# Puppet "parser" for the rdoc system # The parser uses puppet parser and traverse the AST to instruct RDoc about # our current structures. It also parses ruby files that could contain # either custom facts or puppet plugins (functions, types...) # rdoc mandatory includes require "rdoc/code_objects" require "puppet/util/rdoc/code_objects" require "rdoc/tokenstream" require "rdoc/markup/simple_markup/preprocess" require "rdoc/parsers/parserfactory" module RDoc class Parser extend ParserFactory SITE = "__site__" attr_accessor :ast, :input_file_name, :top_level # parser registration into RDoc parse_files_matching(/\.(rb|pp)$/) # called with the top level file def initialize(top_level, file_name, content, options, stats) @options = options @stats = stats @input_file_name = file_name @top_level = PuppetTopLevel.new(top_level) @progress = $stderr unless options.quiet end # main entry point def scan env = Puppet::Node::Environment.new unless env.known_resource_types.watching_file?(@input_file_name) Puppet.info "rdoc: scanning #{@input_file_name}" if @input_file_name =~ /\.pp$/ @parser = Puppet::Parser::Parser.new(env) @parser.file = @input_file_name @ast = @parser.parse end else @ast = env.known_resource_types end scan_top_level(@top_level) @top_level end # Due to a bug in RDoc, we need to roll our own find_module_named # The issue is that RDoc tries harder by asking the parent for a class/module # of the name. But by doing so, it can mistakenly use a module of same name # but from which we are not descendant. def find_object_named(container, name) return container if container.name == name container.each_classmodule do |m| return m if m.name == name end nil end # walk down the namespace and lookup/create container as needed def get_class_or_module(container, name) # class ::A -> A is in the top level if name =~ /^::/ container = @top_level end names = name.split('::') final_name = names.pop names.each do |name| prev_container = container container = find_object_named(container, name) container ||= prev_container.add_class(PuppetClass, name, nil) end [container, final_name] end # split_module tries to find if +path+ belongs to the module path # if it does, it returns the module name, otherwise if we are sure # it is part of the global manifest path, "__site__" is returned. # And finally if this path couldn't be mapped anywhere, nil is returned. def split_module(path) # find a module fullpath = File.expand_path(path) Puppet.debug "rdoc: testing #{fullpath}" if fullpath =~ /(.*)\/([^\/]+)\/(?:manifests|plugins|lib)\/.+\.(pp|rb)$/ modpath = $1 name = $2 Puppet.debug "rdoc: module #{name} into #{modpath} ?" Puppet::Module.modulepath.each do |mp| if File.identical?(modpath,mp) Puppet.debug "rdoc: found module #{name}" return name end end end if fullpath =~ /\.(pp|rb)$/ # there can be paths we don't want to scan under modules # imagine a ruby or manifest that would be distributed as part as a module # but we don't want those to be hosted under Puppet::Module.modulepath.each do |mp| # check that fullpath is a descendant of mp dirname = fullpath while (dirname = File.dirname(dirname)) != '/' return nil if File.identical?(dirname,mp) end end end # we are under a global manifests Puppet.debug "rdoc: global manifests" SITE end # create documentation for the top level +container+ def scan_top_level(container) # use the module README as documentation for the module comment = "" readme = File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(@input_file_name)), "README") comment = File.open(readme,"r") { |f| f.read } if FileTest.readable?(readme) look_for_directives_in(container, comment) unless comment.empty? # infer module name from directory name = split_module(@input_file_name) if name.nil? # skip .pp files that are not in manifests directories as we can't guarantee they're part # of a module or the global configuration. container.document_self = false return end Puppet.debug "rdoc: scanning for #{name}" container.module_name = name container.global=true if name == SITE @stats.num_modules += 1 container, name = get_class_or_module(container,name) mod = container.add_module(PuppetModule, name) mod.record_location(@top_level) mod.comment = comment if @input_file_name =~ /\.pp$/ parse_elements(mod) elsif @input_file_name =~ /\.rb$/ parse_plugins(mod) end end # create documentation for include statements we can find in +code+ # and associate it with +container+ def scan_for_include_or_require(container, code) code = [code] unless code.is_a?(Array) code.each do |stmt| scan_for_include_or_require(container,stmt.children) if stmt.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::AST::ASTArray) if stmt.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::AST::Function) and ['include','require'].include?