var marked = require('marked'), _ = require('underscore'), sanitizer = require('sanitizer'), nodemailer = require("nodemailer"); exports.sanitize = function(content, opts) { var markdowned, sanitized_output, urlFunc; try { markdowned = marked(content); } catch(e) { markdowned = content; } var exp = /(\bhttps?:\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/igm; markdowned = markdowned.replace(exp, "$1"); if (opts && opts.stripUrls) { urlFunc = function(str) { if (str.match(/^(http:\/\/(www\.)?|#))/)) { return str; } else { return ''; } }; } sanitized_output = sanitizer.sanitize(markdowned, urlFunc); sanitized_output = sanitized_output.replace(/'/g, '''); return sanitized_output; }; exports.formatComments = function(comments, req) { return, function(comment) { comment = _.extend(comment._doc, { score: comment.upVotes.length - comment.downVotes.length, createdAt: String(comment.createdAt) }); if (req.session.user) { comment.upVote = _.contains(comment.upVotes, req.session.user.username); comment.downVote = _.contains(comment.downVotes, req.session.user.username); } return comment; }); }; = function(req, res, comment) { var voteDirection; if (req.session.user.username == { // Ignore votes from the author res.json({success: false, reason: 'You cannot vote on your own content'}); return; } else if ( == 'up' && !_.include(comment.upVotes, req.session.user.username)) { var voted = _.include(comment.downVotes, req.session.user.username); comment.downVotes = _.reject(comment.downVotes, function(v) { return v == req.session.user.username; }); if (!voted) { voteDirection = 'up'; comment.upVotes.push(req.session.user.username); } } else if ( == 'down' && !_.include(comment.downVotes, req.session.user.username)) { var voted = _.include(comment.upVotes, req.session.user.username); comment.upVotes = _.reject(comment.upVotes, function(v) { return v == req.session.user.username; }); if (!voted) { voteDirection = 'down'; comment.downVotes.push(req.session.user.username); } }, response) { res.json({ success: true, direction: voteDirection, total: (comment.upVotes.length - comment.downVotes.length) }); }); }; exports.requireLoggedInUser = function(req, res, next) { if (!req.session || !req.session.user) { res.json({success: false, reason: 'Forbidden'}, 403); } else { next(); } }; exports.findComment = function(req, res, next) { if (req.params.commentId) { Comment.findById(req.params.commentId, function(err, comment) { req.comment = comment; next(); }); } else { res.json({success: false, reason: 'No such comment'}); } }; exports.sendEmailUpdates = function(comment) { var mailTransport = nodemailer.createTransport("SMTP",{ host: 'localhost', port: 25 }); var sendSubscriptionEmail = function(emails) { var email = emails.shift(); if (email) { nodemailer.sendMail(email, function(err){ if (err){ console.log(err); } else{ console.log("Sent email to " +; sendSubscriptionEmail(emails); } }); } else { console.log("Finished sending emails"); mailTransport.close(); } } var subscriptionBody = { sdk: comment.sdk, version: comment.version, target: }; var emails = []; Subscription.find(subscriptionBody, function(err, subscriptions) { _.each(subscriptions, function(subscription) { var mailOptions = { transport: mailTransport, from: "Sencha Documentation ", to:, subject: "Comment on '" + comment.title + "'", text: [ "A comment by " + + " on '" + comment.title + "' was posted on the Sencha Documentation:\n", comment.content + "\n", "--", "Original thread: " + comment.url, "Unsubscribe from this thread:" + subscription._id, "Unsubscribe from all threads:" + subscription._id + '?all=true' ].join("\n") } if (Number(comment.userId) != Number(subscription.userId)) { emails.push(mailOptions); } }); if (emails.length) { sendSubscriptionEmail(emails); } else { console.log("No emails to send"); } }); } exports.getCommentsMeta = function(req, res, next) { var map = function() { if ( { emit(,3).join('__'), 1); } else { return; } } var reduce = function(key, values) { var i = 0, total = 0; for (; i< values.length; i++) { total += values[i]; } return total; } mongoose.connection.db.executeDbCommand({ mapreduce: 'comments', map: map.toString(), reduce: reduce.toString(), out: 'commentCounts', query: { deleted: { '$ne': true }, sdk: req.params.sdk, version: req.params.version } }, function(err, dbres) { mongoose.connection.db.collection('commentCounts', function(err, collection) { collection.find({}).toArray(function(err, comments) { req.commentsMeta = comments; next() }); }); }); } exports.getCommentSubscriptions = function(req, res, next) { if (req.session.user) { Subscription.find({ sdk: req.params.sdk, version: req.params.version, userId: req.session.user.userid }, function(err, subscriptions) { req.commentSubscriptions =, function(subscription) { return; }); next(); }) } else { next(); } }