# Licensee::Project represents an open source project on disk # It is not used directly, but rather is extended by FSProject and GitProject # depending on the type of file system access available # # Subclasses must implement the Files and LoadFile private methods module Licensee module Projects class Project attr_reader :detect_readme, :detect_packages alias detect_readme? detect_readme alias detect_packages? detect_packages def initialize(detect_packages: false, detect_readme: false) @detect_packages = detect_packages @detect_readme = detect_readme end # Returns the matching License instance if a license can be detected def license return @license if defined? @license @license = if licenses.count == 1 || lgpl? licenses.first elsif licenses.count > 1 Licensee::License.find('other') end end # Returns an array of detected Licenses def licenses @licenses ||= matched_files.map(&:license).uniq end # Returns the ProjectFile used to determine the License def matched_file matched_files.first if matched_files.count == 1 || lgpl? end # Returns an array of matches LicenseFiles def matched_files @matched_files ||= begin project_files.select(&:license) end end # Returns the LicenseFile used to determine the License def license_file license_files.first if license_files.count == 1 || lgpl? end def license_files @license_files ||= begin return [] if files.empty? || files.nil? files = find_files do |n| Licensee::ProjectFiles::LicenseFile.name_score(n) end files = files.map do |file| Licensee::ProjectFiles::LicenseFile.new(load_file(file), file) end prioritize_lgpl(files) end end def readme_file return unless detect_readme? return @readme if defined? @readme @readme = begin content, name = find_file do |n| Licensee::ProjectFiles::ReadmeFile.name_score(n) end content = Licensee::ProjectFiles::ReadmeFile.license_content(content) return unless content && name Licensee::ProjectFiles::ReadmeFile.new(content, name) end end alias readme readme_file def package_file return unless detect_packages? return @package_file if defined? @package_file @package_file = begin content, name = find_file do |n| Licensee::ProjectFiles::PackageManagerFile.name_score(n) end return unless content && name Licensee::ProjectFiles::PackageManagerFile.new(content, name) end end private def lgpl? return false unless licenses.count == 2 && license_files.count == 2 license_files[0].lgpl? && license_files[1].gpl? end # Given a block, passes each filename to that block, and expects a numeric # score in response. Returns an array of all files with a score > 0, # sorted by file score descending def find_files return [] if files.empty? || files.nil? found = files.map { |file| file.merge(score: yield(file[:name])) } found.select! { |file| file[:score] > 0 } found.sort { |a, b| b[:score] <=> a[:score] } end # Given a block, passes each filename to that block, and expects a numeric # score in response. Returns a hash representing the top scoring file # or nil, if no file scored > 0 def find_file(&block) return if files.empty? || files.nil? file = find_files(&block).first [load_file(file), file[:name]] if file end # Given an array of LicenseFiles, ensures LGPL is the first entry, # if the first entry is otherwise GPL, and a valid LGPL file exists # # This is becaues LGPL actually lives in COPYING.lesser, alongside an # otherwise GPL-licensed project, per the license instructions. # See https://git.io/viwyK. # # Returns an array of LicenseFiles with LPGL first def prioritize_lgpl(files) return files if files.empty? return files unless files.first.license && files.first.license.gpl? lesser = files.find_index(&:lgpl?) files.unshift(files.delete_at(lesser)) if lesser files end def project_files @project_files ||= [license_files, readme, package_file].flatten.compact end end def files raise 'Not implemented' end def load_file(_file) raise 'Not implemented' end end end