(stmt.name) stmt.arguments.each do |included| Puppet.debug "found #{stmt.name}: #{included}" container.send("add_#{stmt.name}",Include.new(included.to_s, stmt.doc)) end end end end # create documentation for realize statements we can find in +code+ # and associate it with +container+ def scan_for_realize(container, code) code = [code] unless code.is_a?(Array) code.each do |stmt| scan_for_realize(container,stmt.children) if stmt.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::AST::ASTArray) if stmt.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::AST::Function) and stmt.name == 'realize' stmt.arguments.each do |realized| Puppet.debug "found #{stmt.name}: #{realized}" container.add_realize(Include.new(realized.to_s, stmt.doc)) end end end end # create documentation for global variables assignements we can find in +code+ # and associate it with +container+ def scan_for_vardef(container, code) code = [code] unless code.is_a?(Array) code.each do |stmt| scan_for_vardef(container,stmt.children) if stmt.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::AST::ASTArray) if stmt.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::AST::VarDef) Puppet.debug "rdoc: found constant: #{stmt.name} = #{stmt.value}" container.add_constant(Constant.new(stmt.name.to_s, stmt.value.to_s, stmt.doc)) end end end # create documentation for resources we can find in +code+ # and associate it with +container+ def scan_for_resource(container, code) code = [code] unless code.is_a?(Array) code.each do |stmt| scan_for_resource(container,stmt.children) if stmt.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::AST::ASTArray) if stmt.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource) and !stmt.type.nil? begin type = stmt.type.split("::").collect { |s| s.capitalize }.join("::") title = stmt.title.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::AST::ASTArray) ? stmt.title.to_s.gsub(/\[(.*)\]/,'\1') : stmt.title.to_s Puppet.debug "rdoc: found resource: #{type}[#{title}]" param = [] stmt.parameters.children.each do |p| res = {} res["name"] = p.param res["value"] = "#{p.value.to_s}" unless p.value.nil? param << res end container.add_resource(PuppetResource.new(type, title, stmt.doc, param)) rescue => detail raise Puppet::ParseError, "impossible to parse resource in #{stmt.file} at line #{stmt.line}: #{detail}" end end end end def resource_stmt_to_ref(stmt) type = stmt.type.split("::").collect { |s| s.capitalize }.join("::") title = stmt.title.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::AST::ASTArray) ? stmt.title.to_s.gsub(/\[(.*)\]/,'\1') : stmt.title.to_s param = stmt.params.children.collect do |p| {"name" => p.param, "value" => p.value.to_s} end PuppetResource.new(type, title, stmt.doc, param) end # create documentation for a class named +name+ def document_class(name, klass, container) Puppet.debug "rdoc: found new class #{name}" container, name = get_class_or_module(container, name) superclass = klass.parent superclass = "" if superclass.nil? or superclass.empty? @stats.num_classes += 1 comment = klass.doc look_for_directives_in(container, comment) unless comment.empty? cls = container.add_class(PuppetClass, name, superclass) # it is possible we already encountered this class, while parsing some namespaces # from other classes of other files. But at that time we couldn't know this class superclass # so, now we know it and force it. cls.superclass = superclass cls.record_location(@top_level) # scan class code for include code = klass.code.children if klass.code.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::AST::ASTArray) code ||= klass.code unless code.nil? scan_for_include_or_require(cls, code) scan_for_realize(cls, code) scan_for_resource(cls, code) if Puppet.settings[:document_all] end cls.comment = comment rescue => detail raise Puppet::ParseError, "impossible to parse class '#{name}' in #{klass.file} at line #{klass.line}: #{detail}" end # create documentation for a node def document_node(name, node, container) Puppet.debug "rdoc: found new node #{name}" superclass = node.parent superclass = "" if superclass.nil? or superclass.empty? comment = node.doc look_for_directives_in(container, comment) unless comment.empty? n = container.add_node(name, superclass) n.record_location(@top_level) code = node.code.children if node.code.