# encoding: UTF-8 require 'cases/helper_sqlserver' class ColumnTestSQLServer < ActiveRecord::TestCase it '#table_name' do assert SSTestDatatype.columns.all? { |c| c.table_name == 'sst_datatypes' } assert SSTestCustomersView.columns.all? { |c| c.table_name == 'customers' } end describe 'ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServer::Type' do let(:obj) { SSTestDatatype.new } Type = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServer::Type def new_obj ; SSTestDatatype.new ; end def column(name) ; SSTestDatatype.columns_hash[name] ; end def assert_obj_set_and_save(attribute, value) obj.send :"#{attribute}=", value obj.send(attribute).must_equal value obj.save! obj.reload.send(attribute).must_equal value end # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187752.aspx # Exact Numerics it 'int(4) PRIMARY KEY' do col = column('id') col.sql_type.must_equal 'int(4)' col.null.must_equal false end it 'bigint(8)' do col = column('bigint') col.sql_type.must_equal 'bigint(8)' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal 42 obj.bigint.must_equal 42 col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::BigInteger type.type.must_equal :bigint type.must_be :number? type.limit.must_equal 8 assert_obj_set_and_save :bigint, -9_223_372_036_854_775_808 assert_raises(RangeError) { new_obj.bigint = -9_223_372_036_854_775_809 } assert_obj_set_and_save :bigint, 9_223_372_036_854_775_807 assert_raises(RangeError) { new_obj.bigint = 9_223_372_036_854_775_808 } end it 'int(4)' do col = column('int') col.sql_type.must_equal 'int(4)' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal 42 obj.int.must_equal 42 col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::Integer type.type.must_equal :integer type.must_be :number? type.limit.must_equal 4 assert_obj_set_and_save :int, -2_147_483_648 assert_raises(RangeError) { new_obj.int = -2_147_483_649 } assert_obj_set_and_save :int, 2_147_483_647 assert_raises(RangeError) { new_obj.int = 2_147_483_648 } end it 'smallint(2)' do col = column('smallint') col.sql_type.must_equal 'smallint(2)' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal 42 obj.smallint.must_equal 42 col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::SmallInteger type.type.must_equal :integer type.must_be :number? type.limit.must_equal 2 assert_obj_set_and_save :smallint, -32_768 assert_raises(RangeError) { new_obj.smallint = -32_769 } assert_obj_set_and_save :smallint, 32_767 assert_raises(RangeError) { new_obj.smallint = 32_768 } end it 'tinyint(1)' do col = column('tinyint') col.sql_type.must_equal 'tinyint(1)' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal 42 obj.tinyint.must_equal 42 col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::TinyInteger type.type.must_equal :integer type.must_be :number? type.limit.must_equal 1 assert_obj_set_and_save :tinyint, 0 assert_raises(RangeError) { new_obj.tinyint = -1 } assert_obj_set_and_save :tinyint, 255 assert_raises(RangeError) { new_obj.tinyint = 256 } end it 'bit' do col = column('bit') col.sql_type.must_equal 'bit' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal true obj.bit.must_equal true col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::Boolean type.type.must_equal :boolean type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal nil obj.bit = 0 obj.bit.must_equal false obj.save! obj.reload.bit.must_equal false obj.bit = '1' obj.bit.must_equal true obj.save! obj.reload.bit.must_equal true end it 'decimal(9,2)' do col = column('decimal_9_2') col.sql_type.must_equal 'decimal(9,2)' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal BigDecimal('12345.01') obj.decimal_9_2.must_equal BigDecimal('12345.01') col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::Decimal type.type.must_equal :decimal type.must_be :number? type.limit.must_equal nil type.precision.must_equal 9 type.scale.must_equal 2 obj.decimal_9_2 = '1234567.8901' obj.decimal_9_2.must_equal BigDecimal('1234567.8901') # Cast from user one day. obj.save! obj.reload.decimal_9_2.must_equal BigDecimal('1234567.89') end it 'decimal(16,4)' do col = column('decimal_16_4') col.sql_type.must_equal 'decimal(16,4)' col.default.must_equal BigDecimal('1234567.89') obj.decimal_16_4.must_equal BigDecimal('1234567.89') col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.precision.must_equal 16 type.scale.must_equal 4 obj.decimal_16_4 = '1234567.8901001' obj.decimal_16_4.must_equal BigDecimal('1234567.8901001') # Cast from user one day. obj.save! obj.reload.decimal_16_4.must_equal BigDecimal('1234567.8901') end it 'numeric(18,0)' do col = column('numeric_18_0') col.sql_type.must_equal 'numeric(18,0)' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal BigDecimal('191') obj.numeric_18_0.must_equal BigDecimal('191') col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::Decimal type.type.must_equal :decimal type.must_be :number? type.limit.must_equal nil type.precision.must_equal 18 type.scale.must_equal 0 obj.numeric_18_0 = '192.1' obj.numeric_18_0.must_equal BigDecimal('192.1') # Cast from user one day. obj.save! obj.reload.numeric_18_0.must_equal BigDecimal('192') end it 'numeric(36,2)' do col = column('numeric_36_2') col.sql_type.must_equal 'numeric(36,2)' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal BigDecimal('12345678901234567890.01') obj.numeric_36_2.must_equal BigDecimal('12345678901234567890.01') col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::Decimal type.type.must_equal :decimal type.must_be :number? type.limit.must_equal nil type.precision.must_equal 36 type.scale.must_equal 2 obj.numeric_36_2 = '192.123' obj.numeric_36_2.must_equal BigDecimal('192.123') # Cast from user one day. obj.save! obj.reload.numeric_36_2.must_equal BigDecimal('192.12') end it 'money' do col = column('money') col.sql_type.must_equal 'money' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal BigDecimal('4.20') obj.money.must_equal BigDecimal('4.20') col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::Money type.type.must_equal :money type.must_be :number? type.limit.must_equal nil type.precision.must_equal 19 type.scale.must_equal 4 obj.money = '922337203685477.58061' obj.money.must_equal BigDecimal('922337203685477.58061') obj.save! obj.reload.money.must_equal BigDecimal('922337203685477.5806') end it 'smallmoney' do col = column('smallmoney') col.sql_type.must_equal 'smallmoney' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal BigDecimal('4.20') obj.smallmoney.must_equal BigDecimal('4.20') col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::SmallMoney type.type.must_equal :smallmoney type.must_be :number? type.limit.must_equal nil type.precision.must_equal 10 type.scale.must_equal 4 obj.smallmoney = '214748.36461' obj.smallmoney.must_equal BigDecimal('214748.36461') obj.save! obj.reload.smallmoney.must_equal BigDecimal('214748.3646') end # Approximate Numerics # Float limits are adjusted to 24 or 53 by the database as per http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173773.aspx # Floats with a limit of <= 24 are reduced to reals by sqlserver on creation. it 'float' do col = column('float') col.sql_type.must_equal 'float' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal 123.00000001 obj.float.must_equal 123.00000001 col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::Float type.type.must_equal :float type.must_be :number? type.limit.must_equal nil type.precision.must_equal nil type.scale.must_equal nil obj.float = '214748.36461' obj.float.must_equal 214748.36461 obj.save! obj.reload.float.must_equal 214748.36461 end it 'real' do col = column('real') col.sql_type.must_equal 'real' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_be_close_to 123.45, 0.01 obj.real.must_be_close_to 123.45, 0.01 col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::Real type.type.must_equal :real type.must_be :number? type.limit.must_equal nil type.precision.must_equal nil type.scale.must_equal nil obj.real = '214748.36461' obj.real.must_be_close_to 214748.36461, 0.01 obj.save! obj.reload.real.must_be_close_to 214748.36461, 0.01 end # Date and Time it 'date' do col = column('date') col.sql_type.must_equal 'date' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal '0001-01-01' # TODO: None type casted default. Really want Date.civil(0001, 1, 1). obj.date.must_equal Date.civil(0001, 1, 1) col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::Date type.type.must_equal :date type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal nil type.precision.must_equal nil type.scale.must_equal nil # Can cast strings. obj.date = '0001-01-01' obj.date.must_equal Date.civil(0001, 1, 1) obj.save! obj.reload.date.must_equal Date.civil(0001, 1, 1) # Can keep and return assigned date. assert_obj_set_and_save :date, Date.civil(1972, 04, 14) # Can