h1. Concurrent Draft The *ConcurrentDraft* extension enables draft versions of pages, snippets and layouts, which can be scheduled for promotion to Production. Every such artifact (page, snippet or layout) can have a concurrent draft version, which will be displayed in development mode, and a promoted live version, which will be displayed in production mode. Created by: Andrew vonderLuft and Sean Cribbs, August 2008, in Portland Oregon h2. Version History * 1.0.x - Compatible with Blade UI - 0.9 and above * 0.8.0 - Compatible with Radiant 0.8.0 and above * 0.7.1 - Compatible with Radiant 0.7.1 h2. Requirements * Radiant 0.9 or greater * Radiant 0.7.x - 0.8.x use appropriate tag h2. Installation h3. From the Radiant Extension Registry # From your RAILS_ROOT run:
script/extension install concurrent_draft
# Restart your app NOTE: In some earlier versions of Radiant, the migrations may not run, and the assets may not be copied and you may therefore need to run:
rake radiant:extensions:concurrent_draft:migrate
rake radiant:extensions:concurrent_draft:update
 h3. From Github # From your RAILS_ROOT run:
cd vendor/extensions
git clone git://github.com/avonderluft/radiant-concurrent_draft-extension.git ./concurrent_draft
cd ../../
rake radiant:extensions:concurrent_draft:migrate
rake radiant:extensions:concurrent_draft:update
# Restart your app h3. Using the gem # Install the gem
gem install radiant-concurrent_draft-extension
# Update your Radiant config: add to environment.rb with other gem.configs
config.gem 'radiant-concurrent_draft-extension', :lib => false
# Run database migrations
rake db:migrate:extensions
# Copy assets
rake radiant:extensions:update_all
# Restart your app h2. Caveats Scheduled times are dependent on the ActiveRecord time setting. If you want to use local time, add this to your environment.rb:
config.active_record.default_timezone = :local
h2. Acknowledgments * Andrew conceived of the ideas for this extension and its initial design, and did model changes, migrations, and initial code for pages. * Sean collaborated on its expansion and refactoring to include snippets and layouts, and produced most of the final code, including all of the UI. * Andrew refactored the UI for Radiant 0.9 and higher, added i18n, and gemified the extension. * After some discussion, they rightly identified the mystery piece as a Haydn Cello concerto.