# Awesome Jekyll Theme 🎉
A clean, versatile Jekyll theme with minimalist design and robust features.
Ideal for portfolios, blogs, and project showcases with responsive layouts and easy customization.
## ScreenShots
### Home Layout

### Blog Layout

### Projects Layout

## Features
1. **Clean and minimalist design** with ample white space, focusing on content readability and visual appeal.
2. Versatile layout options including a **grid-style projects page**, a **blog listing with featured posts**, and a simple yet elegant **home page** with a circular profile image.
3. **Consistent navigation** with a header menu and social media integration in the footer, providing a **cohesive user experience** across different page types.
4. **Responsive design** that appears to adapt well to different screen sizes, ensuring a good viewing experience on various devices.
5. **Category-based organization** for blog posts, allowing for easy content discovery and improved site structure.
## Installation: The Easy Way to Have Your Site on GitHub Pages (Recommended!) 😄
1. **Navigate to the Main Page of the Repository**
On GitHub.com, go to the main page of the repository at [awesome-jekyll-theme](https://github.com/a-chacon/awesome-jekyll-theme).
2. **Click 'Use this Template'**
Click the "Use this template" button above the file list and select "Create a new repository."
3. **Set Repository Details**
- Select the owner of the repository.
- Type a name for your repository. If you want the site to be available at `https://YOURUSERNAME.github.io`, name it `YOURUSERNAME.github.io` (replace `YOURUSERNAME` with your GitHub username). Otherwise, you can choose any name you prefer, and the site will be available at `https://YOURUSERNAME.github.io/REPOSITORYNAME`.
- Add an optional description.
- Choose repository visibility.
4. **Create Repository from Template**
Click "Create repository from template."
5. **Enable GitHub Pages**
To deploy the site on GitHub Pages, enable it in your repository settings. Go to **Settings -> Pages -> Source** and select `GitHub Actions`.
6. **Customize Your Website Settings**
Edit the `_config.yml` file to change any settings you want. The settings in the file are self-explanatory, and there are comments inside to help you understand what each setting does. After making changes, click the "Commit changes" button to save them.
7. **Congratulations! You Have a Website!**
If you named the repository `YOURUSERNAME.github.io`, your website should be ready in a minute or two at `https://YOURUSERNAME.github.io`. If you used a different name, your website will be available at `https://YOURUSERNAME.github.io/REPOSITORYNAME`. Every time you make a change to any file, your website will be rebuilt and updated in about a minute.
## Advanced Installation (Optional) ⚙️
1. **Create a New Jekyll Site**
If you don’t already have a Jekyll site, create one with:
jekyll new my-site
Then, navigate into your new site’s directory:
cd my-site
2. **Add the Theme to Your Gemfile**
Open your `Gemfile` and add this line:
gem "awesome-jekyll-theme"
3. **Update Your `_config.yml`**
In your `_config.yml` file, add this line:
theme: awesome-jekyll-theme
4. **Install the Theme**
Run the following command to install the theme and its dependencies:
5. **Run Your Site**
Start your Jekyll site with:
bundle exec jekyll serve
## Usage
This theme provides several **layouts** for different types of pages. Each layout has specific front matter variables to customize the content and appearance.
- **Home Layout**: Main landing page layout. Displays a profile image, main content area, and reference to blog and project section.
- **Projects Layout**: Used to **list a collection of projects**. Requires collection configuration in your `_config.yml`.
- **Blog Layout**: Builds a **blog page with posts**. Displays posts sorted by date with optional category filtering.
- **Post Layout**: Used for **individual blog posts**. Supports various metadata like categories, excerpts, and author information.
- **Project Layout**: Designed for **individual project pages**. Includes project image, description, and tags.
**I will be describing each layout on a near future, if you have a question just ask.**
## Configuration
### Type Writer Effect
The Type Writer effect will be apply to all h1 elements in the site. You can disable it setting the next configuration in you \_config.yml file:
typewriter_effect: false
### Navbar and Footer
The navbar filters pages to be displayed based on a front matter called `nav`. These pages will appear in the navbar listed by the front matter `title`. If there is no `title`, then the filename is used. So, if you want to add a page to the navbar, **don't forget to add `nav: true`**.
Similarly, the same applies to footer pages. For example, if you add a `privacy-policy.markdown` page, you may want to add it to the footer but not to the navbar. The front matter will look like this:
nav: false
footer: true
**Posts and Projects not count like pages.**
### Contact Channels
Contact channels are displayed in the home layout and the footer. To configure this, please add each one to your `_config.yml` file like this:
email: "andres.ch@protonmail.com"
github: "https://github.com/a-chacon"
telegram: "https://t.me/a_chacon"
stackoverflow: "https://stackoverflow.com/users/16847024/andr%c3%a9s"
discord: "https://discord.com/users/673943171369140252"
mastodon: "https://lile.cl/@achacon"
**If you need to add a new one, just ask or send a PR**
## Plugins
The Awesome Jekyll theme comes with the [`jekyll-seo-tag`](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-seo-tag) plugin preinstalled to ensure your website gets the most useful meta tags. See [usage](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-seo-tag#usage) to learn how to set it up.
It also includes [`jekyll-archives`](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-archives) to generate category web pages.
This theme is built with **multi-language support** by default, based on the excellent gem [`jekyll-polyglot`](https://github.com/untra/polyglot). It is also included as a plugin. The default site language is English, but if you want to **use this in Spanish, simply set this in your config file**: `default_lang: es`. And if you want to set a different language other than English or Spanish, please create a file in `_data/[your lang]/strings.yml`, using an existing file as template.
## Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at