#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'optparse' require 'json' require 'logger' require_relative "./../lib/prometheus_exporter" require_relative "./../lib/prometheus_exporter/server" def run options = { logger_path: STDERR } custom_collector_filename = nil custom_type_collectors_filenames = [] OptionParser.new do |opt| opt.banner = "Usage: prometheus_exporter [options]" opt.on('-p', '--port INTEGER', Integer, "Port exporter should listen on (default: #{PrometheusExporter::DEFAULT_PORT})") do |o| options[:port] = o.to_i end opt.on('-b', '--bind STRING', String, "IP address exporter should listen on (default: #{PrometheusExporter::DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS})") do |o| options[:bind] = o.to_s end opt.on('-t', '--timeout INTEGER', Integer, "Timeout in seconds for metrics endpoint (default: #{PrometheusExporter::DEFAULT_TIMEOUT})") do |o| options[:timeout] = o.to_i end opt.on('--prefix METRIC_PREFIX', "Prefix to apply to all metrics (default: #{PrometheusExporter::DEFAULT_PREFIX})") do |o| options[:prefix] = o.to_s end opt.on('--label METRIC_LABEL', "Label to apply to all metrics (default: #{PrometheusExporter::DEFAULT_LABEL})") do |o| options[:label] = JSON.parse(o.to_s) end opt.on('-c', '--collector FILE', String, "(optional) Custom collector to run") do |o| custom_collector_filename = o.to_s end opt.on('-a', '--type-collector FILE', String, "(optional) Custom type collectors to run in main collector") do |o| custom_type_collectors_filenames << o end opt.on('-v', '--verbose') do |o| options[:verbose] = true end opt.on('-g', '--histogram', "Use histogram instead of summary for aggregations") do |o| options[:histogram] = true end opt.on('--auth FILE', String, "(optional) enable basic authentication using a htpasswd FILE") do |o| options[:auth] = o end opt.on('--realm REALM', String, "(optional) Use REALM for basic authentication (default: \"#{PrometheusExporter::DEFAULT_REALM}\")") do |o| options[:realm] = o end opt.on('--unicorn-listen-address ADDRESS', String, '(optional) Address where unicorn listens on (unix or TCP address)') do |o| options[:unicorn_listen_address] = o end opt.on('--unicorn-master PID_FILE', String, '(optional) PID file of unicorn master process to monitor unicorn') do |o| options[:unicorn_pid_file] = o end opt.on('--logger-path PATH', String, '(optional) Path to file for logger output. Defaults to STDERR') do |o| options[:logger_path] = o end end.parse! logger = Logger.new(options[:logger_path]) logger.level = Logger::WARN if options.has_key?(:realm) && !options.has_key?(:auth) logger.warn "Providing REALM without AUTH has no effect" end if options.has_key?(:auth) unless File.exist?(options[:auth]) && File.readable?(options[:auth]) logger.fatal "The AUTH file either doesn't exist or we don't have access to it" exit 1 end end if custom_collector_filename require File.expand_path(custom_collector_filename) found = false base_klass = PrometheusExporter::Server::CollectorBase ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) do |klass| if klass < base_klass && klass != base_klass options[:collector_class] = klass found = true end end if !found logger.fatal "Can not find a class inheriting off PrometheusExporter::Server::CollectorBase" exit 1 end end if custom_type_collectors_filenames.length > 0 custom_type_collectors_filenames.each do |t| require File.expand_path(t) end ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) do |klass| if klass < PrometheusExporter::Server::TypeCollector options[:type_collectors] ||= [] options[:type_collectors] << klass end end end runner = PrometheusExporter::Server::Runner.new(options) puts "#{Time.now} Starting prometheus exporter on #{runner.bind}:#{runner.port}" runner.start sleep end run