# # = bio/sequence/adapter.rb - Bio::Sequence adapter helper module # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2008 # Naohisa Goto , # License:: The Ruby License # module Bio require 'bio/sequence' unless const_defined?(:Sequence) # Internal use only. Normal users should not use this module. # # Helper methods for defining adapters used when converting data classes to # Bio::Sequence class, with pseudo lazy evaluation and pseudo memoization. # # This module is used by using "extend", not "include". # module Sequence::Adapter autoload :GenBank, 'bio/db/genbank/genbank_to_biosequence' autoload :EMBL, 'bio/db/embl/embl_to_biosequence' autoload :FastaFormat, 'bio/db/fasta/fasta_to_biosequence' autoload :FastaNumericFormat, 'bio/db/fasta/qual_to_biosequence' autoload :BioSQL, 'bio/db/biosql/biosql_to_biosequence' autoload :SangerChromatogram, 'bio/db/sanger_chromatogram/chromatogram_to_biosequence' autoload :Fastq, 'bio/db/fastq/fastq_to_biosequence' private # Defines a reader attribute method with psudo lazy evaluation/memoization. # # It defines a method name like attr_reader, but at the first time # when the method name is called, it acts as follows: # When instance variable @name is not defined, # calls __get__name(@source_data) and stores the returned # value to @name, and changes its behavior to the same as # attr_reader :name. # When instance variable @name is already defined, # its behavior is changed to the same as # attr_reader :name. # When the object is frozen, storing to the instance variable and # changing methods behavior do not occur, and the value of # __get__name(@source_data) is returned. # # Note that it assumes that the source data object is stored in # @source_data instance variable. def attr_reader_lazy(name) #$stderr.puts "attr_reader_lazy :#{name}" varname = "@#{name}".intern methodname = "__get__#{name}".intern # module to reset method's behavior to normal attr_reader reset = "Attr_#{name}".intern const_set(reset, Module.new { attr_reader name }) reset_module_name = "#{self}::#{reset}" # define attr method module_eval <<__END_OF_DEF__ def #{name} unless defined? #{varname} then #$stderr.puts "LAZY #{name}: calling #{methodname}" val = #{methodname}(@source_data) #{varname} = val unless frozen? else val = #{varname} end unless frozen? then #$stderr.puts "LAZY #{name}: finalize: attr_reader :#{name}" self.extend(#{reset_module_name}) end val end __END_OF_DEF__ end # Defines a Bio::Sequence to Bio::* adapter method with # psudo lazy evaluation and psudo memoization. # # Without block, defines a private method __get__name(orig) # which calls source_method for @source_data. # # def__get__(name, source_method) is the same as: # def __get__name(orig); orig.source_method; end # attr_reader_lazy name # # If block is given, __get__name(orig) is defined # with the block. The @source_data is given as an argument of the block, # i.e. the block must get an argument. # def def_biosequence_adapter(name, source_method = name, &block) methodname = "__get__#{name}".intern if block then define_method(methodname, block) else module_eval <<__END_OF_DEF__ def #{methodname}(orig) orig.#{source_method} end __END_OF_DEF__ end private methodname attr_reader_lazy name true end end #module Sequence::Adapter end #module Bio