require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") describe "Sequel Mock Adapter" do it "should have an adapter method" do db = Sequel.mock db.must_be_kind_of(Sequel::Mock::Database) db.adapter_scheme.must_equal :mock end it "should support registering mock adapter type" do begin mod = do Sequel::Database.set_shared_adapter_scheme(:foo, self) def self.mock_adapter_setup(db) db.instance_variable_set(:@foo, :foo) end module self::DatabaseMethods def foo @foo end end module self::DatasetMethods def foo end end end Sequel.connect('mock://foo') do |db| :foo :foo end ensure Sequel.synchronize{Sequel::SHARED_ADAPTER_MAP.delete(:foo)} end end it "should have constructor accept no arguments" do end it "should each not return any rows by default" do called = false Sequel.mock[:t].each{|r| called = true} called.must_equal false end it "should return 0 for update/delete/with_sql_delete/execute_dui by default" do Sequel.mock[:t].update(:a=>1).must_equal 0 Sequel.mock[:t].delete.must_equal 0 Sequel.mock[:t].with_sql_delete('DELETE FROM t').must_equal 0 Sequel.mock.execute_dui('DELETE FROM t').must_equal 0 end it "should return nil for insert/execute_insert by default" do Sequel.mock[:t].insert(:a=>1).must_equal nil Sequel.mock.execute_insert('INSERT INTO a () DEFAULT VALUES').must_equal nil end it "should be able to set the rows returned by each using :fetch option with a single hash" do rs = [] db = Sequel.mock(:fetch=>{:a=>1}) db[:t].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}] db[:t].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}, {:a=>1}] db[:t].each{|r| r[:a] = 2; rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}, {:a=>1}, {:a=>2}] db[:t].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}, {:a=>1}, {:a=>2}, {:a=>1}] end it "should be able to set the rows returned by each using :fetch option with an array of hashes" do rs = [] db = Sequel.mock(:fetch=>[{:a=>1}, {:a=>2}]) db[:t].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}, {:a=>2}] db[:t].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}, {:a=>2}, {:a=>1}, {:a=>2}] db[:t].each{|r| r[:a] += 2; rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}, {:a=>2}, {:a=>1}, {:a=>2}, {:a=>3}, {:a=>4}] db[:t].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}, {:a=>2}, {:a=>1}, {:a=>2}, {:a=>3}, {:a=>4}, {:a=>1}, {:a=>2}] end it "should be able to set the rows returned by each using :fetch option with an array or arrays of hashes" do rs = [] db = Sequel.mock(:fetch=>[[{:a=>1}, {:a=>2}], [{:a=>3}, {:a=>4}]]) db[:t].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}, {:a=>2}] db[:t].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}, {:a=>2}, {:a=>3}, {:a=>4}] db[:t].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}, {:a=>2}, {:a=>3}, {:a=>4}] end it "should be able to set the rows returned by each using :fetch option with a proc that takes sql" do rs = [] db = Sequel.mock(:fetch=>proc{|sql| sql =~ /FROM t/ ? {:b=>1} : [{:a=>1}, {:a=>2}]}) db[:t].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:b=>1}] db[:b].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:b=>1}, {:a=>1}, {:a=>2}] db[:t].each{|r| r[:b] += 1; rs << r} db[:b].each{|r| r[:a] += 2; rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:b=>1}, {:a=>1}, {:a=>2}, {:b=>2}, {:a=>3}, {:a=>4}] db[:t].each{|r| rs << r} db[:b].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:b=>1}, {:a=>1}, {:a=>2}, {:b=>2}, {:a=>3}, {:a=>4}, {:b=>1}, {:a=>1}, {:a=>2}] end it "should have a fetch= method for setting rows returned by each after the fact" do rs = [] db = Sequel.mock db.fetch = {:a=>1} db[:t].