require 'rails/generators/erb/scaffold/scaffold_generator' require 'ffaker' module CommonCore module GeneratorHelper def text_area_output(col, field_length) lines = field_length % 40 if lines > 5 lines = 5 end ".row %div{class: \"form-group col-md-4 \#{'alert-danger' if #{singular}.errors.details.keys.include?(:#{col.to_s})}\"} = f.text_area :#{col.to_s}, class: 'form-control', cols: 40, rows: '#{lines}' %label.form-text #{col.to_s.humanize}\n" end def field_output(col, type = nil, width) ".row %div{class: \"form-group col-md-4 \#{'alert-danger' if #{singular}.errors.details.keys.include?(:#{col.to_s})}\"} = f.text_field :#{col.to_s}, value: @#{singular}.#{col.to_s}, size: #{width}, class: 'form-control', type: '#{type}' %label.form-text #{col.to_s.humanize}\n" end end class ScaffoldGenerator < Erb::Generators::ScaffoldGenerator hook_for :form_builder, :as => :scaffold source_root File.expand_path('templates', __dir__) attr_accessor :path, :singular, :plural, :singular_class, :nest_with include GeneratorHelper def initialize(*meta_args) #:nodoc: super begin object = eval(class_name) rescue StandardError => e puts "Ooops... it looks like there is no object for #{class_name}. Please define the object + database table first." exit end args = meta_args[0] @singular = args[0].tableize.singularize # should be in form hello_world @plural = @singular + "s" # supply to override; leave blank to use default @singular_class = @singular.titleize.gsub(" ", "") @nest = nil @namespace = nil @nested_args = [] @auth = "current_user" @auth_identifier = nil args[1..-1].each do |a| var_name, var_value = a.split("=") case (var_name) when "plural" @plural = var_value when "nest" @nest = var_value when "namespace" @namespace = var_value when "auth" @auth = var_value when "auth_identifier" @auth_identifier = var_value || "" end end auth_assoc = @auth.gsub("current_","") auth_assoc_field = auth_assoc + "_id" exclude_fields = [auth_assoc_field.to_sym, :id, :created_at, :updated_at, :encrypted_password, :reset_password_token, :reset_password_sent_at, :remember_created_at, :confirmation_token, :confirmed_at, :confirmation_sent_at, :unconfirmed_email] begin @columns ={|field| exclude_fields.include?(field) } rescue StandardError => e puts "Ooops... it looks like is an object for #{class_name}. Please create the database table with fields first. " exit end @no_delete = false @no_create = false flags = meta_args[1] flags.each do |f| case (f) when "--god" @auth = nil when "--with-index" @with_index = true when "--specs-only" @specs_only = true when "--no-specs" @no_specs = true when "--no-delete" @no_delete = true when "--no-create" @no_create = true end end if @specs_only && @no_specs puts "oops… you seem to have specified both the --specs-only flag and --no-specs flags. this doesn't make any sense, so I am aborting. sorry." exit end if @auth_identifier.nil? && !@auth.nil? @auth_identifier = @auth.gsub("current_", "") end if @auth && auth_identifier == @singular @self_auth = true end if !@nest.nil? @nested_args = @nest.split("/") @nested_args_plural = {} @nested_args.each do |a| @nested_args_plural[a] = a + "s" end end end def formats [format] end def format nil end def copy_controller_and_spec_files @default_colspan = @columns.size unless @specs_only template "controller.rb", File.join("app/controllers#{namespace_with_dash}", "#{plural}_controller.rb") if @namespace && defined?(controller_descends_from) == nil template "base_controller.rb", File.join("app/controllers#{namespace_with_dash}", "base_controller.rb") end end unless @no_specs template "controller_spec.rb", File.join("spec/controllers#{namespace_with_dash}", "#{plural}_controller_spec.rb") end template "_errors.haml", File.join("app/views#{namespace_with_dash}", "_errors.haml") end def list_column_headings{|col_name| ' %th{:scope => "col"} ' + col_name.humanize}.join("\r") end def columns_spec_with_sample_data { |c| if eval("#{singular_class}.columns_hash['#{c}']").nil? byebug end type = eval("#{singular_class}.columns_hash['#{c}']").type random_data = case type when :integer rand(1...1000) when :string FFaker::AnimalUS.common_name when :text FFaker::AnimalUS.common_name when :datetime + rand(1..5).days end c.to_s + ": '" + random_data.to_s + "'" }.join(", ") end def object_parent_mapping_as_argument_for_specs if @nested_args.any? ", " + @nested_args.last + ": " + @nested_args.last elsif @auth ", #{@auth_identifier}: #{@auth}" end end def objest_nest_factory_setup res = "" if @auth last_parent = ", #{@auth_identifier}: #{@auth}" end @nested_args.each do |arg| res << " let(:#{arg}) {create(:#{arg} #{last_parent} )}\n" last_parent = ", #{arg}: #{arg}" end res end def objest_nest_params_by_id_for_specs{|arg| "#{arg}_id: #{arg}.id" }.join(",\n ") end def controller_class_name res = "" res << @namespace.titleize + "::" if @namespace res << plural.titleize.gsub(" ", "") + "Controller" res end def singular_name @singular end def plural_name plural end def auth_identifier @auth_identifier end def path_helper_singular "#{@namespace+"_" if @namespace}#{(@nested_args.join("_") + "_" if @nested_args.any?)}#{singular}_path" end def path_helper_plural "#{@namespace+"_" if @namespace}#{(@nested_args.join("_") + "_" if @nested_args.any?)}#{plural}_path" end def path_arity res = "" if @nested_args.any? res << nested_objects_arity + ", " end res << "@" + singular end def line_path_partial "#{@namespace+"/" if @namespace}#{plural}/line" end def nested_assignments{|a| "#{a}: @#{a}"}.join(", ") #metaprgramming into Ruby hash end def nested_objects_arity{|a| "@#{a}"}.join(", ") end def nested_arity_for_path @nested_args.join(", ") #metaprgramming into arity for the Rails path helper end def object_scope if @auth if @nested_args.none? @auth + ".#{plural}" else "@" + @nested_args.last + ".#{plural}" end else @singular_class end end def all_objects_root if @auth if @self_auth @singular_class + ".where(id: #{@auth}.id)" elsif @nested_args.none? @auth + ".#{plural}" else "@" + @nested_args.last + ".#{plural}" end else @singular_class + ".all" end end def any_nested? @nested_args.any? end def all_objects_variable # needs the authenticated root user # "#{@auth}.#{{|a| "#{@nested_args_plural[a]}.find(@#{a})"}.join('.') + "." if @nested_args.any?}#{plural}" all_objects_root + ".page(params[:page])" end def auth_object @auth end def copy_view_files return if @specs_only js_views.each do |view| formats.each do |format| filename = cc_filename_with_extensions(view, ["js","erb"]) template filename, File.join("app/views#{namespace_with_dash}", controller_file_path, filename) end end haml_views.each do |view| formats.each do |format| filename = cc_filename_with_extensions(view, "haml") template filename, File.join("app/views#{namespace_with_dash}", controller_file_path, filename) end end end def namespace_with_dash if @namespace "/#{@namespace}" else "" end end def namespace_with_trailing_dash if @namespace "#{@namespace}/" else "" end end def js_views %w(index create destroy edit new update) end def haml_views res = %w(_edit _form _line _list _new) if @with_index res << 'all' end res end def handler :erb end def create_merge_params if @auth && ! @self_auth "#{@auth_identifier}: #{@auth}" else "" end end def model_has_strings? false end def model_search_fields # an array of fields we can search on [] end def all_form_fields res = { |col| type = eval("#{singular_class}.columns_hash['#{col}']").type limit = eval("#{singular_class}.columns_hash['#{col}']").limit sql_type = eval("#{singular_class}.columns_hash['#{col}']").sql_type case type when :integer # look for a belongs_to on this object if col.to_s.ends_with?("_id") # guess the association name label assoc_name = col.to_s.gsub("_id","") assoc = eval("#{singular_class}.reflect_on_association(:#{assoc_name})") if assoc.nil? puts "*** Oops. on the #{singular_class} object, there doesn't seem to be an association called '#{assoc_name}'" exit end if assoc.active_record.column_names.include?("name") display_column = "name" elsif assoc.active_record.column_names.include?("to_label") display_column = "to_label" elsif assoc.active_record.column_names.include?("full_name") display_column = "full_name" elsif assoc.active_record.column_names.include?("display_name") display_column = "display_name" elsif assoc.active_record.column_names.include?