// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2010 Apple Inc. and contributors. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test equals context ok same notest */ module("SC.IndexSet#max"); test("newly created index", function() { var set = SC.IndexSet.create(); equals(set.get('max'), 0, 'max should be 0'); }); test("after adding one range", function() { var set = SC.IndexSet.create().add(4,2); equals(set.get('max'),6, 'max should be one greater than max index'); }); test("after adding range then removing part of range", function() { var set = SC.IndexSet.create().add(4,4).remove(6,4); equals(set.get('max'),6, 'max should be one greater than max index'); }); test("after adding range several disjoint ranges", function() { var set = SC.IndexSet.create().add(4,4).add(6000); equals(set.get('max'),6001, 'max should be one greater than max index'); }); test("after removing disjoint range", function() { var set = SC.IndexSet.create().add(4,2).add(6000).remove(5998,10); equals(set.get('max'),6, 'max should be one greater than max index'); }); test("after removing all ranges", function() { var set = SC.IndexSet.create().add(4,2).add(6000).remove(3,6200); equals(set.get('max'), 0, 'max should be back to 0 with no content'); });