module Spec module Tool # Translates Test::Unit tests to RSpec specs. class TestUnitTranslator ONE_ARG_TRANSLATIONS = { "assert" => " nil", "assert_nil" => " nil", "assert_not_nil" => " nil" } TWO_ARG_TRANSLATIONS = { "assert_equal" => "should.equal", "assert_instance_of" => "", "assert_kind_of" => "", "assert_match" => "should.match", "assert_no_match" => "should.not.match", "assert_not_equal" => "should.not.equal", "assert_not_same" => "", "assert_same" => "" } RAISE_TRANSLATIONS = { "assert_nothing_raised" => "should.not.raise", "assert_nothing_thrown" => "should.not.throw", "assert_raise" => "should.raise", "assert_raises" => "should.raise", "assert_throws" => "should.throw", } def translate(test_unit_file) content = end_replacement = nil translated = "" content.each do |line| if line =~ /^require .*test.*/ line = "require 'spec'\n" elsif line =~ /^(\s*)def\s+setup/ spaces = $1 line = "#{spaces}setup do\n" elsif line =~ /^(\s*)def\s+teardown/ spaces = $1 line = "#{spaces}teardown do\n" elsif line =~ /^(\s*)class\s+(.*)\s+<\s+Test::Unit::TestCase/ spaces = $1 class_name = $2 context_name = class_name.match(/(.*)Test/)[1] line = "#{spaces}context \"#{context_name}\" do\n" elsif line =~ /(\s*)def\s+test_(.*)/ spaces = $1 method_meaning = $2 specification_name = method_meaning.gsub(/_/, " ").capitalize line = "#{spaces}specify \"#{specification_name}\" do\n" elsif line =~ /(\s*)(assert[^\s$\(]*)\s*\(?([^\)^\{]*)\)?\s*(.*)/ spaces = $1 assertion = $2 args = $3 suffix = $4 if(args =~ /^do/n and suffix =="") # hack to handle methods taking no args and do at the end args = "" suffix = "do" end if translation = TWO_ARG_TRANSLATIONS[assertion] expected, actual, message = args.split(",").collect{|arg| arg.strip} line = "#{spaces}#{actual}.#{translation} #{expected}\n" elsif assertion == "assert_respond_to" actual, method, message = args.split(",").collect{|arg| arg.strip} line = "#{spaces}#{actual} #{method}\n" elsif translation = ONE_ARG_TRANSLATIONS[assertion] actual, message = args.split(",").collect{|arg| arg.strip} line = "#{spaces}#{actual}.#{translation}\n" elsif translation = RAISE_TRANSLATIONS[assertion] and suffix =~ /\{.*\}/ expected, message = args.split(",").collect{|arg| arg.strip} line = "#{spaces}lambda #{suffix}.#{translation} #{expected}\n" elsif translation = RAISE_TRANSLATIONS[assertion] expected, message = args.split(",").collect{|arg| arg.strip} line = "#{spaces}lambda do\n" end_replacement = "#{translation} #{expected}\n" elsif assertion == "assert_block" and suffix =~ /\{.*\}/ line = "#{spaces}lambda #{suffix} true\n" elsif assertion == "assert_block" line = "#{spaces}lambda do\n" end_replacement = " true\n" elsif assertion == "assert_in_delta" expected, actual, delta, message = args.split(",").collect{|arg| arg.strip} line = "#{spaces}#{actual} #{expected}, #{delta}\n" end elsif end_replacement && line =~ /(\s+)end/ spaces = $1 line = "#{spaces}end.#{end_replacement}" end_replacement = nil end translated += line unless line.nil? end translated end end end end