require 'optparse' require 'pathname' require 'origen/commands/helpers' module Origen options = {} # App options are options that the application can supply to extend this command app_options = @application_options || [] opt_parser = do |opts| opts.banner = <<-END Usage: origen web CMD [options] The following commands are available: new Create a fresh web directory (this will delete any existing compiled files!). A new directory will automatically be created if you don't have one when you run the compile command, however if for some reason you want to start fresh you can run this command to do so. serve Start a webserver from the current directory compile [FILE] Compile all web templates and start a server to view them, optionally supply a file argument to only update a single page e.g. 'origen web compile app/templates/web/' Use the --remote option to copy the compiled files to a remote web server directory (the location of which should be specified via Origen.config.web_directory). In this case when no FILE argument is specified the entire site will be copied over to a fresh web server directory and the live site will be switched over when complete. When a FILE argument is present the specified file(s) will be compiled directly to the live production site. deploy [FILE] Same as compile with --remote except that the actual compilation step will be skipped - i.e. use this in cases where you already have long-running templates pre-compiled. The api generation step will also be skipped if the --api option is supplied. archive ID Archive the current contents of your live website under the given ID. This is normally used to archive the documents for a specific production release, so "origen web archive Rel20120112" would be viewable at /Rel20120112. The following options are available: END opts.on('-e', '--environment NAME', String, 'Override the default environment, NAME can be a full path or a fragment of an environment file name') { |e| options[:environment] = e } opts.on('-t', '--target NAME', String, 'Override the default target, NAME can be a full path or a fragment of a target file name') { |t| options[:target] = t } opts.on('-r', '--remote', 'Use in conjunction with the compile command to deploy files to a remote web server') { options[:remote] = true } opts.on('-a', '--api', 'Generate API documentation after compiling') { options[:api] = true } opts.on('--archive ID', String, 'Archive the documents after compiling or deploying remotely') do |id| options[:archive] = id require "#{}/helpers/url" Origen::Generator::Compiler::Helpers.archive_name = id end opts.on('-d', '--debugger', 'Enable the debugger') { options[:debugger] = true } opts.on('-m', '--mode MODE', Origen::Mode::MODES, 'Force the Origen operating mode:', ' ' + Origen::Mode::MODES.join(', ')) { |_m| } opts.on('--no-serve', "Don't serve the website after compiling without the remote option") { options[:no_serve] = true } opts.on('-c', '--comment COMMENT', String, 'Supply a commit comment when deploying to Git') { |o| options[:comment] = o } # Apply any application option extensions to the OptionParser Origen::CommandHelpers.extend_options(opts, app_options, options) opts.separator '' opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') { puts opts; exit } end opt_parser.parse! ARGV Origen.load_application Origen.environment.temporary = options[:environment] if options[:environment] = options[:target] if options[:target] def self._require_web_directory unless Origen.config.web_directory puts 'To run that command you must specify the location of your webserver, for example:' puts '' puts '# config/application.rb' puts 'config.web_directory = "/proj/.web_origen/html/origen"' exit 1 end end def self._start_server # Get the current host require 'socket' host = Socket.gethostbyname(Socket.gethostname).first.downcase # Get a free port port = 8000 # preferred port begin server ='', port) rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE # port = rand(65000 - 1024) + 1024 port += 1 retry end server.close # Start the server puts '' puts "Point your browser to this address: http://#{host}:#{port}" puts '' puts 'To shut down the server use CTRL-C' puts '' system "ruby -run -e httpd . -p #{port}" end def self._build_web_dir _deployer.create_web_server_dir dir = puts "Web server directory created at: #{dir}" puts '' puts "Compile any files you want to test into the #{dir}/content directory, e.g.:" puts " origen c app/templates/ -o #{dir}/content" puts '' puts 'To turn them into web pages:' puts " cd #{dir}" if Origen.running_on_windows? puts ' nanoc' else puts ' env LANG=en_US.UTF-8 nanoc' end puts '' puts 'To start a web server for remote viewing:' puts " cd #{dir}/output" puts ' origen web serve' end def self._deployer @_deployer ||= @_deployer.test = true @_deployer end if ARGV[0] case ARGV.shift when 'serve' _start_server when 'new' _build_web_dir when 'compile' if options[:remote]! _require_web_directory _deployer.prepare!(options) # If the whole site has been requested that start from a clean slate _build_web_dir if ARGV.empty? else!(force_debug: true) Origen.set_development_mode end options[:files] = ARGV.dup if ARGV.empty? _build_web_dir Dir.chdir Origen.root do do |listener| listener.before_web_compile(options) end templates_web_dir = 'app/templates/web' templates_web_dir = 'templates/web' unless File.exist?("#{Origen.root}/#{templates_web_dir}") templates_web_dir = action: :compile, files: templates_web_dir, output: 'web/content' do |listener| listener.after_web_compile(options) end do |listener| listener.after_web_site_compile(options) end end else _build_web_dir unless File.exist?("#{Origen.root}/web") do |listener| listener.before_web_compile(options) end ARGV.each do |file| path = Origen.file_handler.clean_path_to(file) if path.to_s =~ /origen_guides/ origen_guides_dir = 'app/templates/origen_guides' origen_guides_dir = 'templates/origen_guides' unless File.exist?("#{Origen.root}/#{origen_guides_dir}") output = Origen.file_handler.sub_dir_of(path, "#{Origen.root}/#{origen_guides_dir}") else output = Origen.file_handler.sub_dir_of(path, "#{Origen.root}/templates/web") end action: :compile, files: file, output: "#{Origen.root}/web/content/#{output}" end do |listener| listener.after_web_compile(options) end end Dir.chdir "#{Origen.root}/web" do system "#{Origen.root}/lbin/nanoc" end if options[:api] _deployer.generate_api end if options[:remote] if ARGV.empty? _deployer.deploy_site else ARGV.each do |files| Origen.file_handler.resolve_files(files) do |file| _deployer.deploy_file(file) end end end _deployer.deploy_archive(options[:archive]) if options[:archive] else unless options[:no_serve] Dir.chdir "#{Origen.root}/web/output" do _start_server end end end when 'deploy'! _require_web_directory _deployer.prepare!(options) if ARGV.empty? _deployer.deploy_site else ARGV.each do |files| Origen.file_handler.resolve_files(files) do |file| _deployer.deploy_file(file) end end end _deployer.deploy_archive(options[:archive]) if options[:archive] when 'archive'! _require_web_directory _deployer.prepare!(options) unless ARGV[0] puts 'You must supply an ID argument to create an archive' end _deployer.deploy_archive(ARGV[0]) else puts "Unknown command, see 'origen web -h' for a list of commands" end else puts "You must supply a command, see 'origen web -h' for a list of commands" end end