= Version history [0.1.2] Key/value lookup feature. Updates to documentation. [0.1.1] Prefering string keys for config. Prefer json over yaml for options. Deprecated DIRU_OPTS_FORMAT env var. [0.1.0] Fast startup after server start. Support for JSON options format. [0.0.8] Check that YAML-conf if valid. [0.0.7] Registers for Scratch Pad. Display and clear for Scratch Pad. [0.0.6] Bookmarks stored newest first. Allow sequence of commands (","). Improved README doc. Document option. Removed character based commands. [0.0.5] Query only command. User (ID) based server separation. [0.0.4] Default matching is glob (fnmatch) based. Separate command for regex based search ('e'). Fixed wrong display of paths when Project dir was '/'. [0.0.3] Mkdir and rmdir commands, direct server update. [0.0.2] Separate refresh for Options File and Project dirs. Manual refresh for Options File and Project dirs. [0.0.1] Initial version.