require "string-cases" class BazaModels::Model AutoAutoloader.autoload_sub_classes(self, __FILE__) include BelongsToRelations include Delegation include CustomValidations include HasManyRelations include HasOneRelations include Manipulation include Queries include Scopes include TranslationFunctionality include Validations attr_accessor :data, :db attr_reader :changes, :errors # Define all callback methods. CALLBACK_TYPES = [ :after_initialize, :after_find, :before_update, :after_update, :before_create, :after_create, :before_save, :after_save, :before_destroy, :after_destroy, :before_validation, :after_validation, :before_validation_on_create, :after_validation_on_create, :before_validation_on_update, :after_validation_on_update ].freeze CALLBACK_TYPES.each do |callback_type| # rubocop:disable Style/ClassVars @@callbacks ||= {} # rubocop:enable Style/ClassVars @@callbacks[callback_type] = {} callbacks = @@callbacks (class << self; self; end).__send__(:define_method, callback_type) do |method_name = nil, *args, &blk| callbacks[callback_type][name] ||= [] callbacks[callback_type][name] << { block: blk, method_name: method_name, args: args } end end QUERY_METHODS = [ :average, :all, :any?, :destroy_all, :each, :empty?, :ids, :maximum, :minimum, :none?, :count, :find, :first, :find_first, :last, :length, :size, :select, :includes, :joins, :group, :where, :order, :pluck, :preloads, :sum, :limit, :accessible_by, :ransack ].freeze QUERY_METHODS.each do |query_method| (class << self; self; end).__send__(:define_method, query_method) do |*args, &blk| self).__send__(query_method, *args, &blk) end end def initialize(data = {}, args = {}) self.class.init_model reset_errors @before_last_save = {} @changes = {} if args[:init] @data = self.class.__blank_attributes.merge(real_attributes(data)) else @data = self.class.__blank_attributes.clone @changes.merge!(real_attributes(data)) end if @data[:id] @new_record = false else @new_record = true fire_callbacks(:after_initialize) end end # rubocop:disable Style/TrivialAccessors def new_record? # rubocop:enable Style/TrivialAccessors @new_record end def persisted? !new_record? end def db return @db if @db @db ||= self.class.db end attr_writer :db def self.attribute_names init_model end def self.db @db = nil if @db && @db.closed? return @db if @db @db ||= BazaModels.primary_db raise "No Baza database has been configured" unless @db @db end def self.to_adapter self) end def self.transaction(&blk) @db.transaction(&blk) end def self.columns init_model do |column| end end def self.columns_hash init_model result = {} @table.columns do |column| result[] = end result end def self.reflections result = {} relationships.each_value do |relationship| result[relationship.fetch(:relation_name).to_s] = end result end class << self attr_writer :db, :table_name end attr_writer :table_name def autoloads @autoloads ||= {} @autoloads end def table_name @table_name ||= self.class.table_name end def self.table_name @table_name ||= "#{StringCases.camel_to_snake(name.gsub("::", ""))}s" end def self.relationships @relationships ||= {} end def to_model self end def self.init_model(args = {}) return if @model_initialized && !args[:force] @table = db.tables[table_name] @__blank_attributes ||= {} @table.columns do |column| init_attribute_from_column(column) unless @model_initialized @__blank_attributes[] = nil end @model_initialized = true end def id @data.fetch(:id) end def to_param id.to_s if id end def to_key if new_record? nil else [id] end end def reload @data = db.single(table_name, {id: id}, limit: 1) raise BazaModels::Errors::RecordNotFound unless @data @changes = {} self end def to_s if new_record? "#<#{} new!>" else "#<#{} id=#{id}>" end end def inspect data_str = "" @data.each do |key, value| if @changes.key?(key) value_to_use = @changes.fetch(key) else value_to_use = value end data_str << " " unless data_str.empty? data_str << "#{key}=\"#{value_to_use}\"" end "#<#{} #{data_str}>" end def ==(other) return false unless self.class == other.class if new_record? && other.new_record? return merged_data == other.__send__(:merged_data) else return id == end end # rubocop:disable Style/PredicateName def has_attribute?(name) # rubocop:enable Style/PredicateName self.class.column_names.include?(name.to_s) end def self.column_names init_model @column_names ||= end def [](key) read_attribute(key) end def []=(key, value) write_attribute(key, value) end def read_attribute(attribute_name) return @changes.fetch(attribute_name) if @changes.key?(attribute_name) @data.fetch(attribute_name) end def write_attribute(attribute_name, value) @changes[attribute_name] = value end def changed? changed = false @changes.each do |key, value| next if @data.fetch(key) == value changed = true break end changed end protected class << self attr_reader :__blank_attributes end # rubocop:disable Style/TrivialAccessors def self.model_initialized? # rubocop:enable Style/TrivialAccessors @model_initialized end def self.init_attribute_from_column(column) column_name = define_method(column_name) do read_attribute(column_name) end define_method("#{column_name}_was") do return @data.fetch(column_name) end define_method("#{column_name}=") do |new_value| write_attribute(column_name, new_value) end define_method("#{column_name}?") do !@data.fetch(column_name).to_s.strip.empty? end define_method("#{column_name}_changed?") do if @changes.key?(column_name) && @changes.fetch(column_name) != @data.fetch(column_name) true else false end end define_method("will_save_change_to_#{column_name}?") do will_save_change_to_attribute?(column_name) end define_method("#{column_name}_before_last_save") do attribute_before_last_save(column_name) end end def reset_errors @errors = end def fire_callbacks(name) return if !@@callbacks[name] || !@@callbacks[name][] @@callbacks[name][].each do |callback_data| if callback_data[:block] instance_eval(&callback_data.fetch(:block)) elsif callback_data[:method_name] method_obj = method(callback_data.fetch(:method_name)) pass_args = callback_data.fetch(:args) pass_args = [] if method_obj.arity == 0 __send__(callback_data.fetch(:method_name), *pass_args) else raise "Didn't know how to perform callbacks for #{name}" end end end def merged_data @data.merge(@changes) end # Converts attributes like "user" to "user_id" and so on. def real_attributes(attributes) new_attributes = {} attributes.each do |attribute_name, attribute_value| belongs_to_relations = self.class.instance_variable_get(:@belongs_to_relations) if belongs_to_relations belongs_to_relations.each do |relation| if attribute_name.to_s == relation[:relation_name].to_s attribute_name = :"#{attribute_name}_id" attribute_value = if attribute_value end end end unless has_attribute?(attribute_name) set_method_name = "#{attribute_name}=" if respond_to?(set_method_name) __send__(set_method_name, attribute_value) next end end new_attributes[attribute_name.to_sym] = attribute_value end new_attributes end def attribute_before_last_save(attribute_name) return @before_last_save.fetch(attribute_name) if @before_last_save.key?(attribute_name) @data.fetch(attribute_name) end def will_save_change_to_attribute?(attribute_name) return true if @changes.key?(attribute_name) && @changes[attribute_name] != data[attribute_name] false end def method_missing(method_name, *args, &blk) return @data.fetch(method_name) if @data.key?(method_name) super end end