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}] db[:t].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}] * 2 end it "should be able to set an exception to raise by setting the :fetch option to an exception class " do db = Sequel.mock(:fetch=>ArgumentError) proc{db[:t].all}.must_raise(Sequel::DatabaseError) begin db[:t].all rescue => e end e.must_be_kind_of(Sequel::DatabaseError) e.wrapped_exception.must_be_kind_of(ArgumentError) end it "should be able to set separate kinds of results for fetch using an array" do rs = [] db = Sequel.mock(:fetch=>[{:a=>1}, [{:a=>2}, {:a=>3}], proc{|s| {:a=>4}}, proc{|s| }, nil, ArgumentError]) db[:t].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}] db[:t].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}, {:a=>2}, {:a=>3}] db[:t].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}, {:a=>2}, {:a=>3}, {:a=>4}] db[:t].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}, {:a=>2}, {:a=>3}, {:a=>4}] db[:t].each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}, {:a=>2}, {:a=>3}, {:a=>4}] proc{db[:t].all}.must_raise(Sequel::DatabaseError) end it "should be able to set the rows returned by each on a per dataset basis using _fetch" do rs = [] db = Sequel.mock(:fetch=>{:a=>1}) ds = db[:t] ds.each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}] ds._fetch = {:b=>2} ds.each{|r| rs << r} rs.must_equal [{:a=>1}, {:b=>2}] end it "should raise Error if given an invalid object to fetch" do proc{Sequel.mock(:fetch=>}.must_raise(Sequel::DatabaseError) proc{Sequel.mock(:fetch=>}.must_raise(Sequel::DatabaseError) end it "should be able to set the number of rows modified by update and delete using :numrows option as an integer" do db = Sequel.mock(:numrows=>2) db[:t].update(:a=>1).must_equal 2 db[:t].delete.must_equal 2 db[:t].update(:a=>1).must_equal 2 db[:t].delete.must_equal 2 end it "should be able to set the number of rows modified by update and delete using :numrows option as an array of integers" do db = Sequel.mock(:numrows=>[2, 1]) db[:t].update(:a=>1).must_equal 2 db[:t].delete.must_equal 1 db[:t].update(:a=>1).must_equal 0 db[:t].delete.must_equal 0 end it "should be able to set the number of rows modified by update and delete using :numrows option as a proc" do db = Sequel.mock(:numrows=>proc{|sql| sql =~ / t/ ? 2 : 1}) db[:t].update(:a=>1).must_equal 2 db[:t].delete.must_equal 2 db[:b].update(:a=>1).must_equal 1 db[:b].delete.must_equal 1 end it "should be able to set an exception to raise by setting the :numrows option to an exception class " do db = Sequel.mock(:numrows=>ArgumentError) proc{db[:t].update(:a=>1)}.must_raise(Sequel::DatabaseError) begin db[:t].delete rescue => e end e.must_be_kind_of(Sequel::DatabaseError) e.wrapped_exception.must_be_kind_of(ArgumentError) end it "should be able to set separate kinds of results for numrows using an array" do db = Sequel.mock(:numrows=>[1, proc{|s| 2}, nil, ArgumentError]) db[:t].delete.must_equal 1 db[:t].update(:a=>1).must_equal 2 db[:t].delete.must_equal 0 proc{db[:t].delete}.must_raise(Sequel::DatabaseError) end it "should have a numrows= method to set the number of rows modified by update and delete after the fact" do db = Sequel.mock db.numrows = 2 db[:t].update(:a=>1).must_equal 2 db[:t].delete.must_equal 2 db[:t].update(:a=>1).must_equal 2 db[:t].delete.must_equal 2 end it "should be able to set the number