module RGeoServer # A data store is a source of spatial data that is vector based. It can be a file in the case of a Shapefile, a database in the case of PostGIS, or a server in the case of a remote Web Feature Service. class DataStore < ResourceInfo OBJ_ATTRIBUTES = {:enabled => "enabled", :catalog => "catalog", :workspace => "workspace", :name => "name", :connection_parameters => "connectionParameters"} OBJ_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES = {:enabled => 'true', :catalog => nil, :workspace => nil, :name => nil, :connection_parameters => {}} define_attribute_methods OBJ_ATTRIBUTES.keys update_attribute_accessors OBJ_ATTRIBUTES attr_accessor :message @@route = "workspaces/%s/datastores" @@root = "dataStores" @@resource_name = "dataStore" def self.root @@root end def self.resource_name @@resource_name end def self.root_xpath "//#{root}/#{resource_name}" end def self.member_xpath "//#{resource_name}" end def route @@route % end def update_route "#{route}/#{@name}" end def message builder = do |xml| xml.dataStore { @name xml.enabled @enabled xml.connectionParameters { # this could be empty @connection_parameters.each_pair { |k,v| xml.entry(:key => k) { xml.text v } } unless @connection_parameters.nil? || @connection_parameters.empty? } } end builder.doc.to_xml end # @param [RGeoServer::Catalog] catalog # @param [RGeoServer::Workspace|String] workspace # @param [String] name def initialize catalog, options super({}) _run_initialize_callbacks do @catalog = catalog workspace = options[:workspace] || 'default' if workspace.instance_of? String @workspace = @catalog.get_workspace(workspace) elsif workspace.instance_of? Workspace @workspace = workspace else raise "Not a valid workspace" end @name = options[:name].strip @route = route end end def featuretypes &block self.class.list FeatureType, @catalog, profile['featureTypes'], {:workspace => @workspace, :data_store => self}, check_remote = true, &block end def profile_xml_to_hash profile_xml doc = profile_xml_to_ng profile_xml h = { "name" => doc.at_xpath('//name').text.strip, "enabled" => doc.at_xpath('//enabled/text()').to_s, "connectionParameters" => doc.xpath('//connectionParameters/entry').inject({}){ |h, e| h.merge(e['key']=> e.text.to_s) } } doc.xpath('//featureTypes/atom:link/@href', "xmlns:atom"=>"" ).each{ |l| h["featureTypes"] = begin response = @catalog.do_url l.text Nokogiri::XML(response).xpath('//name/text()').collect{ |a| a.text.strip } rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound [] end.freeze } h end end end