module Zip class DOSTime < Time #:nodoc:all #MS-DOS File Date and Time format as used in Interrupt 21H Function 57H: # Register CX, the Time: # Bits 0-4 2 second increments (0-29) # Bits 5-10 minutes (0-59) # bits 11-15 hours (0-24) # Register DX, the Date: # Bits 0-4 day (1-31) # bits 5-8 month (1-12) # bits 9-15 year (four digit year minus 1980) def to_binary_dos_time (sec/2) + (min << 5) + (hour << 11) end def to_binary_dos_date (day) + (month << 5) + ((year - 1980) << 9) end # Dos time is only stored with two seconds accuracy def dos_equals(other) to_i/2 == other.to_i/2 end def self.parse_binary_dos_format(binaryDosDate, binaryDosTime) second = 2 * ( 0b11111 & binaryDosTime) minute = ( 0b11111100000 & binaryDosTime) >> 5 hour = (0b1111100000000000 & binaryDosTime) >> 11 day = ( 0b11111 & binaryDosDate) month = ( 0b111100000 & binaryDosDate) >> 5 year = ((0b1111111000000000 & binaryDosDate) >> 9) + 1980 begin return self.local(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) end end end end # Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Thomas Sondergaard # rubyzip is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the ruby license.