supports 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit # @param [Integer] addr Address of data to be read from or written to # @param [Integer] mask Mask for full data, used to create nibble mask def get_mask(size, addr, mask) addr_1_0 &= 0x00000003 case size when 8 case addr_1_0 when 0b00 then mask &= 0x000000ff when 0b01 then mask &= 0x0000ff00 when 0b10 then mask &= 0x00ff0000 when 0b11 then mask &= 0xff000000 end when 16 case addr_1_0 when 0b00 then mask &= 0x0000ffff when 0b10 then mask &= 0xffff0000 end when 32 mask &= 0xffffffff end mask end # Create a bit-wise read-data based on size, address and rdata parameters. # # @param [Integer] size Size of data, supports 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit # @param [Integer] addr Address of data to be read from or written to # @param [Integer] rdata Full data for read, used to create nibble read data def get_rdata(size, addr, rdata) addr_1_0 &= 0x00000003 case size when 8 case addr_1_0 when 0b00 then rdata = 0x000000ff & rdata when 0b01 then rdata = 0x000000ff & (rdata >> 8) when 0b10 then rdata = 0x000000ff & (rdata >> 16) when 0b11 then rdata = 0x000000ff & (rdata >> 24) end when 16 case addr_1_0 when 0b00 then rdata = 0x0000ffff & rdata when 0b10 then rdata = 0x0000ffff & (rdata >> 16) end when 32 rdata = rdata end rdata end # Create a bit-wise read-data based on size, address and wdata parameters. # # @param [Integer] size Size of data, supports 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit # @param [Integer] addr Address of data to be read from or written to # @param [Integer] wdata Full data for write, used to create nibble write data def get_wdata(size, addr, wdata); addr_1_0 &= 0x00000003 case size when 8 case addr_1_0 when 0b00 then wdata = 0x000000ff & wdata when 0b01 then wdata = 0x0000ff00 & (wdata << 8) when 0b10 then wdata = 0x00ff0000 & (wdata << 16) when 0b11 then wdata = 0xff000000 & (wdata << 24) end when 16 case addr_1_0 when 0b00 then wdata = 0x0000ffff & wdata when 0b10 then wdata = 0xffff0000 & (wdata << 16) end when 32 wdata = wdata end wdata end # Returns address of CSW register for this mem-ap instance def csw_reg_addr MEM_ADDR_CSW + @base_address end # Returns address of TAR register for this mem-ap instance def tar_reg_addr MEM_ADDR_TAR + @base_address end # Returns address of DRW register for this mem-ap instance def drw_reg_addr MEM_ADDR_DRW + @base_address end # Returns address of BD0 register for this mem-ap instance def bd0_reg_addr MEM_ADDR_BD0 + @base_address end # Returns address of BD1 register for this mem-ap instance def bd1_reg_addr MEM_ADDR_BD1 + @base_address end # Returns address of BD2 register for this mem-ap instance def bd2_reg_addr MEM_ADDR_BD2 + @base_address end # Returns address of BD3 register for this mem-ap instance def bd3_reg_addr MEM_ADDR_BD3 + @base_address end # Returns address of CFG register for this mem-ap instance def cfg_reg_addr MEM_ADDR_CFG + @base_address end # Returns address of BASE register for this mem-ap instance def base_reg_addr MEM_ADDR_BASE + @base_address end # Returns address of IDR register for this mem-ap instance def idr_reg_addr MEM_ADDR_IDR + @base_address end end end