of rows modified by update and delete on a per dataset basis" do db = Sequel.mock(:numrows=>2) ds = db[:t] ds.update(:a=>1).must_equal 2 ds.delete.must_equal 2 ds.numrows = 3 ds.update(:a=>1).must_equal 3 ds.delete.must_equal 3 end it "should raise Error if given an invalid object for numrows or autoid" do proc{Sequel.mock(:numrows=>[:a].delete}.must_raise(Sequel::DatabaseError) proc{Sequel.mock(:numrows=>[:a].delete}.must_raise(Sequel::DatabaseError) proc{Sequel.mock(:autoid=>[:a].insert}.must_raise(Sequel::DatabaseError) proc{Sequel.mock(:autoid=>[:a].insert}.must_raise(Sequel::DatabaseError) end it "should be able to set the autogenerated primary key returned by insert using :autoid option as an integer" do db = Sequel.mock(:autoid=>1) db[:t].insert(:a=>1).must_equal 1 db[:t].insert(:a=>1).must_equal 2 db[:t].insert(:a=>1).must_equal 3 end it "should be able to set the autogenerated primary key returned by insert using :autoid option as an array of integers" do db = Sequel.mock(:autoid=>[1, 3, 5]) db[:t].insert(:a=>1).must_equal 1 db[:t].insert(:a=>1).must_equal 3 db[:t].insert(:a=>1).must_equal 5 db[:t].insert(:a=>1).must_equal nil end it "should be able to set the autogenerated primary key returned by insert using :autoid option as a proc" do db = Sequel.mock(:autoid=>proc{|sql| sql =~ /INTO t / ? 2 : 1}) db[:t].insert(:a=>1).must_equal 2 db[:t].insert(:a=>1).must_equal 2 db[:b].insert(:a=>1).must_equal 1 db[:b].insert(:a=>1).must_equal 1 end it "should be able to set an exception to raise by setting the :autoid option to an exception class " do db = Sequel.mock(:autoid=>ArgumentError) proc{db[:t].insert(:a=>1)}.must_raise(Sequel::DatabaseError) begin db[:t].insert rescue => e end e.must_be_kind_of(Sequel::DatabaseError) e.wrapped_exception.must_be_kind_of(ArgumentError) end it "should be able to set separate kinds of results for autoid using an array" do db = Sequel.mock(:autoid=>[1, proc{|s| 2}, nil, ArgumentError]) db[:t].insert.must_equal 1 db[:t].insert.must_equal 2 db[:t].insert.must_equal nil proc{db[:t].insert}.must_raise(Sequel::DatabaseError) end it "should have an autoid= method to set the autogenerated primary key returned by insert after the fact" do db = Sequel.mock db.autoid = 1 db[:t].insert(:a=>1).must_equal 1 db[:t].insert(:a=>1).must_equal 2 db[:t].insert(:a=>1).must_equal 3 end it "should be able to set the autogenerated primary key returned by insert on a per dataset basis" do db = Sequel.mock(:autoid=>1) ds = db[:t] ds.insert(:a=>1).must_equal 1 ds.autoid = 5 ds.insert(:a=>1).must_equal 5 ds.insert(:a=>1).must_equal 6 db[:t].insert(:a=>1).must_equal 2 end it "should be able to set the columns to set in the dataset as an array of symbols" do db = Sequel.mock(:columns=>[:a, :b]) db[:t].columns.must_equal [:a, :b] db.sqls.must_equal ["SELECT * FROM t LIMIT 1"] ds = db[:t] ds.all db.sqls.must_equal ["SELECT * FROM t"] ds.columns.must_equal [:a, :b] db.sqls.must_equal [] db[:t].columns.must_equal [:a, :b] end it "should be able to set the columns to set in the dataset as an array of arrays of symbols" do db = Sequel.mock(:columns=>[[:a, :b], [:c, :d]]) db[:t].columns.must_equal [:a, :b] db[:t].columns.must_equal [:c, :d] end it "should be able to set the columns to set in the dataset as a proc" do db = Sequel.mock(:columns=>proc{|sql| (sql =~ / t/) ? [:a, :b] : [:c, :d]}) db[:b].columns.must_equal [:c, :d] db[:t].columns.must_equal [:a, :b] end it "should have a columns= method to set the columns to set after the fact" do