require_relative 'spec_helper' require_relative 'models' describe 'Translated attributes' do before do I18n.locale = :en end describe 'caching' do it "is nil when nothing is set" do == nil == nil end it 'can be set' do p = p.title = 'abc' p.title.should == 'abc' end it 'can be overwritten' do p = p.title = 'abc' p.title = 'def' p.title.should == 'def' end it "ca be unset" do p = p.title = 'abc' p.title = nil p.title.should == nil end it "sets the current language" do p = p.title = 'abc' p.title_in_en.should == 'abc' end it "can be set in different languages" do p = p.title = 'abc' p.title_in_de.should == nil I18n.locale = :de p.title = 'bcd' p.title_in_de.should == 'bcd' end it "returns current language when current can be found" do I18n.locale = :de p = p.title_in_de = 'abc' p.title_in_en = 'def' p.title.should == 'abc' end it "returns english translation when current cannot be found" do I18n.locale = :de p = p.title_in_en = 'abc' p.title.should == 'abc' end it "returns any translation when current and english cannot be found" do I18n.locale = :fr p = p.title_in_de = 'abc' p.title.should == 'abc' end end describe 'storing' do it "stores nothing when nothing was set" do lambda{ Product.create! }.should_not change(Translation, :count) Product.last.title.should == nil end it "stores column as translation on save" do lambda{ Product.create!(:title=>'x') }.should change(Translation, :count).by(+1) end it "stores nothing when blank was set" do lambda{ Product.create! :title=>' ' }.should_not change(Translation, :count) Product.last.title.should == nil end it "creates no translation when validations fail" do p = :title=>'xxx' p.should_receive(:valid?).and_return false lambda{ }.should_not change(Translation, :count) end it "is stored after save" do p = Product.create!(:title=>'1') p.title = '2'! Product.last.title.should == '2' end it "does not create unecessary translations on change" do p = Product.create!(:title=>'1') lambda{ p.title = '2'! }.should_not change(Translation, :count) end it "does not update translations when nothing changed" do p = Product.create!(:title=>'xx') p.title = 'xx' lambda{ }.should_not change{} end it "works through update_attribute" do p = Product.create!(:title=>'xx', :description=>'dd') p.update_attribute(:title, 'yy') Product.last.title.should == 'yy' Product.last.description.should == 'dd' end it "works through update_attributes" do p = Product.create!(:title=>'xx', :description=>'dd') p.update_attributes(:title=>'yy') Product.last.title.should == 'yy' Product.last.description.should == 'dd' end it "works through attributes=" do p = Product.create!(:title=>'xx', :description=>'dd') p.attributes = {:title=>'yy'}! Product.last.title.should == 'yy' Product.last.description.should == 'dd' end it "loads translations once" do Product.create!(:title=>'xx', :description=>'yy') p = Product.last p.should_receive(:translations).and_return [] p.title.should == nil p.description.should == nil end it "deletes the existing translation when changing to blank" do p = Product.create!(:title=>'1') lambda{ p.title = ''! }.should change(Translation, :count).by(-1) Product.last.title.should == nil end it "can store multiple translations at once" do lambda{ Product.create!(:title_in_de=>'Hallo', :title_in_en=>'Hello') }.should change(Translation, :count).by(+2) Product.last.title_in_de.should == 'Hallo' Product.last.title.should == 'Hello' end it "deletes translations when translatable is destroyed" do Translation.delete_all Product.create!(:title=>'t1') Product.create!(:title=>'t2',:description=>'d2') Translation.count.should == 3 Product.last.destroy Translation.count.should == 1 Translation.first.text.should == 't1' end it "is not influenced by reloading" do p = Product.create!(:title=>'t1', :description=>'d1') p.title = 't2' p.reload p.description = 'd2'! Product.last.title.should == 't2' Product.last.description.should == 'd2' end end describe 'classes' do it "does not define them twice" do Translation.instance_variable_set '@test', 1 class XXX < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name :products translated_attributes :name end Translation.instance_variable_get('@test').should == 1 end it "stores options seperately" do Shop.translated_attributes_options[:fields].should_not == Product.translated_attributes_options[:fields] end end describe 'different tables' do it "creates the model for each table_name" do Translation UserTranslation end it "creates translations in set table" do Product.create!(:title=>'yyy') Translation.last.text.should == 'yyy' User.create!(:name=>'xxx') UserTranslation.last.text.should == 'xxx' end end describe 'nil to blank' do it "converts all unfound fields to blank" do == '' end end describe :translated_attributes do it "is a empty hash when nothing was set" do == {} end it "can be modified" do be_frozen end end describe :translated_attriutes= do it "stores all translations" do p = Product.create! p.translated_attributes = {:de=>{:title=>'de title',:description=>'de descr'}} p.title_in_de.should == 'de title' p.description_in_de.should == 'de descr' p.title_in_en.should == nil end it "overwrites existing translations" do p = Product.create!(:title=>'en title') p.translated_attributes = {:de=>{:title=>'de title',:description=>'de descr'}} p.title_in_de.should == 'de title' p.description_in_de.should == 'de descr' p.title_in_en.should == nil end it "stores and overwrites on save" do p = Product.create!(:title=>'en title') p.translated_attributes = {:de=>{:title=>'de title',:description=>'de descr'}}! Product.last.title.should == 'de title' Product.last.title_in_de.should == 'de title' end it "does not store unknown attributes" do p = p.translated_attributes = {:de=>{:xxx=>'de title',:description=>'de descr'}} lambda{! }.should change(Translation, :count).by(+1) end it "does not alter the given hash" do p = Product.create!(:title=>'en title') hash = {:de=>{:title=>'de title',:description=>'de descr'}} p.translated_attributes = hash hash['de'].should == nil #not converted to indifferent access hash[:de][:title].should == 'de title' #still has all attributes end it "stores given hash indifferent" do p = p.translated_attributes = {'de'=>{'title'=>'title de'}} p.translated_attributes[:de][:title].should == 'title de' end end describe :method_missing do it "ignores calls without _in_" do lambda{}.should raise_error end it "ignores calls with a non-supported attribute" do lambda{}.should raise_error end end describe :respond_to? do it "ignores calls without _in_" do == false end it "ignores calls with a non-supported attribute" do == false end it "responds to translated column" do == true end it "responds to normal methods" do == true end end end