("email") display_column = "email" else puts "Can't find a display_column on {singular_class} object" end ".row %div{class: \"form-group col-md-4 \#{'alert-danger' if #{singular}.errors.details.keys.include?(:#{assoc_name.to_s})}\"} = f.collection_select(:#{col.to_s}, #{assoc_name.titleize}.all, :id, :#{display_column}, {prompt: true, selected: @#{singular}.#{col.to_s} }, class: 'form-control') %label.small.form-text.text-muted #{col.to_s.humanize}" else ".row %div{class: \"form-group col-md-4 \#{'alert-danger' if #{singular}.errors.details.keys.include?(:#{col.to_s})}\"} = f.text_field :#{col.to_s}, value: @#{singular}.#{col.to_s}, class: 'form-control', size: 4, type: 'number' %label.form-text #{col.to_s.humanize}\n" end when :string limit ||= 256 if limit <= 256 field_output(col, nil, limit) else text_area_output(col, limit) end when :text limit ||= 256 if limit <= 256 field_output(col, nil, limit) else text_area_output(col, limit) end when :datetime ".row %div{class: \"form-group col-md-4 \#{'alert-danger' if #{singular}.errors.details.keys.include?(:#{col.to_s})}\"} = datetime_field_localized(f, :#{col.to_s}, @#{singular}.#{col.to_s}, '#{col.to_s.humanize}', #{@auth ? @auth+'.timezone' : 'nil'})" when :date ".row %div{class: \"form-group col-md-4 \#{'alert-danger' if #{singular}.errors.details.keys.include?(:#{col.to_s})}\"} = date_field_localized(f, :#{col.to_s}, @#{singular}.#{col.to_s}, '#{col.to_s.humanize}', #{@auth ? @auth+'.timezone' : 'nil'})" when :time ".row %div{class: \"form-group col-md-4 \#{'alert-danger' if #{singular}.errors.details.keys.include?(:#{col.to_s})}\"} = time_field_localized(f, :#{col.to_s}, @#{singular}.#{col.to_s}, '#{col.to_s.humanize}', #{@auth ? @auth+'.timezone' : 'nil'})" end }.join("\n") return res end def all_line_fields res = "%tr{'data-id': #{singular}.id, 'data-edit': 'false'}\n" res << { |col| type = eval("#{singular_class}.columns_hash['#{col}']").type limit = eval("#{singular_class}.columns_hash['#{col}']").limit sql_type = eval("#{singular_class}.columns_hash['#{col}']").sql_type case type when :integer # look for a belongs_to on this object if col.to_s.ends_with?("_id") assoc_name = col.to_s.gsub("_id","") assoc = eval("#{singular_class}.reflect_on_association(:#{assoc_name})") if assoc.nil? puts "*** Oops. on the #{singular_class} object, there doesn't seem to be an association called '#{assoc_name}'" exit end if assoc.active_record.column_names.include?("name") display_column = "name" elsif assoc.active_record.column_names.include?("to_label") display_column = "to_label" elsif assoc.active_record.column_names.include?("full_name") display_column = "full_name" elsif assoc.active_record.column_names.include?("display_name") display_column = "display_name" elsif assoc.active_record.column_names.include?("email") display_column = "email" else puts "cant find any column to use as label for #{}; any of name, to_labe, full_name, display_name, or email" end " %td = #{singular}.#{}.#{display_column}" else " %td = #{singular}.#{col}" end when :string width = (limit && limit < 40) ? limit : (40) " %td = #{singular}.#{col}" when :text " %td = #{singular}.#{col}" when :datetime " %td - unless #{singular}.#{col}.nil? = #{singular}.#{col}.in_time_zone(current_timezone).strftime('%m/%d/%Y @ %l:%M %p ') + timezonize(current_timezone) - else %span.alert-danger MISSING " when :date " %td - unless #{singular}.#{col}.nil? = #{singular}.#{col} - else %span.alert-danger MISSING " when :time " %td - unless #{singular}.#{col}.nil? = #{singular}.#{col}.in_time_zone(current_timezone).strftime('%l:%M %p ') + timezonize(current_timezone) - else %span.alert-danger MISSING " end }.join("\n") return res end def controller_descends_from if defined?(@namespace.titlecase + "::BaseController") @namespace.titlecase + "::BaseController" else "ApplicationController" end end def destroy_action return false if @self_auth return !@no_delete end def create_action return false if @self_auth return !@no_create end private # thor does something fancy like sending the class all of its own methods during some strange run sequence # does not like public methods def cc_filename_with_extensions(name, file_format = format) [name, file_format].compact.join(".") end end end