require 'rake/clean' require 'rexml/document' require 'lib/ruboto/version' PLATFORM_PROJECT = File.expand_path('tmp/RubotoCore', File.dirname(__FILE__)) PLATFORM_DEBUG_APK = "#{PLATFORM_PROJECT}/bin/RubotoCore-debug.apk" PLATFORM_RELEASE_APK = "#{PLATFORM_PROJECT}/bin/RubotoCore-release.apk" MANIFEST_FILE = "AndroidManifest.xml" GEM_FILE = "ruboto-#{Ruboto::VERSION}.gem" GEM_FILE_OLD = "ruboto-core-#{Ruboto::VERSION}.gem" GEM_SPEC_FILE = 'ruboto.gemspec' GEM_SPEC_FILE_OLD = 'ruboto-core.gemspec' CLEAN.include('ruboto-*.gem', 'tmp') task :default => :gem desc "Generate a gem" task :gem => [GEM_FILE, GEM_FILE_OLD] file GEM_FILE => GEM_SPEC_FILE do puts "Generating #{GEM_FILE}" `gem build #{GEM_SPEC_FILE}` end file GEM_FILE_OLD => GEM_SPEC_FILE_OLD do puts "Generating #{GEM_FILE_OLD}" `gem build #{GEM_SPEC_FILE_OLD}` end desc "Push the gem to RubyGems" task :release => :gem do output = `git status --porcelain` raise "Workspace not clean!\n#{output}" unless output.empty? sh "git tag #{Ruboto::VERSION}" sh "git push --tags" sh "gem push #{GEM_FILE}" sh "gem push #{GEM_FILE_OLD}" end desc "Run the tests" task :test do FileUtils.rm_rf Dir['tmp/RubotoTestApp_template*'] Dir['test/*_test.rb'].each do |f| require f.chomp('.rb') end end namespace :platform do desc 'Remove Ruboto Core platform project' task :clean do FileUtils.rm_rf PLATFORM_PROJECT end desc 'Generate the Ruboto Core platform project' task :project => PLATFORM_PROJECT file PLATFORM_PROJECT do sh "ruby -rubygems -I#{File.expand_path('lib', File.dirname(__FILE__))} bin/ruboto gen app --package org.ruboto.core --name RubotoCore --with-jruby --path #{PLATFORM_PROJECT}" Dir.chdir(PLATFORM_PROJECT) do manifest = manifest.root.attributes['android:versionCode'] = '408' manifest.root.attributes['android:versionName'] = '0.4.8' manifest.root.attributes['android:installLocation'] = 'auto' # or 'preferExternal' ? manifest.root.elements['uses-sdk'].attributes['android:targetSdkVersion'] = '8', 'w') { |f| manifest.document.write(f, 4) }'', 'w'){|f| f << "target=android-8\n"}'Gemfile.apk', 'w'){|f| f << "source :rubygems\n\ngem 'activerecord-jdbc-adapter'\n"}'', 'a'){|f| f << "${user.home}/ruboto_core.keystore\nkey.alias=Ruboto\n"} end end file PLATFORM_DEBUG_APK => PLATFORM_PROJECT do Dir.chdir(PLATFORM_PROJECT) do sh 'rake debug' end end desc 'Generate a Ruboto Core platform release apk' task :release => PLATFORM_RELEASE_APK file PLATFORM_RELEASE_APK => PLATFORM_PROJECT do Dir.chdir(PLATFORM_PROJECT) do sh 'rake release' end end desc 'Install the Ruboto Core platform debug apk' task :install => PLATFORM_DEBUG_APK do Dir.chdir(PLATFORM_PROJECT) do sh 'rake install' end end desc 'Uninstall the Ruboto Core platform debug apk' task :uninstall => PLATFORM_PROJECT do Dir.chdir(PLATFORM_PROJECT) do sh 'rake uninstall' end end end