import { platform } from 'os'; import slash from 'slash'; const VOLUME = /^([A-Z]:)/i; const IS_WINDOWS = platform() === 'win32'; const noop = () => null; function matches(pattern, importee) { if (pattern instanceof RegExp) { return pattern.test(importee); } if (importee.length < pattern.length) { return false; } if (importee === pattern) { return true; } const importeeStartsWithKey = importee.indexOf(pattern) === 0; const importeeHasSlashAfterKey = importee.substring(pattern.length)[0] === '/'; return importeeStartsWithKey && importeeHasSlashAfterKey; } function normalizeId(id) { if (typeof id === 'string' && (IS_WINDOWS || VOLUME.test(id))) { return slash(id.replace(VOLUME, '')); } return id; } function getEntries({ entries }) { if (!entries) { return []; } if (Array.isArray(entries)) { return entries; } return Object.entries(entries).map(([key, value]) => { return { find: key, replacement: value }; }); } function getCustomResolver({ customResolver }, options) { if (typeof customResolver === 'function') { return customResolver; } if (customResolver && typeof customResolver.resolveId === 'function') { return customResolver.resolveId; } if (typeof options.customResolver === 'function') { return options.customResolver; } if (options.customResolver && typeof options.customResolver.resolveId === 'function') { return options.customResolver.resolveId; } return null; } function alias(options = {}) { const entries = getEntries(options); if (entries.length === 0) { return { name: 'alias', resolveId: noop }; } return { name: 'alias', buildStart(inputOptions) { return Promise.all([...entries, options].map(({ customResolver }) => customResolver && typeof customResolver === 'object' && typeof customResolver.buildStart === 'function' &&, inputOptions))).then(() => { // enforce void return value }); }, resolveId(importee, importer) { const importeeId = normalizeId(importee); const importerId = normalizeId(importer); // First match is supposed to be the correct one const matchedEntry = entries.find((entry) => matches(entry.find, importeeId)); if (!matchedEntry || !importerId) { return null; } const updatedId = normalizeId(importeeId.replace(matchedEntry.find, matchedEntry.replacement)); const customResolver = getCustomResolver(matchedEntry, options); if (customResolver) { return, updatedId, importerId, {}); } return this.resolve(updatedId, importer, { skipSelf: true }).then((resolved) => { let finalResult = resolved; if (!finalResult) { finalResult = { id: updatedId }; } return finalResult; }); } }; } export default alias;