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::AST::ASTArray) code ||= node.code unless code.nil? scan_for_include_or_require(n, code) scan_for_realize(n, code) scan_for_vardef(n, code) scan_for_resource(n, code) if Puppet.settings[:document_all] end n.comment = comment rescue => detail raise Puppet::ParseError, "impossible to parse node '#{name}' in #{node.file} at line #{node.line}: #{detail}" end # create documentation for a define def document_define(name, define, container) Puppet.debug "rdoc: found new definition #{name}" # find superclas if any @stats.num_methods += 1 # find the parent # split define name by :: to find the complete module hierarchy container, name = get_class_or_module(container,name) # build up declaration declaration = "" define.arguments.each do |arg,value| declaration << "\$#{arg}" unless value.nil? declaration << " => " case value when Puppet::Parser::AST::Leaf declaration << "'#{value.value}'" when Puppet::Parser::AST::ASTArray declaration << "[#{value.children.collect { |v| "'#{v}'" }.join(", ")}]" else declaration << "#{value.to_s}" end end declaration << ", " end declaration.chop!.chop! if declaration.size > 1 # register method into the container meth = AnyMethod.new(declaration, name) meth.comment = define.doc container.add_method(meth) look_for_directives_in(container, meth.comment) unless meth.comment.empty? meth.params = "( #{declaration} )" meth.visibility = :public meth.document_self = true meth.singleton = false rescue => detail raise Puppet::ParseError, "impossible to parse definition '#{name}' in #{define.file} at line #{define.line}: #{detail}" end # Traverse the AST tree and produce code-objects node # that contains the documentation def parse_elements(container) Puppet.debug "rdoc: scanning manifest" @ast.hostclasses.values.sort { |a,b| a.name <=> b.name }.each do |klass| name = klass.name if klass.file == @input_file_name unless name.empty? document_class(name,klass,container) else # on main class document vardefs code = klass.code.children if klass.code.is_a?(Puppet::Parser::AST::ASTArray) code ||= klass.code scan_for_vardef(container, code) unless code.nil? end end end @ast.definitions.each do |name, define| if define.file == @input_file_name document_define(name,define,container) end end @ast.nodes.each do |name, node| if node.file == @input_file_name document_node(name.to_s,node,container) end end end # create documentation for plugins def parse_plugins(container) Puppet.debug "rdoc: scanning plugin or fact" if @input_file_name =~ /\/facter\/[^\/]+\.rb$/ parse_fact(container) else parse_puppet_plugin(container) end end # this is a poor man custom fact parser :-) def parse_fact(container) comments = "" current_fact = nil File.open(@input_file_name) do |of| of.each do |line| # fetch comments if line =~ /^[ \t]*# ?(.*)$/ comments += $1 + "\n" elsif line =~ /^[ \t]*Facter.add\(['"](.*?)['"]\)/ current_fact = Fact.new($1,{}) look_for_directives_in(container, comments) unless comments.empty? current_fact.comment = comments container.add_fact(current_fact) current_fact.record_location(@top_level) comments = "" Puppet.debug "rdoc: found custom fact #{current_fact.name}" elsif line =~ /^[ \t]*confine[ \t]*:(.*?)[ \t]*=>[ \t]*(.*)$/ current_fact.confine = { :type => $1, :value => $2 } unless current_fact.nil? else # unknown line type comments ="" end end end end # this is a poor man puppet plugin parser :-) # it doesn't extract doc nor desc :-( def parse_puppet_plugin(container) comments = "" current_plugin = nil File.open(@input_file_name) do |of| of.each do |line| # fetch comments if line =~ /^[ \t]*# ?(.*)$/ comments += $1 + "\n" elsif line =~ /^[ \t]*newfunction[ \t]*\([ \t]*:(.*?)[ \t]*,[ \t]*:type[ \t]*=>[ \t]*(:rvalue|:lvalue)\)/ current_plugin = Plugin.new($1, "function") container.add_plugin(current_plugin) look_for_directives_in(container, comments) unless comments.empty? current_plugin.comment = comments current_plugin.record_location(@top_level) comments = "" Puppet.debug "rdoc: found new function plugins #{current_plugin.name}" elsif line =~ /^[ \t]*Puppet::Type.newtype[ \t]*\([ \t]*:(.*?)\)/ current_plugin = Plugin.new($1, "type") container.add_plugin(current_plugin) look_for_directives_in(container, comments) unless comments.empty? current_plugin.comment = comments current_plugin.record_location(@top_level) comments = "" Puppet.debug "rdoc: found new type plugins #{current_plugin.name}" elsif line =~ /module Puppet::Parser::Functions/ # skip else # unknown line type comments ="" end end end end # look_for_directives_in scans the current +comment+ for RDoc directives def look_for_directives_in(context, comment) preprocess = SM::PreProcess.new(@input_file_name, @options.rdoc_include) preprocess.handle(comment) do |directive, param| case directive when "stopdoc" context.stop_doc "" when "startdoc" context.start_doc context.force_documentation = true "" when "enddoc" #context.done_documenting = true #"" throw :enddoc when "main" options = Options.instance options.main_page = param "" when "title" options = Options.instance options.title = param "" when "section" context.set_current_section(param, comment) comment.replace("") # 1.8 doesn't support #clear break else warn "Unrecognized directive '#{directive}'" break end end remove_private_comments(comment) end def remove_private_comments(comment) comment.gsub!(/^#--.*?^#\+\+/m, '') comment.sub!(/^#--.*/m, '') end end end