accept and cast time objects. obj.date = Time.utc(2010, 4, 14, 12, 34, 56, 3000) obj.date.must_equal Date.civil(2010, 4, 14) obj.save! obj.reload.date.must_equal Date.civil(2010, 4, 14) end it 'datetime' do col = column('datetime') col.sql_type.must_equal 'datetime' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal Time.utc(1753, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00, 000) obj.datetime.must_equal Time.utc(1753, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00, 000) col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::DateTime type.type.must_equal :datetime type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal nil type.precision.must_equal nil type.scale.must_equal nil # Can save .003 seconds and return again. obj.datetime = Time.utc(2010, 01, 01, 12, 34, 56, 3000) obj.datetime.must_equal Time.utc(2010, 01, 01, 12, 34, 56, 3000), "Microseconds were <#{obj.datetime.usec}> vs <3000>" obj.save! obj.reload.datetime.must_equal Time.utc(2010, 01, 01, 12, 34, 56, 3000), "Microseconds were <#{obj.reload.datetime.usec}> vs <3000>" # Will cast to true DB value on attribute write, save and return again. obj.datetime = Time.utc(2010, 01, 01, 12, 34, 56, 234567) obj.datetime.must_equal Time.utc(2010, 01, 01, 12, 34, 56, 233000), "Microseconds were <#{obj.datetime.usec}> vs <233000>" obj.save! obj.reload.datetime.must_equal Time.utc(2010, 01, 01, 12, 34, 56, 233000), "Microseconds were <#{obj.reload.datetime.usec}> vs <233000>" end it 'smalldatetime' do col = column('smalldatetime') col.sql_type.must_equal 'smalldatetime' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal Time.utc(1901, 01, 01, 15, 45, 00, 000) obj.smalldatetime.must_equal Time.utc(1901, 01, 01, 15, 45, 00, 000) col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::SmallDateTime type.type.must_equal :datetime type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal nil type.precision.must_equal nil type.scale.must_equal nil # Will remove fractional seconds and return again. obj.smalldatetime = Time.utc(2078, 06, 05, 4, 20, 00, 3000) obj.smalldatetime.must_equal Time.utc(2078, 06, 05, 4, 20, 00, 0), "Microseconds were <#{obj.smalldatetime.usec}> vs <0>" obj.save! obj.reload.smalldatetime.must_equal Time.utc(2078, 06, 05, 4, 20, 00, 0), "Microseconds were <#{obj.reload.smalldatetime.usec}> vs <0>" end it 'time(2)' do col = column('time_2') col.sql_type.must_equal 'time(2)' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal nil col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::Time type.type.must_equal :time type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal nil type.precision.must_equal 2 type.scale.must_equal nil # Always uses ActiveRecord's 2000-01-01 convention too. obj.time_2 = Time.utc(2015, 01, 10, 15, 45, 00, 0) obj.time_2.must_equal Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 15, 45, 00, 0) obj.save! obj.reload.time_2.must_equal Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 15, 45, 00, 0) # Midnight the beggining of the day. obj.time_2 = Time.utc(2000, 01, 01).midnight.change(usec: 0) obj.time_2.must_equal Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00, 0) obj.save! obj.reload.time_2.must_equal Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00, 0) # The end of day. obj.time_2 = Time.utc(2000, 01, 01).end_of_day.change(usec: 0) obj.time_2.must_equal Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 23, 59, 59, 0) obj.save! obj.reload.time_2.must_equal Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 23, 59, 59, 0) # Time's #usec precision (barely in 2 precision equal to 0.03 seconds) obj.time_2 = Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 15, 45, 00, 30000) obj.time_2.must_equal Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 15, 45, 00, 30000), "Microseconds were <#{obj.time_2.usec}> vs <30000>" obj.save! obj.reload.time_2.must_equal Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 15, 45, 00, 30000), "Microseconds were <#{obj.reload.time_2.usec}> vs <30000>" # Time's #usec precision (below 2 precision) obj.time_2 = Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 15, 45, 00, 4000) obj.time_2.must_equal Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 15, 45, 00, 0), "Microseconds were <#{obj.time_2.usec}> vs <0>" obj.save! obj.reload.time_2.must_equal Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 15, 45, 00, 0), "Microseconds