# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Blacklight::FacetGroupedItemPresenter, type: :presenter do subject(:presenter) do described_class.new(group, facet_item, facet_config, view_context, facet_field, search_state) end let(:facet_config) { Blacklight::Configuration::FacetField.new(key: 'key') } let(:facet_field) { instance_double(Blacklight::Solr::Response::Facets::FacetField) } let(:view_context) { controller.view_context } let(:facet_item) { 'a' } let(:group) { %w[a b c] } let(:blacklight_config) do Blacklight::Configuration.new.configure do |config| config.add_facet_field :key end end let(:search_state) { Blacklight::SearchState.new(params, blacklight_config) } let(:params) { { f_inclusive: { key: group } } } describe '#selected' do it { is_expected.to be_selected } context 'when the item is not in the group' do let(:facet_item) { 'd' } it { is_expected.not_to be_selected } end describe '#href' do it 'removes the item from the "group" of filters' do expect(Rack::Utils.parse_query(URI(presenter.href).query)).to include 'f_inclusive[key][]' => %w[b c] end context 'when the item is not in the group' do let(:facet_item) { 'd' } it 'adds the item to the "group" of filters' do expect(Rack::Utils.parse_query(URI(presenter.href).query)).to include 'f_inclusive[key][]' => %w[a b c d] end end end end end