db = Sequel.mock db.columns = [[:a, :b], [:c, :d]] db[:t].columns.must_equal [:a, :b] db[:t].columns.must_equal [:c, :d] end it "should raise Error if given an invalid columns" do proc{Sequel.mock(:columns=>[:a].columns}.must_raise(Sequel::DatabaseError) end it "should not quote identifiers by default" do Sequel.mock.send(:quote_identifiers_default).must_equal false end it "should allow overriding of server_version" do db = Sequel.mock db.server_version.must_equal nil db.server_version = 80102 db.server_version.must_equal 80102 end it "should not have identifier input/output methods by default" do Sequel.mock.send(:identifier_input_method_default).must_equal nil Sequel.mock.send(:identifier_output_method_default).must_equal nil end it "should keep a record of all executed SQL in #sqls" do db = Sequel.mock db[:t].all db[:b].delete db[:c].insert(:a=>1) db[:d].update(:a=>1) db.sqls.must_equal ['SELECT * FROM t', 'DELETE FROM b', 'INSERT INTO c (a) VALUES (1)', 'UPDATE d SET a = 1'] end it "should clear sqls on retrieval" do db = Sequel.mock db[:t].all db.sqls.must_equal ['SELECT * FROM t'] db.sqls.must_equal [] end it "should also log SQL executed to the given loggers" do a = [] def a.method_missing(m, *x) push(*x) end db = Sequel.mock(:loggers=>[a]) db[:t].all db[:b].delete db[:c].insert(:a=>1) db[:d].update(:a=>1)['SELECT * FROM t', 'DELETE FROM b', 'INSERT INTO c (a) VALUES (1)', 'UPDATE d SET a = 1']).each do |is, should| is.must_match should end end it "should correctly handle transactions" do db = Sequel.mock db.transaction{db[:a].all} db.sqls.must_equal ['BEGIN', 'SELECT * FROM a', 'COMMIT'] db.transaction{db[:a].all; raise Sequel::Rollback} db.sqls.must_equal ['BEGIN', 'SELECT * FROM a', 'ROLLBACK'] proc{db.transaction{db[:a].all; raise ArgumentError}}.must_raise(ArgumentError) db.sqls.must_equal ['BEGIN', 'SELECT * FROM a', 'ROLLBACK'] proc{db.transaction(:rollback=>:reraise){db[:a].all; raise Sequel::Rollback}}.must_raise(Sequel::Rollback) db.sqls.must_equal ['BEGIN', 'SELECT * FROM a', 'ROLLBACK'] db.transaction(:rollback=>:always){db[:a].all} db.sqls.must_equal ['BEGIN', 'SELECT * FROM a', 'ROLLBACK'] db.transaction{db.transaction{db[:a].all; raise Sequel::Rollback}} db.sqls.must_equal ['BEGIN', 'SELECT * FROM a', 'ROLLBACK'] db.transaction{db.transaction(:savepoint=>true){db[:a].all; raise Sequel::Rollback}} db.sqls.must_equal ['BEGIN', 'SAVEPOINT autopoint_1', 'SELECT * FROM a', 'ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT autopoint_1', 'COMMIT'] db.transaction{db.transaction(:savepoint=>true){db[:a].all}; raise Sequel::Rollback} db.sqls.must_equal ['BEGIN', 'SAVEPOINT autopoint_1', 'SELECT * FROM a', 'RELEASE SAVEPOINT autopoint_1', 'ROLLBACK'] end it "should correctly handle transactions when sharding" do db = Sequel.mock(:servers=>{:test=>{}}) db.transaction{db.transaction(:server=>:test){db[:a].all; db[:t].server(:test).all}} db.sqls.must_equal ['BEGIN', 'BEGIN -- test', 'SELECT * FROM a', 'SELECT * FROM t -- test', 'COMMIT -- test', 'COMMIT'] end it "should yield a mock connection object from synchronize" do c = Sequel.mock.synchronize{|conn| conn} c.must_be_kind_of(Sequel::Mock::Connection) end it "should deal correctly with sharding" do db = Sequel.mock(:servers=>{:test=>{}}) c1 = db.synchronize{|conn| conn} c2 = db.synchronize(:test){|conn| conn} c1.server.must_equal :default c2.server.must_equal :test end it "should disconnect correctly" do db = Sequel.mock db.test_connection db.disconnect end it "should accept :extend option for extending the object with a module" do Sequel.mock(:extend=>{def foo(v) v * 2 end}).foo(3).must_equal 6 end it "should accept :sqls option for where to store the SQL queries" do a = [] Sequel.mock(:sqls=>a)[:t].all a.must_equal ['SELECT * FROM t'] end it "should include :append option in SQL if it is given" do db = Sequel.mock(:append=>'a') db[:t].all db.sqls.must_equal ['SELECT * FROM t -- a'] end it "should append :arguments option to execute to the SQL if present" do db = Sequel.mock db.execute('SELECT * FROM t', :arguments=>[1, 2]) db.sqls.must_equal ['SELECT * FROM t -- args: [1, 2]'] end it "should have Dataset#columns take columns to set and return self" do db = Sequel.mock ds = db[:t].columns(:id, :a, :b) ds.must_be_kind_of(Sequel::Mock::Dataset) ds.columns.must_equal [:id, :a, :b] end it "should be able to load dialects based on the database name" do begin qi = class Sequel::Database; @quote_identifiers; end ii = class Sequel::Database; @identifier_input_method; end io = class Sequel::Database; @identifier_output_method; end Sequel.quote_identifiers = nil class Sequel::Database; @identifier_input_method=nil; end class Sequel::Database; @identifier_output_method=nil; end Sequel.mock(:host=>'access').select(, 12, 13)).sql.must_equal 'SELECT #2011-12-13#' Sequel.mock(:host=>'cubrid').from(:a).offset(1).sql.must_equal 'SELECT * FROM "a" LIMIT 1,4294967295' Sequel.mock(:host=>'db2').select(1).sql.must_equal 'SELECT 1 FROM "SYSIBM"."SYSDUMMY1"' Sequel.mock(:host=>'firebird')[:a].distinct.limit(1, 2).sql.must_equal 'SELECT DISTINCT FIRST 1 SKIP 2 * FROM "A"' Sequel.mock(:host=>'informix')[:a].distinct.limit(1, 2).sql.must_equal 'SELECT SKIP 2 FIRST 1 DISTINCT * FROM A' Sequel.mock(:host=>'mssql')[:a].full_text_search(:b, 'c').sql.must_equal "SELECT * FROM [A] WHERE (CONTAINS ([B], 'c'))" Sequel.mock(:host=>'mysql')[:a].full_text_search(:b, 'c').sql.must_equal "SELECT * FROM `a` WHERE (MATCH (`b`) AGAINST ('c'))" Sequel.mock(:host=>'oracle')[:a].limit(1).sql.must_equal 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM "A") "T1" WHERE (ROWNUM <= 1)' Sequel.mock(:host=>'postgres')[:a].full_text_search(:b, 'c').sql.must_equal "SELECT * FROM \"a\" WHERE (to_tsvector(CAST('simple' AS regconfig), (COALESCE(\"b\", ''))) @@ to_tsquery(CAST('simple' AS regconfig), 'c'))" Sequel.mock(:host=>'sqlanywhere').from(:a).offset(1).sql.must_equal 'SELECT TOP 2147483647 START AT (1 + 1) * FROM "A"' Sequel.mock(:host=>'sqlite')[:a___b].sql.must_equal "SELECT * FROM `a` AS 'b'" ensure Sequel.quote_identifiers = qi Sequel::Database.send(:instance_variable_set, :@identifier_input_method, ii) Sequel::Database.send(:instance_variable_set, :@identifier_output_method, io) end end it "should automatically set version for adapters needing versions" do Sequel.mock(:host=>'postgres').server_version.must_be :>=, 90400 Sequel.mock(:host=>'mssql').server_version.must_be :>=, 11000000 Sequel.mock(:host=>'mysql').server_version.must_be :>=, 50617 Sequel.mock(:host=>'sqlite').sqlite_version.must_be :>=, 30804 Sequel.mock(:host=>'oracle').server_version.must_be :>=, 11000000 end it "should stub out the primary_key method for postgres" do Sequel.mock(:host=>'postgres').primary_key(:t).must_equal :id end it "should stub out the bound_variable_arg method for postgres" do Sequel.mock(:host=>'postgres').bound_variable_arg(:t, nil).must_equal :t end it "should handle creating tables on oracle" do Sequel.mock(:host=>'oracle').create_table(:a){String :b} end end