were <#{obj.reload.time_2.usec}> vs <0>" end it 'time(7)' do col = column('time_7') col.sql_type.must_equal 'time(7)' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal nil col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::Time type.type.must_equal :time type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal nil type.precision.must_equal nil, 'so it is clean in schema dumper' type.scale.must_equal nil # Time's #usec precision (low) obj.time_7 = Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 15, 45, 00, 300) obj.time_7.must_equal Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 15, 45, 00, 300), "Microseconds were <#{obj.time_7.usec}> vs <300>" obj.save! obj.reload.time_7.must_equal Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 15, 45, 00, 300), "Microseconds were <#{obj.reload.time_7.usec}> vs <300>" # Time's #usec precision (high) obj.time_7 = Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 15, 45, 00, 234567) obj.time_7.must_equal Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 15, 45, 00, 234567), "Microseconds were <#{obj.time_7.usec}> vs <234567>" obj.save! obj.reload.time_7.must_equal Time.utc(2000, 01, 01, 15, 45, 00, 234567), "Microseconds were <#{obj.reload.time_7.usec}> vs <234567>" end # Character Strings it 'char(10)' do col = column('char_10') col.sql_type.must_equal 'char(10)' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal '1234567890' obj.char_10.must_equal '1234567890' col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::Char type.type.must_equal :char type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal 10 type.precision.must_equal nil type.scale.must_equal nil # Basic set and save. obj.char_10 = '012345' obj.char_10.strip.must_equal '012345' obj.save! obj.reload.char_10.strip.must_equal '012345' end it 'varchar(50)' do col = column('varchar_50') col.sql_type.must_equal 'varchar(50)' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal 'test varchar_50' obj.varchar_50.must_equal 'test varchar_50' col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::Varchar type.type.must_equal :varchar type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal 50 type.precision.must_equal nil type.scale.must_equal nil # Basic set and save. assert_obj_set_and_save :varchar_50, 'Hello World' end it 'varchar(max)' do col = column('varchar_max') col.sql_type.must_equal 'varchar(max)' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal 'test varchar_max' obj.varchar_max.must_equal 'test varchar_max' col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::VarcharMax type.type.must_equal :varchar_max type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal 2_147_483_647 type.precision.must_equal nil type.scale.must_equal nil # Basic set and save. assert_obj_set_and_save :varchar_max, 'Hello World' end it 'text' do col = column('text') col.sql_type.must_equal 'text' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal 'test text' obj.text.must_equal 'test text' col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::Text type.type.must_equal :text_basic type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal 2_147_483_647 type.precision.must_equal nil type.scale.must_equal nil # Basic set and save. assert_obj_set_and_save :text, 'Hello World' end # Unicode Character Strings it 'nchar(10)' do col = column('nchar_10') col.sql_type.must_equal 'nchar(10)' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal '12345678åå' obj.nchar_10.must_equal '12345678åå' col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::UnicodeChar type.type.must_equal :nchar type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal 10 type.precision.must_equal nil type.scale.must_equal nil # Basic set and save. obj.nchar_10 = "五六" obj.nchar_10.strip.must_equal "五六" obj.save! obj.reload.nchar_10.strip.must_equal "五六" end it 'nvarchar(50)' do col = column('nvarchar_50') col.sql_type.must_equal 'nvarchar(50)' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal 'test nvarchar_50 åå' obj.nvarchar_50.must_equal 'test nvarchar_50 åå' col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::UnicodeVarchar type.type.must_equal :string type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal 50 type.precision.must_equal nil type.scale.must_equal nil # Basic set and save. assert_obj_set_and_save :nvarchar_50, "一二34五六" end it 'nvarchar(max)' do col = column('nvarchar_max') col.sql_type.must_equal 