Feature: Debug your command in cucumber-test-run As a developer I want to use some debugger in my code and therefor need system() to execute my program In order to find a bug Background: Given I use a fixture named "cli-app" And the default aruba exit timeout is 60 seconds Scenario: Can handle exit status 0 Given an executable named "bin/aruba-test-cli" with: """bash #!/usr/bin/env bash exit 0 """ And a file named "features/debug.feature" with: """cucumber Feature: Exit status in debug environment @debug Scenario: Run program with debug code When I run `aruba-test-cli` Then the exit status should be 0 """ When I successfully run `cucumber` Then the features should all pass Scenario: Can handle exit status 1 Given an executable named "bin/aruba-test-cli" with: """bash #!/usr/bin/env bash exit 1 """ And a file named "features/debug.feature" with: """cucumber Feature: Exit status in debug environment @debug Scenario: Run program with debug code When I run `aruba-test-cli` Then the exit status should be 1 """ When I successfully run `cucumber` Then the features should all pass Scenario: You can use a debug repl in your cli program If you want to debug a strange error, which only occures in one of your `cucumber`-tests, the `@debug`-tag becomes handy. You can add `@debug` in front of your feature/scenario to make `binding.pry` or `byebug` work in your program. Please make sure, that there's a statement after the `binding.pry`-call. Otherwise you might not get an interactive shell, because your program will just exit. We are going to demonstrate this using `pry`, but any other interactive debugger for any other programming language should also work. Given an executable named "bin/aruba-test-cli" with: """ruby #!/usr/bin/env ruby $stderr.sync = true $stdout.sync = true require 'pry' binding.pry exit 0 """ And a file named "features/debug.feature" with: """cucumber Feature: Exit status in debug environment @debug Scenario: Run program with debug code When I run `aruba-test-cli` Then the exit status should be 0 """ When I run `cucumber` interactively And I stop the command started last if output contains: """ pry(main)> """ Then the output should match: """ 7:\s+binding.pry """ Scenario: Can handle announcers Given an executable named "bin/aruba-test-cli" with: """bash #!/usr/bin/env bash exit 0 """ And a file named "features/debug.feature" with: """cucumber Feature: Exit status in debug environment @debug @announce Scenario: Run program with debug code When I run `aruba-test-cli` Then the exit status should be 0 """ When I successfully run `cucumber` Then the features should all pass And the output should contain: """ <<-STDOUT This is the debug launcher on STDOUT. If this output is unexpected, please check your setup. STDOUT """