'nvarchar(max)' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal 'test nvarchar_max åå' obj.nvarchar_max.must_equal 'test nvarchar_max åå' col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::UnicodeVarcharMax type.type.must_equal :text type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal 2_147_483_647 type.precision.must_equal nil type.scale.must_equal nil # Basic set and save. assert_obj_set_and_save :nvarchar_max, "一二34五六" end it 'ntext' do col = column('ntext') col.sql_type.must_equal 'ntext' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal 'test ntext åå' obj.ntext.must_equal 'test ntext åå' col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::UnicodeText type.type.must_equal :ntext type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal 2_147_483_647 type.precision.must_equal nil type.scale.must_equal nil # Basic set and save. assert_obj_set_and_save :ntext, "一二34五六" end # Binary Strings let(:binary_file) { File.join ARTest::SQLServer.test_root_sqlserver, 'fixtures', '1px.gif' } let(:binary_data) { File.open(binary_file, 'rb') { |f| f.read } } it 'binary(49)' do col = column('binary_49') col.sql_type.must_equal 'binary(49)' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal nil col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::Binary type.type.must_equal :binary_basic type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal 49 type.precision.must_equal nil type.scale.must_equal nil # Basic set and save. binary_data.encoding.must_equal Encoding::BINARY binary_data.length.must_equal 49 obj.binary_49 = binary_data obj.binary_49.must_equal binary_data obj.save! obj.reload.binary_49.must_equal binary_data end it 'varbinary(49)' do col = column('varbinary_49') col.sql_type.must_equal 'varbinary(49)' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal nil col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::Varbinary type.type.must_equal :varbinary type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal 49 type.precision.must_equal nil type.scale.must_equal nil # Basic set and save. binary_data_20 = binary_data.to(20) binary_data_20.encoding.must_equal Encoding::BINARY obj.varbinary_49 = binary_data_20 obj.varbinary_49.must_equal binary_data_20 obj.save! obj.reload.varbinary_49.must_equal binary_data_20 end it 'varbinary(max)' do col = column('varbinary_max') col.sql_type.must_equal 'varbinary(max)' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal nil col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::VarbinaryMax type.type.must_equal :binary type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal 2_147_483_647 type.precision.must_equal nil type.scale.must_equal nil # Basic set and save. binary_data.encoding.must_equal Encoding::BINARY assert_obj_set_and_save :varbinary_max, binary_data end # Other Data Types it 'uniqueidentifier' do col = column('uniqueidentifier') col.sql_type.must_equal 'uniqueidentifier' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal nil col.default_function.must_equal 'newid()' type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::Uuid type.type.must_equal :uuid type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal nil type.precision.must_equal nil type.scale.must_equal nil # Basic set and save. obj.uniqueidentifier = "this will not qualify as valid" obj.uniqueidentifier.must_equal nil obj.save! ; obj.reload obj.uniqueidentifier.must_match Type::Uuid::ACCEPTABLE_UUID obj.uniqueidentifier = "6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00C04FC964FF" obj.uniqueidentifier.must_equal "6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00C04FC964FF" obj.save! ; obj.reload obj.uniqueidentifier.must_equal "6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00C04FC964FF" end it 'timestamp' do col = column('timestamp') col.sql_type.must_equal 'timestamp' col.null.must_equal true col.default.must_equal nil col.default_function.must_equal nil type = col.cast_type type.must_be_instance_of Type::Timestamp type.type.must_equal :ss_timestamp type.wont_be :number? type.limit.must_equal nil type.precision.must_equal nil type.scale.must_equal nil # Basic read. obj.timestamp.must_equal nil obj.save! ; obj.reload obj.timestamp.must_match %r|\000| obj.timestamp # Can set another attribute obj.uniqueidentifier = "6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00C04FC964FF" obj.save! end end end